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posted by AmberrBlueeyes
 This is DayBreak...
This is DayBreak...
I'd like to thank my Closest Friend For Inspiring me to write and post this story.


We got to the airport and I quickly decided to use the passports with 'Mrs.Lexi Walmont and Mr.Howard Walmont' on them and boarded a plane to New York. "Can I think of something else now? I'm actually bored of my own thoughts." I giggled at Jake, he never ceased to amaze me, I shook my head as his face leaned closer to mine. "Not until we're out of forks, of at least in the air properly. There's still a risk my Father might hear us, there's nothing to say we can't think of each other though. You're what I'm thinking about anyway." I mumbled shyly into my hair. His throaty laugh made the woman in front of us jump and then we were both in peals of laughter, his deep bas, bass volgende to my high tinkling saprano.
The flight attendant came door to ask us to keep it down and I think I may have scared her a bit with my wide smile flashing all of my glistening teeth, even though I wasn't venomous I still knew what human blood tasted like, I had drunk it when I was a newborn baby right up until I was about three. As I remembered what it tasted like my throat felt like it was being engulfed in flames, it did not help the fact I was stuck on a plane with humans too. My stomach rumbled so loudly that Jacob laughed and called for a flight attendant to bring us some food.

I thought the flight was never going to end and when we finally touched down in New York I breathed a sigh of relief, our connecting flight to Cyprus was calling last boarders as we managed to fight our way through the crowds and into the boarding bay.
Once we we're on the plane I let myself relax properly. I thought of my Aunt Alice and my Mother and Father, I thought of my dying Grandfather whom I'd just abandond in his uur of need and I thought of Jake's family and his pack, suddenly I felt horribly ashamed of myself. How could I be so greedy and arrogant? How could I break the hearts of the ones I loved so easily? Now I stopped to think about it I could ease some of the guilt I felt. I reached for the on board phone volgende to me and dialled my Mother's cell phone number. She answered on the first ring.

"Hello? Renesmee is that you!?"

"Hello Mother, I'm on a plane. Tonight was the last time you'll ever see me. u need to know what pain u brought to me, I'm going to live my life somewhere away from the confines of night! I want to be able to go out at dag break! I don't want to live a life of Twilight! S-s-so tonight seemed like a good time to go. I'm with Jacob and I'm s-s-safe." I could't help the tears that flowed freely from my eyes at the thought of never seeing my family again.

"Where in god's name did u get the money from to run away? Renesmee I need u to come home, NOW! u CAN'T LEAVE! YOUR BARELY OF AGE! u TURNED EIGHT THREE WEEKS AGO!" She ranted over the phone to me

"Exactly! I became of age three weeks ago, I have the right to go where ever I want to! I'm not a child Mother, I've never been one of those! Let me speak to my Father!" I spat at her through my falling tears.

"Renesmee Carlie Cullen, get yourself on the volgende flight back to Port Angeles! I'm warning u Renesmee, I will find you!" My Father warned

"How can u find me Father? Aunt Alice is blind to me and Jacob and I'm too far away for u too 'hear' me anyway! I'm never coming home! NEVER! I'm going to live with Jacob as his wife and I'm going to love ever minuut and all the while you'll be tearing your hair out trying to figure out where I suddenly disappeared to! I hope you're happy with yourself it was u who drove me away! u with your controlling ways and restriction of Jacob's visits! I hate u Edward Anthony Cullen! I wish u were DEAD!" I slammed the phone back into it's wieg and stared silently out of the window wrapped up in my own red hot sea of grief.

"Nessie, we're about to land, you've got to wake up now. Come on sweetie." It was Jacob's voice that I could hear through the confines of my own clouded haze of sleep. My eyes fluttered open and I felt the sun through the blind on my face. I blinked a few times trying to clear my head, the plane touched down and Jacob half carried me off the plane.
I'd boarded with only my little leather backpack, we got onto the tarmac and into the shuttle bus that would take us to get my luggage and to an exit door. We stepped off the bus and into the cool airport. I headed straight for starbucks to get a frappai so I could wake up and speak to a cab driver. I got my drink and we headed for the luggage carousel, I nabbed my suitcase and we fled into the night.

"Where are we going? I want to know! I can't believe you've dragged me half way across the world and now u won't even tell me where we're going! It's just stupid!" Jacob grumbled as the taxi cab wove through the villages and cities, he took us up to Nicosia, I'd brought a house their when I was four, again Mr.Jenks hand helped me with that so nobody knew, he'd die before he'd spill my secret, I'd warned him to keep his mouth shut other wise my big friend Jacob wouldn't like him so much, he understood me.

I told the driver the address and his eyes grew wide, he mumbled in greek and I giggled to myself. It was one of the houses usually reserved for the very wealthy and in my old faded sundress with my hair wild and knotted I supposed I looked very unwealthy. The cab driver pulled up to the front of the house which over looked the rest of Nicosia, I thanked the driver and paid him whilst Jacob got my luggage out of the romp, kofferbak for me.

I strode up to the huge glass-fronted house and unlocked the door, pushing it gently I stepped over the thresh hold and turned expectantly towards Jacob. His face had me in fits of hysterical giggles that soon turned into full blown hysteria, I began to hyperventilate and I felt an overwhelming force pushing down on me, making my open mind suddenly close and become a mystery to me, I fell sideways and smashed into the huge marble umbrella stand, shattering it, I felt around in my head trying to figure a way out of this dense fog, The full force of nature came upon me then and the veilig haven my mind had once been was no more. It erupted with a pain I had never felt before and unthinkingly I screamed so loud that I hurt my own ears.

"Nessie?!" Jacob shouted to me, his voice came from so far away yet I could feel him so close. I could hear other things too, it sounded like I was in a room full of thousands of people all talking and yelling at each other, I writhered in agony, clutching the sides of my head. "STOP! PLEASE, STOP!" I shrieked, the sudden silence in my head was totally unnerving, like I'd some how managed to flick the off switch inside my brain. I sighed in relief, thankfull those voices had gone.

I felt myself leaving the ground but nothing after. The only thing I could see was impending darkness all around me. I wanted to open my eyes and check Jacob was still there with me but my eyelids wouldn't comply. I realised with a shock I was screaming again and I could hear Jacob extremly close murmering sweet nothings into my ear and promising to take care of me no matter what happend he was going to be there for me.

I slipped away again, I tried futilely to hold on to what consiousness I had left but it eluded me completly. I tried to focus only on Jacob's voice for a while too but that also eluded my capabillities.
I didn't know how long I was out for of how long it'd been since I'd flown out of Washington but I could feel myself getting my body back, all the movement and commands were being properly registered again.

I struggled with my eyelids for a moment then slowly they fluttered open to reveal Jacob's eyes on my face, his eyes almost wild with worry. "Hey beautiful. How are u feeling now?" His deep, husky voice was like my lifeline and I clung to it, I coughed a little and asked, "how long have I been out?"

"About five hours of so, Nessie u really had me going for a minuut there! What the hell happend to you?" His eyes became brooding and distant.

"I don't know Jake, I had a panick attack I think, I'm not sure. I know I had a bout of mass hysteria, and when I fell to the floor, my head felt like it'd exploded and I heard all these voices. It was so strange because I could have sworn it was Mother and Father and Alice and Jasper! Which is insane I know." I stopped talking to cough again and to have a proper look around the room I was in. I hadn't seen the inside if the house before I'd brought it and as I looked around now it was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.

"I really think I heard My parents Jacob, which is totally impossible I know, we're millions of miles away from any Cullens. I'm worried Jake, maybe I'll phone Carlise, the phones here are untraceable, don't worry." I smiled warmly at him hoping my face portrade a calm mask of serenity.
I flitted into the living room to where the phone sat on the small side tafel, tabel and dialled Carlisle's number quickly. He answered on the fifth ring.


"Carlisle, I need some advice from you, please don't involve Edward and Bella, I've just had a panick attack, I think. I'm sure I heard Edward and Bella and Alice and Jasper. Like I could read their minds of something, I managed to shut it off quickly but I was in excrutiating pain. What could have cause this? Have u any idea?" I pasued taking a deep breath in waiting for his diagnosis

"Well Penelope I'm not sure, but your symptoms all lead towards what my son can do, it sounds like your power is meer developed though from what u have told me it seems u have the power to switch it on and off at will. I would need to observe ou to fully understand what is going on but I'm sure that I won't get the chance to do that. I'm sorry I cannot help u further." His beautiful voice became impossibly sad and I felt a need to be closer to him.

"Thank u Carlisle, I'm very sorry too have bothered you, thank u for your help. Goodbye." I put the phone back into it's cradle. A sudden inspiration came to me, I picked the phone back up and dialled.


"Rosalie, don't let anyone know it's me. I've just spoken to Carlisle, I need u to meet me. Bring Emmett, make up some excuse and get away, Don't bring anyone Rosalie, I'm warning you! Get away then call me on 555-736-9082, I'll give u meer instruction later on. u have to hurry."

"Ok, I'll see u very soon Loria! Thank u so much for inviting us, would u like to speak with Emmett before I go?"

"Yes please, I would like that very much."

"Loria! How are you? We haven't spoken in so long!"

"Emmett, it's me, Renesmee! Shush! Don't let anyone know and think of something else! Quickly! u and Rosalie are to get away then u are to phone me. Hurry Uncle, we don't have much time! Goodbye, I'll speak to u as soon as I can, I Love You." I slammed the phone into the wieg and turned into the bedroom where Jacob was lounging on the bed.

"Rosalie and Emmett are on their way, we don't have much time Jake, we need to start planning." I shoved my way onto the bed volgende to him and started brain storming ideas on where and when to meet them.
 Renesmee Cullen
Renesmee Cullen
posted by amy_r_cullen
“Renesmee come hear Jacobs arrived”. I called after her,
She darted into the living room leaving everyone in her Renesmee sized boom house.

“Hi Nessie, how are u today”. Jacob beamed to her, “Arrrrr… not Nessie Renesmee” Bella warned.
Renesmee was use to Bella reacting this way when Jacob called her Nessie so she just ignored her and concentrated on Jacob who had something raped up in his had.
“Ness… sorry Renesmee can u close you’re eyes please. Jacob asked

“Okay Jacob” Renesmee zei wearily.
Jacob walked round Renesmee and placed a halsketting, ketting around her neck.
“You can...
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posted by ybet_cullen18
Chapter 2: Pregnancy

I woke up from my daydream and continued to face the present.

After he had left, i found out something that sent shivers on my skin.

I was pregnant.

It was difficult for me to accept the truth. Of course, any teenagers at my age who will get pregnant would feel what i felt. Nervous. I told Charlie about this and luckily, he accepted my teenage pregnancy very well and even supported me in my decisions. I could'nt let my child die, of course. But i also couldnt raise him without a father. But my mom confronted me. I shouldnt waste my time thinking of him.

Of course i hate him....
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posted by lollipopszx3
All-Nighter, Fun, Kiss

Two weeks have passed since the circus incident. They gave me a swirly for my acting. It was in Emmett's washroom, which makes me want to barf, even thinking about it.

It was the night before school started. We are trying to pull an all-nighter at Edward's house. We have been doing this as a tradition since we were ten. We think we could really do it this year.

It was three o'clock in the morning. Edward's parents think we are asleep so we have to be extra quiet. I looked over everybody. Emmett was busy entertaining himself with a plate of food. Jasper was lying in a corner...
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posted by Andressa_Weld
*Werewolves do it better!
*Lady gaga's clothes are better than Alice's clothes!
*Bella has a secretly crush on Rosalie!
*Jasper is a pedophile that's why he felt in love with Alice!
*Renesmee and Nahuel are a perfect couple
*Carlisle is gay!
*Esme has sex with Charlie every night!
*I think Felix is stronger than Emmett!
*Rosalie envies Tanya because of her beauty!
*Edward is in love with Leah!
*Rosalie thinks about Jacob while she's having sex with Emmett!
*Bella is getting wrinkly
*Aro is hotter than Edward!
*by Stephenie Meyer*


When I woke up I was confused. My thoughts were hazy, still twisted up in dreams and nightmares; it took me longer than it should have to realize where I was.
This room was too bland to belong anywhere but in a hotel. The bedside lamps, bolted to the table, were a dead giveaway, as were the long drapes made from the same fabric as the bedspread, and the generic watercolor prints on the walls.
I tried to remember how I got there, but nothing came at first.
I did remember the sleek black car, the glass in the windows darker than that on a...
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posted by Isabellaashley
films tend to be no meer than two hours long. For most that is long enough, especially when u are sitting in a theater. But is that really enough time to fit all of are beloved eclipse moments. I know all of us hardcore Twilighters would sit for hours upon hours in a movie theater, but we do need to look at this rationally. In twilight there were some scenes that cut from the movie that were major things in the book and having those things out of the movie caused a uproar in a lot of boards and forums. But did having those things cut really make a difference, people who hadn’t read twilight,...
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Damn Bike. I can't it to run right. What am I doing wrong? Maybe it's because Bellas on my head. Her and that Leach. I could be there for here. I could keep her warm. I'd be her sun. But no ofcouse not she'd rather have the lifeless blood sucker. Rage went down my veins and Then My body started to shake. Oh shit.. I ripped another pair of paints. I could not keep doing that to Billy. He was trying so hard. I ran into the woods. But Ofcourse Paul had to be on watch.. The angoney i felt having to hear his thoughts. I ran harder and harder trying to focase on the woods get my mind of her.. Bella....
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posted by _madz_
okay, a shout out to j_e_s_s who's birthday was the 24th! and Happy Australia Day!
sorry for the gap between postings, but i happen to be on holidays and have a rather limited access to the internet! anyway, hope u enjoy this extra long one!!

part 3
“They look a bit surprised. Should I introduce myself?” I asked quietly.
When I pulled back again, my favourite smile in the whole world was wide across his face. I took that as a yes.
I looked back over to Edward’s coven, smiling sheepishly. After all, I was still crushed against him.
“Hi there.” I started lamely. Everyone still looked...
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All things were perfect
With graduation coming fast
But I knew with my luck
The perfection wouldn't last

Things were intense
Edward and Jacob started fighting
Jacob hated Edward
For soon he was going to bite me

But Edward told me
That I could see Jacob whenever
Jacob took it wrong
And he thought I'd meant forever

So then Jacob took me
To a party with his friends
When we were there I listened
To the Quileute tribe's legends

It made me think about
The danger I'd soon be in
What with the Volturi and Victoria
My patience was wearing thin

I was getting anxious
About who I would soon be
Rosalie and Jasper wanted to help...
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posted by twilight-7
I was asleep when Charlie came home pagina sometime in the early hours of the morning. Edward, who had stayed the night with me, woke me up to tell me Charlie was home.
“Can u hear him trying to sneak up to his room?” he chuckled.
I could indeed. Charlie was trying to be ever so quiet yet failed miserably. He fell up the stairs several times and slammed open his bedroom door. I heard him curse loudly as he fell yet again.
“Is he drunk?” I was wide awake as Charlie’s lack of balance scared me. He and I could both see in the dark pretty well because of our enhanced abilities. Charlie shouldn’t...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 3: school
I was running in the deep green forest when Damien caught me door my waist I tried to pull away from him trying to get help from my elements but…….nothing the elements weren’t obeying me as they used to. what the hell is wrong with me? I looked at Damien I was sure he had something to do with this he gave me a a sweet smile and said
-now u can’t push me away HONEY
I tried to push him away then I saw a beautiful bronze haired boy with the strange golden eyes he growled and lunched himself at Damien………..

-BEEEP..BEEP..BEEP…BEEP oh I hate this alarm I think I should...
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This is my midnight sun.this is not Stephenie Meyer's.This is only a fan fiction.Soon i will be writing more.There is a few minor changes i have made,for those who notice.Enjoy!

The teacher continued writing on the board.The fan blowing letting me inhale every scent in the room.My classmates whispering to there friends.
Just being in the room,sent a burn through my throat.But I controled it.I didn't know how,but i did.It had been two weeks from my last hunting trip.Biology was easy.It always was.It was meer about not killing my classmates when I was thirsty...
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posted by bella01
[Edward POV]
I know I'm impatient,no I'm getting angry with the plane where my Isabella is riding.'No,no,no, she is not mine.She is my sister now'.Finally,the plane has landed.Alice is jumping up and down now.She is annoying but I love her.She is my favoriete sister.I got worried because there is still no sign of a girl name Isabella.'Edward,please calm down'Jasper thought.'Hahaha,Edward is in love with our new sister'Emmett thought.'Isabella shopping shopping dress up'Alice thought.Then when I'm about to ask Alice where is Isabella.A beautiful girl came out the door.She looks so fragile.She...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
Hope u like it! Chapter 2 is out and Chapter 3 is coming soon! xoxo mrsblack

"I just can't believe how big they are!" Emily cooned as she and I watched the twins sleeping. The blue-ish, green-ish light of the bonfire flickered across their faces where they lay on Jacob's lap, breathing steadily in and out.
I could never get over how breathtaking my two little children were. When Jennifer was sleeping she was meer beautiful than any vampire. Her cheeks were a creamy russet color, with just a hint of roze in them. Her ebony black hair was in ringlets to her shoulders, and her eyes--when open--were...
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Kristen Stewart is itching to get her baby bump on—as her Twilight heroine Bella, of course!

During today's New Moon panel discussion at Comic-Con, K.Stew was asked which aspect of the upcoming films she was most looking vooruit, voorwaarts to. "Uh, I can't wait to get pregnant," she said, giggling.

In on the joke, costar Robert Pattinson added, "I can't wait to perform the Caesarean!" The screeching 6,000-person crowd, of course, caught the reference to the gruesome birth that takes place in Breaking Dawn—which is still three films away!

But the panel wasn't all about vampire spawn. Costar/werewolf...
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What I think makes Edward & Bella soul mates is Bella's unwavering faith she puts in Edward's restraint to not kill her while she is still a human.

Edward as well as incredible love for Bella which in turn makes him perfect for her and she perfect for him. In every sense of the old saying: They cannot live without each other. This is is made plain in New Moon when Edward leaves Bella in order to protect her form him.

Bella becomes a literal zombie.Devastated door Edward's decision to leave her. One of my favoriete quotes form New Moon is when Bella says to Edward: "I'd rather die than be with...
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posted by renesmeblack
Okay. It took a little patience from my readers who were bummed when I zei I'd quit writing this... But because u all liked it so much, I'm gonna give. Here's to chapter 6!
Now, I stopped in the middle of Jake spilling the beans on being a werewolf. But... I'M NOT CONTINUING THAT SCENE!!! It wasn't very good, anyways... Okay, getting ahead of myself here...
Here's Jacob as the pack arrives to Bella and Laurent's confrontation scene.

Bella was talking to the leech. It seems as though she thought he was a friend. I grew angry when it was obvious the bloodsucker only thought...
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posted by jaime-kataeff
Renesmee's POV

Why is it that when u know something has to be done that time goes faster?

I thought I still had 2hrs to think about how to talk to Jacob, but it seems that I now only have 10 minuten until the big reveal.

He'll be standing there looking beautiful, sexy and handsome with that gorgeous wolfy smile that seems to reach out and grab me, making me melt and tremble with desire, waiting for me in the car park. How am I going to tell him? should I just touch his cheek and toon him of should I just say what's on my mind? I've never had any problems telling him what I thought.... But...
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posted by team_robward
Chapter 1.
The Catching:

I’d been dreading this dag for a while now, kind of foolish I guess since everyone else was excited. Nervous about such a stupid little thing, this wasn’t exams of speaking in front of the class, it was writing a letter, a letter; to person I didn’t even know. Come on, I thought, just write it, send it, over, done, no more, okay.

Ah, I’d been thinking about it so long, I’d tuned out what Mrs. Anderson was saying. It was something along the lines of ‘choose, a name out of the box, write to them, so on, so on. So I didn’t really need to listen. Mia Kelly...
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posted by Doopey
Hope u enjoy this :)... hopefully the volgende one will be up tonight.

Chapter Six

I dont know how long i was swimming for, but i finally reached land. I looked up out of the water to see if anyone was there. There wasnt. So i jumped out onto the dock and started walking into town.
I took my phone out of my pocket. Crap. Water damage. I should of thought about that before i jumped into the sea. Oh well.
I realised when i was on the outskirts of a town, that my eyes must be pitch black. I should not risk getting to near to humans.
There was a forest volgende to the town. So i headed into that. I found...
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