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posted by LexisFaith
"Edward, u can't be alone forever. " Sara ran her hands through my hair, my head resting in her lap.

"Yes, I can."

"Edward, I want u to get your happily-ever-after. But you're not going to get it unless u try." She conplained.

"I don't know how to love anyone else but you. I just can't." I confessed.

"That's because u haven't tried."

"I don't want to try." I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Please, try for me." She begged.

"I don't know how."

"You will. Soon enough. Now get up. Your alarm is going off." She kissed my head.

I didn't even get a chance to ask her what she ment. I was awoken door my buzzing alarm, in a cold bed, just as I did every morning for the past year. I missed Sara. I missed her deeply. And I really wished I knew what she ment door "You will. Soon enough." I shook my head, desiding not to uselessly dwell on the fact, and get ready for today.

Since today wasn't my official first day, I dressed in kaki and a button up. There was no need to wear scrubs when I wasn't working untill tomorrow. I grabbed my coffee and climbed into my black Volvo. This thing was my baby. Black shiny paint, black leather interior, tinted windows. I was surprised I hand't gotten pulled over yet being mistaken as a drug lord.

I pulled out of my apartment garage and glanced to my left, noticing a small woman holding a young boy door his hand as she helped him into the car. She was moving rather quickly as she reached across and buckled his seatbelt and closed the door. I took a sip of my coffee as I tried to make my thoughts vanish. That could be Sara. Sara could have loved and had children whom she helping into the car, took to preschool, watched Saturday morning cartoons with. But when the doctors informed us that her brain cancer had spread into her brain stem, it was over. She lost hope in getting well. She died a week later.

I gripped steering wheel and looked at my wedding band. That band hadn't held meaning since last year. I only wore it because it was all I had left of Sara besides my memories and occasional dreams. I needed to remember her. I couln't forget. I was so afraid that if I took off this ring, I would forget. So it still held it's place on my finger.

"Please try for me." Her voice rang through my head as a reminder. She wanted me to try. So for her, I would try.

I parked my car in a space reletivly close to the entrence and turned the key to shut of the humming engine. I let my head rest against the back of my zitplaats, stoel as I prepared myself. Taking off a wedding band shouldn't be this hard. In one snel, swift movment, the band was of and sitting my cupholder. Before I could chage my mind, I got out of my car and locked it up.I walked inside quickly so I could get out of the coldness of November in Seattle.

After a quick hello to my father, I took the stairs to head down the cafateria. I needed to start from the ground up. I rounded the corner, not paying a lick of attemtion to where I was gong, I collided into a small fram.

"I'm sorry." We both spoke at the smae time.

I looked up from my feet to meet the young woman I had seen on my drive to work. Unable to get a close look at her then, I could now. Her eyes were brown and doe like, her lips a soft shade of pink. Her hair was brown and up close it had a red tint. It waved as it casscaded down her back and over her shoulder. She was unforgettingly beautiful.

"I'm so sorry." She spoke. "I'm running late, and I have to minuten to get up there." She pointed to a floor above us.

"Where do u work?" I asked.


"Well tell them Edward Cullen kept you..."

"Bella." She held out her hand. "Bella Swan."

"Bella." I smiled and shook. "I'm sure they won't mind."

"If u say so." She smirked. "You new here?"

"Yes." I ran my hand through my hair. A nervous habbit. "I start officially tomorrow but I'm here today checking the place out."

"Does it check out?" She smiled and leaned on the hand rail.

"So far, yes." I nodded and did the same.

"I really should get up there." She sighed and stood straight.

"Yeah." I nodded.

She halfheartedly smiled and waved as she started climbing the stairs again. Try.

"Bella?" I called after her.

She turned around and smiled. "You're going to get me fired Cullen."

I smiled back and ran up a few steps to meet her. "I don't want to look like the new kid on the first dag of school eating lunch door myself. Will u at least sit with me? u don't even have to talk to me."

She laughed and nodded. "As long as I don't have to talk to you." I liked the way it was so easy for me to make her laugh. I like the way her head tilted back a bit when she did and the way her eyes sparkled.

"Great." I started to walk back down. "Oh! What time it your lunch break?"

"Eleven!" She called back and dissapeard up the volgende fight of stairs.

I missed the sound of her voice already. This, I was not prepared for. I decided to change plans and headed up to Carlisle's office. I suddenly had to know everything about Bella.

"Edward. Back so soon?" He looked up from the chart on his desk.

"I need u to tell me everything u know about Bella Swan." I insisted and sat down in one of the leather chairs door his desk.

Bella's POV

"You're late." Alice's sing-song voice echoed in the break room.

I grabbed myself a cup of coffee leaned myself against the counter. "I know. It wasn't my fault. Edward Cullen held me up." I smirked. I don't know why I was smirking. Yeah sure he had the deepest green eyes I had ever seen, the most sexy tousled hair and the greatest body but someone like him, is taken.

She nearly choked on her coffee. "Edward Cullen?"

"Yeah." I wasn't sure wear she was going with this. "And I'm having lunch with him."

This time she did choke. "Damn." She wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Warn a girl. u do remember today is is Wednesday? Mason eats lunch with u today."

"Shoot." I sighed. "I guess he is eating with us." I shrugged.

A sly grin slid across her face.

"What?" I asked, taking a sip from my mug.

"Oh, nothing. It's just, you're having lunch with your son...and your new boss."

Now it was my turn to choke on the cofee.

"Alice. There is a patient in the waiting room. Bella, u too." Angela popped her head in.

"Thank's Ang." I called to her as she left to go back to her station.

"We'll talk meer later." Alice winked and left to go meet her new patient. I still couldn't believe our new boss was so sexy...and so young. And probably so taken. I sighed and set my cup in the sink, leaving to go give a checkup to whom ever was waiting on me.
posted by lollipopszx3
"Bella!" shouted my dad. "Rosalie! Come on! We have to catch your train!" He slammed the door shut to emphasize his point. We walked down holding our suitcases and rain jackets. We lived in Forks, one of the rainiest towns in the world.

Isabella zwaan-, zwaan is my name. I prefer to be called Bella. Rosalie, who I call Rose, is my sister. She is in grade 12. I'm in grade 11. We are off to boarding school. Rose and I both got accepted to the Lansdale Academy in California. We recieved our acceptance three weeks ago.

"Can u believe it?" whispered Rose as we walked into the backseat of the car. "Lansdale...
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posted by kiwi12

I wanted to get a very nice dress. I wanted to look nice when we met the Cullens and, if I was being honest with myself, I wanted to look nice for Jasper. I chose a black one with a white sash. It was classy. I also bought a pair of four inch heels, a necklace, a inpakken, wrap and a clutch. For Jasper, I bought a relatively simple dress overhemd, shirt and pair of pants.I found the perfect jas and scarf. They would look very good on him. It was formal, but not as formal as a tux.

I decided it would be a good idea to get something else. Something for the Cullens, Esme in particular. I thought it would be...
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10 Ways to Annoy Emmett Cullen

10. Tell him he looks like a creepy stalker rapist.

9. Inform him, as politely as possible, that he has grizzly in his teeth.

8. Ask who wears the pants in his relationship.

7. Try to stab him through the hart-, hart with a stake.

6. Tell him brawn is out, scrawn is in.

5. Inquires as to how he feels to be the least-liked Cullen male.

4. When he is around, wonder aloud what Rosalie calls him in bed.

3. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with that Jeep.

2. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with those muscles.

And the Number One way to annoy Emmett Cullen?

1. When he denies the above two claims, respond with “That’s not what Rosalie saaaaaid!”
10 Ways to Annoy Esme Cullen

10. Let it slip what Carlisle really does during his night shifts at the hospital, with all of the pretty nurses.

9. Tell her all about the names of your future children, when u want to have them, what genders u want them to be, etc.

8. Ask her if her hair looks like caramel, does it taste like caramel?

7. Politely ask if Carlisle asks her to dress up as “Nurse. Naughty” in the bedroom and if he demands she calls him “Doctor. Dreamy”

6. Tell her that Carlisle is much too old for her, and that he is clearly a cradle-snatcher of pedophile.

5. Take a chunk...
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10 Ways to Annoy Jasper Hale:

10. Beg him not to eat you.

9. Inform him that he seems to be the “depressed” Cullen.

8. Go up to him, look him in the eye and ask if he is hungry.

7. Spell his name with two “a”’s (Jaspar) and call him Jaspar Cullen. When he objects, saying his name is Jasper Hale, wave your hand at him and tell him all that blood must have gone to his brain.

6. Tell him only girls feel emotions. Then giggle and run away.

5. Dress up in a cape and fangs and leap out in front of him when he is least expecting it, proclaiming u have come to suck his blood.

4. Send out waves...
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Missing u could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew u were missing me too..

"I feel the Half of Me Missing when You're Not Around.. I Miss u with every Breathe.. u mean the World to Me.. of May be even More..." Jake whispered in My Ears on the Phone & a shiver ran down through My Spine

I've been floating these days in the Air. I feel hideous 'cause I can't Help Smiling and So I feel an Urge to Hide My After-All-She-is-Insane Expressions. My Heartbeats weren't Normal these Days and so was My Body Temperature. My Nights were Sleepless..

"I Miss u too" I sighed

"I hope to see...
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This is my first Fanfic I hope u like it. Before I begin I would like to give the following disclaimer:

I own NOTHING of this story. The Characters setting plot and anything else I forget to mention I hereby give fully to Stephanie Meyer. I do this with the intent to not interfere with her ability to continue the stories I love. If I in any way come up with something she was going to use in any way then i differ to her as the original artist and creator. I am fully willing to put this in writing apon request. I do take responsability for creating the story but she can...
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posted by Isabellaashley
The Big Screen
Stephenie released Eclipse on August 7, 2007 with 150,000 copies flying off the shelves the first dag alone. The book hit #1 on both uithangbord straat Journal and USA Today's lists. Catherine Hardwicke, director of Thirteen and Lords of Dogtown, was chosen to direct the first movie in The Twilight Saga, and the casting calls began. On November 16, 2007, the first character for the film version of Twilight was chosen with Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan, and on December 11, they finally found the chemistry they were looking for in the Edward/Bella relationship, with Robert Pattinson earning...
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Told u so. Alice thought in an incrediblly immature tone. My visions are not wrong... her thought faded out in the middle. Well, sometimes I misinterpret, but that was only because of those stupid DOGS. she rushed to defend her visions, though I had not spoken. She was sitting volgende to me on the front porch step. I turned to glare at her.
"And what if I had been right?" I shot back at her. "What if Bella had lost her soul? u think I would be okay with that? Of course I would have stayed with her, but it would not have been right to trade her soul for my happiness." I scolded her. She seemed...
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posted by She_wolf
Enjoy =] plus thanx to sk8bordnewmoon =] ly

Chapter Nine =]

I’d never really understood why people would want to break the rules and cause damage to places. I guess I’d just seen my Mom drunk and smashing up our house too many times. But racing across the school field, tearing up each blade of gras with my bike, with Sam the schools troublemaker, it felt kind of right. Not like I was breaking the rules and being reckless, but like I had every right to be here. Sam grinned as she splattered the science block with mud, and I grinned with her, she was such a free spirit. I was a little more...
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posted by New_Moon_Master
Her heartbeat fast door the second. I watched her from the chair that I sat in volgende to the bed. It had been three days. She had not moved a muscle. My family stood at the uithangbord behind me, saying nothing, not even breathing. I had not spoken to them. I hated them. They had gone behind my back, and turned Bella into...what? I did not know. A monster without a soul? I could not picture Bella as that, but the thought was excrusiating. It was almost over, almost all her human scent gone. She smelled amazing, the same yet differant. Sweeter, and I did not want to kill her, which was very odd for me....
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I woke to a loud noise. I jumped into a sitting position to find Rosalie standing at the door. She was glaring at me, tonen her teeth and growling. I gasped and curled back in fear. Emmet came through the door behind her, grabbing her hands and wrapping them around her torso, like he was putting her in a straight jacket. A moment later, the rest of them appeared.
"Calm down, Rosalie," Carlisle soothed her. She whipped her head around to look at him.
"Calm down?" she asked in disbelief. "I'm going to be stuck with her for the rest of eternity, and u want me to calm down ?!" she wailed. This...
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I was expecting the kind of reaction I used to get when I'd say those kinds of things. But she just looked at me. Speculating. Was she actually thinking about it?! My hart-, hart beat faster as I grabbed at the oportunity.
"I could stay with you." I blurted out, and then thought better of it. "Unless u wanted space, then I could find somewhere else. If u did not want me crowding you." I was so happy that I might get what I had dreamt of for so long, I was babbling on.
"What would u tell Charlie, Bella?" She zei as though she could not believe I hadn't thought of that already.
I looked down,...
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posted by She_wolf
Chapter Seven (what will embry do?)

I gulped and nodded. She knew what she was doing. Didn’t she? She smiled then jerked vooruit, voorwaarts on the bike, leaving me behind. I followed her quickly.
“Crap!” She yelled just before we got half way down the dust road. She screamed to a stop. I stopped just behind her.
“What is it?” I asked scanning her face.
“It’s those bloody ‘protectors’.” Her face was stony. “I was riding down here last week, and they told me to ‘pack it in of they’d stop me’.” She imitated Sam Uley’s voice. “They’re so weird. Sam Uley I think it was....
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posted by She_wolf
Chapter Six (is anyone reading this, if so please commentaar cos I might stop writing cos theres no point)

She came bombing around the corner; astride an old mud splattered black dirt bike. Her short spiky black hair was tousled door the wind, her dark brown eyes showed no hint of fear as she came round the corner and saw that she would collide with us. She only smiled tonen off her almost perfect white teeth. Seth swerved out the way, narrowly missing a boom but I stood my ground. It wasn’t like I would be the one to die. Werewolves healed too quickly.
I actually didn’t think she would...
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Enough With The Robert Pattinson-'Spider-Man' Rumors!

geplaatst 1/14/10 2:00 pm ET door Terri Schwartz in Movie News, Movies, Twilight Forever!

About nine months ago, Reelz Channel and some other populair film websites ran an artikel declaring Robert Pattinson would be replacing Tobey Maguire in the red and blue tights in "Spider-Man 4," quoting then director Sam Raimi as saying, "Robert is the future of the franchise." It was soon revealed that the April 1 post was nothing but a joke — a cruel joke — but in light of recent events, it can be assumed Reelz and the other sites are kicking themselves...
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Stephenie Meyer Addresses Breaking Dawn Rumors
By Twilight_News | 12 January 2010

This was just geplaatst on Stephenie Meyer’s personal website:

"Just a quick note on the subject of the Breaking Dawn film: there is no drama over whether the book should be one movie of two. My personal feeling is that it would be very difficult to cram the whole story into one movie (as I’ve zei in many interviews vorige to this), but if a great way of doing that surfaces, I’m all for it. Two of one, whichever way fits the story best is fine door me, and everyone I’ve spoken with at Summit seems to feel...
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posted by SuperFunFan1001
Yahoooo! So my story is really coming along. So u think u know what's gunna happen do you? Well I think I might surprise you!Ok so here! I really hope that I did good on the last chapter. Sorry if on this chapter some facts are wrong. I am not exactly an expert on the Volturi. Thanks for all of your comments!

Disclamer: Sigh....... I do not own Twilight of any of its characters. No matter how much I wish of beg I never will. :( Stephanie Meyer does...

bella POV

"Ok I'm ready." I zei and started running in the direction that Alec and Jane had ran. I caught their scent and ran up to them. They...
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posted by JandMsMommy
La Bella Vita--This is a one-shot that I am entering in the 'Mentalward' Contest on I would post the story here, but the content is much too graphic.:-D
The story follows one dag in the life of a very disturbed Edward Cullen as he goes about his dag job. What is his dag job? You'll fine out!
It's rated M for creepiness, language, and disturbing imagery.
Hope u give it a chance, AND let me know what u think! Thanks! :-)

LINK----> link
posted by methoslover12
once there was a girl and a guy. well the girl is like "if u think that then i'll go". well the guy kept saying things that weren't mean but nice.well she thinks that they aren't for her. so she trys to leave and he grabs her door the arm and pulls her in and they kiss a slow and sweet kiss. one that might make u hart-, hart race. but suddnly she runs for she thinks her hart-, hart is brokin. but he is right behind her and is ganing on her.then she stops and starts to cry. he asks whats wrong and she says "well I think I was just a girl who is a big fool that no one can love". then he says "you may think that your really smart and beautiful and well i love you". and thats all it toke to make her feel better because she knew she was loved and that they were to be together forever.
the end