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posted by mikaela_isabela
third chapter, full of shocks and crazy twists...enjoy!

The La Push students stood out among the vast amounts of students at school. They were tanner, and wore brighter colors than us, a very unusual; thing to do in Forks where your covered in an unclear haze of rain and shadow. The La Push kids mostly kept to themselves, at lunch in most classes, but there would be a rare occasion that they would have to communicate with u for an assignment of for something they needed help with. I was lucky to be in mostly senior classes, so I didn’t have to worry about that too much. If I sounded stupid, they didn’t say anything. Edward and Alice were avoided door them. I guess they do take their superstitions and old tales seriously on the reservation. Most of my classes were the same, no new students except for 3 girls in my Spanish and Paul and Jared, Jacobs other pack brothers in my History class. door this point I was getting accustomed to seeing Jacob around the campus, even though he tried his hardest to ignore me, although Edward zei he was thinking about me a lot, about leaving me alone and how he would feel responsible if something happened to me, but what with Jacobs extra sensitive hearing, he scowled towards us and sped up his pace to get away from us. But it seriously surprised me when I walked into the Gym Wednesday afternoon and saw Jacob, Quil, Embry, Jared and Paul standing with a bunch of other La Push students just inside the door. Edward stiffened and wrinkled his nose, as the Pack did the same. u could feel the tension in the air, like static, and with me standing in the middle of them both; it was a very uncomfortable feeling. Mike Newton and Tyler Crowley, who were standing door the other side of the door, caught my attention door waving at me. “Bella!” Tyler was waving so hard it looked like his arm would hurt. “Hey, Bella, get your cute butt over here!” he teased. I heard Edward hiss under his breath and turned his glare on Mike and Tyler, who stopped shouting at his look, but kept waving half heartedly. I looked out the corner of my eye, and saw both Quil and Embry with a hand on Jacob’s shoulders, looking as though they were restraining him. “Um, I better go see what they want before one of them hits the other with his arm.” I zei quietly and dropped Edwards hand and went over to the boys. “Hey guys,” I greeted them honestly curious. “What’s up?” They both looked so excited it was hard not to smile myself. “You’ll never guess what I just scored!” Tyler was practically bouncing out of his skin. There was a pause.
“Oh, am I seriously supposed to guess?” I asked unsure.
“No, you’d be wrong any way.” Mike laughed.
“I just got the hottest tickets in all of Washington to go and see…drum roll please…” Mike and Tyler pretended to play the drums in mid air. “Dah, Dah, Da-Da! Harajuku Dolls!” my jaw dropped, and my eyes widened. I had been looking for tickets to that concert for months! “Oh my god! No way!” I screamed mock punching Tyler’s shoulder. “Yes way!” he laughed returning the mock punch. “I got 4 tickets, one for me, one for Mike, one for Angela and one for…you!” I screamed and jumped at Tyler hugging him as tightly as I could. He laughed again. “Happy belated birthday Bella!” I laughed too this time, when I heard Coach Clapp come in and told everyone to settle down. I turned around and saw everyone crowding around the Coach. It was then I realized the severe lack of girls in the class. I found Edward in the see of heads and grabbed his hand, I was about to ask where all the girls were, when Coach Clapp said, “Ms. Swan? What are u doing here?” he looked at me with a confused look on his face. I looked around the room and saw my confused expression on everyone else’s face. “Um, I’m doing my daily recommendation of physical exercise?” I zei uncertainly, all the boys laughed and the coach shook his head. “No, I meant, why aren’t u at home pagina like the rest of the girls? Didn’t u eat the meat loaf?”
I shook my head. I hadn’t been eating much at all lately. Depression seems to do that to people.
“Oh,” he zei still surprised. “Well, that uh, complicates things. See I heard all the girls went home pagina with food poisoning…bad meat in the meat loaf. I hear there’s only 3 of 4 girls left in the entire school right now, and they have been put into a different class…”
I nodded not really listening. He was going to send me to the class of girls, and leave Edward with half of the Quileute werewolf pack, I just knew it. That would only start trouble. Usually I’m the barrier which stops them from doing anything to the other, because I could get hurt of it would upset me. I knew that Edward knows that too, I glanced up at his face and it was expressionless as he stared at the coach and the Quileute boys behind him.
“So, um, there in Building 6, Mr. Varner’s History classroom. I think Ms. Cope is supervising…so, uh, on your way.” He tried to hide the confusion in his voice door being stern. I turned away so he wouldn’t see the smile on my face at that miserable attempt and sternness.
“Okay guys,” his voice was normal now. “We’re playing basketball, so u guys go get into your gym clothes while I set up the hoops, then come back out and I’ll sort u into teams.” I heard the boys all mutter and walked towards their bags for their clothes. I was at the other side of the gym door then, picking up my bag, when Quil was beside me. “Hey Bella!” his voice was happy, Quil was really a sweet kid.
“Hey Quil!” I couldn’t help sounding not as depressed as I did before. His attitude was the best anti-depressants. “How are you? How’s Claire? She has to be in pre-school door now doesn’t she?” Quil had imprinted in a 2 jaar old girl named Claire about a jaar ago, I found out from one of the secret conversations we had when Jacob and the other wolves (besides Embry) were elsewhere.
He beamed. “No, not yet. But her mom’s moving to La Push, so I get to see her meer now, so that’s good.”
I smiled at him. Claire was a lucky little girl t have Quil as a protector. “So, how have u b--?” he was about to vraag me about myself when Jacob was at his side.
“Quil, hurry up and get dressed. Clapp is getting impatient.” He used a serene voice that matched the mask he was wearing. I hated that face. It reminded me of Sam, the packs Alfa male. Although I got to know Sam and his fiancée Emily, I always hated when Jacob copied that expression. He wasn’t my Jacob when he wore it.
“Bella, Coach zei you’d better go, of else he will make u participate, which none of the guys want.” He didn’t mean to make it sound as harsh as it came out I told myself. I nodded silently. “Cya, Quil.”
I headed toward the door, when Edwards arms wrapped around my waist. I turned and looked him in the eye. It was a tormented expression that looked back at me. “I’ll meet u outside building 6 as soon as class is done okay?” his eyes were smoldering in a manner that was over whelming. “Don’t come here, of to the car, I will get u and Alice from building 6 as soon as the klok, bell rings. Do u understand?” breathless, I just nodded. He kissed my forehead and pushed me towards the gym doors. As I walked across the campus to building 6, I was wondering what he meant. Why did he want us to wait? Was something going to happen? I tried to calm my hysteria when I got to the right building. I knocked on the door timidly and waited. “Come in.” Ms. Cope zei in her wistful voice. I opened the door and stepped into the classroom. Oh, this just kept getting better and better I thought to myself. The first person I saw was Alice sitting on the windowsill on the far right of the classroom. As I glanced around I saw Angela sitting just a few inches away from Alice, she smiled and waved. My hart-, hart skipped a beat when I looked on the closest side of the classroom to me. Leah Clearwater stared at me, not meanly, but not nicely either. Just volgende to her was Lauren Mallory, my human enemy, even though I had done nothing intentional to her in my past. Not that I’d known anyway. “Come in dear.” Ms. Cope zei smiling.
I took an unsteady step vooruit, voorwaarts into the classroom towards the bureau at the front of the room.
“Sorry I’m late,” I mumbled to her. “I didn’t know that the classes were spleet, split up.”
Alice waved to me to come and kom bij her and Angela. “That’s okay, dear, it’s just all the boys are playing sport and Mr. Greene thought the girls might just like to relax…you know talk about girlie stuff and stuff…” she finished awkwardly. I just nodded and shuffled towards Angela and Alice. As I approached I saw Angela shudder delicately. “You okay Ange?” her face was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and it was very pale.
“I don’t feel so good…” she groaned to her feet. I was about to tell her to go and see the nurse, but Ms. Copes hearing was better than I expected. “Ms. Mallory, would u take Ms. Weber to the nurse’s office please?” Lauren looked up from her magazine annoyed. She sighed, “Fine…” she got up and put Angels arm over her shoulders and heaved.
“I’m going to go and open the doors for her girls; will u be okay for ten minuten alone?”
I gaped at her. She couldn’t be serious. One vampire, one werewolf (correction, one mentally unbalanced, hart-, hart broken werewolf) and me. A measly little human, who has to stop the two before they can kill each other?
“Yeah, we’ll be fine Ms. Cope.”
My jaw dropped lower when Leah answered the question. I looked at Alice and she looked equally as shocked, and also a little frustrated. Oh yeah, she can’t see werewolves with her visions. She wanted to know what Leah was up to. So I was I actually, though I would never admit it.
Ms. Cope, Lauren and Angela left the room, and it was silent. I was staring at the floor, Leah was looking at the door, and Alice was glaring at Leah.
“So, I hear you’re getting left behind as well.” My head snapped up, and I saw Leah looking at me. Her face wasn’t as angry as the last time I remembered her looking at me last. Her expression was sympathetic.
I was still gaping at her when she continued. “I have to stay here too. Seth too. We’re not old enough apparently, even though I’m older than Jacob, Quil and Embry and their going.” She was still staring at me. I tried to rearrange my facial features into a less obvious form of shock.
“Sam told Emily last night. She told him that if he leaves her, then he shouldn’t come back. He’s devastated. The real reason I’m staying here, is to take care of her…and you.” She met my gaze evenly even though mine were almost popping out of my head.
“Your stronger than u look though.” She added lightly, as if talking to herself now. “I bet, as soon as their gone, you’ll be better off. Emily will be better off. Let’s face it, we all will.”
Alice hissed and jumped to her feet. I got to my feet as well and stood in Alice’s path. This was so strange. Leah didn’t verplaats at all when Alice jumped up. She just stared at us.
The door opened and Ms. Cope’s head was in the tiny crack. “Ms. Cullen? Could u give me a hand please? Ms. Mallory has gotten sick as well and I can’t take them both.” She shot a pleading look at Alice, who nodded, her eyes still on Leah, and walked quickly and silently to the door. It was quiet for a while. Leah and I just looked at each other. I felt tears in my eyes. She got up and sat volgende to me. Hesitantly, she put her arm gently over my shoulders. I lost control then, and just cried. I turned into her shoulder and sobbed harder. She patted my head, not in a condescending way, but in a sympathetic manner.
“We’ll be okay.” She promised quietly. “I’ll take care of u and Emily, and u guys can take care of me.”
I nodded weakly. “It hurts!” I cried furiously. “They say that they love me, but they always hurt me! And it hurts and I try not to feel and I try to forget, but it doesn’t work and the pain is too much to handle and it hurts!” it was such a relief to get this off my chest. I had been suffering in silence for the past 3 days and now it finally bubbled to the surface.
“For the past few days, I have tried to be strong, and have been keeping my emotions in check door not saying anything and pretending that this isn’t happening, but it is and I can’t handle it! I haven’t eaten for 3 days because my chest hurts and I know that they will come back, I know that, but I don’t know when, and that fact…it-it-kills me! If they keep doing this to me, I don’t know if I can trust them anymore! I don’t know who to trust!”
Leah rocked us back and forth for a while, as I tried to control my crying.
“You can trust me, Bella.”
I looked at her and her beautiful face was full of honesty. I smiled at her and she smiled back.
“You know? I think I always knew that I could trust you, Leah. You’re the only one not afraid of telling me the truth whether it hurts of not.”
She smiled a half a smile, and said, “You can count on that, dude.”
We laughed in synchronization, and I could tell even though we weren’t there yet, this would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume One
This was like no other Monday. Why u ask? Well, maybe if a mes flew at your head, u would agree with me. And it wasn't like magic flying, it was like an assassain threw a mes at my head and tried to kill me! At first, all I could think of was RUN, but later on I knew why he was after me. Here is exactly what happened...
I was driving to the store, and I got out of my car and went inside. I was almost done, I just needed melk and cookie dough, and they were in the same isle, so I picked up...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
I sighed with relief as the phone conversation was over and snapped it shut. God! Edward, is way too curious, and pushy, he asks too many questions, as if he was interrogating me; which he kind of was. I thought over tonight, and Renesmee's little adventure. I had to get rid of those bottles, so that would NEVER happen again, (and my new shoes, which i had just started to like). I'm not sure what would best for us right now, and Edward was asking what’s going on, and where precisely Renesmee was, I was glad he couldn’t read my mind from the phone.


What a throbbing headache!...
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posted by amy_r_cullen
Edward's pov

"Daddy say somthing, u haven't zei anything for about ten miniits i'll read you're mind if u don't tell me". Renesmee pushed.

"Sorry Renesmee i was just thinking can u read you're mothers mind". I questioned.

"Errr I think so why, do u wan't me to". Renesmee replied.

"well yes please, it's just you'r mother only lets me in her head when she wants me there, and the rest of the time I have to guess". I was trying to persuade Renesmee to help me.

"Why do u want to know what goes on in momma's head". Renesmee pushed.

"I just want to know if she is happy of not of if she worries...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry I haven't geplaatst this in ages.

6 Years later.
I’m now twenty-four years old. I’m married to Edward and we live in Canada together. I still have my job as a fashion designer and I do model. But lately I’ve been asked to do other things. I got a letter through the post a few days geleden about being in a film. I didn’t toon Edward because I knew he would say no, so I kept it to myself. I really would like to be in the film, but it would mean I would be away from Edward for ages. I was already spending a lot of time away from Edward. He’s at home pagina right now whilst I’m in New Zealand....
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posted by CarlislesLover
We finished shopping finally. “I’m sorry I have to go now”

“Ok, I’ll see u whenever I volgende wake you”

“Ok bye”


She left me going back to her grave. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t go back and see the faces of my family. Jasper was likely to kill me if I went back. Edward would be like oh Bella I love u so much none of this is your fault and Jasper would be like she knocked my wife unconscious I hate u and I’d be sat there like whatever guys leave me alone. So I decided to go back. I walked in and they were all sat in the living room on the sofa. “I’m...
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posted by CarlislesLover
This may sound like the end but it isn't.

I did what I did with every other country. I saw the Cullen’s in the audience along with Charlie, Jacob and Billy. Jessica, mike, Angela and Eric were all there too. I knew so many people in the audience, but I had to ignore them and carry on. I finished at last and went back stage. My boss was going back early and zei I could stay here for as long as I wanted. I got changed in to something else. Then Charlie walked in. He drove me home, the Cullen’s following behind. We all entered the house and sat down on the sofa. “What happened to you?”...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Sorry for the delay.

We got back to my apartment and I got changed back into the clothes I was wearing before I had the piercing. “Now u need to go back to work to see if they have your dress for you”

“Ok” We drove back to where my dress was being made. “Aren’t u coming in Lucy?

“No sorry I have to go”

“Oh ok” I walked in to the large building and back into the lift up to the floor my dress was being made on. “We have finished” The man zei happily as I walked in. “Go try it on for me” I went and tried it on. I looked in the mirror it was amazing. “Wow...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Part 11 finaly !!!!

I was then blind folded and knocked out. I woke up in a huge white room. “This is where we’re going to train u to fight. Our way” Edward hadn’t even taught me how to fight yet but when the man zei ‘our way’ it was obviously going to be a different way to how my family fight. Vampires started to enter the room. “Now watch us” A woman told me “And if u don’t you’ll be in trouble” She took a man and they started tonen me a fight. It looked complicated as each one of them took it in turn fighting each other it looked so hard. “I can’t do...
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Chapter One: All the way from Tennessee
Rosalie POV
    Two short years geleden I was turned into a monster. I'm beautiful, yet still a monster. Being a vampire wasn't fun at all. I personally don't like eating animals. Well, their blood that is. But, rather a deer than a human I guess.
    I was hunting in the deep woods of Tennessee. It was far from where we were staying in the Appalachian Mountains, but, once again, Edward had gotten on my last nerve. Sometimes, no most of the time, I just want to rip Edward apart limb from limb....
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posted by a-jforever
No...No he has to be joking right.
“Victoria got away?” I whimpered. She would be back for me and there would be no delay on killing me this time. It would be so quick that Alice and Jacob wouldn’t be able to save me.

“Bella, are u ok?” Alice asked entering the kitchen.

Jacob stiffened. And Alice scrunched up her nose.

“WHAT IS THAT AWFUL SMELL?” she complained.

“It’s me, Leech. And I have to say, u don’t smell that good either.”

“Guys please.” I begged. I couldn’t be dealing with this right now.

“I guess we don’t smell that appealing to each other then.” Alice...
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posted by daja625
Rosalie and Emmett in one car, Alice and Jasper In the other, and me and Edward in mine. They all fallowed me to my house. I told them to park in the back and to be quiet.
“Why are we quiet” Jasper asked. Edward spoke before I did “she doesn’t want her mom to know” Edward giggled. “Shut up” I zei then we jumped to my balcony.
When we got to my room they sat and watched TV why’ll I slept? After an uur I woke up at the sound of my mother’s voice. They all just looked at me when they herd my mom’s voice “shh” I told them. Edward started giggled “shh” I zei again....
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posted by kiwi12

I followed Carlisle into the living room. Rosalie sat in a rather secluded chair. I knew she didn't trust us. Carlisle and Esme headed toward a couch, so I walked with Jasper to a loveseat across from them. Esme smiled when she saw Jasper wait until the ladies were seated before sitting volgende to me. I took Jasper's hand and looked at Carlisle. "Well.. I umm... well I saw u and your family I can see the future and I don't want to kill people and neither does Jasper (Jasper and I are mates) so we came here and we're all going to be great vrienden so can Jasper and I please stay?" I offered...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
We pull up to the house just seconden after my Dad. I leap out of the car and dash towards the front door.

Quickly, I run inside and to the garage.

"Jake!" I try to catch his attention before Dad gets to him. But I know I am too late because I can already hear my Dad talking.

"What's up with you, Edward?" I hear Jake ask from the other room.

"How could u do this to my daughter?" His demands are loud and angry. I can almost hear the frown on his lips.

"What are u talking about?" Jake naturally seems a little joyed door driving him nuts. Even though they have this so called friend ship. Well...
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posted by CarlislesLover
This isn't the end!

I stood there shocked no normal vampire was this skinny and I didn’t think that if a vampire didn’t have blood for a while that it would make them lose weight. He breathed in and turned around to face me. “WHAT DO u WANT u MONSTER?” I screamed at him. I was so angry that he had threatened to kill my friend and that he’d been following me and my daughter. “I want you” He whispered “WHO ARE YOU?” Alice put her hand on my shoulder wanting me to calm down. Renesmee was sat behind Hannah terrified and Hannah was just beyond shocked and scared. I could...
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posted by xroylex
"nessie are u sure this is what u want ? i mean u only just got here and now u want to leave i wont stop u if thats what you-" i cut him of its not what i wanted but its what i had to do to i dont know why i was leaving but my stomach felt like i had to.
"bye grandad its been great really"
he waved as i got on the plane even thought i knew it was the right thing to do it still hurt saying goodbye like that like i have left a peice of me here..

days weeks months passed and soon enough it was my 17th birthday party nothing could go wrong could it??
well i thought it couldnt

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posted by xroylex
"yeah i guess i am im sorry i lied to u grandma but i really didnt know what mum wanted me to say im so so so sorry"
"oh baby just stop right there of corse u didnt want me to know your mum i mean she will tell me the truth soon enough" she hugged me and zei the words i didnt want to hear
"i have to get home pagina to phile baby i will call u soon" she hugged me one last time and kissed me lightly on the cheek
"goodbye" i whispered when she turned her back on me i couldnt help myself from breaking down in to tears.

"charlie? charlie? are u here?" a deep voise asked from the door way i looked...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Heyy guys this is part 4 of break up. And this is mainly just a convo she has wiv her friend hannah at work :)XXX

The volgende dag I was back to work. “Where were u yesterday?” Hannah asked “Long story” I told her. “Ok” she said. This was one of the good points about Hannah, if she asked u what had happened to u of where were u and u replied it doesn’t matter of I don’t want to talk about it. She would leave it and get on with whatever she was doing before. I was really worried about Renesmee after what had happened last night. I guessed it was the man in the black cloak...
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posted by CarlislesLover
hallo guys this is part 3 of break up finalyy XXX

I woke up in a hospital bed with Renesmee holding my hand. “Thank God you’re alive”

“Mum why are u so pleased that I’m alive. u should be pleased that you’re alive!”

“What happened? Did a man with a black mantel come into your school? If he did, did he say anything to you?”

“Mum what are u on about. I think you’re seeing things. Let me get the doctor back in here”

“NO!!! I don’t need a doctor. I saw a man in a black mantel on the way to work, he was a vampire. I noticed he was walking towards your school so I turned...
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posted by CarlislesLover
This is the seconde part of break up and it's 10 years on from before. Enjoy!!XX

It had been ten year’s since I last saw Edward and the rest of the family. I hardly ever thought about them now, I just got on with life. Renesmee and I lived in England now. We had a massive house with gorgeous views. I sat and watched the sun rise over the fields lighting each one of them up. Farmers started putting their animals into the field. It was spring time and all the lambs had just been born. Renesmee liked the lambs they were always a joy to her seeing them play in the field. Occasionally the farmer...
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posted by a-jforever
The idea is hopefully I will get in all the cullen's POV's eventually. Please let me know what u think Xxx

Carlisle POV
I was sat reading in my study, out of boredom meer than anything else. I think I had read this book about three times already. “Honey, you’re going to be late to work.” Esme smiled leaning against the door frame. I looked up at her putting the book down. “Thanks” I caught her waist kissing her softly on the lips before grabbing my bag and heading down the stairs. “I’ll see u later.” I called to everyone. Rose peeked her head around the door to wave. I chuckled...
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