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posted by twilight-7
Edward's thoughts - bold
Kayla's thoughts - italics

I had managed to make it through a whole maand of school without anything unusual happening. The murders had seemed to stop. No one in of around Forks had been killed so maybe the newborn had learned not to kill so often of someone had dealt with it. I felt kind of disappointed that I hadn’t been able to go after it and teach it a thing of two. I think it would be quite fun battling a newborn but since it decided to stop I guess I’ll just have to wait. Edward and I continued to have our silent conversations. It was weird, him being inside my head, but then how else could we talk about vampires and Azdis without being overheard? I missed Edward terribly when he wasn’t near me. We were alike in so many ways yet different at the same time. We were both fast, strong and mind-readers. But I was human, he a vampire, he was my enemy and I his prey. We could be ourselves around each other and at times we never spoke aloud to each other, just spoke in our minds. I hardly spoke to Charlie. After the change I felt he was expecting me to be out every night saving the world from horrible creatures but really all I wanted to do was be normal. If that could really happen when u can hear whoever’s thoughts u wanted to hear. Because of Charlie I was spending meer and meer time with Edward and I swear there was something he wasn’t telling me. He probably knew me better than I did; he had seen that much into my mind. but then he had this crazy idea that it was time that I met the rest of his family.
“I’ve already met the rest of your family!” I argued with him. That wasn’t totally a lie. I had spoken to Carlisle and Alice and waved at Rosalie, Jasper and Emmet once.
“Properly?” he asked. “You haven’t met Esme and she wants to meet the person who has been occupying so much of my time.”
“Edward,” I groaned. “Please don’t make me. I’m not very good at first impressions. When I first met you, I almost made u a murderer, and when I first met Carlisle, he was about to leave Forks.”
“Please, Kayla.” Edward pleaded with me. “For Esme. She’s dying to meet you.”
I sighed. “For Esme.”

I was stood in the living room of his house and there were six pairs of golden eyes on me.
“This is Kayla,” Edward introduced me.
I waved shyly at them, smiling.
There was only one person there that i didn’t recognise. She was small and slender, but not Alice-small, with a heart-shaped face and caramel-coloured hair. i assumed this was Esme. As soon as she saw me she walked up to me and hugged me. This surprised me as the only vampire who had hugged me before was Edward.
“Hello Kayla,” She spoke to me. “Welcome to the family.”
“Thanks,” I said, smiling at her.
Help me! I thought to Edward.
He wrapped one arm around my waist.
“She’s a bit shy, Esme,” Edward said, smiling slightly.
“Oh, there’s nothing to be shy about,” Esme smiled. “We’re perfectly normal.”
I nodded.
Help me.
Just be patient. Edward answered me. Let her talk to you.
Why can’t we just go upstairs to your room?
I was so nervous I felt like sprinting out of there. I knew this would happen. I would get here and meet Esme and I wouldn’t be able to speak because I would be so nervous that I felt I might throw-up if I opened my mouth. Suddenly a wave of confidence washed over me and my nervousness disappeared. I didn’t even need to ask where it had come from. I already knew what Jasper could do.
Jasper. Edward confirmed.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs Cullen,” I zei to Esme, now that I knew there was no chance of me being sick.
“Please, call me Esme,” Esme spoke, noticing now that I was a bit less shy.
I smiled warmly at her.
“I think I’ll take Kayla upstairs now,” Edward zei and he guided me to a set of wide stairs. We ran up them, quickly.
That was scary.
You find meeting my mother scary but hunting down a dangerous newborn fun?
I shrugged.
We walked down a long hallway and passed a number of doors before coming to a stop at the end.
“My room,” he said, opening the door and leading me through. One whole uithangbord of his room was purely glass. Another uithangbord was stacked shelf after shelf of CD’s. A high-tech looking sound system was in the corner of the room. There was no bed but a very big black leather sofa.
“Very nice,” I said, looking around the room. I walked over and lay down on the sofa. “Very comfortable.”
Edward chuckled and sat on the arm of the sofa at my head. He very lightly stroked my cheek with his finger. I tried to keep my hart-, hart from racing at the touch of his cool skin but I failed miserably.
“Are u ok?” he asked me. “Do u need anything?”
I stood up.
“I actually do need a drink,” I said.
“No problem.” He said. “There’ll be something downstairs.”
“You have food in your kitchen?” I asked. “I thought u don’t eat.”
“We have to keep up the pretence of being human and that includes buying groceries.”
“Oh.” I nodded.
“I’ll be back in a minute.”
He left the room and I began to look around. I picked up a book that was lying on a shelf. To Kill a Mockingbird. This book looked like it had never been read. It was pristine. I opened it and flicked through it but the paper was still sharp. It sliced my finger.
“Ow!” I put the book down and shook my hand, hoping it would get rid of the pain. Obviously it didn’t.
Alice who was passing Edward’s room with Jasper looked in.
“You ok?” she asked.
“Fine, just got a paper cut.” I smiled to reassure her it was nothing but her eyes widened. My eyes slid to Jasper. The newest member to the Cullen Family and still adjusting to their way of life. I saw it all in slow motion. Jasper’s nostrils flared, filling his nose with the scent of my blood. Alice was too late in trying to hold him back and he charged at me. His eyes were dark and dangerous, his thoughts only filled with the thirst burning in his throat and how my blood would satisfy it. I panicked. This was different with Edward. I was prepared for his attack and we were only playing, this wasn’t playing. This was real and this was my life in danger. My muscles froze as Jasper advanced on me. I needed something to distract him with, something to hit him with that will divert his attention for at least a few seconden to make my escape. My eyes scanned the room for anything big enough. I saw a big mirror hanging on the wall. But Jasper would reach it before me. I panicked, wishing I could reach out, pull it off the uithangbord and hit him with it. I could see it now, the mirror flying off the uithangbord and smacking Jasper side on, knocking him over.
“Kayla! Run!” Alice screamed at me.
I looked at Jasper, who was lying on the floor, covered in shards of glass. I didn’t know how of cared how it had happened – I just ran. I ran out of Edward’s room and down the stairs. I ran out of the house and into the woods that surrounded his house. I heard someone behind me, running just as fast and I only stopped when I heard Edward’s thoughts.
Kayla, stop. It’s Edward. Your safe.
I stopped running but the fear didn’t leave me. When I didn’t turn round to face him, Edward wrapped his arms around me. Only in his arms would I feel totally safe.
“I’m bleeding,” I whispered to him, trying to step away. I didn't want him to feel guilty over nearly killing me.
I’m fine. He wrapped his arms tighter around me.
“No, go,” I told him, trying to wrestle my way out his grip. I stuck my bleeding finger in my mouth trying to disguise the scent.
“You know you’re breath will only smell of blood,” he chuckled at me.
I won’t speak then.
He chuckled again.
Did u chuck that mirror at him? I thought of the mirror crashing down on Jasper and wondered if it had hurt him.
It didn’t hurt him, though he is feeling very guilty for scaring you. I didn’t throw the mirror at him, u did.
I frowned at him. I was nowhere it.
You did it with your mind.
I did?
He looked at me, a slight smile on his lips.
You truly do not know your own power, do you?
Obviously not.
Edward let me go, knowing what I was going to do. I removed my finger from my mouth now that it had stopped bleeding and I looked on the forest floor for a broken branch of twig. I found a twig and I concentrated very hard, envisioning with my mind it levitating in the air. And it did. I clapped my hands together and laughed. I let it fall and did it again and again and again. I would never tire of this.
I know u won’t
I turned to look at him and he had an amused expression on his face, probably because of me being fascinated door the littlest things. I made the twig fly at him, hoping it might hit him in the face but he caught it and snapped it with his hand. I was so occupied with my new telekinetic powers that I wasn’t really listening to Edward’s thoughts. I caught only a glimpse of them and it was enough to break my heart.
“No,” I ran back to him and wrapped my arms around him tight. “I know what you’re thinking and don’t do it.”
“Kayla.” Edward’s voice sounded pained.
“No, it was my fault,” I told him sternly. “Mine. Jasper didn’t mean to. He’s new at this vegetarian thing.”
“Kayla, it’s dangerous for u to be around my family. If I thought newborns were bad I should have brought u home pagina sooner.”
“No,” I repeated. “You can’t. u can’t stop leave me.”
“Kayla. If I wasn't here, u wouldn't see me and I wouldn't put u at risk. It’s for the best.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It is.”
He sighed. “I only want to protect you.”
“I can protect myself,” I said. “I stopped Jasper, didn’t I? I threw a mirror at him, for Christ’s sake!”
He couldn't leave me, I wouldn't let him. If I had to stand here all dag with my arms wrapped around him I would.
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t stop seeing you?”
I panicked. I couldn’t think of anything other than ‘because I zei so’. I still had my arms around him and held him even tighter, fearing he would leave right at that very seconde if I wasn’t quick enough. Tears began to fall from my eyes and I couldn't stop them. I tried to think of how I would feel if he left me now and all I could picture was this big hole he would leave in my life. Then it hit me.
“I love you,” I whispered.
posted by WritenOnTheSand
We pull up to the house just seconden after my Dad. I leap out of the car and dash towards the front door.

Quickly, I run inside and to the garage.

"Jake!" I try to catch his attention before Dad gets to him. But I know I am too late because I can already hear my Dad talking.

"What's up with you, Edward?" I hear Jake ask from the other room.

"How could u do this to my daughter?" His demands are loud and angry. I can almost hear the frown on his lips.

"What are u talking about?" Jake naturally seems a little joyed door driving him nuts. Even though they have this so called friend ship. Well...
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posted by CarlislesLover
This isn't the end!

I stood there shocked no normal vampire was this skinny and I didn’t think that if a vampire didn’t have blood for a while that it would make them lose weight. He breathed in and turned around to face me. “WHAT DO u WANT u MONSTER?” I screamed at him. I was so angry that he had threatened to kill my friend and that he’d been following me and my daughter. “I want you” He whispered “WHO ARE YOU?” Alice put her hand on my shoulder wanting me to calm down. Renesmee was sat behind Hannah terrified and Hannah was just beyond shocked and scared. I could...
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posted by xroylex
"nessie are u sure this is what u want ? i mean u only just got here and now u want to leave i wont stop u if thats what you-" i cut him of its not what i wanted but its what i had to do to i dont know why i was leaving but my stomach felt like i had to.
"bye grandad its been great really"
he waved as i got on the plane even thought i knew it was the right thing to do it still hurt saying goodbye like that like i have left a peice of me here..

days weeks months passed and soon enough it was my 17th birthday party nothing could go wrong could it??
well i thought it couldnt

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posted by xroylex
"yeah i guess i am im sorry i lied to u grandma but i really didnt know what mum wanted me to say im so so so sorry"
"oh baby just stop right there of corse u didnt want me to know your mum i mean she will tell me the truth soon enough" she hugged me and zei the words i didnt want to hear
"i have to get home pagina to phile baby i will call u soon" she hugged me one last time and kissed me lightly on the cheek
"goodbye" i whispered when she turned her back on me i couldnt help myself from breaking down in to tears.

"charlie? charlie? are u here?" a deep voise asked from the door way i looked...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Heyy guys this is part 4 of break up. And this is mainly just a convo she has wiv her friend hannah at work :)XXX

The volgende dag I was back to work. “Where were u yesterday?” Hannah asked “Long story” I told her. “Ok” she said. This was one of the good points about Hannah, if she asked u what had happened to u of where were u and u replied it doesn’t matter of I don’t want to talk about it. She would leave it and get on with whatever she was doing before. I was really worried about Renesmee after what had happened last night. I guessed it was the man in the black cloak...
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posted by CarlislesLover
hallo guys this is part 3 of break up finalyy XXX

I woke up in a hospital bed with Renesmee holding my hand. “Thank God you’re alive”

“Mum why are u so pleased that I’m alive. u should be pleased that you’re alive!”

“What happened? Did a man with a black mantel come into your school? If he did, did he say anything to you?”

“Mum what are u on about. I think you’re seeing things. Let me get the doctor back in here”

“NO!!! I don’t need a doctor. I saw a man in a black mantel on the way to work, he was a vampire. I noticed he was walking towards your school so I turned...
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posted by CarlislesLover
This is the seconde part of break up and it's 10 years on from before. Enjoy!!XX

It had been ten year’s since I last saw Edward and the rest of the family. I hardly ever thought about them now, I just got on with life. Renesmee and I lived in England now. We had a massive house with gorgeous views. I sat and watched the sun rise over the fields lighting each one of them up. Farmers started putting their animals into the field. It was spring time and all the lambs had just been born. Renesmee liked the lambs they were always a joy to her seeing them play in the field. Occasionally the farmer...
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posted by a-jforever
The idea is hopefully I will get in all the cullen's POV's eventually. Please let me know what u think Xxx

Carlisle POV
I was sat reading in my study, out of boredom meer than anything else. I think I had read this book about three times already. “Honey, you’re going to be late to work.” Esme smiled leaning against the door frame. I looked up at her putting the book down. “Thanks” I caught her waist kissing her softly on the lips before grabbing my bag and heading down the stairs. “I’ll see u later.” I called to everyone. Rose peeked her head around the door to wave. I chuckled...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hi guys this is my new fan fiction break up.
I'm writing 4 artikels at the moent lol.
So I hope u all like this one.

It was a relief after the Volturi had gone everything was back to normal well almost.

I’d just come back from a new club in Las Vegas it was three o’clock in the morning and I knew Edward wouldn’t be happy. The only reason I went to the club was because I was hunting when a poster blew into my face about it. I hadn’t had fun in ages and I’d never been to a club before so I decided to go. I had a great time anyway, yes I nearly ended up playing strip poker...
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posted by CarlislesLover
I hope u all ike it

I knew she would probably follow me, but if she was clever she would stay at home. I drove faster than usual to my house. I pushed the car as fast as it could go trying to get away from her, not wanting to hurt her. I got home pagina at last parking my car in the drive and went inside. “Edward your back so soon, is everything ok?” Alice asked she quite obviously hadn’t seen the argument Bella and I had just had. “Yes everything is fine Alice, I’m quite sure u would have seen if anything happened” I smiled at her “So where’s my baby sister-to-be then!?”...
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posted by a-jforever
A while since I geplaatst the first bit so i thought maybe I would post another. Hoep u like it XX

8 Years later

“Come on Heidi u going to be late for school.” I rolled lazily out of bed. I was now fourteen years old. Mature and very grown up. I took a douche wrapping my hair in a towel. I dressed into my tight fitted white blouse, short black rok and fishnet tights. I took off the towel that was on my head, letting my mahogany ringlets hang to my waist. I brushed them smiling to myself. I wasn’t vain, I didn’t think. I was just happy to be pretty. “Heidi, come on Bens at the door...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Okay so this is happens a week before Bella and Edward are ment to get married
I hope u like it XX

It was the weekend at last. Charlie was working and I was at home pagina on my own no different to any other day. I’d been led in bed for the last uur doing nothing which was very unlike me. I lay on my bed taking up as much space as possible on it. I felt lazy today like doing nothing just lying around , right now I wished I could have servants bringing me breakfast in bed, doing everything for me. My lovely dream was interrupted door a knock at the door. I couldn’t really be bothered to answer it,...
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posted by dordie
It was the middle of the night, me and edward had a massive argument so he stayed at Rosalies house with her and emmet.
I was lonley lied in bed on my own with just 'the bump' as a friend, well a child pretty soon.

"OUCH" I screamed! Contractions........hard contractions.

I called Alice to take me to Carlisle but just as I went of the phone, my waters broke. I was just 15 minuets away from giving birth. While I'd been pregnant I couldnt eat real food that often, all the baby wanted was blood, blood and well.....more blood!
As we reached his house I got carried out of the car, and then layed on the sofa. Five minuets later I gave birth, it was a girl.
I decided to call her Renesmee!
posted by kiwi12
part 27

I walked back to my room and started writing in an attempt to organize my scattered thoughts.

Dangers: Them losing there tempers, Accidents, Me forcing them to hurt me (example: biting Seth)

Inconveniences: Eating, Sleeping, Phasing, A house

Benefits: Parents, siblings?

Then, something dawned on me. I’d been thinking about the vampires’ strength and speed as a danger. Could the power around me also be a benefit? A protection? It was like trusting a man with a machine gun to protect you. Wise, yet stupid. From what I’d observed Edward, Jasper and Emmett were not the kind of boys to...
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Nikki's POV
I woke up! My head hurt ! I remind of Kellan leaving me!
“You love Taylor”
-No! I don’t love Taylor! I love u - I zei it softly, even though he wasn't there.
Today we would start shooting, what meant I was going to see him!
I put a purple t-shirt, jeans, all stars and sunglasses! I entered in my car and I drove slowly to the set!
When I came to the set, Kristen came to talk to me, she didn’t know yet about my awful night, but my eyes have betrayed me!
-What’s happened, dear?
-He kissed me!
-Isn’t that good?
-No! Because he zei that he was sorry, and that...
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posted by kiwi12
Part 26

I couldn’t stay with vampires. That was insane. I shook my head in answer to Carlisle’s vraag “It’s impractical” I sighed. “Why?” he asked. “It’s dangerous and I sleep and eat and…” He cut me off gently “Wait. Take a moment to collect your thoughts. Come up with a lijst and we’ll go through it.” I stayed in his arms quietly and made my list. I nodded when I was done. He smiled encouragingly “Go ahead” I decided to start with one that had to do with his family, rather than my safety. “I have to eat and sleep it would be a significant incontinence for...
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posted by Bella_Cullen902
It's been so long since i even thought about writing on here. I'm so excited that i still have people reading my stories and i have new fanpop-ers too.

Let me get my thoughts together and get my schedule together also because im in the middle of my two week testing. I will write and it will be before the middle of may i will have two new chapters out!

Tell me which story u want me to write on first and ill try and get it together. But for now until after April 30, 2010, u have to be paitent! i get my progress reports volgende week and im getting projects every 2 weeks so i might not be on here every dag but i will be on maybe once of twice a week, three times if i can but all of u know that the end of the school jaar is the hardest time of the year.

I LOVE u ALL!!!,
posted by Darktimes104
I'm going to try to make this one and the rest of them longer. Thanks for reading!

Emmett's POV

My chest ached from were my hart-, hart was beating against it. My throat was sore probably from all my screaming. I haven't screamed so much in my life. I felt a soft hand on my arm and what felt like a damp cloth on my forehead. I was very soothing. The pain wasn't there anymore, I felt the aftermath of it though. My bones hurt, my chest ached, and my throat is sore. I was afraid to open my mouth to speak, I was afraid if I did, the screams would start again. I settled for opening my eyes, a large room...
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thanks for the great commentrs. hallo guys, if u wanna read meer of my GOOD ff go onto and zoek marsbareater12
My best story on there is Jacob Rape messed u[p Bella; but there is like 8 otherson tehre. They are-
Infamous Cruelty and Endless Compassion-Esmes story (should be geplaatst soon)
When I left-A two-shot (may be expanded on) on when Edward left Bella. Set in EPOV and CPOV. (should be geplaatst soon)
Jacob Rape Messed up Bella-20 chapters on there
Alice Pregnant-About 5 chapters on at the mo.
Lost Control-A bout 5 chappies on there right now. Ste in varying POVS
Newborn Virus-Should...
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posted by kiwi12

Jasper touched my shoulder lightly so that I would face him. "Are u alright?" I asked him, holding him tightly. He didn't hold me back. He stiffened. When I looked into his eyes, they were hard and for once, I could read nothing in them. "You know what happened?" he asked me, as if he already knew. I nodded "Are u alright?" I asked again. He looked at my forehead sourly, refusing to meet my eyes. He shook his head "I killed a man. You're worried about me?" He demanded brusquely.

I let go of him and sat down, moving my head so that he wouldn't see how his words had hurt me. Of course,...
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