Winchester's Journal Club
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Dean Winchester: Neil, it's your grief counselors. We've come to hug.

Dean Winchester: It takes two to... u know... have hardcore sex.

Dean Winchester: I think she went out to rent Beaches.

Dean Winchester: What's dead should stay dead! Didn't u see Pet Sematary?

Dean Winchester: [Giving another fake name] My name's Alan, Alan Stanwick.

Dean Winchester: Damn, that dead chick can run!

Sam is watching porn on the tv in the motel room when he heres Dean start to enter and quickly turns it off as he walk in. Dean stops, and gives Sam a funny look
Sam Winchester: What?
Dean Winchester: Awkward.

Dean Winchester: We can't just waste her with a headshot?
Sam Winchester: Dude, you've been watching way too many Romero flicks.

Sam Winchester: Silver bullets?
Dean Winchester: I've got enough to make her rattle like a change purse.

Re-burrying Angela's corpse
Sam Winchester: Rest in peace.
Dean Winchester: For good this time, okay?

Sam Winchester: Dean, what is it?
Dean Winchester: I'm sorry.
Sam Winchester: You...? For what?
Dean Winchester: The way I've been acting.
Long beat
Dean Winchester: And for dad. I mean he was your dad too, and it's my fault that he's gone.
Sam Winchester: What are u talking about?
Dean Winchester: I know you've been thinking it, so have I. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Back at the hospital, fully recovery, it was a miracle and five minuten later dad's dead and the colt's gone.
Sam Winchester: Dean...
Dean Winchester: u can't tell me there's not a a connection there. I don't know how the demon was involved. I don't know how the whole thing went down exactly, but dad's dead because of me and that much I do know.
Sam Winchester: We don't know that, not for sure.
Dean Winchester: Sam, u and dad your the most important people in my life. And now... I never should have come back Sam, it wasn't natural, and now look whats come of it. I was dead and I should've stayed dead. u wanted to know I was feeling, well thats it. So tell me, what could u possibly say to make that alright?

Dean Winchester: Sam, if u bring up dad's death one meer time, I swear...
Sam Winchester: Please, Dean it's killing you, please. We've already lost dad, we've lost mom, i've lost jessica, now i'm gunna lose u too.
Dean Winchester: We better get out of here before the cops come. I hear you, okay? Yeah, I being an ezel and I'm sorry.
Sam nods
Dean Winchester: But right now we got a freaking zombie running around, we need to figure out how to kill it.
Sam smiles
Dean Winchester: Right?
Sam Winchester: Our lives are weird man.
Dean Winchester: Your telling me. Come on.
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