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99% Of Screenplays Are Not Garbage - Andrew Zinnes via FilmCourage.com.
added by amutokitty
added by amutokitty
posted by BellaSwan636

"Why did u leave?"

I wish I could tell him why. But seeing him again din't ease the pain. Not one bit. The agony only multiplied. All of the feelings I had suppressed were clamouring to be acknowledged.

Ashleigh peeked out from her curtain of hair, and made eye contact with him.

My hart-, hart skipped a beat. She was his child too, I knew that, but he maybe he wouldn't want anything to do with her of me. He probably hated me.

Ansking the vraag I had feared the most, he said, "Is this her?"

I looked at the ground.

"I can't do this again," the words hurt me to say them, but I could never force...
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I woke up that morning exhausted and numb. I had no idea where I was, and for a spleet, split seconde I panicked. Then, like floodgates opening, it all came back. The hurt, the tears, the anger; my newest scar. Suddenly I had an idea. What if this was all just a terrible nightmare? What if Lyn was waiting for me in the keuken-, keuken like always? I hurried out of bad, pausing to only make sure I was decent for my cousins. I stepped out of the room onto the cold tile. The house had an eerie morning silence, so with every step I took I hesitated. I hadn't prayed in a long time but I did then. "Please, pretty...
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posted by EmilyMJFan910
Based on a short film door EmilyMJFan910.

Sapphire was a normal girl. She was very happy with her life and saw herself as lucky. But she had one very special trait.
Sapphire loved to daydream.
She daydreamed every day, all dag long. She dreamed about flying! Romance! Animals! Anything and everything. But mostly, she dreamed about changing into someone different. One minuut she was a mermaid, another she was a princess. One she was a celebrity, the other she was an adventurous horse rider. But sometimes, when Sapphire was dwelling in the deepest of her daydreams, she would get carried away, causing...
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posted by rory2011
the sun is almost disappeared
when people were doing their normal works
there was something under the ground calling
only the good people heard the voice
they crowded to see what's going on

it was that beautiful princess ,calling under the ground
she zei that she was locked over than 40 years
and she's ready to use her magic for the person
who can give her ,her freedom
people ran to every single inch in my country
screaming :"freedom ,freedom ,freedom"

it was raining ,but people never give up
it's raining dumdum ,buckshot ,from every where
the good people looked around them
there was a black horses...
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posted by hgfan5602
In the darkness,
No one is here for me.
I feel lonely,
And my feet tremble.

The grads have gone,
Some my closest friends...
Remember the times that we had?
We let them slip door when things got bad.

Remember the times...
When we shared a sno-cone
When we cried together
When we laughed together
When we jumped in the pool
All in unison.

It's funny how I feel so much
But I cannot say a word.
I will remember you.
u will always be in my heart.
u have gegeven me so many memories
To last.

u are a handprint on my heart.
It cannot be erased.
u motivate me.
u are what I can do today.
u are an amazing person.
u are what I am today.

All that I am today is because of you.
u will never leave my heart,
Even if u do leave me in life.
posted by mitchie19
10. M A K E I T H A P P E N

“Yo, Sean, what up?” I shouted. Sean’s a football player, the quarterback of the team. Mostly he likes shaking his blonde hair. Sean’s living room was filled with my friends, Toby, Jason, Michael, and Chris. “I’m great, man. God, Melissa nailed me!” Sean said. We did a high five. The guys were watching Sports Channel.
I drank the can of Pepsi I was holding. “Look, look, look!” Toby was pointing at the flat-screen. “Another round left then the Toro’s will be champion!” Chris and Michael were shouting. I joined them.
“That was a two-point...
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posted by hikaru13
    Her chestnut-brown hair flowed down her back, reaching down to her elbows. When the sun shone its bright light rays on it, her hair shimmered like the way water does when light hits the surface. Her eyes were a pair of brilliant emerald-green orbs that held innocence and kindness. Her smile...Her smile told u that see was an absolute angel that was sent from the heavens above.

For allI cared, she was our new next-door neighbor.


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posted by 1-2vampire
Every book u read has a different style of writing. It's the way people write, the way they paint that image in your head. No voice is the same. No voice should be copied. If u do not come up with your own style, then how will u come up with your own, unique plot?

u don't need to think about this "voice". When u write, it automatically comes to you. Don't try and make a good voice, because it will come out all wrong.

It will come naturally to you, and then if it is good, then u know u have a natural gift. Some people have to tweak their style a little, but never a lot.

This may sound a bit confusing, but when of if u ever get to that stage, you'll understand.
posted by TeamRosalieHale
25: Freewill

They walked up the metal staircase, stepping on a solid metal platform that extended from one uithangbord to the next. This room was much brighter, lit door dozens of lights, one area tucked away in a corner was nearly blanketed in darkness. Jack walked half-way across it before he stopped and looked down. “What is this?” she asked though she suspected she knew the answer.
“It’s where the magic happens.” She looked down, several people in white lab coats walked around two people on separate hospital beds, they were motionless and were hooked up to life support systems. They moved...
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posted by TeamRosalieHale
17: Wheel in the Sky

Dying is not what most people think it is-nothing flashes before your eyes, there’s no white light of what have you. The only thing I felt was pain, the blood flowing through my overhemd, shirt and fingers, making them sticky and beginning to form a jas on my clothes. I couldn’t see much beyond the few feet in front of me, the sun had long such set and darkness had fallen on snel, swift wings. There was one sound: my blood pulsing like it was right in my ears. Eventually I made it to the gras heuvel where I fell, too weak to walk another step.
While I lay there, certain I was destined...
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posted by I_love_Mikey
It would be nice if the world worked like a remote.

Where, if u were in a bad situation, u could pause it, and still keep moving yourself.
Where, if u happened to be in a bad situation, u could press “pause” and think of what to do next.
Where u could completely abandon certain aspects of life, like selecting a different episode.
But, if u skip an episode, u don’t learn what u need to learn from it, and u get confused on the volgende one. You’ll be behind, and unable to catch back up. Because u just can’t stand to watch that episode that comes first.
It’d be nice if we...
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Why I Changed The Way I Write Screenplays - Jadon Cal via FilmCourage.com.
When Writing Screenplays This Is The Mistake That Most Actors Make - Billy busje, van Zandt via FilmCourage.com.
If u Want To Sell A Screenplay... Here's What u Need To Know - Jason-Shane Scott via FilmCourage.com.
posted by ZekiYuro
Here are some meer texts from people.
1.Writing and then sending a funny e-mail of text message to my friends.And of course,imagining their faces when they read it.

2.I really like driving at night when there's no traffic,listening to my favourite music.I feel completely free.

3.Staying in bed on Sunday morning and reading the newspaper.Then getting up very late and having my dog for a walk.

4.I enjoy going to the jym and really getting tired then taking a long hot douche followed door a nice hot cup of tea.There's nothing better.

5.Turning off my computer at the end of the day.Leaving work,and getting into my car to go home!It's the best moment of the day.I love it!
Hannah met Jamie in the summer of 2004.It was Hannah's 21st birthday and she and her vrienden went to a club.They wanted to dance,but they didn't like the muziek so Hannah went to speak to the DJ."This muziek is awful,",she said."Could u play something else?"The DJ looked at her and said,"Don't worry,I have the perfect song for you."

2 minuten later he said:''The volgende song is door Coldplay.It's called Yellow and it's for a beautiful girl who's dancing over there."Hannah knew that the song was for her because she was wearing a yellow dress.When Hannah and her vrienden left the club,the DJ was waiting...
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added by cassie-1-2-3
Kaleb explains how to write a book
how to
kaleb nation