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Spirit ran down the halls of the Death Weapon Meister Academy as fast as his legs would carry him. He entered the school’s hospital and sat down on the bed, putting his head in his heads. “I screwed up. Maka isn’t even at school right now. All this risk for nothing. The only place to see Maka is at the academy, so I came, sure, but coming here means I might run into him. FRANKIN STEIN!” Hidden under all the terror in his voice was a certain tone of something else, something deeper. Something that sent a sharp pang through his heart. He pushed the feeling down and rubbed his temples. “All I wanted was to see my daughter. Instead I’m staring straight into the face of danger.” His eyes burned with determination. “Don’t worry, Maka, your papa’s not going to back down! I will overcome this obstacle and when I do you’ll know how much I love you! You’ll finally understand!” Spirit shook his head to clear it and rose to his feet, dancing around the room. “But before I do all that I need to have the lovely school nurse heal my wounded hart-, hart and give me courage. Yes!” The door opened and Spirit latched onto the person who stood in the doorway, nuzzling his head against their chest. “I’ve been waiting for you, gorgeous!”
Stein looked down at him. “You’ve never called me that before.”
Spirit’s eyes snapped open and he swallowed hard. He slowly lifted his face and shrieked when his eyes fell on Stein’s face. He duif under the covers and tried to control his violent shaking; this is not what he needed right now. “G-Go away! My scars just disappeared and I don’t need any new ones!”
Stein stepped inside the hospital and stood at the end of the bed. “Don’t be so cold. After all, scars weren’t the only things I gave you.”
Blood rushed to Spirit’s face. “Don’t speak to me that way. I have a daughter. I have a wife.”
Had a wife,” Stein corrected him.
Spirit growled and launched off the bed at him. He gripped the kraag of his lab jas and shook him. “You heartless bastard! Why would u remind me of that?! You’re a cold blood, vicious, psychotic son of a-”
“That’s enough, Spirit.” Stein’s tone was gentle and came off his tongue like a caress.
Spirit stopped, taken aback door his soft tone. His hands started shaking and his eyes dropped. Stein’s voice had always been his downfall, that deep...soothing...handsome voice; it made his knees go weak and his hart-, hart skip a beat. He let go of him and turned away. “Don’t u have a class u should be teaching?”
“The kids are at lunch, Spirit, u know that. Don’t try to push me away.”
Spirit let out a harsh laugh. “You have no right to say that to me. You, of all people.”
“Now what are u accusing me of?” Stein put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.
Spirit turned back to him, his eyes blazing. “I’m accusing u of being a heartless tyrant who only cares about himself!” He pushed past him and ran out of the door. This is why he hadn’t wanted to run into Stein. He knew that Stein would get inside his head and reel him back in. He couldn’t let that happen. He would hide for the rest of his life from Stein if it would keep his hart-, hart from being broken again.
Stein watched him run with emotionless eyes. He blew out a puff of smoke and instead of it taking the shape of a skull it took the space of a broken heart. He narrowed his eyes and waved away the smoke. “He always was very emotional.” His eyes clouded slightly. “I wonder...Could he have a point? No. I never meant to hurt him. He could never expect me to, as a scientist, not continue with my experiments.” Stein put out his cigarette and turned, walking out of the hospital. He could never have kept Spirit’s interest because Spirit left everyone who cared about him. Stein’s eyebrows furrowed as he thought, He has no right to be upset with me. He can never stay with one person so how could he have stayed beside me? He is a stone cold hypocrite.
And with that single thought Stein vowed to put a uithangbord between himself and Spirit, even though that vow sent a shooting pain through his chest

I give all credit of the first set of lines in the beginning of this artikel to the Soul Eater anime and its creators.
It had been a week since Spirit had been confronted door Stein in the hospital and he had been on guard ever since, so as not to run into him again. He had run away from Stein in tears and had cried himself to sleep. Seeing him was like getting a slap in the face, a painful reminder of the past. Even now, Spirit sat on the floor in the death room, bawling. “That’s enough!” Death chopped his head.
“Ah!” Sprit lay on the ground, his head pounding and tears still rolling down his cheeks.
“Quit your whining! I don’t want my scythe crying in front of the teachers.”
“Huh?” Spirit looked...
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Spirit sleepily opened his eyes and let out a soft, pleasured moan. A large, gentle hand slowly stroked his hair. How he loved those hands. Spirit looked into Stein’s luminous green eyes. “How long have u been awake?” The only light in the room that allowed them to see each other came from the moon light that spilled in through the cracks in the curtain.
“Not long.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Well, I didn’t want to wake you. u were sleeping so peacefully.”
“So you’ve been watching me sleep?” Spirit rolled over on his other side so his back was to Stein. “Perverted...
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Stein and Spirit walked back to the motorcycle, Stein’s forehead still bleeding. “How are we going to drive all the way back to Death City tonight? We can’t do t with your head bleeding like that.”
Stein wiped at the blood. “We’ll have to get a hotel to stay in.”
“Fine. But let me drive there. u can hardly see with blood in your eye.”
“Good idea. u drive. That way I won’t have to deal with this pain. We’ll probably crash and die on impact.”
“I am an excellent driver!” Spirit got on the bike. “Just get on and keep your snide commentaren to yourself for once.”
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posted by Silver_Neko
Not really sure how to feel about it
somethin’ in the way u move
makes me feel like I can’t live without you
it takes me all the way,
I want u to stay…
    Ciel hugged his knees on the corner of his bed. His moon lit room seemed to glow with cold, lonely light as he looked up at the silvery moon. Ciel gave a long sigh. He had been waking in the middle of the night often now, and he couldn’t shake the bitter feeling of loneliness from his mind. Ciel felt the corner of his eyes burn.
    Damn it…, the earl thought to himself. He honestly had...
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