Yoshi and Birdo hallo Fellow Yoshi and Birdo lovas!!

Dynofox15 posted on Aug 08, 2013 at 06:40PM
We need to start making this club more well known too!! Yoshi and Birdo's name need to be more out in the crowds and I know just how to do it! Add more pictures, write more stories, do whatever it takes to make this club even more amazing than it already is!! I know I'm gonna help alot on here! What about you guys? Are you in??
 We need to start making this club meer well known too!! Yoshi and Birdo's name need to be meer out in

Yoshi and Birdo 2 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden Dynofox15 said…
This club isn't so lonely as long as we work together on this to make Yoshi and Birdo's club more popular,even though Yoshi and Birdo WILL ALWAYS be STARS to me!!
 This club isn't so lonely as long as we work together on this to make Yoshi and Birdo's club meer pop
een jaar geleden Dragon-88 said…
I'm in. LET'S DO THIS!
Dynofox15 commented…
thank you! at least someone other that myself replied to this... een jaar geleden