Young Justice OC'S!!! Club
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posted by -BelovedRobin
Behind the curtains production was under wraps. The espresso was sapping out the filter like boom sap whereas the silver canister spieled fluffiest of whip cream on top, boven of the freshest coffee in the city of Emerald. Spit-shine shoes tapped to the beat of the crowds bustling mummers. Hips clad in well-fitted flanellen broek, broek swayed along with the smooth dissonance of the plucking bass. Upon entry it was the embodiment of chaos surely to run a slicking stun upwards of any spin the cats dragged in. Yet just as the cloying essences tease their taste buds until they were begging for me like a porn ster of when the clear, bone-rattling brass buzz with passion leaping off their tongue, licking the hidden Jazz ster to life in the newcomer soul.

“Please give a hand to Miss. Aria!” The MC clapped her hands while she made way across the stage. Heels clopping against the ebony stage but scrap as she twisted her hips to face the thirsty crowd, she face gleamed with joy when she announces the volgende line-up of entertainment.

Pure charisma ignored door the rushing waiter elbowing his way to the thick crowd, he tried to get back to the safety of the counter. The long, cool surface fenced to keep the employees from the sometimes-vicious mob. Popping like a weasel, the purple scarf was freed from grubby hands. Jealous was meer like it, he thought.

Sighing, he slips to the other side of the counter, regrouping with his fellow mates. In unison they began to take their breaks, there wasn’t any point, the herd shuffle to the front. Sitting on top, boven of the stool, he peaked over the stacks of ingredients just to sneak a glimpse of the feeks, "vixen" in monochrome. The thick blonde hair slap over her shoulders, oh, how the waiter shivered at the thought of running his fingers through. Twirling the locks over and over again while those hips trapped in the slimmest pencil rok set on top, boven of him. Her leather gloves snapping in common time, her ruby lips barely moving,” A 1,2,3,4.”

She slide off the stool, her lips forming words but vocals producing door the hands of the angels,” Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear.” She teases with such expertise. Holding the value of each note to the point her audience is begging for more. “And it shows them... pearly white. Just a jackknife has old MacHeath, babe.”

Reality snatches him back with his pocket vibrating with a message waiting to be heard. The waiter forcefully pulled his attention away from the siren and pull out his phone.

“Nice work, Aria. Hope to see u again tomorrow.” Another waiter called out, to the passing bas, bass Queen. Glancing up momentarily, the waiter notice Aria was leaving with some fellow in shades and a killer smile to make any woman swoon. Close behind the pair, was another man in shades.

“London, it was swell hanging with you, but it’s obvious u need to hang something else tonight!” His voice boomed like a baritone.

“It quite seems like that, Charm. Until volgende time.”

The pair patted backs and part ways, leaving a hefty tip where they stalked. Another vibrates emerged and again, the waiter was brought back. He opens up the message, huh? It was from one of his Internet chums: OneHeart-OneSky otherwise Vash. A cute kid with a nice smile and a body of a female, he would hit it but for one: Vash has certain “care taker,” scratch that, bodyguards. To top, boven it off, one of his caretakers was like a one-man army; it bugs the waiter that he didn’t have the physique. Hell, he was older than the “punk” door a whole year! Plus, he just doesn’t like fooling around with virgins.

“Jeremy, I got lost while getting there.”

“Jeremy! Jeremy!”

His chuckles were overlapped door the exploding applause, Jeremy checked the time since he had it out. Almost Ten. Time to clock out, but before then scarf lover texted his lost pup.

“Wow u really are horrible with directions! LMAO. I’ll meet u up at the cafe u loser before u get rape of something. of meer LOST THAN u ALREADY ARE.”

In a matter of seconds, Vash already responded but it was left unread. Jeremy was slipping off his attire and already slipping out the door, waving his hand to his graveyard workers. Jeremy snuggled into his blazer, pulling his scarf to cover his mouth as he speed through the damp streets. His glasses occasionally fogged, taking them off he speed-walk blind as he cleans them.



Gibberish flew out of the wind as he body collides with another.

“Sorry, I was got distracted with my… Oh, hello there.” The frame slide up on his nose, Jeremy caught yet another victim of his distraction. “Let me help you.” Jeremy brought his hand out waiting for the woman to grip his hand.

“Don’t be sorry, mistake happen!” She clasps the shaken hand and with ease she popped right onto her toes. She brushes off her bright erwt jas just like the smile that tattooed her smooth cheeks. Yet, her smile shadows her red jas effortlessly when she finally notice whom exactly she bumped into. “Jeremy!”

Jumping she leeched onto him, hugging and swinging her hiked up legs while she held for dear life onto Jeremy’s shoulders.

“Fiona, what are u doing out?”
Carefully, Jeremy post Fiona onto the ground. Then he quickly straightens out his blazer and waited for an answer.

“Late night stroll! I absolutely love, love, love the sky after a rainstorm!” She giggled with glee practically leaping off the tip of her tongue and dancing with Jeremy’s emotions. “What are u doing, bud?” Fionna swung her hips vooruit, voorwaarts causing the tips of her hair to brush ever so slightly against her lowly back; she punctured each word with a jab at his chest.

“Work and Vash came from that haystack of a state for Thanksgiving.”

“Oh my glub, really? How come he didn’t tell me anything!” Fiona executed a pout and a kruis of her arms.

“He zei it was a last minuut thing, don’t take it up the butt Fi. Vash is well, Vash.” Jeremy shrugged at his commentary. “Wanna tag along, Fi?”

“Yes! I haven’t Vashe in ages!” She jumped up and down like a kid going to Disneyland. “Were are we meeting him at?”

“At the cafe, where else?”

Where else, indeed? This cafe wasn’t just your everyday cafe; this grand “A” coffee brewer is where bonds made of steel were made. of at least that’s what Vash believed. He sat awkwardly door the window, occasionally moving about making his butt to sink further into the vinyl embedding. He sighed into his coffee before taking a sip. Vash had a lot going in his mind at the moment: Dealing with his Father and Mother’s shenanigans, Olivier and Russ’ teasing but most of all, figuring out who Pow—

“Vash!!” Shoes squeaked down the walkway with her voice fading as she descends the path. In the end, Fiona tossed her hands over Vash’s shoulder and brought him in the warmest hug he hasn’t experience in awhile. However, despite knowing Fiona for years it still felt weird hugging her. Which is why Vash normally push her away door the 5-second mark.

“Don’t forget about me u peasants,” Jeremy announced, slipping down the red rubber.

“Jeremy! Say sorry, that’s just plain rude!” Fiona demanded, releasing Vash from her grasp.

“It’s fine!” Vash raised his hands in defense, honestly that wasn’t mean at all. He was called worst. “How about we order?”

Nodding in unison, the heat died down between the two swimmers. However, Fiona kept the warmth of her sing-songy voice in tune the whole conversation. Her words endless as well as Jeremy blunt commentary but each time Vash would always stop the feud before it erupts to something else. He doesn’t mind though, in fact he enjoys it.

“Fi, u honestly believe Aquaman is the best?” Jeremy huffed, taking another bite of his scone. “It’s all about Green Arrow.”

“Aquaman is ten timers koeler, koelwagen than that arrow head!” She slammed her muffin onto the table.

Quickly Vash cupped his coffee at the sudden jerk of the table. He watches idly at the pair squaring off at who’s the best and who’s the lamest. Vash just smiled through it all, heh… It felt strange, smiling for no reason and it actually hurt a little. Hiking up the corners of his lip, revealing his buckteeth to the world without the sensation of regret. Vash lifted the porselein cup into the air and brought it to his lips, taking in the silky brew down his throat. The heat took a nosedive into his stomach, creating an explosion of warmth throughout his body. He sighed at the feeling, Vash looked underneath his eyelashes to see the pair finally backing down. To his left, Fiona was fixing the golden ring encircled across her forehead. In front of him, Jeremy tossed his purple scarf over his shoulder and took another bite of his scone. Habitually, Vash gripped the S-shield symbol underneath his coat. All fondle items were gifts from one and another: Vash and Fiona knitted the scarf, Jeremy and Vash combine some there cash to be Fiona her golden tiara, and Jeremy and Fiona brought home pagina the S-Shield from their Comic-Con trip for Vash. Every since receiving the object, they would wear it all the time, as a mark of their friendship.

One wouldn’t these three wouldn’t be as great of vrienden at first glance: Jeremy’s snarky remarks and total elitist attitude, Fiona’s everlasting bubbly personality and Vash’s well, “Vashyness.” Yet, if someone were to guess they were friends, they somehow always guess right when it came to how they meet: Over the Internet and planned to meet in this very cafe.

“Is that Russ’ jacket?” Jeremy pointed with his extruding pinky before taking a sip of his tea.

“Yeah, he’s letting me borrow it while I’m here.” Vash admitted.

“Vash!” Fiona randomly burst, flailing her arms around Vash’s shoulders. “You didn’t tell me u and Russ were dating! Finally he took my advice!”

“Were not dating!” Fiona was pushed aside door Vash’s defensive tune. “Wha—what do u mean he took your advice?”

“Glub.” She peeped and quickly indulged herself into her neglected muffin.

“In my school, that’s a sign of two people dating.” Jeremy injected.

Suddenly Vash blush madly, him and Russ! No, that’s crazy talk! Vash replied,” I think every school is like that but that doesn’t mean we’re dating, he’s like a… bro.” He took his final sip of his coffee, trying to force down the idea of “bro.”

“Heh.” He frowned, placing his cup down. “Are those bullies still taunting you?” Jeremy eyed Vash’s fading bruises. “Why haven’t Russ done anything?” His voice was edge with obvious disgust in every syllable of his words.

“I hate u seeing u like this, Vash.” Fiona entangled Vash in her arms, snuggling with everything she has.” u know if Jeremy and me went to your school we would set them straight! Pow, Pow! AquaArrow 1: Bullies zip zap noda!”

“You guys… u don’t have to…” Russ removed himself and slump his head against the window. “Russ does help, but… but they harass me when he’s not around.”

Jeremy started to grind his teeth in frustration even Fiona was beginning to drop her glee. Both already knew and didn’t need to remind Vash that Russ is in his senior year, whereas Vash’s bullies are only Juniors. They don’t know how many times they tried to convince him to go to school here in Seattle instead of Kansas, but he always rejects the idea.

“I hardly get along with my mom even door just talking to her through the phone, plus I doubt she’ll let me on the computer as much as my dad does and make mention all those avondeten, diner parties she’ll force me to go.”

Sighing at their combined defeat, Fiona decided to lighten up the atmosphere,” if it’s not Russ, is there anybody on your mind?” She nudged him with an elbow, “I can promise u there’s one on mine!”

“Wh—What?!” Jeremy nearly drowns in his thee at the Fiona’s claims.

“I do but it’s not…” He couldn’t follow through the lie.

“Well, what’s his name?” Fiona leaned in anticipation.

“Yeah, what is his name?” Jeremy directed his vraag elsewhere.

Removing his head from the window, Vash looked each of them dead in the eye,” Power Lad.”
OOC: this will be a short part, and afther this there will be one meer small part in this teme.

Twan sat in his room cleaning his gun as his celphone rang, he awserd it and heard a slitly panict voice on the other end.
Twan ?
Yes it is me Babs, somting wrong? Your voice soundes worryd.
It is pinguin he got Batman and robing capterd at the docks.
Thad fat bird never learns his lesson. He zei whit a angry voice, but he soon callemd himself agien.
Oke stai were u are i will be there in a sec.
Oke but pleas hurry i got no idee wat pinuin will do to them.

Babs was waiting in the straat as a motercykel...
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posted by Robin_Love
Hands moved the hair out of her face and a smile came to her lips. She opened her eyes and the smile died from her face when she saw who it was. He just gave a little smile as he watched her sit up in bed. She ignored his presence and moved into the spacious closet to change.
“Well good morning to u too.”
“What do u want?”
“You already know.”
“I'll have your head on a platter.”
He laughed slightly and moved the hair out of his dark eyes.
“Would u like me to say it?”
“No. Not that u care.”
“True. What I want is you. Your power. That thing inside of u that keeps you...
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Tyler looked up, from the sleeping Becca in his arms, to a blonde boy with peircing blue eyes. A quick glance around the room reviled that everyone-Aryess, Willow, Lyss, and Vaxley -was asleep. "Shit.." Ty muttered gazing back at the the monster, who's stare made him shiver.

"Hey, Ter-" the firecaster started.
"I need Becca." Terror stated sternly. Defince struck Ty.
"Sorry, b-"
"Now." Blue eyes were narrowed and his lips were pursed in a small frown.
"Do u ever smile, Terror?"
The remark left the blonde unphased; a small curve pulled at his lips but quickly vanished as he took a step forward...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
"I'll be fine u guys can go now." Ashley told the girls, as they walked into the kitchen.
"Actually Canary told us to keep an eye on u till your brother comes home." Aryess said, taking a zitplaats, stoel at the counter. Ashley open the refrigerator and took out a bowl of ice cream.
"You guys want any?" Ashley asked, waving a spoon at them both with a smirk on her face.
Ashley returned to the refrigerator and took out two meer bowls of ice cream. She give both girls a spoon each and handed them the ice cream when she hear someone call Akash's name.
Melody walked in the keuken-, keuken with a shoulder bag...
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posted by SilverWings13
There was too much water. Surrounding her, soaking her. In her mouth, in her nose. Don't breath, don't breath. She tried not to follow the instinct to slikken a breath, but somehow the liquid forced its way inside. Too much water filling her lungs.
Too much red. The water was painted in it. There was a certain glow coming from some artificial source, but also a swirl of a seperate contamination. Too tired, too much blood escaping from the slash in her leg. Aryess had failed the mission of keeping the boot safe. The bomb had exploded, blowing a hole in the hull. The water heater had barely protected...
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posted by SilverWings13
Billionaires, business men, women dressed in lovely dresses. Champagne glasses, sparkling lights, and of course, the treasures of the evening. The precious jewelry and glittering gems. They were the most expensive objects in the room, even meer than the yacht the auction was taking place on. And for that reason, the blonde and her partner had been assigned tonight's security detail. It also helped that their teammate's father owned the ship and was hosting the event.
Her stormy grey eyes rested on the glistening blue brooch. An aquamarine rose ready to become the prize of the lucky bidder tonight....
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posted by Gunfire
Name: Natasha
Age: 17
Gender: famale
Clotes: she always wereas milaty gear, of a unifom, unless she needs to sneak somwere in.
Apareance: long hiar, color of it can difre frome were she is ansingd and wat her mison is, narmal body.
Personalaty: paronoid, does not trust easy, hates pepol using weald to opres others, always helps her comrades.
Skilles: sniper, exeled marxman, tactisan, field commander, knowes all kinds of martial ards, abel to use al kinds of wapons, extrodanry soldier.
wapons: an AK 74, a Dragonov, pistols, grenades, knives.

(( i am lazy so i just put it this way))
- she...
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"Shit, shit shit!" he thought as he threw the batter into the pan and looked at the clock. "Only an hour!?" He hissed, shoving the heart-shaped raw cake into the oven. Tyler turned to the keuken-, keuken and stared in horror. Flour powered every cranny of the room, egg shells cluttered the floor, the sugar bag was tumped over, so was the cooking oil but it was spilling on the floor. The brand caster groaned. He still had to dethorn the dazzling red roses, clean, douche and get dressed!

In a hurry he sped over to the roses and stared at them, a million thorns decorated each of the twelve flowers. How...
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His eye's narrowed into her's. A lively brand was sparked once again, and it settled right in her eyes lapping around.

It only ignited when rage pulsed through her veins, and Mrs.Blade has a lot rage.

The two were at a stand still, who would make the volgende move, he spoke with poison dripping off his words,"Ahh, and yet you're right once again, let me correct myself for all I do in your eyes are wrong."

Her lips curved into a frown even more,"How dare you! Assume I think I'm right all the time! I do not! You're the one who knows everything! Mr.I-Can't-Even-Tell-My-Wife-My-Real-Name!"

Ice met fire,"You...
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The titel says it all.
And no, I'm not leaving. That's not to say that I'm not pissed off at all u people. And I'm warning u now, u might hate this. u might get offended, u might hate me, but I don't give a flying Grayson about that. u guys have taught me just how stupid online drama is, and just how important it is NOT to let yourself get affected door it. So flame me all u want. I just need to rant.
Seriously, when did all this shit start happening? First our lovely Esmerelda decides to "leave forever" (anyone wanna count the number of times he's zei that? Good. I didn't think...
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posted by BloodyMascara_

*Shrugs* Cheer, cry, be happy, sad, angry, dunno.
Too much drama, feelings feelings feelings, this is all gonna be fluff, so if u need the point of this article, skip to the bottom.

Love u guys, really do, but this drama is toooooo much.

So, me and my OC's are going on a... vacation.

u can still post on my wall, IM, inbox me, ect.

Just takin' a break from the club.

And if I'm a depressed emo faggot to you, not your fault. Stuff has happened, I should be fine in a bit.


Fly on~
-Raven, gone.
posted by WingsOfDeath
Couple years in the future, I'm not telling when...

"Their beautiful..." The Angel looked down at her newborns.
"Yeah." Fang smiled.
"Get the kids out of here. Now." Tara burst into their room, guns drawn.
"What? Why!?" Pure terror in the Angel's voice.
"No time, just go!"
Fang picked up his wife, and snapped out his wings. Tara fired at the blur that crashed in the door, only to miss.
"NO!" Devin screeched, the young baby being snatched from her. The other child was snatched door the same blur. Tara restrained Devin from flying after her children, while Fang blurred after the assailant.
"LET ME GO!"...
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Name: Amethyst

Actual Name: Rocky Spirit

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Date of Birth: October 31

Appearance: Pale skin, purple hair that goes down her back and bangs that cover her right eye, purple eyes, about 5 foot 4 inches, slim body build, very skinny (can see a lot of her bones)

Personality: Serious, a bit anti-social((I am not anit-social *nods*)), paranoid (when people try to touch her), sweet hearted, kind, stressed

Civies: black ski mask, sky blue infinity scarf, black long sleeved shirt, light brown parka, sky blue gloves with grips, regular colored skinny jeans, black high heel boots

Hero Outfit:...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Canary's Cage
Canary's Cage
This will answer one of the vragen that was asked.

{This will be Devin's point of view.}

People always see Angels as perfect, free of all pain and worry. They have no clue how wrong they are. Angels are only a shred of the perfection of Heaven. Not all of us sing of play harps. Not all of us have perfect white wings. Not all of us have fair hair. They're are thousands of Angels. Each has a story, some have scars, and few have enemies. Rarely would an Angel have experienced all three.
I am one of those rare ones. And I'm even meer rare. Because it's near impossible for Angels to find that perfect...
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posted by GlitterPuff
“You know how to bring her back? She won’t end up looking different, of act different, will she?” She chuckled a little and shook her head.

    “She will be exactly the same as she was when she was alive; she just might be slightly weaker.” He looked at her, slightly confused.

    “So, how does she come back to life?” She smiled slightly.

    “Leave that to me…”

    “And why should I trust you?” Twan said.

    “Because if u piss me off, after I fix Rene; I could kill you...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"So you're just going to let him leave to D.C.?" Lexi stared at her older brother. 
"You're stupid! That's crazy u idiot! He'll get himself killed!"
"No he won't." 
"Yes he will Jaime! He'll kill the President, be banned from the Military and THEN die!" Lexi folded her arms across her chest.
"He won't kill the President Lexi, stop daydreaming." 
"Then u obviously don't know him." 
"Actually I do, but u don't. Dad is going to D.C. for a meeting with House of Representatives, and the President to talk about what was stolen from the Navy." Jaime put his hands in his pockets, staring and his little sister.
"And what makes u think he won't go crazy?"  
"Nudge will keep him under control. Trust me." Lexi almost dropped the phone that was in her hand. 
"Nudge? I thought she retired." 
"Nope, and Jack will be with her. Things will be fine." Jaime opened his wings an soared upwards. "You coming home pagina of what?" Lexi sighed and followed him. 
posted by SilverWings13
The screen door creaked open as Alek stepped out onto the porch. It only took a moment to spot Nic leaning against the railing. He was staring out at the clearing that they used for a training floor. The teen approached him slowly, his bare feet silent on the wood planks. He stood beside his leader for a time, arms crossed over his chest. Finally the older boy spoke.
"Marquez is dead. She couldn't have done this."
"Suppose she is alive."
"She isn't."
The Brit pressed his lips in a thin line, not answering.
"She may not have died in that fire. Perhaps she escaped as you, Jasper, and Ary did."...
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(( Bentleys P.O.V ))

Never have I, Bentley Spencer Thompson thought I was right for the hero type of role....I was just a human, a depressing and sad person to be around and ruined others days with my problems...., I never thought I could ever end up with a girl like Aryess....s-she was beautiful, almost always had a smile on her face. Something I didn't toon of thought I ever had, I stared at her as I burried my cheek into the hoofdkussen, kussen I was lying on. The expression on her face was absolutely priceless as she continued her deep slumber, I smiled at her pulling up the blanket higher up over her...
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posted by Blitz359

~5 minuten later~
While Sasha prepared drinks for the teens, everyone else gathered together in the room, waiting for an explanation. Richi didn't say a word, however, as his head still hurt from the recent blows that came from the fists a certain blonde boy standing volgende to Silver. Standing volgende to Alek, with his pinky digging around in his right ear, was the ever-so dangerous Nic, while the other girl, Vika, was situated volgende to Silver, a cautious look on her face.
As for his own little group, Richi sat in a chair across the room, trying to rid his head of the pain,...
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posted by BloodyMascara_
I needed Ciel and Mel fluff. ._.

Mel had her arms wrapped around Ciel's neck, and her legs around his waist. Her head against the soft vacht, bont kap that rested on his back.
"Almost there." Ciel patted her legs.
"Okay, Buh buh." Clearly, she was half asleep and agreed with anything he said. He flashed a smile, and looked off at the train station less than half a mile away. Continuing through the snow, his boots crushed snow, leaving prints. He was taking her to the place they first met, she's always wanted to go there again, they just never got around to it. But he had cleared his schedule, just for...
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