Young Justice OC'S!!! Club
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posted by The_Writer

13 Years Ago...

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Kids of all ages! Welcome, to the Haly Circus!"

The crowd erupted into cheers, Sam groaned as hs father dragged him into a zitplaats, stoel volgende to him. "Why did we have to go to a circus?" the eleven jaar old groaned. "I mean honestly, I've got better things to do."

"You can spend some time with me rather than beating up another nine jaar old." his father zei harshly, taking a bite of popcorn. "Or stealing from the vending machine."

Sam made a face and slouched down in his zitplaats, stoel while his father continued to eat popcorn. Sam knew why he was really here. His father needed some better PR. What better way than a father/son moment? Sam pulled out his phone and began typing things into it.

A sudden motion door his father sent Sam straight up in his chair. The boy tucked his phone away as his father stood up and shook someone's hand. Sam couldn't see who until his father stepped aside.

Bruce Wayne and a beautiful blonde woman Sam recognized as some reporter walked past him.

"Ah, Mr. Wayne, this is my son, Sam. Sam, this is Mr. Wayne. I'm currently working on something with him. Something that will hopefully bring down crime in both our cities." Sam's father paused with a wise twinkle. "Well,New York. We don't have a flying rodent around to stop muggers."

Bruce laughed and sat down volgende to Sam's father. Sam was squished behind two fat women who were gossiping non-stop.

"Will u shut up?!" Sam asked, loud enough for the women to hear, but quiet enough for thesis father to completely ignore. The two women gave him disgusted looks and turned around, huffing indignantly.

"And now! For the greatest trapeze act on Earth! Ladies and Gentlemen! The Flying Graysons!"

The crowd erupted into cheers as the spotlight shifted to three people on the top, boven of a very tall tower. One female, two males. One of the males was tiny, only two years younger than Sam. Yet he was the star.

The ringmaster announced the name of the mother and father as they swung out over the empty space. Seventy feet between them and the ground.

"And the youngest ster of this amazing act, Dick Grayson!"

The crowd went absolutely berserk. Sam put up his phone. This was the part of the toon he had wanted to see, though he'd never admit it to his father. Dick continued to wave out to the crowd, one hand on the trapeze bar.

"These three birds soar through the air, performing all these amazing stunts---"

Sam happened to glance out of the corner of his eye at the parents. Something was wrong. The cord shouldn't have been leaning them like that.

"without the safety of a net!"


The string snapped.

The crowd watched in horror as the two adults fell to the ground. Dick collapsed to his knees on the tower and simply looked at his parent's bodies on the ground.

Bruce Wayne was trying hard not to fall apart. He shook, his fists clenched, his eyes watered. He made his way away from the seats as the rest of the crowd screamed in horror.

30 minuten Later

Sam's father held his son tight as the young boy who had just watched his parents fall to their death climbed into the back of Bruce Wayne's car. The crowd slowly dispersed as a bearded man in a trenchcoat came over to them holding a note pad.



"Ah," the officer said. He held out his hand and Sam's father shook if. "I'm Lieutenant Gordon. I know this must be traumatic, for u both." he looked at Sam. "Did either of u two see anything?"

"No, I'm sorry. We got here a little late." Sam's father said.

"Thank you, Mr. Grant." Gordon said, starting to walk away.

"Sir!" Sam called out. It was the first time he'd ever addressed anyone as "sir". Gordon turned around and looked at Sam.

"Yes, son?"

"What's going to happen to the kid? Err... Dick I mean."

Gordon sighed. "It looks like Bruce Wayne's going to take care of him. There's no need to worry."

"Thank you." Sam said, somewhat reassured.

"No problem." Gordon said. He paused and looked at the father and his son. "I suggest u hold onto your son, Mr. Grant. And the same for u son: hold on tight."


"Hold on tight."

Sam's eyes filled with tears. His father was gone. Dead. Dived off the top, boven of his building. No, not dived. Sam thought, clenching his fists and opening his eyes. Pushed. Not died, murdered. Right there Sam made a commitment. A commitment that he...

would have Revenge.
Wind howled outside, shaking the shutters. Hailey fought the urge to reach for her soft silk robe. She wore a bright yellow dress, a proud color of the family she represented tonight. Not even the threat of cold could convince her to appear any less finessed.
The woman’s reveries was broken door the arrival of her visitors. She stood politely as the entourage of diplomats entered and bowed deeply. “Konichiwa, Your Highness.”
The Crown Prince of Japan returned a shallower bow. He was younger than Hailey had expected. “Your rebel king has chosen not to kom bij us?” he asked with barely hidden...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Lancelot Morgan
Nickname: Lance
Occupation: Knight
Ethnicity: Romanian
Race: Vampire
Story: Lance was born into an aristocratic family. He was raised in the royal court and befriended the young prince he was charged to protect. When tragedy struck, he brought the prince to safety. He took care of him for years until the prince grew into a man. He is now among those loyal to him and is a trusted friend.
Facts: Lance is door nature very bookish. He prefers words to fists even though he is trained in several different form of self defense and sword play. He is very close to his old charge now friend. He often finds himself caring for him when no one else will. The two share a close bond and he’d give his life for his friend.
posted by MafiaYJ
Notes: WELP its been a million years hasn't it? I started writing again for my blog and i ended up with this from a prompt and since it's about Babs, Nes, and Esther..

Use these three things somewhere in your story: An angel. A sword. A daycare.

“You have her lunch box?” Babylon zei quickly, jumping about in the keuken-, keuken as she tossed bag after bag into Nereus’ arms. Nereus stood there, little Esther giggling in his arms, he smiled fondly at the brunette woman, fussing over things.
“Babs, calm down, we’ll be fine, you’ll be gone for two days. It’s nothing we can’t handle,” Nereus...
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posted by SilverWings13
 Octavia Rurik
Octavia Rurik
Name: Octavia Rurik
Age: approx 227; looks 22
Species: warlock (born of warlock parents)
Specialties: healing and defense spiritual magic
Weapon: none
Likes: swimming, singing, lanterns
Dislikes: disease, tyranny, spiders

Name: Dmitri Rurik
Age: approx 180; looks 18
Species: warlock (born of warlock parents)
Specialties: defense and elemental spiritual magic
Weapon: a long black scepter topped door a glowing crystal orb (colors shifts with type of magic used)
Likes: birds, playing the violin, headphones
Dislikes: a lot of things

Background: Dmitri and Octavia are the youngest children of Wilhelm Magnus and...
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It helps if u sing along: link

Lexi, and her struggles of being a teenage girl, and her developing powers...

If u weren't born with it
You can buy a couple ornaments

Lexi stared into the full-length mirror, hands resting door her sides before she placed them on her hips, letting out an annoyed sigh, catching Jamie’s attention as he passed door her room. The teen backtracked and slid into his sister’s room. “What’s up?” He asked and sat at the edge of the bed, sipping from a straw. “Can’t decide.. Help meeeee!” Lexi whined out and pulled her uniform’s rok down, staring at her...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Trystan kept a close tab on the fox, watching as people began to clear the streets. Within a few minuten he was greeted door Alex and Chris. The oldest of the three looked up at the sky and then back at Scotty who had stopped in his tracks. The vos, fox hybrid turned his head and stared down an alleyway, tilting his head back as bullets went whizzing door his head. Alex's eyes widened and she ran forward, standing in front of Scotty, holding his her hands straight out and then jerking them back, pulling guns from the perpetrators' hands. Chris and Trystan ran forward, looking down the alleyway. "That's...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Scott "Scotty" Clancy.
Reason of meaning of name: I actually have no flipping idea, to be honest.
Eye Color: Blue!
Hair Style/Color: It's white and...... jagged?
Height: Uhhhhhhh, 6 foot something, not that much shorter than Fang. (You're 6'1, Scotty.) Oh! Okay, I'm 6'1 apparently.
Clothing Style: I really like flannels.
Best Physical Feature: My unusual hair.

Your Fears: Losing people I'm close to.
Your Guilty Pleasure: ...I eat icing from a tube....
Your Ambition...
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posted by Eclipse-YJ

-Mother (name): Diana Rouge
-Relationship with her: None, dead after Phoebes birth

-Father (name): mannetjeseend, drake Rouge
-Relationship with him: None, dead after Phoebes birth

-Siblings: 1
-Birth order: Elizabeth
-Relationship with each: None, dead after Phoebes birth
-Children of Siblings: None
-Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.): All dead
-Close to family? No, all are dead


-Does character have child(red)? Yes
-How many? 1, Jayson
-Are all children with the same partner? Yes, Dylan

-Character's most favoriete memory of his/her child(ren)? First time she showed Jayson her piano
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posted by Eclipse-YJ
I found this large chart about character descriptions and I have been wanted to fill it out for ages. This is gonna end up in 5 parts I think but if u want to dive in deep into your co's the chart is here: link

-Character's Full Name: Pandora Elizabeth Diana Ruby Rouge-Spade
-Reason of meaning of name: Pandora is her birth name but she changed it after discovering how her family died Elizabeth was her sister, Diana was her mother and Ruby was her birth middle name.

-Nickname: Phoebe
-Reason for nickname: Zero was her first friend, he told her of the rarity of her name so she became worried about...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx

Scotty sighed as he stared at the computer, leaning back in the hotel chair. "This is definitely the building.. The tracker attached to the busje, van says so, and from our scouting.. there are way too many guards to even attempt this.. " He dropped his head into his hands, letting out a frustrated groan. Chris leaned over his shoulder, tapping his chin. "Cadaver has been working with the Injustice League for a while, we've been keeping tabs on him for months.. maybe he thinks that this is the best place to keep him in...
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posted by Mclovin_69
 I drew him because I felt like it
I drew him because I felt like it
Name: Michael Fanton
Alias: None
Occupation: Guitarist and Singer, Civilian
Age: 19
Personality: Michael is a very positive person, who often weighs others problems on him as support than solve his own. It's very unlikely to catch him in a bad mood.
Appearance: jade green eyes, he is a natural brunette but for the moment has his hair dyed black. he has freckles and barely leaves anywhere without wearing some type of hat ( usually snapbacks). He is 6'0 ft tall.
Relationships: He is a good friend and bandmate to Bentley.
History:Michael grew up having an ordinary life,minus his parents divorcing and his mother taking custody of him at the age of 8.
Notes:He met Bentley at a bar, and since have known each other for almost a year. It wasn't until recently him and Bentley got in touch again.
 I found a cute lil pic of him when he was little with his dad
I found a cute lil pic of him when he was little with his dad
posted by Robin_Love
Name: Dylan Spade
Alias: Notte
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Flight, shadows, dark energy, telekinesis, hand-to-hand combat, scythe
History: Dylan was born a mutant; of so he was told. He had white wings and as a neko. He lived in an orphanage and grew up there. Those times were not happy and he found ways to keep himself from harm. He was taught many things, one of those being how to defend himself. Dylan was an expert with a scythe, a master in hand-to-hand combat, an ace flier, and able to control his powers at all times. When he was ten, Dylan fled. There were so many against him and his kind that...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Sorry for posting so much, but this is it for another two of so weeks.

Ayo, so, I'm back.. Which u probably gathered that.. Well, a few characters need to go, and I'll add a few, only because they're important. I wanna write this huge fan fiction with many chapters, but idk how everyone would tie and just- ((Whitney.) nevermind. Here's the lijst of who stays, who is going. Anyone who isn't listed is terminated, unless I forgot someone who was meant to live.

•Fang (bio completed and updated)
•Jaime (updated, needs posted) Jaime's kids, Parker and Finnian are also staying, but do not...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Amal's Lamp (her necklace)
Amal's Lamp (her necklace)
Hey. I know. "Oh great. Another one!" Well...I have plans for them all so I want to introduce this one to you.

Name: Raja Owens
Alias: Amal (“hope; aspiration”)
Powers: Ultimate Cosmic Powers
Occupation: Genie
Weakness/Limits: Can only use powers when summoned of wished upon.
History: Amal was created out of hope in the ancient times. She lived for years on end till her physical body was unable to carry her and was dissolved in chaos. Since then she has been embodied into multiple bodies every century. She chooses a different name each time, something close to her own. Amal takes on different...
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posted by godmor
( This is the first of a series of Bio's aimt to explian, companion caraters thad play a part in storys i write, and who therwise micht not get thad explanation.
Beceas they are companion and not full blown OC's, these Bio's micht be sorther than normal.)


Full Name: Boris Ivanof
Nickname: None
Reason for nickname:
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg
Birthday: 15.3.1982
Currently living in: Gotham
Species/Race: Human
Ethnicity: Cacasian
Blood Type: A
Occupation: Bodyguard, Criminal.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Social Status: Higer midelclass.
Relationship Status: Singel
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added by DiscordYJ
Source: me
posted by KatRox1
B/C u guys are probably UBER confused every time I talk about Bella...

Name: Bella Harmony Watson
Nicknames: Bells, Mercy

Age: 19 (as of January 2, 2014)

Alignment: Neutral

Powers: Previously able to create and control brand with her hands, her powers seem to have evolved to where she now can create brand with her mind. The only catch is that if she is not constantly focused, her powers take on a life of it’s own and will randomly spark fires on objects in her surroundings. Additionally, she is only able to be in direct contact with flame for no meer than a minuut of so. Her average body temperature...
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posted by MafiaYJ
Babylon followed closely behind Adrian's black robes with a serious face, her eyes baring holes into his skull, "Adrian, Ive been becoming extremely violent." she stated flatly.
"Oh have you?" Adrian replied as he looked around absently at the hall and the doors that lined them, some with ominous light and others temptingly open.
In annoyance Babylon moved her way to block his path, her hands on her hips, her stance tonen obvious emotion. "Adrian! Im serious! I threatened to experiment on my friends, to kill them even. Im getting far meer violent then Ive ever been. Why? Why is this happening?"...
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posted by BladeYJ
The Four Sons of Serenity

Name: Asher
Age: No one knows
Hair: Black
Eyes: Emerald
Height: 5'11"
Relations: Oldest of the four brothers
Costume: A white suit of armor
Weapon Choice: He's able to give life to anyone and anything.
Personality: He's quiet, gentle, and merciful
Weakness': Death
Background: Unknown

Name: Calum
Age: No one knows
Hair: Long and blue and gray
Eyes: various colors
Height: 6'0"
Relations: He's the seconde oldest of the four
Costume: A gray and blue suit with , black gloves, and his hair is tied into a ponytail
Weapon Choice: Waterbender and peacemaker...he's able to...
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posted by GlitterPuff
Name: Calypso Syntyche (Daughter of Thanatos: God of Death)

Age: 17

Birthday: December 17th

Height: 4’ 11”

Hair: Black, going halfway down her back

Eyes: Gray

Personality: Shy, doesn’t trust anyone

Handicaps: Terrible nightmares --> Psych Issues

Status: Single

Religion: Ancient Greek (Mythology)

Family: Mom – dead, no siblings that she knows of, and she met her dad once

Sexuality: Straight

Weaknesses: A small spot on the small of her back after she bathed in the River Styx

Strengths: Archery

-    Was born with the power to kill

-    Did not come...
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