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posted by The_Writer
A Death in his Family

(Part 2)

Previously on Red Revenge...

"All units, murder suspect on fifth and third proceeding north on foot. Pursuing. Require backup. Suspect is heavily armed and protected. Female, mid-twenties. White hair, black clothes, sword and possible body armor." the radio crackled.

"She cut them in three pieces and set brand to their car." Revenge replied, and swung off.

"I assume u did your homework?" Revenge asked.

"Yes." Rose replied, untying her snow-white hair from its ponytail. She was dressed simply. White tank top, skinny jeans, white eyepatch. Her hair hung loosely behind her.

"As far as I can see, this is her first appearance. At least in this century."

"This century?" Revenge asked as Rose lay down on the couch, facing opposite of him.

"Yeah." she said, tossing him a packet of papers. "Apparently, this woman has appeared, same outfit, dozens of time throughout recorded history. Each time she kills people, befriends someone, mostly the hero of the turn, and then kills them after they try and stop her from killing meer people."

"Holly!" Sam exclaimed, standing up. Rose sat up and flipped on the couch.

hulst, holly flew at Sam and pinned him to the wall, one hand around his throat. For once, Sam couldn't defeat her.

"Do u know who she is and what she has done?!" hulst, holly exclaimed.

Sam gagged. "Yes! I do! Let me down and I'll explain!"

"So she's the one undercover?" hulst, holly asked.

"Yes." Revenge replied. "Well, me too, but mostly her."

"I kept wanting to get u in on this." Rose said. "I would've loved to have u door my side."

"But he didn't want me to." hulst, holly said, glaring at Sam.

"No." Sam replied.

"And why the hell not?"

"I didn't want u to get hurt." Sam zei sadly, turning to the computer.

Holly's expression softened.

"But you're in it now." Sam sighed.

"Does the rest of the Team know about this?" hulst, holly asked. "Nightwing, Batman?"

"Surprisingly, no." Rose said. "And somehow, Sam's kept it that way."

"Speaking of secret identities, how long-"

"Two months." Sam replied.

The woman with the white hair was moving as if she were liquid. Slipping to one side of the other, smoothly dodging, countering, an attacking Rose. The police had (thankfully) formed a barrier, keeping the citizens behind it.

"Left." Revenge whispered, leaping from his motorcycle. Ravager dodged to the left, her armor glistening in the lights of the night street. Revenge tossed daggers at the woman.

They passed right through her. Revenge continued his descent. She landed a kick and knocked him straight through a building into a straat on the other side. Revenge groaned, trying to stand, but unable to. He groaned and fell unconscious onto the concrete.

"My agenda belongs to me. No one else." the woman replied calmly, stabbing Ravager through the side. "I advise u mind that."

Ravager gasped and sucked in her breath until the sword withdrew. She collapsed to the ground and the woman disappeared in a wolk of smoke.

Every camera in New York City went offline for thirty seconds. In that time, Ravager and Revenge disappeared.

"She'll be okay." Revenge said, pulling the blanket over Rose's body. "That sword sucked out her energy. She'll be out for a day."

hulst, holly looked down in concern. "What about you?"

"No results in police database, google-"

The large computer chimed.

"One result..." Sam muttered, opening it. A chill ran down his spine as he read the two words. "Turn around"

He spun, grabbing his sword and pointing it at the figure in the shadows.

"Come out." he said.

The woman walked out. Now that she was standing still in front of him, he could get a better look at her.

She was tall, that was for sure. She wasn't bad looking either, but the tattoos ruined it all. They covered her left shoulder and arm as well as her right hip and leg. Blackness swirled around the upper half of her torso as if it were from Hell itself. Her white, spiky hair blew in the dry, harsh wind that had entered with her. She was wearing pants that barely started above her thighs and a tube top. A scarf covered the lower half of her face and an eyepatch hung over her left eye. She had a dog kraag tight around her throat and two black leather gloves that went almost all the way to her shoulders.

"Who are you?" Revenge growled. "And why did u murder those people?"

"She didn't murder them!" hulst, holly exclaimed. "She massacred them! Cut them to pieces with a very curious looking sword!"

"This?" the woman asked, pulling out the dark violet blade and laying it before Revenge. He instantly shoved hulst, holly behind him.

"Don't worry. I shan't hurt you." she said.

"Who-who are you?" Revenge asked again. He felt Holly's fingers inpakken, wrap around his other blade and slide it from his belt.

"I am Diabhal from Iffrean. I come merely to assist you." the woman replied.

"Assist me in what?" Revenge asked cautiously. He still felt Holly's small, gentle fingers moving on his back, clutching at him occasionally in fear.

"In saving this city from your arch-nemesis." Diabhal replied. "I believe u call him...Reaper, my Lord."

"The one u call Reaper is going to detonate Grant Tower. With tens of thousands of people inside. door the time your enforcers call you, it will be too late. And among the deceased will be your mother."

"Draxx!" Revenge yelled, hopping on his motorcycle.

"Whats with the yelling?" Draxx asked. "No, no donuts."

"I wants full evac of Grant Tower!" Revenge yelled. hulst, holly wrapped her arms around his middle and Revenge sped off into the city, Diabhal flying behind him.

"Why?" Draxx asked.

"There's a bomb there! Great big one. Want me to take u in the basement and toon you?!" Revenge yelled.

"On my way!" Draxx yelled.

A moment later the police radio crackled. "All units to Grant Tower. Bomb threat high. Full evacuation of surrounding areas."

Revenge leaped from his motorcycle and fired a grappling hook at the roof of a small building. He swung up as smaragd, emerald continued speeding towards Grant Tower on the motorbike followed closely door Diabhal.

Revenge jumped onto higher and higher buildings as he got closer to the Tower. Below police cars screeched up to the front of the Tower. They started pushing people back while officers, Emerald, and a bomb squad ran inside.

Revenge turned his concentration back to the building in front of him. He calculated the jump out before firing his grappling hook, running, and crashing through the window of the 82nd story.

His mother screamed as glass rained down around her. "We've got to go! Now!" Revenge yelled.

"Can u disarm it?" hulst, holly asked, looking down at the bomb squad trooper with concern.

"No." he said, standing up. "What about you?"

"If I could, I wouldn't have asked if u could." hulst, holly said, arms folded over her chest. She looked at Diabhal and raised an inquiring eyebrow.

"No," Diabhal replied, closing her eyes and shaking her head once. "I am afraid I can not."

"So now what?" hulst, holly asked.

"We've got three minuten to get everyone out of that building." the officer said.

"We're talking about tens of thousands of people." hulst, holly said. "You do realize-"

"Yes." the officer zei gravely. I don't know how we can get the message to everyone though. This building is the tallest building in New York City!

hulst, holly looked around and saw the brand alarm. She smashed the glass and rammed her fist on the button. Sirens sounded.

"You get as many people out in three minuten as u can!" hulst, holly exclaimed, running towards the stairs.

"The bomb goes off in three minutes! We'll die!"

"That's your job." hulst, holly growled, and flew through the door.

"Screw this!" the trooper exclaimed. "I'm outta here!" he ran towards the doorway, but three soldiers blocked his way. A gun clicked behind him.

"You get your ezel upstairs now and get those people out, of I'll kill u on the spot." the commander of the bomb squad said.

The trooper shivered and slowly walked up the stairs.

"You're wasting time! Move!"

The man ran up the stairs.

"All personell, evacuate building. This is not a drill. Repeat this is not a drill."

"Good going, Emerald." Revenge muttered. "Come on, we've got to go!"

"What is going on?" his mother asked.

Revenge yanked off his mask. "The building is going to explode! You'll be trapped underneath the rubble and die! Now please! We've got to move!"

"Sam?!" the woman exclaimed, literally taking a step backwards in shock.

"Please, mom." Sam pleaded. "We've got to go. What's the fastest way up to the roof?"

"Um, my express elevator, but with the bomb of brand of whatever-"

"It's perfect." Sam said, pulling his mask on. "Let's go."

The two ran into the hallway and Revenge pried open the door to the elevator. He sliced the cable and he heard the elevator make a distinct "thump" as it landed eighty stories below. He fired his grappling hook up and, grabbing his mother door the waist, pulled himself up the shaft.

"Holly!" he yelled. "Any luck disarming that bomb?"

"Negative!" the echoey voice came over his com. "We're evacuating the staff now!"

"I've got Ms. Grant. We're on our way to the roof!"

"Right. You've got thirty seconds!"

Revenge pressed a button on his utility riem to signal his plane. He busted down a doorway and went up the seconde elevator. He busted out onto the roof with ten seconden to spare.

"Where the hell is it?!" Revenge exclaimed.


"The plane!"


"Come on..."


"Where is it?!"

"Three... Two... One..."

Revenge looked at his feet as a rumbling shook the building. It lurched.



"I love you. And I always will."


The building lurched again and the floor gave out beneath the woman. Sam fired his grappling hook.

It missed.

His mother fell five stories before landing on a piece of concrete. Sam cried out her name even as the building lurched again. He fell, shooting his grappling hook at the nearest building. He swung, crashing through the uithangbord even as it collapsed, hitting the edge of the neighboring building and rolling onto his back. He heard the building collapse and people screaming.

"Revenge! Revenge!" Holly's voice screamed in his ear. "For the Love of-"

"I'm here." Revenge zei shakily.

"Are u two-"

Revenge took a deep breath. "Just me. Just-just me."

"Go take some time off." hulst, holly said. "I've got this."

"No." Revenge said, standing up. "I'm-I'm good."

hulst, holly did not protest.

It was rain. Rain, Sam grimly noted, that had clouded over his father's funeral just as it did his mother's.

While the rest of the members of the funeral party melted into the grim morning, two figures remained with Samuel Grant. One was standing beside him, a dark kap and umbrella over her blonde hair. Her smaragd, emerald eyes were full of sorrow.

The other was wearing dark clothes appropriate for occasion, but her bright red-pink hair was uncovered and flowed freely over her damp skin. Her true-green eyes looked with compassion upon the billionaire who stood with his head down, brown-black hair flowing freely over his face.

The girl with the red hair put a comforting, gloved hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Thanks, Rose." Sam said. The woman nodded and waked off. hulst, holly walked in front of Sam and hugged him tightly, as if she were afraid to let him go. Sam hugged her tightly as well, due to the same fear. hulst, holly knew he'd claim it was rain, but she could tell tears from the water of the heavens.

"Sarah." Sam greeted blankly. The Hispanic walked in and hugged the boy.

"I'm sorry about your mom." she said.

"Thanks," Sam replied, returning the embrace. Sarah pulled away. "So, what's changed about the place?"

The floor flipped up and Rose Wilson appeared in the room.

"Oh-" she said, looking at Sarah. "Is this a bad time?"

"Err... Nooo..." Sam said. "Come in, um, Lilian."

Rose shot him a glare that zei "You'll pay for that" before smiling at Sarah.

"Umm..." Sarah said, looking from Rose to Sam. "Does Holly...?"

"Yes," hulst, holly zei tiredly, walking in. "Sarah, this is getting crowded in here and Rose can't find the hot chocolate."

"Rose?" 'Lilian' asked.

"Original partner." Sam sighed. "It should be on the third shelf-"

"Checked." hulst, holly said. "Come on, Sarah."

"Lilian?!" Rose exclaimed as soon as the two girls were gone. "That was my mother's name! The mother who have birth to me and died because I was Deathstroke's daughter!"

"Off the top, boven of my head!" Sam exclaimed. "I've got enough on my mind right now without having to think up fake names!"

Rose's expression turned to sorrow. "Sam, I'm sorry-"

"Don't be." Sam said. "I was the only one who could've saved her and I didn't. Now what did u want?"

Rose looked at him sorrowfully before replying. "I need some information on the little kryptonian."

"Uh-huh." Sam said, tossing a USB drive at Rose. "I knew you'd need his info sometime of later."

"Thanks." Rose said, catching it. "You want me to hang around for a-"

"No." Revenge replied. "I think "Lilian" might cause problems that warrant explanation."

"Right." Rose said, stepping back onto the platform. "See ya around?"

"Probably not." Revenge zei as Rose teleported away.

Sam sighed and looked at his reflection in the dark computer screen. He sighed and headed towards the keuken-, keuken where everyone was. A large chime rang through the base. Anyone who had every worked with Sam knew that was a high alert distress beacon from the police chief.

"Yes, Draxx?"

"That new partner of yours? The living shadow? She's downtown wrecking the Empire State Building."

"Diabhal?" Sam asked, glancing at Holly.

"Whatever her name is." Draxx said. "You better get down here. Now!"

"Where's that mystic sword?" Revenge asked.

"Uhh... Right there!" hulst, holly said. She grabbed it and tossed it to Revenge.

"You three stay here!" Revenge said. "If she's really what R-Lillian said, u three need to stay here!"


"But nothing!" Sam exclaimed. He bused open the door to the garage and hopped into his jet, flying off to downtown.

Revenge sped down the busy street, dodging traffic and people who were all looking at the rising smoke-cloud at the Empire State Building.

"Get out of the way!" Revenge yelled.

The closer he got to the Empire State Building, the meer chaotic the people got. Some were running away, some walking towards the destruction as if in a trance, and some were looking at the smoke wolk as if trying to decide whether it looked meer like a donut of a tire.

Revenge growled and pressed a button. Smoke and a large boom came from his motorcycle. People ran. The scene was meer chaotic than ever. Revenge gave up and tossed a grenade at the bron of the smoke cloud. A moment later, he was standing there.

Diabhal had...changed. Vastly. Instead of a thirty jaar old girl, she was a twenty-foot tall shadow monster. Sparks flew out from the flames that licked themselves along her body.

"What the hell-" Revenge started. He froze when Diabhal's icy gaze met his.

"Don't educate me on Hell!" she yelled, throwing a ball of flame at him. Revenge rolled to the side and watched as his motorcycle erupted in a pillar of heat.

"Damn it!" he exclaimed. "There goes half a million dollars!"

Diabhal laughed and Revenge threw daggers at her, keeping her attention from the girl in grey and oranje running along the rooftops placing the devices Revenge had gegeven her.

Diabhal's form flickered.

"You're a shapeshifter!" Revenge exclaimed. His voice turned to a growl. "Shapeshifters are demonic."

"Oh, I'm much meer powerful than a demon."

A knot formed in Revenge's stomach.

Diabhal cackled. Revenge growled and looked at the innocent people fleeing from the giant, shadowy figure. "Teleport. Frequency A-99. 10 foot radius"

Diabhal and Revenge, along with Ravager, teleported to a field outside of New York.

"You've got a soft spot." the echoey voice of Diabhal said.

"I don't want innocents killed."

"Like I said, soft." Diabhal started walking forward.

"Gotta go." Ravager's voice echoed in his comm. The Black Hero saw why a moment later when a pulse of energy hit Diabhal in the back. Vendicta, Emerald, and Sarah ran up, all tossing weapons of bursts of energy at the shadow figure.

"Ah! Your girlfriends showed up! Take your seats ladies! For the death of Red-ugh!"

Vendicta grinned as Diabhal flew back and shrunk to her former human form. Then she stood up, re-aligned all of her bones, and glared at Vendicta.

"Uhh...oops?" Rose asked.

"This is going to hurt." Diabhal said, her eyes turning to white pockets of flames. "A lot."

Vendicta leaped to the side as the flames scorched past her. What was once her cape was burned off. Revenge tossed daggers at the woman, but they merely passed through Diabhal.

"Join your girlfriend?" Diabhal asked, scorching Revenge's body with flames. His armor held up, but his suit was seared off again. Then his armor started heating up. The mystical sword clattered to the side.

"Your armor and protective clothing may be able to handle heat up to a thousand degrees Red Revenge," she said. "But a constant flame will melt through the armor, burn through the cloth, and roast u alive."

Vendicta, Emerald, and Sarah ran towards the two, but Diabhal raised a blood red shield. While his partners pounded on it, Revenge was busy figuring out how much longer until he was fried alive when his electronic systems failed. He could already feel his armor turning red-hot. His protective suit under his armor was slowly disintegrating. He could feel the armor scalding his skin.

"How many people have u failed, Red Revenge?" Diabhal demanded. "How many families have u destroyed? u deserve this!"

Revenge growled and slowly stood up. He began walking towards Diabhal. One step at a time. Partly because his legs burnt so badly, he wasn't sure if they were there of not.

"I've destroyed quite a few families. Caused the death of a few people, yes. Maybe I don't deserve this."

Diabhal grinned wickedly. But it quickly faded at Revenge's volgende words.

"But I've saved many more. The world, several times to be exact. The families are still alive. I can't save everyone. I've tried. But I do the most good I can do. Which is meer than you, Satan."

Diabhal frowned and shifted back to her shadowy form. Revenge continued walking towards her. Though no one could see it from the outside, he was grinning. He was thinking of every happy memory he had. Diabhal's flames flickered as Revenge walked towards her. His legs gave out though.

It was too late. He was laughing. Laughing in the face of the Devil. Satan fell back and his shield faltered. Vendicta, Emerald, and Sarah ran up to help Revenge whose laugh had turned to a wheezing.

"Come on!" Sarah said, tugging on his arm. "Let's get u out of here!"

Revenge started clunking along with the girls when Sarah gasped.

"What?" Revenge asked, turning around. Sarah looked down at the purple blade sticking from her stomach.

"Sarah!" Revenge yelled, running to catch the girl. hulst, holly indicated he should stay back because his armor was still burning holes in the ground and glowing red-hot. Rose caught the girl instead.

"Sarah." she breathed.

Satan laughed wickedly and disappeared in a burst of flames and black smoke.

Rose looked up sadly. "No pulse." she zei sadly. "She's gone, Revenge."

The funeral was a small one. Sarah had no family, her only vrienden had roamed the city at night in tights and suits of armor. Artemis and Wally showed up, Wally and Revenge for once getting along. A few other, meer compassionate, members of the Team showed up, but no one from the Justice League. Also, not to Revenge's surprise, no one from the Freedom Fighters.

Most of the people dispersed, the Team being called away for a mission, Rose having to leave for England*, Artemis and Wally headed back to Palo Alto leaving Red Revenge and smaragd, emerald to watch over Sarah as she was lowered into the ground.

"You just pissed off the most powerful creature in the universe." smaragd, emerald said.

"There is another that is meer powerful." Revenge said.

"Who, of what?" hulst, holly asked. Revenge turned around and hopped in the jet waiting on the side of the building. He jerked his thumb to the sky.

hulst, holly raised an eyebrow.

"Ye are all children of the light, not of the darkness." Revenge quoted. smaragd, emerald had a sneaky suspicion from where he quoted. She hopped into the jet, and before Revenge closed the roof, she noticed, for the first time, one of the stars in the sky was brighter than the others. Glistening like a kruis of hope and salvation through the evening sky.
posted by Robin_Love
 spade costume
Spade costume
Name: Rylan Touya
Alias: Spade
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Agility, acrobatics, ability to manipulate, trained in hand to hand-to-hand combat, flight, trained with a pair of Sais, jinx factor
History: Rylan Touya was born and raised in Japan. Both her parents were of German background, but Rylan's mom married a Japanese man after her husband died; Rylan was three. Rylan's new father was a scientist experimenting with all kinds formulas. When Rylan was five, she discovered her new father was trading and making deals with the villainous Poison Ivy. Rylan tried warning her mother, but was ignored. Three...
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posted by Obscurity98
Batman left her alone then, and she sank to her knees, the world was alive, people loved her. People she didn't want to hurt. Harley fought back tears, and threw her head back. If Batman found her, she was sure Superman, might be as well.

She was sleeping on the roof of the daily planet, when the sun came shining up. She heard a loud crash that woke her. Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw red yellow and blue zoom by. She had to leave. Now. if she didn't Superman would com back, and make her feel guilty. She didn't need that. No one understood that she had to do this. If she hurt them, she'd...
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posted by Caitlyn_Grayson
k this is the prologue to Caitlyn, Reese, and Constance's debut (sorta) So here. Enjoy! xD
The faint sound of crickets resounded in the still night, a tiny sliver of a moon barely managing to illuminate the forest path, which wound through the deep woods and up a steep hill. A small rustling, and a fox, vacht, bont dark as the night, stepped lightly out of the underbrush and padded nimbly along the path up to the top, boven of the hill. He stood, ears cocked, head swerving around, and then briefly alerted, bristling, before slipping back into the forest. Walking quickly, his snel, swift paws barely making a sound...
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posted by InfinityYJ
OOC: Here's an overview of what you're about to experience.
It's been two months after the discovery of the mol on the team. Vandal Savage has succeeded in taking over the League, the teen division as well. Total submission comes from those who are smart. There are rebel groups spread across the world of young heroes, including certain members of the original team and some members that have joined during the revolution. These few groups are doing their best to work in secret, however.
Now, in this period of time, Savage has left the uitkijktoren and found he cannot return because something has...
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posted by Obscurity98
I sat on the roof top, boven of a big corporate building, when i hear sirens. I smiled, I and took off towards the sirens. I always had a knack for beating the bad guys. Buts of been my drive for wanting to be a superhero.
I ran all the way, not stopping to breathe. I jumped, roof to roof, and my eyes landed on a large bank heist. i jumped down onto the straat and the earth shook just like i wanted. It usually drove fear into the Villain's hearts. And made them freeze, but not this time, I ran into the building, ignoring the policemen's shouts, and my eyes flamed with the brand i finally learned to...
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(don't worry it's just the titel the series will continue!)

Day puffed out her cheeks she wished her brother would just pull her out from this school. It was breeding ground for bullies and cliques. "hey dag hows that hot brother of yours" a sultry voice called her. "Oh hello Alana. How are u any new boys in your shopping cart" she eyed the preppy blonde like the plaque. "Ph no but if your brother is open" she laid her claws on Day's shoulder. "He's got a girlfriend Alana" she snapped.

"doesn't mean i can't have my fun" she grinned "you touch my brother" dag pressed her forehead against the...
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Mount Justice 5:48 pm.
"Uh, Kaldur? What is with the poop smell?" KidFlash stated, mockingly closing his nose with his fingers in a non-impressed way.
Robin was oblivious to that-he was instead very kruis and VERY mad at Kaldur.
Robin tried to grab Kaldur but KidFlash grabbed hold of him door his collar.
"Dude-take it easy"
Robin was so mad but he couldn't get out of KidFlash's grasp-all...
continue reading...
posted by XxKFforeverXx
Just to point out some things so u won’t be confused:
1) Cadmus has captured Fang and reprogrammed his mind tricking him to attacking one of the main founders of Young Justice; Batman. And injuring most of the team.
2) Everyone is against Fang. EXCEPT Devin.
And yes, this is a Lion King 2 song.That’s all for now. Confused? Just say so and I’ll clear things up!

Fang zeta’d in the cave with his head hung low, ignoring all the whispers and glares of his past excursion. Whispers filled the room. “Evil, Traitor” Fang kept walking vooruit, voorwaarts and stood in front of Batman.
“Why have you...
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posted by Obscurity98
Hero name: Obscurity
ID: Harley Mei
age:14 1/2

Powers: Cat like abilities, with retractable claws, control over water, fire, ice, earth, and air. can become the elements. ability to fly with black aura around her body, invulnerability and super stregnth.

note:she was a science experiment gone wrong, short temper. She loves to play around though, and is serious when needed be.She has a serious tone of voice like Kaldur, and is mutually fond of him as well. Kaldur loves her. but wont admit it. She likes to flirt, even when she doesn't notice it.

Stats: strength 90% speed:55% intelligent: 89%...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
SERIOUSLY?!?!? All this stupid fighting is getting old. u guys have seriously pissed me off, and trust me, it take ALOT for me to say something.
YOU GUYS ARE ACTING LIKE A BUNCH OF GIRLS I GO TO SCHOOL WITH! Seriously! I don't care if you're gay/straight/lesbian/or whatever! I'll still talk to you, I'm not going to blow u off and block you, of ban you. I think it's wrong, but that doesn't mean I'm going say anything to you. u are who u are. If u make that choice, then SO BE IT! This rule stuff is getting old too, no matter where u are, people are going to copy. u people who make...
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posted by 66Dragons

Id just like to make a quick announcement: The current events on this website are exactly why I don't get on fanpop as much as I can. Because everyone has to complain about something.  Then someone else gets offended of what that person zei and they get in a fight. They complain about each other and put on a pouty fest. They EVENTUALLY kiss and make up, then someone else does it. 

ENOUGH OF THE FIGHTING COMPLAINING AND WHINING!!! GROW UP! And NO ONE had better DARE commentaar on this with a ""sorry I did that. Oh I'm so sorry. I was in a bad mood. I'm doing better now" Because I...
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posted by ArtemisYJ
After my recent artikel a lot of people think we should reset the OC spot. Do whatever u want. But as for me I'm making a Role Play that will be in a controlled enviorment. Meaning the following:
~It will be Invasion (season two) ONLY (and what happens in the show, happens to our group. 
~You must apply and get accepted to get in 
~We must have a complete of near complete kanon team before OCs applicants will be accepted
~All of the rules I geplaatst in my vorige artikel will be heavily enforced to promote a good RP place (not to be a dictator but to make sure its easier for everyone)
~If you...
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Well hello,
ArtemisYJ's RPer here. And I have some things I wanna say. The Young Justice role playing is kind-a....BONKAS.
My character Artemis got pregnant. volgende thing I know 3 other people are pregnant. NOT cool. u can come up with your own drama. Don't copy other people. Use your own imagination.
Another thing that's not cool is spamming the wall. u don't need to post on that uithangbord every other hour. I do notice a particular person that posts far to frequently and it gets annoying when the posts are pretty much the same thing over and over and over and over again.
Another thing. Your...
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posted by Kenzie_KarmaYJ
OOC: (evil chuckle) don't be hating on me. of my views. I just thought it was time!
Quick Summary of the last few parts: Kenzie left to find out who she really was, ran into Brennan and Chelsea.
Delta, Devin, Robin, Aisling and Bats went to find her and engaged in battle with Chelsea and Brennan.

Keheheh.. enjoy! And comment... that's required in order to read. ;D

Chelsea grinned. On the floor was every one of those little brats, and even Batman, and it was all on her. She grinned as she...
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 They both looked dressed up-I mean come on KALDUR IS WEARING A SUIT! It was a hard find
They both looked dressed up-I mean come on KALDUR IS WEARING A SUIT! It was a hard find
Well u know that Challenge thingy that Robin_Love set up?
Well Obscurity set me a challenge of finding a pic of both of her and Kaldur on a datum and write a artikel about it.

Well Obscurity-Whereever u are, Here it is!

Hope u like! (P.S I don't the the relationship between u and him now-but i just did one where both of u have a crush and now going on your first date-enjoy!)

Harley and Kaldur's Date:

Atlantis 5:06 pm. Kaldur swam has fast has he could. It was today.
He had a datum with Obscurity and if he was late-he might has well damn wish he was dead.
His legs kicked hard, his gills inhaled...
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posted by Obscurity98
Harley flew away from the Mountain crying she knew they could have helped her, but she didn't want to take chances. What if one dag she really did hurt some one.
Harley let t=her mind wander thinking back to the words Kaldur said. How he pleaded with her on not leaving. Then it dawned on her, what would happen when they told Roy?
He'd have a fit! and then try to find her. She knew it.

She walked now down the streets of Metropolis. she flew over to Clark's apartment he shared with Lois Lane.She didn't want to bother them, so she just sat there, on the window sill not making a noise. After a time,...
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posted by Obscurity98
It was dark, i remember, but around me everything was moving i could hear it and feel it. The mask that i wore to keep me breath was the only thing that kept me alive. I could hear all the glass breaking, and suddenly i felt a stinging on my skin, as i looked up i saw chemicals, pouring into the test tubes. My water was infected. I needed to get out. My little five jaar old fists banged on the glass tube around me, nothing was helping. I couldn't get out, suddenly a large movement occurred it sent my tank flying, and it crashed to ground and broke open, and i tumbled out, water gushed onto...
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Homework One-Shot

(This fanfiction may include SUGGESTIVE material not appropriate for younger people. Just a warning)

Sam had just come back from a diving mission in New York Harbor. His suit was soaked as was he. And he smelled like garbage. He was just about to step in the showers when his phone buzzed. Sam picked it up. It was a text message from Holly.

"Pls hlp w/ hmwrk"

Sam sighed and replied he'd be over in ten before stepping under the hot stream of water. He bathed quickly and dried off, slipping on a white lange mouw overhemd, shirt and a red button up that was left undone. He slid on jeans and...
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Okay, I'm having one of those moments again. The kind where I get all depressed about Mercy becoming evil (because I really didn't want her to!) and about how there are WAY to many OC's! Not pointing fingers at anyone, because I'm doing it too, but seriously! If u want to make an OC, could u PLEASE just write an artikel about them first? We need some idea about them first!
That's why I won't be RP-ing at all until I can actually WRITE a story for Casey! I suggest a lot of u guys do that, saying that some people don't even put up a bio for their character!
One meer point, PLEASE refrain...
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Luke sat on the divan, bank watching tv, though he wasnt really watching the tv, meer of less he was in deep thought wondering if Artemis was okay, never did Artemis leave Lucas alone with Flynn. He knew something was up ,but knew Artemis would be furious if he took Flynn along with him. He heard someone walk down the hall with heavy footsteps and saw Red Tornado walk in, a smirk spread across his face, " hallo red " he said, Red Tornado turned to look at him. " yes Gravityboy what seems to be the reason u are calling me? " he asked, Lucas got up with Flynn in his arms, " well i was wondering if...
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