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posted by Red-Revenge
Blind as a Bat

"All Units respond to a robbery in progress at Gotham First."

The crackle voice came over Red Revenge's com-link. It was acting Police Commissioner James Gordon's voice. Revenge knew who he was calling: Batman and his friends.

"Batman, u pick that up?" Revenge asked, picking up his radio while turning the jet towards the crime scene.

"Yes. I've got Static and Batgirl with me." Batman replied. "We'll meet u there."

Revenge cut the comm and groaned at the mention of the punk from Dakota City. The kid would've driven Red Revenge over the edge of sanity months geleden had he been around that long.

Revenge set his jet to autopilot and jumped, silent rocket boosters in his feet slowing his descent enough so he wouldn't get hurt.

Police cars screeched up and Revenge turned from the shattered uithangbord to them.


"Where's Batman?" the reply came.

"Right here." A new voice said. Batman and Batgirl swung down, closely followed door Static on his pad.

"Who're the kids?" Gordon asked.

"Static Shock, the coolest kid this side of the Mississippi." Static said.

Revenge rolled his eyes. "That's the punk from Dakota. I'm-"

"The brat from New York." Static said. "We all know."

Revenge growled and Static made mocking faces.

"Cut it out u two!" Batman snapped. Revenge frowned and Static stuck his tongue out. "What's the issue Commissioner?"

"Someone blew a hole in the Gotham Bank and stal every penny out of the safe. We've got security footage. It looks like firefly, but these weapons aren't his M.O."

Revenge walked over and examined the smooth hole in the side of the building. He rubbed his fingers on it before turning to the police commissioner.

"I need a glass of water."

"What?" Jim asked.

"Just give it to him." Batman sighed.

The commissioner ushered for a glass of water and handed it to Revenge. Revenge scraped some of the edge off with his mes and put it in the water, mixing it together. He stuck his gloved fingers in it.

"It's a protein called aquaporins. It allows water to travel into and out of cells extremely quickly. Too much water, they burst; too little they shrivel. Someone took the top, boven secret creme from the Wayne/Grant top, boven Secret project and smeared it along this uithangbord in a perfect circle. They kicked the uithangbord out and got away." Revenge said. He grinned, switching on something in his mask. "For now."

"You lost me at "protein." Static said, squatting on his disk.

"So let me get this straight." Harvey Bullock said, walking forward, munching on a donut. "Spandex boy-"

"It's Kevlar." Revenge growled.

Bullock looked taken back. "Now u listen here u snot nose little punk-"

"The punk is on a disk and has dreadlocks." Revenge replied, rubbing his fingers on the ground of the dark alleyway.

"Hey!" Static protested.

"When will u two just get along with each other?" Batgirl asked, shoving her face in her hand. "You're making me look bad."

Disgusted antwoorden came from Revenge and Static.

"Revenge." Batman interrupted the arguing. "Do u have a lead of do I need to take over?"

"East, fast pace, afterburners took effect at the end of the alley. Sending the transmission now."

"Well?" Bullock asked after a moment.

"Complete mental control." Revenge said, tapping the side of his head and grinning. "I just sent it."

He walked past Bullock and snatched the donut away. "Lay off the snacks, Bullock."

Bullock was flabbergasted.

"I think I know who the punk is." The Commissioner said, taking off his glasses and wiping them clean. He slid them back on to see the Dark Knight and his accomplices were gone.

"Batman?" he looked around for a seconde more. "One day, I'm gonna find out how he does that."

"Was that really necessary?" Batman asked.

"What are u talking about?" Revenge asked.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Batman growled, steering the Bat-Wing around a passenger jet.

"If you're asking why he got in an argument with Static," Batgirl said. "I wouldn't ask."

Robin laughed softly.

"And why do I have to ride with him?" Barbara demanded, folding her arms over her chest.

"You and Virgil talking?" Robin asked. "Batman'd kill u both!"

"Har. Har." Barbara said.

"What?" Revenge asked. "Don't like to admit I have a magnetic personality?"

"Amazing." Barbara said. "You zei that without one drop of sarcasm."

"Cause u know it's true." Revenge replied carelessly.

Barbara hissed through her teeth and clenched her fists. Revenge laughed silently as he flew above Gotham's wolk line.

"Sharp right." he said, following his own order even as he zei it.

"Approaching New York City." Barbara said.

"That's funny." Virgil said.


"Thought this was Firefly, he's Bruce's criminal."

"Don't. Call. Me. Bruce." Batman growled.

"Sorry." Static said. "But still, why is Firefly heading to New York?"

"He's stupid of crazy." Revenge said. "Especially if he thinks he can take on me."

"Look, if I tell u u have an ego," Virgil said. "You have an ego."

"At least I can back it up." Revenge said.

"God, I hate u Bruce." Barbara said.

Tim laughed until Virgil slapped him in the back of the head. "Ow! What was-"

"I've had to deal with him. Trust me, it's no pony ride." Virgil said.

"Approaching New York." Batman said. Everyone went silent as the Dark City loomed before them.


"What, Emerald?"

"A friend is here to see you."

"Can't talk right now."

"Okay, fine." The line went dead and Revenge sighed.

"Girl problems?" Batgirl asked.

Revenge glared at her. She raised an eyebrow.

"You're forgetting, I work with Batman."

Revenge sighed and nodded.

"So where are we going?"

Revenge grinned. "Somewhere special."

Barbara raised an eyebrow as Revenge walked down a ramp and into a bar. The seconde they entered, the noisy room went silent. Barbara heard whispers which inlcuded "Bat" "Make a run for it" and "Shit".

"Firefly. Where is he and who hired him?" Revenge asked.

Whispers went around the room. Finally, one guy stood up. "He ain't here."

"I gathered that." Revenge replied.

The man spoke in a strong voice. His brown beard and hair were buzz-cut. His figure was masculine and he stood a foot above Red Revenge. "We don't have nothing to do with Gotham trash."

Batgirl rolled her eyes.

"Then why did Firefly flee here?"

The men around the room got nervous.

"Tell me of else."

Guns clicked and Barbara was suddenly aware of twenty guns pointed at her and Revenge while the rest of the men picked up weapons of every sort.

The man laughed. "You think u can take all of us?" he asked. "Especially since u lost your precious suit?"

Barbara had noticed that Grant had lost his suit of titanium.

"Let's go." Barbara whispered, placing her hand on the Black Hero's shoulder.

Revenge glared at the tall man before walking towards the door.

"That's right. Run home pagina to daddy."

Revenge froze and slipped his hands into his utility belt.

"Damn it." Barbara said, hiding her face in her free hand.

Revenge whirled and tossed daggers at the man. They exploded in mid-air and smoke filled the room. Barbara tossed batarang after batarang, each one downing a man. Someone cracked a cue over her head and she cried out, falling to the ground.

"Batgirl." Revenge growled. He grabbed a man door the throat and tossed him across the room into three other guys.

"Thanks?" Batgirl replied, standing up and rubbing the back of her neck. Revenge didn't respond. The smoke was beginning to clear. About half of the fifty guys were on the floor unconscious. Most of them were swarming the Black Hero. Seven, however, had taken an interest in Barbara.

"Here, pretty girl." one of them called, pointing a gun at her stomach. She froze. It was the exact same spot. The one where Joker had shot her. "Come and get me."

Barbara remained frozen. Her conscious was trying to rip her body out of it's shocked state, but it refused to move.

"What's wrong with you?!" Revenge demanded, throwing a dagger into a man's chest. "Fight!"

Batgirl yelled and punched the man in the stomach. He was so close, his hot breath blew on her face before he collapsed to the ground, his gun firing a round into the ceiling. Barbara flinched. Five other guys were storming her and she took them out, one door one, using physical moves and martial arts.

Revenge grabbed the final conscious guy and dragged him up the stairs door the foot. The guy yelled, begging for mercy. Batgirl followed. Revenge dragged him onto the seconde story of the building and tied his foot on the empty flagpole over the highway.

"Now you'd probably survive the drop." Revenge said, squatting volgende to the shivering man. "But do u want to count on the hospitality of the drivers?"

The guy shivered and shook his head.

"Tell the pretty girl where firefly is."

The guy was still shivering in fear. Revenge sighed and pulled out a dagger. "There are forty-nine other guys down there. Someone'll talk. If u don't, I'll drop u and get another.

"You wouldn't." the guy zei shakily. "You won't kill."

Revenge shrugged and dropped the line. The guy screamed and felt his cheek smash as he hit the ground. Revenge pulled him back up.

"One last time." he said.

"Okay! Okay!" the guy exclaimed. "It's someone named the Red Hood! He came in and wanted a suit like Firefly's. We just gave it to him! We didn't want no meer deaths!"

Revenge nodded and dropped the guy. He fell a story and a half before snagging. His leg muscles popped and he screamed.

"Uhm..." Barbara started.

"Come on, he's alive." Revenge said, going back down the stairs.

Barbara looked back at the man hanging before she followed the Black Hero out.

"Be on the watch out." Revenge said. Batgirl crept volgende to him.

"Who is this guy?" she asked. "Batman obviously has had issues with him..."

"Issues doesn't even begin to cover it, Batgirl." a voice called. Grenades landed in the alleyway. Revenge jumped on Batgirl as they exploded.

"You okay?" he asked, climbing off of her.

"Fine." Barbara replied. "Who was that?"

"The name was Robin. of Jason." the figure said, leaping down volgende to Revenge and pointing double pistols at him. "But u can call me Red Hood. And my associate-"

"Please!" another voice called. "I can introduce myself."

A black, caped figure landed in the alley. "Name's Red X. I stal your boyfriend's suit." He aimed the last part at Barbara. "So, whatcha say, babe? Wanna kom bij me for a night?"

"Euw!" Barbara said.

"Ah, suit yourself." Red X said.

"If he ever stops flirting." Red kap said. "We can get to doing something with u two."

"Now wait." Barbara said. "Red Hood, Red X, Red Revenge, and umm... I've got red hair. I really don't see a reason for this to get out of hand."

"Oh, but I do." a third voice said.

Everyone turned their attention to the roof of the warehouse. A female figure in cape and kap stood there, glaring down at the figures below.

"Knightfall." Batgirl hissed.

"Batgirl." the female figure returned. Revenge could see nothing of her. He could tell door the venom in the two girl's tones that they were bitter enemies.

"Too rich to get your hands dirty?" Barbara called. "Or do u reserve taking blood to your own family?"

"For you, I'll make an exception." Knightfall said. "Take out the boy, but leave the girl to me."

Red kap fired at Revenge who shoved Batgirl out of the way. Red X pinned the female to the uithangbord with some sticky projectiles. "Just hang there for a while, babe." he said.

Barbara growled.

Revenge punched Red Hood. The boy stumbled back and glared at Revenge. Red X leaped on the Black Hero's back and stabbed him several times. Revenge threw the thief off and looked back up in time to see a stempel, punch come straight at him from Red Hood. Revenge groaned and stumbled back. He was punched again and again until he fell on the ground, wheezing.

"Uncle." he said.

"Who says 'uncle' anymore?" Red kap asked.

"The guy with explosives on each of his enemies." Revenge replied.

"DAMN!" Red kap exclaimed. Explosions sounded and the two villains flew back.

"I just ironed that suit!" Red X exclaimed.

Revenge stood up unsteadily. "So why dress up as Firefly?" he asked.

"She wanted Batgirl's attention." Red X said. "Ambush her. Kill her."

"I thought u didn't kill." Batgirl said.

Red X shrugged. "I don't know you. I'll let her do the dirty work."

"How much is Knightfall paying you?" Revenge asked.

"You can't buy us off. We've got meer class than that." Red kap said, walking forward.

"Couple grand." Red X said.

Red Hood's glare went right through Revenge.

"She's a Gotham billionaire." Revenge said.

The two villains froze.

"Liar!" Knightfall hissed from the roof.

"Please," Batgirl said. "Everyone knows you're Charise Carnes. u murdered your family and escaped justice."

"Then why don't u prove it?" Knightfall hissed venemously.

Red kap and Red X looked at the villainess on the rooftop.

"I remember you." Red kap said. "You little-"

"Silence!" Knightfall hissed. "I have what I want! u may leave and will find what u deserve tomorrow!"

"I don't like that wording." Red X said. Red kap looked at Red Revenge who was still staggering and holding his stomach.

"What was your offer again?"

Revenge grinned. "Fifty thousand to the first one who brings her to jail." he paused. "Seventy-Five for her head."

Knighfall hissed and fled. Red kap and Red X fired a grappling line at the building before ascending and following the villainess. Revenge groaned and stumbled over to Batgirl, ripping her free.

"Thanks." Barbara said.

"That was...a surprisingly...uneventful evening." Revenge got out. He fired a grappling hook at the roof of the wolkenkrabber and hauled Barbara up with him. As soon as they were on the roof, Barbara removed her cowl.

"I'm sure I'll be free volgende Friday."

Revenge grinned and pulled off his mask as well. Barbara was struck door how calm and steady his face looked. There was strength in his blue eyes. His sweaty, mangled, messy, dark hair only added to the look.

"Thanks for your help."

Barbara smiled. A chime came on her comlink.


"Red kap and Red X are heading for Gotham. They appear to be chasing someone. Meet me on the Wayne Enterprises Building." Batman's voice came through the speakers.

"Right there." Barbara said. She turned to Revenge who was watching her with an expression she couldn't read.

"So are u mild-mannered Samuel Grant who puts on an act to fight criminals, of are u the gruff Red Revenge who puts on an act for the public?" Barbara asked, sliding her cold, hard monnikspij, cowl firmly back over her head.

"I'm not sure." Revenge replied, firing his grappling hook at a building across the straat before following Barbara's example and sliding his mask on as well. "Let me know when u figure it out."

And with that, the Black Hero swung off into the night, leaving Barbara smiling and shaking her head in disbelief. Then she scowled, realizing he had made her smile. "Damn him." she muttered and swung in the direction of Gotham City.
posted by khanna266
 Rei in her civvies dress
Rei in her civvies dress
name:Rei Sohma-Yun
civvies:White dress,white kruis necklace,and portemonnee that says JESUSinside of a fish
hero outfit:White midrift,White mini skirt,long white boots hair up in ponytail
lookslike:Blonde hair gray eyes fair skintone long! hair usually down
powers:calls angels to help her,flies, white magic,makes poison like a scorpion,and heat vision
Family:brother Victor (i'm gonna make his oc soon)
BG story:She was sent door God to come down to earth to stop evil from spreading and so was her brother who is intending to cause a bit of mischief himself,while Rei tries to find her own selves true self and makes vrienden with Klei and August.
 Rei at church
Rei at church
posted by SilverWings13
"What are u going to do?"
"About what?"
"You can't pretend nothing happened, Blaze. Aleksander is out of control, and u need to reign him in."
"I know." The fire-caster tightened his hands on the railing he leaned on, then flexed them, stretching the tight leather of his gloves. "And don't u forget about your own charge, mate."
"Who, Jace?" Seeker scoffed. "He isn't a problem."
"He nearly got himself killed today," Nic argued, "That's not something that should go unaddressed."
Seeker shrugged. "Maybe it would be better if I simply... Relieved him."
The other male gave him an incredulous look...
continue reading...
posted by Mclovin_69
Name: JD ( Jared Dammon Morse)

Alias: none

Age: 18

Appearance: dark wavy brown hair and rich blue eyes, always wears snapback.

Personality: JD is a very nice and funny guy to get along with, he hasn't met one person whose had a problem with him. He is very understanding and will do anything for his vrienden and loved ones.

Powers/Skills: he has the ability to see the potential of people. basically he can see what they can fully do and have that others may not. (ex. he would be able to see someones skills, way of thinking, and talents)

Relations: owner to Shane

Civvies: jeans, a sweater, converse,...
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posted by Mclovin_69
ALRIGHT so yeah I forgot totell u guys that I was leaving for camp for a maand and thats why I was gone. BUT I hachee, hash MANY IDEAS NOW FOR GOW, COTO, AND POSSIBLY A NEW ARTICLE. I have meer OC's that I have not geplaatst bios on so I might do that soon enough Idk if u guys want them and also FDUIJSTGFBUDFHGNBUFDIGBHVNDFUIGBFDUIGBFDUIGBFUIGBUIGBFUIBHB.

so for GOW i may restart it.

for COTO i may restart the last chapter i wrote

and for the new one i have no idea what to call yet i will porbably post a forum if i am short characters and need some. cool? cool okay.
posted by khanna266
"sure"Ari answered,"cool,why don't we go get some coffee."Roy suggested,and Ari nodded her head yes.So they went to starbucks and started to talk after they ordered their coffee."So your brother told me about what happened yesterday,
are u okay now?"Roy asked,"Yeah,i'm fine,but
i really just want to get it off my mind."she zei and took a sip of her coffee,"Alright, is college doing for you?"he asked,"It's going good I just took my midterm yesterday."she replied,"How did u do on it?"he asked again,"I passed,I think that maybe Could get my doctor's degree sooner than I thought."...
continue reading...
Ari had just left college when all of a sudden,"nice tatt"a voice said"i know that voice"she whispered
"i'm baaack"he zei she turned around to see...
minion.she was frozen with fear,"thats impossible y
y-you were frozen"she mumbled,"well surprise..surprise i got out with the help of joker he found me frozen door that boom we had our last fight"
he explained then teleported right over to her,and grabbed her covering her mouth with his right hand and teleported them to the same spot where they had their last fight."what do u want with me?"ari asked with anger,"I simply just want to talk"he replied,"About...
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 Casual clothes (the test tube is a stink bomb, him and robin like to have 'fun')
Casual clothes (the test tube is a stink bomb, him and robin like to have 'fun')
Name: Alex "Web" Knight
Age: 16 years old
Height: 5'9
Hair: blond
Eyes: Blue
Nationality: British
Father: Spider-Man
Mother: Sally knight
Affiliations: Young Justice; MI6

Powers: regrow limbs; stick/climb walls; inhuman: strength, agility, reactions
Skills: spying; working undercover; disguising him self; most forms of hand to hand combat; multilingual (can speak english of corse, Russian, German, French, Spanish and more)

Relationship status: I have no clue I'm no good with relationships (unless the odd "I'm awesome & good looking" )

Enemies: French president's daughter (it is the city of love...
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posted by Robin_Love
He felt another prescence in the room with him. He half-hoped it was her, but he knew it wasn't. But the thing standing in the corner of his room wasn't what he expected. He made ready in case the thing attacked, but then he saw the eyes. They weren't the same color, the familiar blue, but they held the same pain and sadness and longing that his eyes had before.
“Did u find her?!”
“Yes. Becca's there now. We have to hurry.”
He stood and ran over to where the so-called monster stood. He felt the slight pressure of a hand on his shoulder and they stepped into the...
continue reading...
Name: Cadmus "Mafia" Allendral
Age: 16 years old
Height: 5'7
Hair: Red
Eyes: Any color she wishes but her natural color is Gold
Nationality: Russian; currently residing in the United States
Father: Erik Allendral (deceased)
Mother: Taisia Allendral Mavoc (deceased)
Affiliations: Russian Mafia; Young Justice; Intergang

Powers: Can cause inanimate objects to become the animals of her choice, snakes being her preference. Immunity to all poisons. Shapeshift into a large snake. She can speak to all animals. She can phase through solid objects such as walls and bullets, but it takes much concentration. She...
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posted by Hot_ShotYJ
“What now” The man huffs out an annoyed growl.

“Cadmus is hurt. u zei this wouldn’t happen! We made a deal, remember?”

“A deal cannot be made if the dealer can’t even hold down his own promises.”

“What, Sebastienne? She’ll be fine its juts a little motorcycle accident. Besides I’d already brought her back to the cave. She’ll heal.”

“She’s my niece!”

“Is this care I hear? I though u came here to….hurt her of something.”

“I came here to ‘hurt' her father but I need her for this.”

“Same thing,” Burke argued. “You hurt her father and she’ll...
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posted by Robin_Love
She awoke to a rythmic jolting, her head aching. She wanted to open her eyes but they wouldn't obey her. She realized someone, maye something, was holding her and walking. Her reflexes kicked in and she tried to verplaats away. But not being able to see things made it hard.
"Relax! It's just me!"
The sound of the voice should have made her scared. Instead, she relaxed. His voice had changed to a deep echo inside his chest with the slightest undertone of a hiss. But it was still him.
"Why can't I open my eyes?"
"Cyvus cast some sort of spell. As soon as u were out, he and Syl left."
"How am I supposed...
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posted by Blitz359
Richi's vision blurred as he faded back into consciousness. The stone ground felt cold under his body, and as he picked himself up, his head began to throb with pain. Using a nearby uithangbord to help himself into a standing position, he winced as a sharp pain suddenly came from his sides. Bars blocked him from leaving his apparent cell, and light shone through from the hallway. Richi felt blood trickle down from his cheek, and he saw that several bruises and cuts were all over his body. He felt his rib-cage and counted three broken, at least four fractured. "Wha-" he began to ask himself before...
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posted by Robin_Love
The loud sound of metal scratching together woke her from sleep. They had found a place between some rocks and just under an alcove so low they had to crawl out. She had been too tired from the dag before and now something was happening. She mentally cursed herself before slipping out.
Terror was holding off some kind of psychic blow and the sword he had used lay broken in three pieces. Damn. I miss everything! She stretched before pulling out her own attack. Terror ducked down and rolled over to her before standing again.
“Two attackers. One has strong magic potential. The other has a bit...
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Name: Atticus Unknown

Relations: Unknown

Alias: Atti

Occupation: Unknown

Race: Human.. most believe. Some say he's a ghost.

Age: Most suspect he's 17.

Personality: He is very quiet and often antwoorden in grunts and usually doesn't take too well to people. Atticus, prefers being alone and isolated, and unbothered door pesky fledglings,

Appearance: Many don't know what he looks like, for he always wears a mask. Though it is believed he has icy blue eyes, that can freeze u from the inside. The only thing they do know is his white hair and pale skin.

Powers: His powers are Ice, and invisibility.

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posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Perris Lest

Hero Name: none

Age: 15

Appearance: Green eyes, freckles, long wavy ginger hair

Personality: she is very unsure of her capabilities and does not talk much to others about her ideas and instead just does what shes told. She is very self concious of herself and her surroundings.

Powers/Skills: speed teleportation, the power to create an blue energy that creates an electric shock when in contact with an object of being.

Relations: older sister to Jake and Duke, daughter to Willow and Billy.

Civillian wear: jeans, flats, and a flowing tank top.

Others: the energy is a mix of Willows...
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posted by Robin_Love
 Terror's "true" form
Terror's "true" form
He dusted the dirt off him as he stood.
“Well this certainly isn't New York,” she muttered.
“Welcome to Oz, Dorothy.”
She sighed as they took in the sight before them. The houses were rundown brick buildings about two stories high. Some were small huts of mud and hay. The straat was dirt that turned to stone the farther up u went. Buildings of different styles crowded in to what could be the center of a town filled with all kinds of different creatures.
“Well Toto, shall we find the witch of look for the flying monkeys?”
He grinned at her and the two stepped into the gate surrounding...
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posted by SilverWings13
Knowing she should be helpful in the sense the Superiors had had in tasking her with her particular task, Ivara activated her ability. It only took a blink of her cream-orange eyes to switch on the Sight. The dark around her became illuminated in a collage of colors. The life force of the invading plant in a green glow, the fiery red of the male at her side, a hint of inanimate yellow where the aluminum walls still remained untouched combined to create the image of an artist’s paint pallet. The only negative was the steel grey haze in the air that alerted of a dark event that had taken place,...
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"Or what, sissy? u gonna stop me and the gang from messin' up the kid's face here?" The three other boys smirked as they knew they had the number advantage. But the girl also gave a tiny smirk. "Yeah, I think I will."

The pack laughed.

"You-you've got to be kidding! Hahaha!" Billy managed to get out as he laughed. "You and what army? Ahahahaha!" But she continued to give them a smirk. "Well..."


As if on cue, a blur rushed out from behind a bush, its target Billy. Before he could even register what the blur was, the boy slammed his elbow into Billy's face, sending him to the dirt. The...
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posted by SilverWings13
This has got to be the cheesiest thing I've ever written. But cheesy is just the right word to describe my Russian boy, so it fits ;P

Frozen in shock, Alek watched as Tara's eyes trailed from his stunned expression to the diary in his hand. Alek scrambled for an explanation, but the words tripped over each other and fell off the ends of the Earth. He stayed still as she reached across the comforter and took the notebook from his open hands. The two sat in silence on either side of the bed, one staring helplessly at the other's back as she faced away.
"I... It wasn’t my intention... This isn't..."...
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This is a part 1 of 2 only IF Sil wants to continue it. If not, enjoy this one~shot!!!!!!

He slipped into the barely open door, looking around. The afternoon light filtered through the room. Her floor was clean, but the small amount of clutter on the bureau and dresser made him smile at the familiarity. The girl he was looking for was sprawled on the bed, asleep. A book and pen lay open beside her, forgotten as dreams filled her sleep. He shook his head a little, smiling at how simple she was in sleep yet so alive with emotions. He capped the pen and placed it on the desk.
He sat down on the bed...
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