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(Part 3)

Previously on Red Revenge...

"Batman, my detective the Question. Question, this-"

"We've met." vraag said.

"Ah." Flash said. "So u know him Batman?"

"Too well." the Dark Knight growled.

"Hey!" Sam exclaimed. The thief ran out into the hallway and was heading towards the doors when Sam grabbed him and slammed him into the wall. He snatched the portemonnee away. Sam ripped down the man's kap and turned him around. He froze when he saw the man's face.

"It can't be." Sam said, stumbling away from the thief. "You-you're dead. I saw you-"

"Thank you-Sam? Sam? Are u okay? u look like u just saw a ghost."

"I did." the male responded, turning to his girlfriend.

"Falcon aka Ryan Salvaderez was my sidekick for five months."

hulst, holly looked back at the portrait. "So this is who u think u saw?"

"I know it couldn't have been." Sam said.

"Why not? Did he retire and leave New York?"

"Because I watched him die. And his death was my fault." Sam said.


New York City

June 5, 21:32 EST

"See u in hell." Ryan said. He put his finger on the trigger and started to pull on it when the window crashed in and a figure tackled Ryan. The gun flew away and Robin stood up.

"I see u keep a number of dangerous acquaintances." The Boy Wonder said. "You're lucky Cass and I were so close."

"Where is Cassie?"

"Here!" the blonde replied, flying in the window and landing gingerly. "Sorry, I don't like Batman's entrances of glass in my feet."

"Look out!" Sam yelled, tossing the two teens to the side as Ryan fired. Sam grabbed one of the daggers on the floor and threw it at Ryan. He missed, and the killer was gone.

"Well that was effective." Robin said, brushing his sleeves off and standing up. He offered a hand to Cassie who took it.

Sam started to walk out, but Robin put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey! What's going on?" the Boy Wonder demanded.

Sam shrugged the shoulder off, but Robin grabbed him and spun him around.

"I asked u a question." Robin growled.

"Stay out of it!"

"I don't think so!"

Sam punched Robin in the face. The Boy Wonder fell to the ground and Cassie caught it. Sam was gone door the time Robin was back on his feet, rubbing his jaw.

Mount Justice

June 6, 00:43 EST

"Recognized: Robin. B-20. Wondergirl. B-21."

The duo walked into the Cave to be greeted door Bart speeding through yelling something about school ending the volgende day.

Robin sighed. "Is Batman still on the Watchtower?"

"Want a surprise?" tijgerin, die tigerin asked, turning from the console. "Other than your step sister being here of course, Batman retired to bed."

Robin sighed. "How bad's the injury?" he asked, covering his face with one hand.

"No injury, he was "tired"."

Robin's eyes widened in surprise for a minuut before they were back to normal. "So who debriefs me?"

"Nightwing." Helena replied.

Robin and Wondergirl walked into the briefing room to see Nightwing talking to Red Revenge.

"Wondering what was taking u so long." Revenge said.

"Where have u two been?" Nightwing demanded.

"Saving his sorry ass!" Cassie exclaimed, pointing to the Black Hero.

"That was an uur ago! What took so long?" Nightwing demanded. Cassie looked down and Robin sighed. "We were looking for him."

"Well, he's off Team and off mission. I need u two for something different."

"But someone just tried to kill him!" Robin said.

"A lot of people want me dead, kid." Revenge said, folding his arms over his chest. He looked at Nightwing. "Thanks,"

"Sure," Nightwing said.

"Recognized: Red Revenge A-13."

"How do u get along with him on a professional adult to adult level?!" Robin exclaimed.

"He is an adult. Simple."

"So what did u need us—"

"Hold on." Nightwing said, touching his ear comm. "Alright, Wondergirl, meet Blue Beetle in El Paso for mission briefing. Batgirl will be in charge of you. Robin, with me."

"Where are we going?" Robin asked.

"To the beach." Nightwing said, putting his arm around Tim's shoulder. "We need to talk."

New York City

June 6, 8:00 EST

"I don't care what he used to do of how much it looks like him!" Revenge yelled, slamming his fist on the table. "I want him dead of in a jail cell! Now!"

"For what?!" the police captain of New York demanded.

"Attempted Murder on Samuel Grant!"

"Well door all means if the mighty Mr. Grant wants it, let's all just shove protocol aside and do what he says! Now get out of my office!"

Revenge busted through the door and out of the police office before driving off on his motorcycle.

Mount Justice

June 6, 01:09 EST

"Tim, what happened?"

"We chased down Revenge." Robin zei simply, looking out over the water.

"No, u didn't." Nightwing said. "I saw the look on Cassie's face when I asked what took so long."

Tim sighed. "She kissed me. Nothing special, but she did, and now she feels bad for it. I feel like…like I took advantage of her, Dick."

"Did she kiss u of did u kiss her?" Dick asked with concern.

"I..I don't know. One moment, Revenge is in the room, punching me, the next, I have my hands on Cassie and we're kissing." Tim looked up at Dick. "I took advantage of her, didn't I? I took advantage of her emotional trauma and kissed her. My better part is trying to block out the memory, but..Dick..I—"

"Don't beat yourself up over it." Dick said. "I'm sure she wasn't thinking either."

"That's just it, Dick!" Tim said, exasperated. "She wasn't thinking! She gave in to her emotions that I took advantage of! It happens so many times, I always think of those people as trash, and I do it too…" Tim trailed off and looked out at the clear blue water.

"Tim," Dick said. "Go back home pagina and rest. We'll sort through this in the morning."

"DICK!" Time yelled. "I can't just go home! What will Bruce think?!"

"He'll understand." Dick said. "Heat of the moment. Heck, the entire team made out on the uitkijktoren after battling the Justice League."

"Just…don't follow me!" Tim said, standing up.

"Tim!" Dick exclaimed, trying to grab the boy's arm. The Boy Wonder snatched it away. Robin ripped off his mask and threw it at Nightwing. "Just leave me alone!"

Robin stormed away to the astonishment of Dick and grabbed his bike, driving off, throwing sand and leaving a trail. Nightwing sighed and made the trek back to the Cave. Helena was waiting inside the mountain. "Where's Robin?" she asked.

Dick sighed. "Tim," he said, holding up the domino mask. "Left this on the strand and went for a midnight ride."

"Wonder what's up with him." Helena said.

Dick sighed again. "He and Cassie kissed. He feels like he took advantage of her."

"Which one started it?" Helena asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Tim blames himself, but he's not sure."

Helena sighed. "Should I turn on his tracer?"

"No." Dick said.

"Why not?"

"He'd have ditched it door now."

"How do u know?" Helena asked as Nightwing walked into the zeta tubes.

"Recognized: Nightwing. B-02."

"I used to wear the "R", remember?" Nightiwing asked, then disappeared.

New York City

June 6, 4:00 EST

Sam's phone rang. He glanced at the alarm clock and saw the time. He groaned and picked it up, answering it.

"Samuel Grant." He said, rolling over on his side and holding the phone up to his ear.

"Hey there, Sammy boy." Sam's eyes jerked open. "Do me a favor. Put on a overhemd, shirt of I put a bullet on your girlfriend's pretty face."

Sam glared around.

"Oh, u won't find me." The voice said, seeming to grow nearer. "I'm everywhere, and nowhere."

"Show yourself!" Sam hissed, standing up and reaching for the pistol under his nightstand. A fist grabbed his and slit his wrist. Sam hissed in pain, trying to keep hulst, holly from waking up.

"Face me like a man!"

"Like u do?" the voice snorted. Revenge felt something clamp over his mouth. There was an overwhelming smell of odors and suddenly Sam was unconscious on the ground.

"I told u to put on a shirt." The invisible guy snorted, Sam's body seemed to drag itself out of his room.

The Batcave

June 6, 8:00 EST

"Yes, we'll do everything we can Emerald. Promise."

"Recognized: Wondergirl. B-21"

Batman flipped up his monnikspij, cowl and shut off the elevator. "Call u back." He said, and shut off the computer.

Cassie flew into the Batcave and landed volgende to Batman. "Where's Robin?" she demanded.

"He's…out." Batman said.

"Where?" Cassie demanded.

"Not going to say." Batman cocked an eyebrow. "How did u get in?"

"Same access as the Bat-Bunker."

Batman sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. The Bats seemed to do that a lot.

"Robin ran off last night. He refused to let anyone talk to him, reason with him."

Cassie nodded and flew back towards the zeta-tubes.

New York City

June 6, 12:09 EST

Sam woke up and groaned. He was tied, hanging upside down from the ceiling door his ankles. The chains creaked as he moved around, trying to get a grasp on his settings. He was still only clothed in his shorts, which he had been sleeping in. He groaned again and looked at the floor.

There was a pool of water beneath him. At the very bottom was a large blob. Before Sam could try to decipher what it was, a door opened on the far end of the room and a figure walked in.

"Sammy old boy! Nice to see u again. Well, the feeling is probably not mutual, but still."

"You bastard." Revenge growled. "You have no idea what you're doing."

"Actually, I do." The guy said. He gestured at the vis tank below. "I don't know how long u can hold your breath, but it doesn't really matter. It's how long can u swim?"

"What?" Sam asked. The blood rushing to his head was making things blurry and dizzy. He felt like was going to puke.

"That, old boy, is a portugese man o' war. u touch it, you're dead."

"What do u hope to accomplish door all this?" Sam demanded, trying to twist from where he was hanging as the male walked around the room.

"To make u pay." The Hispanic said, grabbing Sam's face and shoving it in the water.

Gotham City

June 6, 21:09 EST

"I can't find him." Cassie zei into her comm, flying over the streets of Gotham.

"He wouldn't go anywhere else. He had to stay in Gotham."

"Where did he become Robin?" Cassie asked.

"Checked that. All the bat bunkers and the Man—his apartment."

Cassie sighed. "Could he be in Bludhaven?" she asked.

"No, I seem to have developed a grudge with most of the Team."

"You killed your best friend!"

Nightwing sighed.

Cassie narrowed her eyes as someone walked out of an alleyway. "I think I found him." She said, landing behind the boy. She turned him around and sure enough it was Robin.


Except his glasses were off.

"So you're Robin." She said, astonished.

"Cassie," Tim repeated her name. "Please leave me alone. I don't want to hurt u again."

Cassie was shocked. "Hurt me?"

"I took advantage of u when I kissed you." Tim said, looking at the ground and tucking his hands in his pockets.

Cassie looked stunned. "I kissed you, Tim." She said. "If anyone took advantage of the other, it was me!"

Tim looked completely surprised.

"I was still down about Liam, but I needed comfort. I knew you'd give me that comfort no matter what," Cassie looked him straight in his eyes. "Because that's the type of guy u are."

Tim managed a small smile.

"Well?" Nightwing demanded in her comm.

Cassie looked at Tim who slipped on his dark glasses and nodded.

"Yeah," she said. "I found him."

"Well bring him on home."

New York City

June 6, 22:00 EST

Sam had been hanging in the same position so long he had gone to sleep. He was jerked awake door the sound of soft footsteps in the warehouse. Sam blinked sleepily and fell to the ground in a heap. Nightingale leaned over him and undid his chains. Sam looked at her crazily.

"Someone's been running around impersonating your brother." Sam said.

Nightingale didn't respond.

Sam stood up and flexed his joints. "Why did u do it?" he asked. "Why not just let me die. That's what u wanted."

"Yes," Nightingale spoke in her soft voice. "That is what I wanted. But we can't always have what we want, can we?"

Sam shook his head slowly.

"You got a lesson. You'll keep an eye on your partners a lot closer now, won't you?"

"Always." Sam said, shadows moving to cover his face.

Nightingale turned around to say something else to the man, but she settled for a glance and walked out.

"Weird." Sam muttered.

The Watchtower

June 7, 23:09 EST

"Recognized: Red Revenge A-13. Override. Red Revenge 13."

Samuel Grant stepped out of the zeta tube. "Someone malfunction my authorization?" he asked.

"No," Batman said, handing the holo computer to Flash and walking toward Revenge. "We've got no reason to not trust you. You've proven time and time again that u are always on the side of justice. No matter what it may seem."

"Welcome to the Justice League."

Mount Justice

June 7, 8:09 EST

"Recognized: Red Revenge, 13." Revenge walked out of the zeta tubes and opened a holo-computer.

"Revenge," Nightwing said, starting towards the Black Hero. The zeta-tubes hummed to life again.

"Recognized: Tezla, A-23."

A blonde girl walked into the Cave, dark glasses on and backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Nightwing, we need to speak."

The black haired male looked at Revenge, the zeta-tubes, and lastly Brooke.


The three walked off to the side as the rest of the Team began to enter the Cave.

"This is Brooke Shields, Tezla. She's gonna need some basic training, tour of the Cave, but she is NOT a member of your Team." Revenge said, jabbing his finger into Dick's chest on the word "yours".

"Understood." Nightwing zei coldly. He whistled a sharp, high tune and Robin ran in.

"Robin, take Tezla and introduce her to the Team. Give her a tour and start training."

The Boy Wonder nodded and departed, the blonde girl in tow.

"What happened to your identification?" Nightwing asked.

"He's part of the Justice League now." Batman said, his face popping up on the screen. "We need all available Team members in Bialya. War just broke out. Revenge, you're with the Justice League. We'll be fighting while the Team preforms zoek and Rescue."

"Roger." The two males nodded. Nightwing tapped a holo-computer. "All Team members meld to Cave Briefing Room immediately. Delta Alert."
posted by Kenzie_KarmaYJ
Kenzie arrives at Brennan's place and sits at the small tafel, tabel with him. He explain's Fin's whole story but from his P.O.V., ending with how Jessica betrayed him and his friend (known to us as Chelsea) and told the Phoenix to leave Fin. But his friend (Chelsea) got there just in time to keep the Phoenix in Fin alive.
He then proceeds to tell her that the phoenix overloaded and that it was an 'accident.' What Kenzie doesn't know is that Chelsea had injected Fin with an overly large amount of some substance that killed her and the phoenix momentarily.
This whole time, Chelsea has been cooking...
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posted by Red_HoodYJ
It was one of those days: long, and seeming to never end. I dragged my feet as I traveled down an alleyway. I yawned and slumped against a wall. I was still in my Red kap guise as my eyes continuously fluttered from open to closed. I woke up to a rumble of thunder. I looked up and saw the sky turning a dark grey, almost black. I sighed. I didn’t want to go to my house and I had no where to really call home, so I headed to the only place I would be able to feel peace. I changed from Red kap to Aeronwen Todd as I walked, removing my jacket, helm and mask as I walked. I dropped them at...
continue reading...
posted by XxKFforeverXx
"It has been reported that a helicopter crash is southeast Iraq has resulted in a trigger of land mine explosions. Reporters also say that there is only one survivor, Derek Adams, and his condition has not been not reported" The TV blared as Mckenzie's eyes went wide  "He's ALIVE?!?!!?" She stabbed her mes in the wall, and turned to Ravenna and Seraphs. "I thought u killed him!" Ravenna and Seraphs both glanced at each other before glancing at Mckenzie, "We did.." 
"Obviously u didn't! Because he's still here!!" Mckenzie jerked her mes out of the wall, "You know what? I'll kill him...
continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love
 Revenche Costume
Revenche Costume
Need to know about this OC for a future article. ;)

Name: Jackie Barton (Unrevealed)
Alias: Revenche
Occupation: hero; student
Powers: Demon fire, speed, agility, block mind from telepaths, force fields, martial arts, weaponry, endurance
History: Jackie was born as the secret daughter of Hawkeye and Mockingbird. When she was young, Jackie was taken door a demon called Belasco. He trained her in the mystic arts in his limbo and gifted her with the power of fire. He also taught her martial arts. Jackie became a fierce fighter, learning meer about the mystic arts. She had an extensive training in weaponry....
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posted by Robin_Love
Everyone else was doing it and people don't really know that Devin's got her share of buttons to be pushed. So I made this! Enjoy! XD

1. Poke her
2. Do anything “Wally-ish”
3. Talk about demons
4. Be mean to Robin (her brother)
5. Ask her to play the harp
6. Ask her to sing
7. Tell her to let Cupid know something (seriously, she WILL hurt you)
8. Make jokes about Angels playing harps and singing
9. Taking away her Angel's light (Teague -.-)
10. Follow her around the mountain because u feel like it (Becca)
11. Tell her she's too sensitive (she's an Angel; what do u expect?)
12. Stand outside her...
continue reading...
OOC: Okay let me explain and apologize. This is going to be dark, extremely dark, and probably pretty twisted too. If u don’t like that type of thing, don’t read this. I don’t usually write this type of stuff, but I can explain...maybe. See, lately I’ve been reading some pretty dark, often graphic, Slade/Robin slash on If you’ve ever read any of that, you’ll understand. I’m pretty sure it messed with my mind, because the other day, I had a very...vivid.. dream about it. So of course, me being the lunatic that I am, I had to write it down. This is the slightly...
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posted by Scarlet_YJ
 Korran's School Uniform
Korran's School Uniform
Name: Brette Lanulue
Alias: Korran
Age: 16
Power: Can manipulate people's shadows

Alliance: hero

Apearance: shoulder length white hair, cat ears and tail, 5 ft. 6", red eyes

Personality: kind, caring, childish mindset, brave, courageous, serious, friendly

History: Korran was gegeven her powers at the age of six, shortly after getting her powers she got her cat ears and tail. Her parents abandoned her because they believed she was a freak. Korran lived on the streets for two years before she found other kids like herself whose parents abandoned them because of their appearance. Korran stayed with her...
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posted by Robin_Love
A little something to help set up another article. Enjoy! :)

She could hear the muziek from her spot in the kitchen. It was a soothing sound but odd to hear. Mostly because it came when no one else was around. They had all gone out to do something. And she was alone as it played. She followed to where she knew it would be played from. The sound haunting yet alluring and still so soothing. It was amazing and it intensified with every step closer she took. The sounds accelerating and crescendo. She looked in the small window on the door. Someone was at the piano, but she couldn't see their face....
continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love
Only one thing to say this time. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!

“I've heard a few things. Whispers of conversations. But u apparently had some kind of fall in with Bloodmist.”
Becca blinked.
“Why would I? I don't mind him being anywhere close to the team.”
“I know. That's why I'm confused.”
Becca nodded. She looked at her Angel friend.
“Devin, what have u experienced?”
“Becca, what I say volgende can not be repeated.”
“I promise.”

“I feel bad for lying to him, Becca. But...I felt like I had to protect him.”
“From what Dev?”
“Myself. I don't know why but I felt this voice...
continue reading...
posted by Scarlet_YJ
 Scarlet's new civvies
Scarlet's new civvies
Name: Scarlet Adenfeld
Alias: Ember
Age: 16
Power: witch who can control brand and uses magic

Alliance: for right now I don't even care the line between villian and hero is basically non-existant so call her whatever u want

Appearance: long oranje hair (now tied up in either a ponytail of pigtails), brown eyes, 5 ft. 8"

Personality: Calm, hot-tempered, withdrawn, loner(ish), serious, loud, trust issues (I might have mentioned this before but her trust issues have gotten worse), friendly, brave, strong (I mean emotionally strong), courageous

History: the only thing that's changed is that her father killed her evil grandmother then her father was murdered.

Other: Scarlet iherited her mother's immortal hunter gun called "Fire Crossing", she has some expierience in martial arts, and she has a dog familiar named Cole
 Scarlet's new mission outfit
Scarlet's new mission outfit
posted by Mclovin_69
brand was shot and burned a boom to the ground, Bentley looked at the burnt boom and glared looking back at the source, " violence is never the answer Sable!! hasnt uncle ever taught u that!! " Bentley shouted, Sables hands glowed blue with brand and she grinned evily, " i dont listen to others i only listen to myself Bent " she zei evily. Bentley glared with his swords in his hands, " has'nt anyone ever taught u anything.... " he said. Sable grew angry " im done with the talking!! " she shouted shooting her brand towards Bentley, Bentley put his swords infront of him in an x formation being...
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posted by Robin_Love
I KNOW I make alot, but I LOVE them all so much!!!

Name: Trevor Wright
Alias: Secret
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Trevor posses different powers at different times of day. Day-strength, light, fire, wind. Night-speed, shadows, darkness, water. Trevor is also a master spy and trained extensively in combat. He has never been detected and has endurance that lasts twenty-four hours. Trevor loves to use a gun in the dag and a sword at night.
History: Trevor was raised on the streets of London, England. He is, as far as he knows, an orphan. His powers manifest from his X-gene. He was taken in door a sly shape-shifter,...
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posted by Mclovin_69
He sliced at a dummy with his sword making it fall apart and heard a little noise behind him and loooked from the corner of his eyes to see two attackers coming at him from both sides, he backflipped out of the way and took out his small daggers throwing them at the incoming dummies and made them fall apart aswell, he landed on his feet swiftly at ease and stood in a ready position with his regular sized sword breathing heavily with sweat running down his forehead, he heard clapping behind him and flipped his sword back into his side pouch and turned around smiling. The man who approached him...
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The Many Ways To Tick Me Off:

1: Tell Me Im Bubbly
2: Tell Me Fang Loves Me
3: Fang Pokes me. :P
4: Say Gadge Is Wierd.
5: Say Im Wierd
6: Take Away My Icecream.
7: Say I Cant Go On A Mission Because Im Pregnant
8: Poke Me And Run Away Screaming
9: Poke me
10: Poke me While Eating A Hot Dog.
(You get the point :P)
11: Say Fang Is Goth
12: Lock Me In A roze Room
13: Threaten Devin
14: Poke Fang
15: Rip Me Off
16: Threaten My Friends
17: Die My Hair
18: Let Me Sleep On The Floor
19: u Keep popcorn Away From Me
And Finally, The One Thing That Will Get u Killed
20: Take Away My Pistol(AND DIE)

I am going to regret this
posted by XxKFforeverXx
Underlined= Thoughts.
Italics= Flashbacks

Soldiers were slowly picked out one door one, as the explosion drew closer and closer. "We're not going to make it!" cried a solider who was close behind Derek. "Yes we are! So shut up!" Derek yelled as he leaped over cars and debris. The roar grew louder and a blast sent the soldiers flying into buildings and scattered along the streets. Soldiers screamed as the blast covered them burning their skin. Derek attempted to stand up only to be knocked back down unconscious.
"Adams? Adams! Status Report." Derek opened his eyes slowly and sat up,
"Adams! Are...
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"night slow down!" Target yelled as his partner darted around the edge of the ledge. He raced over the thin ledge on the building's side that was big enough for some one to put stand with their back against the wall. But his sister and him managed to run across these ledges. He wasn't scared full knowing that he could just propel himself upward with wind but his sister, she just ignored the heights and danger and ran with them.

"nope sorry but that defeats the purpose of being me!' she yelled back. the tan jas flowing behind her. Someone she had found it amusing that she mimicked her brother...
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posted by Red_HoodYJ
**based slightly off the Batman: Under the Red kap movie**
“There. Stop the footage” Dick said. It showed a person, presumably a male, in a biker’s outfit with a red helm on, waving, like they knew they were being filmed.
“Do u think it’s him?” Tim asked
“It can’t be. He’s dead. I know that for sure this time” Bruce said. The Bat-Clan was huddled in the Bat-Cave trying to identify the person who had been interfering with their missions for the last little while. An alarm went off.
“Proximity alert! Someone’s getting into the Cave!” Barbara exclaimed, pulling her...
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posted by TerrorYJ
Becca approached him from behind, never making a sound. She wasn't too keen on talking to him, much less being anywhere near him. He was a fool, someone she would ignore. But he had crossed the line. He had hit a nerve inside her and she needed to be heard, loud and clear.
He turned his head slightly. He turned back to looking at the bank when he saw who it was. She knew he was upset. He had been hurt in battle, but Becca had wanted him out of the mountain. There were very few she turned away from. But this guy she did. In front of everyone.
“I get that u don't like me....
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The harsh winter wind whipped through the dusky air as she walked down the forest path, blonde hair billowing behind her. She pulled her heavy jas tighter to her body as she trudged through the snow. She looked up at the frost-lined trees, and cupped her hands to her mouth.
    “Zig!” she called, her voice reverberating through the forest until it was lost among the trees. “Zi-ig!” Looking down, she noticed a trail of small footprints in the snow, and followed them.
    She reached a thinning in the trees, and now a hill, covered in the thick...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
5 years later
"Soldiers! u are not in combat training anymore! Welcome to the real war, the real thing. We have some returning veterans to the battlefield." The commander turned and held out his hand to point at Derek. "Soldier Adams, thank u for returning to battle. Your assistance is much needed" Derek nodded once and shifted his sniper rifle. Soldiers starting running and grabbing guns and ammo as the threat of a bomb filled the air from the radios. "ADAMS! Get to higher ground, use that sniper to take enemy targets down." Derek nodded and grabbed ammo and running out of the tent,...
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