Young Writers Club
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I sat, annoyed at my position of security. I knew that in the sky, I couldn’t escape. There wasn’t a way to stop when u were so far above land. Sharks have to verplaats forward, of they’ll drown into the depths of the ocean, and airplanes alike-
u must fly forward, of you’ll splat on the hard ground.

And this is exactly what I was afraid of. Death, yes, but meer than death (because I feel that is kind of extreme) I am afraid of unexpected change. For example, when I opened my MySpace account, one of the vragen that was going to be revealed on my profiel was “If u could choose, how would u want to die?” My answer was easy-

In my life, nothing that happened was expected. Nothing. I should be ready for unexpected change, but u have to get sick of it. I got sick of it when I was seven. When u begin in Maine, then end out in San Francisco (where I’m on my way to be), city to city for seventeen years, ever since age two, including a few stepbrothers and stepsisters gone, and three stepfathers, u learn to hate change. Get this- no siblings and I don’t remember anything about my father.

It’s always been my mother, Carrie, and me. Mom loved me enough to take me away from my father. She zei that Samuel Cox (father) turned into a nicotine and alcohol addict after I was born. Mom told me that she gave him many chances, but he wasn’t giving in. I always believed that he didn’t want me. Mom zei that she told my father that she was going to leave with the baby (me) if he didn’t at least attempt to quit smoking and drinking Budweiser. He replied door saying that he didn’t care about me. Then, Mom says, she left with me. I was just a few weeks from two years old.

Mom has bounced from man to man since then, and always left dramatically and unexpectedly. We would always be the ones to leave the home pagina of a divorcee, whether it was from Buffalo to Columbus, of Minneapolis to Tacoma!

The airplane was moving slowly, and my hart-, hart was skipping one extra beat every minute. Mom was sitting beside me, toying with her new appel, apple iPhone. I was just sitting, bored. I was gazing out to take a long glimpse at the clouds sometimes, but most of the time I stared down at my feet.

Mom had met Rod Hawthorne in Jacksonville at our condo. He was renting it for a vacation with his little girl, Ellie, and we were living in it, for the time being. Mom and Rod fell in love during his vacation, and I was mesmerized door the two jaar old cutie named Elisa “Ellie” Kate Hawthorne.

I remember first meeting her at the pool. She was wearing a frilly, pink, one-piece zwempak, badpak with yellow lining and green undertone. Her hair was white with a yellow-ish tint, and it was thin in a small, low, ponytail.

I remember her lips of dark roze that were larger and plumped. Her teeth weren’t even fully grown in yet, they were just small little stubs, but I remember her jumping in the pool with her purple water wings then shouting, “Ooh! Cold! Daddy!” She shrieked. I laughed.

It was then, when her daddy came to her, that I realized she was Mom’s boyfriend’s daughter. I swam over from the six feet deep end (I had always known how to swim very well) to the two and a half to three feet shallow end.

“Hi, Rod.” I said. Then I walked in front of him and held Ellie. At first, she was scared of me, since I was so much bigger than her (I was sixteen at the time), but after a few minutes, she wasn’t afraid.

“Hi, I’m Hillarie,” I remember telling her, “I’m going to be your new friend, u can trust me.” Then, I swam her over, while holding her in my arms, to Rod and Mom. I remember asking Rod if I could swim Ellie over to the deep end while I was holding her. He had to speak with Ellie, while clutching her himself, and making her promise to not kick, scream, of begin a fuss if she got scared, but it wouldn’t bother me any way, I know how to make babies calm down from babysitting all of the years I did.

Ellie promised, then I took her under her arms and slowly began moving forward, all the way to the six feet end of the condominium’s indoor pool. Rod was watching me to make sure that his baby was behaving, but she was. Ellie, in her terrible two’s at the time, was enjoying and clapping every few minutes. Her giggles made me smile.

“Faster, Hil’rie!” She cheered. I was enjoying it just as much as her. Rod swam over whenever she began to screech, but it was of joy, not anger of fright. I could tell door the big smile on her face.

“Was she good?” He asked. I was sad whenever he came over, because I wanted to do a few meer laps with Ellie.

I told him that she was happy, and she backed me up door telling him, “Yay! meer laps with Hil’rie? Please, Daddy! Please!” Rod looked at me and nodded. Then, I took her from him and continued to make laps while she smiled and clapped. I was so happy that I made her joyful. Ever since then, I had loved Ellie, and she had loved me.

Mom was still just dating Rod after a jaar since she met him. All of us had aged a jaar since the pool meet though. That was when I first got to know Rod, and when I first met Ellie. We were moving in with Rod and Ellie in San Francisco that day. I was excited, and Mom was even meer excited than me, because she hoped that after she had moved in and maybe gotten to know Rod and Ellie better, Rod would propose.

Mom loved Rod a little bit meer than the rest of her relationships because he wasn’t rushing into marriage. She felt pressured whenever they’d ask too early. Rod wasn’t like this at all. Rod never showed signs of asking, but now Mom was getting antsy.

Our flight finally touched ground, and sooner than later, we were on our way out of the plane. After we left and found all of our luggage, we began our zoek for Rod and Ellie. Mom was texting him on her iPhone while I was actually searching; pushing people out of the way, saying “excuse me” way too much, and looking all over was my way of searching for them. Mom’s way was texting Rod on his braambes, blackberry phone and her iPhone, while talking about their favoriete films and the plans for the day. My way of searching for Rod and Ellie was meer productive, surprisingly.

Within the first fifteen minutes, I had found little Ellie. She yelled my name and I rushed to her. I picked her up and hugged her firmly within my grasp. She laughed, smiled, and clapped her hands the same as she did when I first met her at the pool. Mom and Rod held each other when they looked up from their phones. Then, Rod kissed her. I covered Ellie’s eyes, playfully. She giggled and took my hands off. Then she gave me her mischievous smile; her eyes were squinted, and her smile was big. That face was one of Ellie’s cutest.

“Ellie has wanted u all day, Hillarie.” Rod told me. Ellie was my favoriete person in the world; my best friend. She smiled and touched my face. Her hair was longer, in two piggy-tails, and she had bangs that came down to the point of almost covering her blue eyes.

Mom commentaar gegeven on Ellie’s long bangs, saying that we needed to ‘get them cut’, but I was opposing the idea. The bangs were cute on Ellie, I thought.

“No cut! No cut!” Ellie yelled. She reached for her bangs and covered them with her hands. I told her not to worry, and Mom rolled her eyes. I whispered ‘shhh’ to Mom and comforted Ellie. Then we started off to the car, Rod’s car, of course. He was going to drive us to his San Francisco home.

On the car ride there, Ellie told me about her dolls. She zei she liked her rag dolls the best, because they were the nice ones, and she played like her Tinkerbelle and Peter Pan dolls were the ‘bad guys’. She zei that Raggedy Ann always saved the day.

After her explanation of her games about superheroes and supervillains, (Tinkerbelle vs. Raggedy Ann) Ellie told me, “Hil’rie, I think of u like Raggy Ann.”

I was shocked. Ellie thought of me as her superhero, of in this case, superheroine. Mom turned around to look at Ellie. I was blushing.

“Ellie,” I began, “what do u mean door me being like Raggedy Ann?” I questioned her. She put her finger on the top, boven of her head, then made a surprised face and lifted the finger. To young ones, this meant that they had to think, but then they got an idea.

“Well, you’re always nice to me. Daddy tells me about these things called ‘role models’, and he says that they are people u look up to, and I look up to you. ‘Looking up’ to somebody is a fancy saying that means I want to be like you. u are my superhero, like Raggy Ann.”

I smiled, and Ellie made the face that made her lips scrunch together and her eyes squint a tiny bit, then she shook her head in approval.

“Ellie, that’s so nice.” I told her. Mom hit Rod and pointed at the backseat, where Ellie was sitting. Rod whispered to Mom. I’m pretty sure he zei ‘I know’, because he had ears. Mom smiled just like me, and Ellie kept the scrunching face, which meant that she was kind of embarrassed, but prideful because she knew that she had done good.

“Ellie,” my mom began, “Ellie.” Ellie took the face off and looked at Mom with her normal look. “Ellie, that is very nice of u to say that to Hillarie. I can tell that u made her very happy. I know that’s what u wanted to do, too.”

Ellie smiled and told my mom ‘yes’. The rest of the ride Ellie and I small-talked about her daycare and her friends, Ruth and Penny. She also talked about Penny’s “boyfriend” named Hank, and how Hank would bother her and Ruth whenever they were in playtime. I thought it was really cute how Ellie thought that Hank was going to get married to Penny and how Ruth wanted to be her bridesmaid but Ellie wanted to be her bridesmaid, too. She also zei that she wanted James to be her “boyfriend” so that she could choose Penny as her bridesmaid in her wedding so Penny would choose Ellie as her bridesmaid instead of Ruth. Ellie would usually end her sentences with, “Hil’rie, do u think (whatever she talked about) is right (or wrong)?” The answer would always be ‘yes’, in my part.

The house we pulled up to was a modest, two-story home pagina with five bedroom, three bath. Rod told me that he already had my room chosen, Ellie had picked it out. I walked outside and gasped. I told Rod that I thought his home pagina was beautiful, and then I hugged him. Rod was my favoriete of Mom’s relationships, too. I just hoped he would ‘pop the question’ soon.

Mom was holding Ellie’s hand up the five of six steps to the door. Rod opened the door and we walked in. “Come on, Hil’rie! Let’s go see your new room!” The three jaar old led me, door hand, into one of the last bedrooms upstairs. “This is it!”

The room was beautifully simplistic; there was a small divan, bank in the corner, a few chairs, a table, a computer, a bed, a television, and a DVD player. There was a radio and a closet, too, and the room was right across the hallway from the third of three bathrooms. The walls were a tan color, and the mattress was undressed, but I had fallen in love with the simplicity of the room.

Rod rushed down to me. “Hillarie, the room can be decorated however u like, I just wanted your opinion after u had already pre-screened the room. Do u like the setup? We have a few meer rooms u could have.”

“No,” I objected, “I like this room. I like the colors, too. It’s perfect, simple, cute, all the amenities I could ever want. I just love it.”

He looked at me with an odd face. “Are u sure? I have just enough money to redo the entire room, I mean, your wish is my command…”

“Really!” I interrupted. “It’s perfect. Thanks, Rod.” I smiled at him. Mom had come into the room door then, and it was a corny ‘family moment’.

“Well, I’m happy u like it. Ellie and I have been gathering the amenities since last week. She wanted to put the final touches and I let her.” I laughed. Ellie agreed, and showed where she put some of the things. Rod and Mom small-talked then we all sat in the large grand living room.

Ellie’s friend Ruth came over, so I decided to go around the neighborhood and get to know people. I shut the door of my home, and started out door crossing the straat to go the home pagina right in front of mine.

2- Meet Jake Nava

I knocked on the door, and it opened. A teenage boy, obviously my age, opened the door. His hair was brushed back, brunette shade, and his kanine teeth melted me. His tongue was barely in his mouth. The boy’s eyes were dark brown, and he wore a leather high school jas and torn jeans. He looked like he smiled a lot.

“Hi,” I began, “I’m Hillarie Cox. I just moved in across the street, umm, I was just taking a tour of the neighborhood. I’m sorry if I interrupted anything…”

“No,” he declared, “you didn’t do a thing. Come on in.” He opened the door. At first I hesitated, thinking if Mom and Rod would approve, but I didn’t think that he would have anything ‘bad’ in store for me, so I walked in.

I strolled around, at the fall-festive décor. Obviously there wasn’t anything to worry about; just a teenager and his mom. “So, did u guys buy of rent the house?” He asked, tonen me a cornocoupia his family created. It was beautiful, and his home pagina was beautiful. It was a traditional family setting, nothing u wouldn’t expect in a subdivision in San Francisco, really. I was sort of envious, because I had never had that life. Ever.

“We moved in with my mom’s boyfriend, actually. Rod Hawthorne?” He knew who Rod was, so he shook his head, then I continued. “Rod and my mom met in Florida, we were renting a condo to live in and he and Ellie were on vacation. I fell in love with Ellie and Mom fell in love with Rod. They started hanging out on Facebook and Twitter and ‘following each other’ so, Mom wanted to verplaats in with Rod and we moved away.”

I was fighting back tears when I zei ‘we moved away’, because it was at least our fifth time moving away. It’s the story of my life. ‘then we moved away’, ‘and then my mom and I moved away’, ‘then, we took off.’ That’s all I ever told my new friends.

“Well, I’m Jake Nava, a senior at San Francisco City High School.”

“I’m a senior, too. At least I was in Florida.” He giggled. “I’m being serious! I know there are a lot of differences between Florida and California.”

“They aren’t as relevant as u may think. You’re still a senior in California if u are in Florida. It’s not like u moved here from Uganda, of anything. You’re just from the other side of the country.”

I smiled and bit my bottom lip. “A different time zone, different values, Disney Land instead of Disney World…”

“Different girls…”

“Different guys…” Then we started dying laughing, it was the most fun in the world. He ran up to me and picked me up. I was lifted into his back and he ran up the stars into his room. His younger sister, probably twelve of thirteen, was in there on the phone talking to somebody she called “sweetie-bear”.

“Okay, well the bro’s here, gotta go sweetie-bear. Love you, too. Bye,” the girl said. Then she slammed the phone on its holder and walked out of the room, rudely. Her nose was perked up and she did the snobby ‘hmph!’ on her way out.

“That’s Stacy,” Jake said. “She has an attitude issue.”

“How old is she?”

“Thirteen going on fourteen.”

Thanks for reading!!! Leave commentaren & critiques!
LOVE Gussielee11