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candy3111 zei …
I missed u so Much I can't believe u Still remember me! I'm so Happy right now . I've felt like we've drifted apart . . . It's a shame , and It's SO NOT what I want! . pftt, your one of the few people there that I can honestly say I love I don't wanna lose that =/ gaaah this is sounding kinda depressing! x] . . It's been WAY WAY WAAAY to long! I've missed chattin to u huni . . x so hows your life been? x] . . I've been good (: geplaatst een jaar geleden
Jenna_M gaf me complimenten voor my images
thanks for the add :) geplaatst een jaar geleden
MJ_SAYSAY gaf me complimenten voor my videos
Please Copy and Paste this to other's Propping place and spread the Fanpop Love door sending this with a compliment to your friend, Friend's friend and People u don't even know and also add them!
It's the ticket of being kind, Having lot's of Fans, making other people Happy on Fanpop AND getting lot's of "Prop Back"s :)
Enjoy and Have a Nice Day!
- Love, Me ♥ geplaatst een jaar geleden
batava gaf me complimenten voor my comments