Danny Combs

lid van fanpop sinds November 2019

  • Male, 60 years old
  • Alexandria, IN
mozaiek lijst

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dcombs56 zei over Billie Eilish
hallo Billie, just want to say, stay true to your music, your
Style and yourself. Thank u for bringing muziek back into
My life ( long story) much love ❤️ geplaatst een jaar geleden
dcombs56 zei over Billie Eilish
I just happen to see u on YouTube with Howard S. First
Time I heard your music. OMG. u and your brother both
Blow me away. I’m 56 and grew up bluegrass so my music
Taste is pretty vast. Just wanted to say your extremely
Talented Billie and I appreciate your sound ❤️ geplaatst een jaar geleden