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i just joined this club and with the enquêtes result am seeing, i am highly disappointed. how can u think damon's love for elena is good love. u all are really mistaken and blinded door the fact that they are dating in real life geplaatst een jaar geleden
delenaluv commentaar gegeven…
who do u think u r door implying that THE OBVIOUS MAJORITY r wrong & blind 4 their rightful opinion? don't ask the vraag if u can't handle the answer!! stelena's relationship started on lies & deceit on stefan's part & became nothing meer than a love that was NOT unconditional!! if it wasn't obvious 2 u that damon's love is unconditional..ergo.."i'm fine with her either way" vs "she's not suppose 2 be this person..I don't want her 2 be." then perhaps U r the mistaken blind person here!! een jaar geleden
ggdelena commentaar gegeven…
what's wrong with his love? een jaar geleden
ggdelena commentaar gegeven…
it's difference of opinion een jaar geleden