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tiger_2 zei over Charlie Sheen
To AmericanMale: Who are u to say who deserves to die? Who are u to call millions of his fans idiots? Who are u to say a parent should be separated from his children?

To deedeedot: Have u seen the morning news? CBS honcho wants Charlie back. Winning! :) geplaatst een jaar geleden
tiger_2 zei …
I am the auteur of the rare out of print book THINGS WAITRESSES HATE. I am also the auteur of WAGES OF SIN, published and sold door AuthorHouse. I could never afford to adverteer my books, so u probably never heard of them. I am a glutton for punishment, however, so I am currently writing a sequel. I also have a short video on YouTube titled MERMAID CAPTIVATES LAHAINA CROWD. geplaatst een jaar geleden
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P.S. I'm not a joiner of clubs. I do have favorites, and there are people and things I am a fan of. I just haven't figured out how to post them yet. een jaar geleden