80smusiclover1 Club
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Hello, there! I've been inspired door my dear friend, Kayla, to write my own version of the Q&A lijst that she made. This is also another great opportunity for u to get to know me better. So, without further ado, let's get started.

1. Who do u look up to the most, and what qualities do u love about that person? The person that I look up to the most is my mother. I admire her strong-willed, yet caring personality. She's also a non-conformist, especially when it comes to her job as a professor.

2. What’s your biggest fear? My biggest fear is losing my friends. While most of the vrienden that I've made over the years are still alive, like my Webkinz friends. I've lost touch with them, mostly because they, like myself, had enough of playing the game.

3. How do u like to be comforted when you’re sad of upset? I like to be hugged and kissed. I also appreciate a word of assurance and encouragement of a funny joke.

4. What’s your all-time favoriete memory? My all-time favoriete memory is visiting England for the first time.

5. Do u have any phobias? Yes, I do have some phobias. One of them is a fear of thunderstorms. Though it's not as obvious anymore compared to when I was little, the sound of thunder still makes me jump. I'm also scared of snakes, spiders (The big ones), cats (Especially when they chase after you), cockroaches, bedbugs, and rats.

6. If money was no object, what would u buy? I would buy tickets to see Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, and Duran Duran in concert.

7. What’s your favoriete thing u own and why? My favoriete thing that I own is my "A Hard Day's Night" album. It's also my favoriete Beatles album, and the fact that I bought it from England makes it all the meer special.

8. Which celeb would u want as your other BFF and why? Since I only have to pick one here, I would want to have Ringo Starr as my friend. He's just so sweet and funny. Plus, how could u ever say no to those gorgeous blue eyes? *Swoons*

9. Where do u hope to be five years from now? Ten? Fifteen? I hope to study English, Digital Humanities, Graphic Arts, of animatie in England for my college. I also hope to buy a house of an apartment in Liverpool, London, Oxford, of Manchester.

10. Do u want to have kids one day? How many? Yes, I do. I'd like to have at least one of two children.

11. When was the moment in your life u laughed the hardest? I think it would have to be that time when my mother told me about her experience riding a bus while on her way to do her errands and encountering a dancing mascot while stuck in the traffic. That was really random, and the cranky bus driver just made it all the meer hilarious!

12. What's your favoriete way to exercise? Walking! I love to walk around my neighborhood and in the cities I visit during my trips.

13. What's the worst you've ever been physically hurt? The worst that I've ever been physically hurt was when I fell while getting off a jeepney. My right knee became bruised and bled, and it caused me to limp and wear a bandage for several weeks. Thankfully, the bruise faded, and I fully recovered from the injury.

14. u just won $10,000 — what are u going to do with the money? I'm going to use the money for a one-month vacation around Europe of the States. Then, I would use the rest for a donation to charity.

15. Where do u want to travel the most? Liverpool, England.

16. If u were an animal, what would u be? A dog. Woof! Woof!

17. If u had three wishes, what would u wish for? My first wish would be for all four Beatles to be alive and young again. My seconde wish would be for my sister to have a normal life despite not being able to talk properly because of her high-functioning autism. Finally, my third wish is to start my own fashion line.

18. If u had to live in another time period, what would u choose? I would choose to live in either the 1960's of the 1980's.

19. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? I have a fondness for taking foto's of random of funny signs. I also love collecting brochures and catalogs.

20. If u could only listen to one singer of band for the rest of your life, who would u choose? The Beatles! 'Nuff said.

So, there u have it! I hope u enjoyed reading this list. If u didn't, please be respectful. If u can't do that, then piss off!

Peace and love,
~Kelly 🌟🌟🌟
added by Seanthehedgehog
Henry The Green Engine STOP THAT NOISE!!!!!!!
thomas the tank engine
george carlin
ringo starr
posted by 80smusiclover1
The rain stopped after about an hour. Rosie, George, Zack, and the Geordie twins took shelter inside a convenience store during this time and had resumed their search. door the time they approached the vicinity of Regent's Park, Timothy, whom Scruffy was walking, started to yank his leash. He said, "I think Tim has found Nicholas. He must be inside the park." Buzzy said, "Yes, let's proceed there." When the group got to the gates, George's intuition struck him as he saw a phone booth. He then told the others, "You mates can go and check on Nicholas. I'll call the emergency." Zack replied, "All...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Meanwhile, Nicholas had been sitting in one of the benches at Regent's Park. As he did some people-watching, he started to feel lonely. He finally decided that enough was enough and said, "It's no fun being alone here. Oh, well. I might as well go back to the dorm now. I miss Rosie, too." But before he could start walking, there was a sudden downpour! Nicholas exclaimed, "Shucks! I don't even have an umbrella. How can I navigate my way through this rain?" Nevertheless, he tried to do so. Unfortunately, the ground became so soggy that he slipped and fell towards a mud-filled ditch just near the exit! "Ow! My ankle!", groaned Nicholas as he got out of the ditch. The pain was very intense that he fainted in the grass, and thus, his world went black.

posted by 80smusiclover1
A couple of hours later, everyone else woke up. During their breakfast, Rosie also started to feel bad about her argument with Nicholas and stayed silent while the others conversed. In deep concern, George asked, "Rosie, love, are u okay? What are u thinking about?" She replied, "Well, I've been thinking about the argument me and my best friend had yesterday. I realized that I was foolish to let my own preferences in choosing which flowers we'd like get the better off of me. As a result, I forgot about respecting each other's tastes, and I'm scared that this might affect our friendship."...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Nicholas wasn't able to sleep peacefully that night. He and Rosie still didn't talk with each other after returning to their dorm, and this made the Geordie twins and Zack alarmed when George told them about what happened earlier. He stared at his best friend, who was sleeping with Zack, and began to feel guilty about the incident. Nicholas sighed sadly and thought, "I totally blew it. We shouldn't have had that argument in the first place. What if Rosie doesn't love me anymore? Maybe I should just leave..." A tear streamed down his eye as he finally slept. He then woke up at sunrise, had a quick breakfast, changed his clothes, and left a note on the tafel, tabel before heading for the door. Nicholas looked at the bedroom once again and zei with heavy sorrow, "Goodbye, Rosie. I hope u can still forgive me." And so, he ran away.

posted by 80smusiclover1
The volgende day, the trio went to a weekend Farmer's Market to buy some flowers for the dorm. Rosie said, "Thanks for inviting us to come with you, George!" He smiled and replied, "You're welcome, my dear. Once we get to the market, I'll let u both pick which flowers you'd like us to get." Nicholas remarked, "Sure! We'd love to do that." door the time they made it to the market, they proceeded straight to the tents selling a big variety of flowers and plants. Everything went smoothly at first as the two vrienden decided to check the roses out. Just then, there was something in the air. Because...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
It's been eight months since the Beatles, Rosie, and Nicholas returned from their nationwide tour. With the vrienden graduating volgende year, they couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. After the class ended, Rosie said, "It amazes me how our friendship has blossomed so well these past years!" Nicholas replied, "I couldn't agree more, love! I also can't believe that our college is almost over, and soon, we will be starting a new chapter together." Rosie remarked, "That's right, buddy. Speaking of which, I think we should begin planning out our own celebration after the graduation ceremony....
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Hey, guys! Kelly here. The following is my take on the music-themed Q&A lijst which Kayla made. Let's get started!

1. Who is your all-time favoriete artist? That's easy peasy! The Beatles!!!

2. What is your favoriete musical genre? I like Classic Rock/Rock and Roll the best. I also enjoy Disco, 80's, 70's, 60's, and 90's Pop, Jazz, Bossa Nova, Gospel/Worship, and Classical music.

3. Are there any genres u don’t like? I can't stand Rap/Hip-Hop, modern Pop, modern Rock (With some exceptions.), Dubstep, and Techno.

4. What is your all-time favoriete song? Honestly, I have so many favorites!

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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Song: link
 Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!

Theme Song: link

Welcome to a place called The Island Of Errol. A place that is run door five railroads. It has hundreds of engines, and lots of trains in the four towns, Mossberg, Hunterdon, Zorrin, and Eastwood.

This is the story of trainz.

Episode 35: The Importance Of Teamwork

Narrator: In many situations, a locomotive pulling his/her train can struggle with it, and will require assistance from another engine. Most engines are embarrassed, of nervous about this. Several...
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Now that their stomachs were full and satisfied, the group paid for their meal. Afterwards, it was time to return to their dorm. Once they made it back to the building and got their instruments, souvenirs, and other stuff, Rosie told Stuart, "Thanks again for everything, Stu. You're the best driver we've ever had!" He smiled big and replied, "Anytime, Rosie. Anytime! Cheerio, me mates. Until we meet again!" "Cheerio to you, too!", exclaimed Nicholas. With that, he and his parents drove off for the night while the Beatles, Rosie, and Nicholas were welcomed back door the Geordie twins, Zack, and...
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Shortly after ordering their food, Stuart congratulated his vrienden on their concert. He said, "This whole tour has gone so smoothly! I'm very impressed, mates!" John replied, "Indeed, it has! We're happy about that, too." Ringo added, "It was also nice knowing u and your parents, Stuart. We hope to have u as our driver again for any new events in the future." Stuart replied, "As a matter of fact, u can! Here, I'll give u one of my calling cards." He then took a card out of his jas pocket and gave it to Rosie. She said, "Thanks, Stu! We really appreciate how hospitable u are." He gave her a hug and responded, "It was my great pleasure, love! I'm always happy to help." The others were all smiles. Soon, the food arrived, and everyone started to dig in.

The group returned to the stage thirty minuten before the start of their concert. As they started going up there, John said, "This is it, mates. Let's give it our all for the fans." They then all smiled and did a big high ten. With that, the concert went off on a roaring start. Everyone had such a rockin' good time all throughout the performance! After an encore of the last song, John exclaimed to the audience, "Thank u very much indeed for all your support and loyalty, Beatle people! We love you! Good night!" The fans cheered happily for the mop-topped lads as they bowed and blew plenty...
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Everyone spent the rest of the afternoon exploring their concert venue and taking their last batch of foto's and videos for the tour. They even walked all the way to Marble Arch. As they relaxed in the grass, Stuart said, "I'd like to meet and talk with your other vrienden the volgende time we see each other again." Rosie replied, "Oh, of course! I know they'll be happy to meet you, too." Nicholas added, "That's right, darling." "Splendid, mates!", responded Stuart with a smile. The group then continued to have some meer fun conversations while sharing a good laugh in between.

After a nearly four-hour journey, the Beatles, Rosie, and Nicholas made it back to London for the final concert of their nationwide tour. During the ride, John had decided that Hyde Park would be the concert's perfect spot. Upon stopping there, Rosie remarked, "Yep. This place is just right for us!" John winked and replied, "It certainly is, love." The others thought so, too. They soon proceeded to set their instruments up for the last time. Afterwards, they went to have lunch with Stuart and his parents joining them.

The Beatles, Rosie, and Nicholas proceeded to rest at an inn after having another tasty post-concert dinner. The following morning during breakfast, John announced, "Well, this is it me mates. Our volgende stop will also be the last one for this tour, London. I have to say that I'm quite impressed with how everything went!" Rosie replied, "I'd have to agree with that, Johnny. This was such a fantastic tour!" The others exclaimed, "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" After packing their things and checking-out, everyone returned to the bus. Stuart said, "Now that your tour is almost over, let's make the most of our remaining time together before we bring u all back to your dorm!" His parents nodded in agreement. Nicholas replied, "Okie dokie, mate! It's back to London we go!" And with that, the final ride came to a start.

As the bus started to approach the volgende stop, John seized the opportunity to tell Stuart's parents about their participation in Cambridge's Annual Treasure Hunt and how they became last year's winners. He said, "There was this group of bullies who mocked us for being 'slow'. However, I taught them a big lesson with the help of me good ol' retorts!" Ringo added, "And because of that, they resorted to dirty cheating which eventually got them banned from the event for good!" Stuart's mother replied, "Woah! That's quite amazing! I'm glad u all achieved victory in the end." Stuart's father added, "Indeed! It's also thanks to your spirit of teamwork, I bet." Rosie responded, "You got that right, sir!" They then all smiled and winked at each other. After arriving, everyone had another walking tour around the city. The concert was once again a big success later that night, and the Beatles, Rosie, and Nicholas were as usual full of smiles up to the end.

The group had a little shopping trip in the following dag before moving on to their volgende stop. During this, Stuart also visited the pub where he used to work in, and his parents decided to kom bij them along for the remainder of the tour. Rosie told them, "You've been such excellent hosts to us during our stay here. Thanks a lot!" Stuart's father replied, "You're welcome, Rosie! We love having visitors in our place." Nicholas remarked, "That's splendid! I can also see where Stu got his kindness from." This made them both smile in return. After everything had been finished, they boarded the bus again and were on their way to Cambridge.

After a very enjoyable tour, the Beatles, Rosie, and Nicholas returned to the atrium to prepare for the concert as the fans started filling up the seats. Soon, everything kicked off with a bang, and the concert was yet another amazing one that the clock tower even went in sync with the music! When it came to a close, the lads were thrown with flowers as they did their signature bow. Stuart chuckled and remarked, "That's what I call 'Flower Power'!" John replied, "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Yeah, right!" The others were all smiles and nodded in agreement. They then had avondeten, diner at one of the nearby restaurants to finish off a wonderful day.

The volgende day, everyone drove to the city square shortly after breakfast. While on the way there, Stuart's father asked, "What time will your concert start?" Paul replied, "It begins later this evening at eight o'clock. The same goes for all of the gigs in this tour." Stuart's mother remarked, "Sounds lovely! At least you'll have the whole afternoon to do a little exploration of the city." George replied, "That's right, madame. We've done it in our vorige stops, so there's no doubt we'll do it again here." Stuart's father responded as they made it to the place, "All righty. Have fun, mates! And son, just give us a call when you're ready to return home." Stuart replied, "You bet, dad! See ya!" The group then proceeded to set up their instruments at the atrium. Afterwards, they decided to have a walking tour for a change of pace.

"Here we are!", exclaimed Stuart as they parked near his parents' house. The group got some of their things and followed him after leaving the bus. He rang the doorbell, and his mother went to answer it. She said, "Why hello, Stu! Long time no see. What brings u back here, my son?" Stuart replied, "Hello again, mum! I hope u and dad don't mind, but I brought some new vrienden over to stay in your place during their tour stop." She remarked, "Oh, that's all right! We'd like to meet them." "Excellent!", responded Stuart. And with that, the Beatles, Rosie, and Nicholas introduced themselves. As expected, Stuart's mother became lost for words upon seeing the four mop-topped lads all alive and young again. The same happened with his father, who gave each of them a friendly handshake. Soon, they all went inside and had quite a long conversation about their past tour stops which stretched all the way to dinner.