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angel1395 zei …
Hi was wondering if someone could help me. i finished reading Angel: After the Fall and of course loved it and of course i want to read more. ive heard that Aftermath is quite bad. but what about the continuing series after that such as The Wolf, The Ram and the Hart and Only human? Are they worth reading? i know they are not written of plotted door Joss whedon though. Thoughts? geplaatst een jaar geleden
Astropherik zei …
Fuck ya picking up season 8 long way home pagina today :)
Ha watched btvs since I was 11 geplaatst een jaar geleden
neilandcobie zei …
I love Bangel I HATE SPUFFY but Spike and Dru are AWESOME XXX geplaatst een jaar geleden
Astropherik commentaar gegeven…
Man I don't like angel and cordy een jaar geleden
Astropherik commentaar gegeven…
Pfft cordy ans connor , pretty crazy een jaar geleden