Disney Princess Club
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hallo guys, me again! I've literally made a favorieten artikel like four times already and I haven't even been here for a jaar yet. I just thought that it was needed since two wonderful princesses, Anna and Elsa, have been added to the lineup. This lijst will have spoilers, so if u haven't watched the movie u should skip their parts. Oh btw this is my 30th artikel on this club, yay! Anyway let's get started!

13. Belle

Belle is an amazing princess. She was in the top, boven 5 when I first came to this site, but lately all she's done is drop. Although she's my last, I still love her, since I really do love all the princesses wholeheartedly. I find Belle to be one of the kindest princesses in the lineup, and find her to be extremely caring and compassionate. I also can relate to how she feels that she doesn't fit in where she lives, and how there's nothing really wrong with her, but she doesn't fit into society's standards. I love her relationship with her father, and although she clearly wants to get out of the town she stays because her love for him is so strong. I could go on and on about things I love about Belle, but I guess I should explain why Belle is last. A lot of these things are meer the people that made Belle's fault than her own, but they still annoy me. Belle tries to be too many things, and accomplish too many things. She's supposedly kind and compassionate, yet sassy and head strong, yet adventurous and wanting. I'm all for well rounded characters, but they can't try and give the characters so many personality traits that she becomes disingenuous. I think Belle's a nice character no doubt, I'm just not interested in her.

12. Ariel

I find Ariel very charming. While watching the movie, half the time I'm finding her really fun and dreamy, but the other half I've got a zuur, zure taste in my mouth from her. I love how curious she is in the human world. It reminds me a bit of Giselle, whom is one of my all time favoriete Disney heroines. I also love how passionate she is. She goes after her dreams, and will not be put down. Although that's a positive, it also can become a negative, and with Ariel I think it does. I just find her way too reckless, while I'm much meer hesitant, so I find it hard to back her up with anything. The fact that she goes to an obviously villainous sea witch just comes across as a bit stupid to me, and it doesn't help what happened next. I know that she didn't only give up her voice because of Eric, but giving up her voice in general, and the only way to live is to make a man fall in love with u just seemed so flagrant that I couldn't believe she took the deal! I could've handled all of this if we got a proper apology scene, but sadly we don't. I really would've loved to see a scene where Ariel admits that she was stupid and cries to her father, but we don't get that. I like parts of Ariel, but her actions prevent me from putting her any further.

11. Cinderella

This is where the lijst starts getting nearly impossible. I love Cinderella, and my volgende five of so princesses are honestly nearly tied, but Cinderella gets eleventh sadly. I love all of the classic princesses, but I find her the dullest of the group, in fact I find her the dullest of all of the princesses. That doesn't mean she bores me. I love her sweet, dreamy personality, mixed in with her sarcastic, passive-aggressive side. It makes her realistic in the situation that she's in. I love how throughout all the years of abuse and honestly slavery, she still remains a good attitude, and is kind to everyone/everything she meets. I can relate to her passive-aggressive side as well, since instead of facing my problems head on, I usually just let out my anger passive-aggressively. I think that Cinderella is extremely admirable, and her positivity and optimism really should get praised more. A thing that has bothered me a bit about Cinderella is how she doesn't even try to go after her dream. I know that it's not her fault, and years of abuse really have shaped her, but at one point she kind of just gives up and thinks that there is no way that she could ever go to the ball. I don't have many bad things to say about Cinderella; I love her, but we really don't get enough personality from her for me to put her higher.

10. Merida

I was fighting whether I should put Merida here, of at eleventh, but I decided here. For me it was very tough writing my beschrijving for Merida, because I really feel u need to watch her on screen to see why I love her. In many ways she's similar to Ariel, but I vastly prefer Merida to Ariel. The one main reason is I feel Merida was meer justified in her actions, and then apologized. Her mom was trying to force her into marriage, and although she should have tried to talk to her mom more, she had tried hard and her mom still wasn't listening to her. Also, at the end, she apologizes and repents for all that she has done wrong. This is something that not many princesses have done. I love how Merida is trying to change her fate, though it does make her seem a bit ungrateful. Also, I hate how she knowingly poisons her mom. Yes, she didn't know her mom would change into a bear, but she did know that it would alter her personality in some way. Merida doesn't really think things through, and retaliates. In the end, Merida is a similar case to Ariel. I love watching both on screen, but their actions prevent me from putting them any higher. She repents though, which puts her above the latter.

9. Anna

This was painful putting her this low. I really, really, really love Anna. She was third a week ago, but I've realized that I love other princesses more, kicking her all the way down to ninth. I find her to be one of the most selfless, realistic princesses in the lineup. The fact that although Elsa has shut her out her entire life, for what Anna believes as no good reason, but Anna still perseveres is pretty amazing to me. Then the fact that Elsa freezes her, but she still doesn't believe Elsa is evil, she still sacrifices herself for her! Anna could've reached Kristoff in time, and she could've lived, but instead she throws herself in front of Elsa. I also love how she's so quirky and fun. There are little things with her like sok sliding, which she does at least three times in the movie, that make her seem like a realistic character. The only problem I have with Anna is that she's a bit too much to handle. I thought that she was supposed to be socially awkward, and a bit shy, but instead she's super crazy and fearless. I wish we could've seen a meer insecure Anna. I loved that we saw her craving for love, it made her realistic since she hasn't been loved, but I wanted more. I love Anna, and wish she could be higher.

8. jasmijn

I've really been warming up to jasmijn lately. I've found that really jasmijn isn't nearly as rude as people say, and most of her actions are justified. Like Merida, jasmijn is getting forced into marriage. Marriage isn't something to be taken lightly, so I think it was the right thing for jasmijn to fight for what she believed in. I love how she's actually very kind and caring, but can and will stand up for herself when she needs to. I love how accepting she is, and how she loves based off personality, not wealth of title. She could probably marry anyone in the world, but instead she marries a peasant boy. It has always annoyed me that jasmijn didn't call out Aladdin on all of his lies, but I've gotten over it door now, and realized that it's just jasmijn realizing people make mistakes. I love how dreamy and passionate she is, and how she's a bit of a flirt. She is very different from me, but I look up to her, since I usually don't voice my opinions, but I really wish I could. jasmijn was also very kind to the boy in the market place door giving him the apple, isn't afraid to try new things, which is shown door her using the stick to jump with Aladdin, and many other things. I love how jasmijn stands up for what is right, and how determined she is.

7. Mulan

Ahh, Fa Mulan. I love Mulan so very much. She is the one princess that I literally feel pain for when she is in pain, and am rooting for her the entire movie. I love her at the beginning of the movie, since I can relate to her in many ways. She's obviously a klutz, a bit forgetful, and a bit cautious. She really does want to do good on this, which is seen through her writing the notes on her arm. I love how she wants to please her parents so much, which I can relate to as well. I love how she's kind of lazy, and gives all of her chores to the dog instead. I love how insecure she is. She doesn't feel comfortable in her own skin, and wants to change it, but she says that if her parents saw the real her, they'd lose honor. When she enters the war, I don't love her nearly as much, but I still find her charming. I love her trying to adjust into the army, with her awkward stumbling, ramblings, and more. I love how we see her transform into the smart, capable woman that she truly is. At the end of the movie, she isn't cocky of over-confident, she's humble and still trying to please her family. Mulan is an amazing princess, who has gone all the way from first to the bottom two in my list, and who I really admire and love.

6. Rapunzel

I'm sure u all remember when Rapunzel was my favoriete princess like a maand ago? Well, she's at sixth now. I've really been confused about Rapunzel lately, I know I love her, but I'm starting to see meer and meer similarities between her and Belle, and am trying to realize how her character is a bit manipulating to you. I love the insecure Rapunzel. The one that doesn't know what to do, and is lost. I can relate to her crazy highs, and her low lows. I absolutely love the character development Rapunzel goes through in this movie. She transforms from a crazy, unrefined girl, into a strong, independent woman. She's willing to sacrifice her life for Flynn at the end, only caring about what happens to him, not to her. I love how hesitant Rapunzel is, and how she's so unsure of what to do. She's indecisive, which I can definitely relate to. She is a bit too perfect though, and I can agree when people say that the movie was trying to make her seem all good and mighty, and not giving her enough flaws. I think Rapunzel could enter back into the top, boven five at some point. I mean she is amazing, and I still do love her a lot, but for now I love the five above her more.

5. Tiana

Tiana! For a while she was out of my top, boven 5 and I was absolutely distraught. I really love and admire Tiana. At first I thought she was just a party-pooper, who wasn't enough like a princess for me to enjoy her, but I've realized that although she is a party-pooper, she's so much meer than that. I love how she believes that hard work and determination get u where u need to go, not just wishing on stars. This is really admirable to me, since I'm a lazy bum who has little to no drive. I love how in my opinion, if Tiana asked Charlotte, she would've gegeven her the money in a seconde I believe, but Tiana doesn't want to take shortcuts and she wants to earn what she can get. I also love her fun and sassy side, and her relationship with Naveen. I feel that Naveen really does complete her, which is why they're one of my favoriete couples. She finally realizes that yes, pursuing your dreams is important, but what's a dream if u don't have anyone to spend it with? The only downfall for Tiana is she is a bit too realistic, and when I go into a Disney movie I'd like to be transported to a place without work, and with meer fun, which Tiana doesn't do for me. I wish I could put her higher, but alas she's at fifth for now.

4. Pocahontas

A couple of days geleden she was at tenth. A couple of days geleden she was at tenth. How in the world was she so low! I love Pocahontas so much now. I just recently wrote an entire artikel talking about why I love her, but I'll still summarize. I love how she takes responsibility for her actions, which is shown through her taking responsibility for Kocoum's death. I also love how she's fun and adventurous, yet she is elegant and mature. I love how I can relate to her indecisiveness, and how she doesn't just figure everything out immediately. I honestly don't feel that she looses her personality as the movie goes on, but she takes responsibility and deals with the situation at hand. Yes, it takes her a while, but that makes her all the meer relateable. Another reason I love her are the similarities I see between her and my favorite, which most of u who've been on the club for any time at all probably know door now. Pocahontas is so fun to watch, and I really just am captivated door her on the screen. She was once my seconde favorite, and although she has fallen down on my lijst a lot since then, she's finally moving up back into her rightful place in the top, boven five, and I'm pretty sure she's staying now.

3. Snow White

I really fought if I should put Snow here of in second, but I decided here. I've been absolutely loving Snow lately. Every time I watch her movie my love for her just grows bigger. She's so different from anyone u see today, and she's just so fun to watch. She really is a very interesting character, who has a lot of personality. I love how optimistic she is, and how she never looses hope even after almost being killed as a fourteen jaar old. Literally, she apologizes to the animals for scaring them, after she's almost been killed! She's just such a sweetheart, but what makes me love her is there's so much more. I love her need to be loved door everyone, and how she prays to God that Grumpy will like her. I also love how she's pretty bossy. It adds meer negative traits to her character, which makes her meer well rounded. I love how she teases Grumpy as well, and how she doesn't let the dwarfs eat until after they've washed their hands. This shows that she's pretty stubborn as well. I find it so amazing that after all these years of practically being a slave to the queen, she remains her optimism and hope. It really is admirable, and something that people nowadays could learn from.

2. Elsa

Oh Elsa! I went into the movie knowing that I'd love Elsa, but that maybe I'd like Anna more, but boy was I wrong. Anna is an amazing character, but I was just blown away door Elsa. Every scene she's in leaves a lasting impact on me, and like Mulan she's another character I feel for so much. I love how Elsa sacrifices joy and happiness for the benefit of others, and how she really is such a complex character. It's really hard summarizing Elsa without going into details of each and every scene, because each scene gives us new insight on the character, and she's a character that I can't do justice door just describing. I love how she's practical, which is shown door her not letting Anna marry a man who she just met. I love how insecure and scared she is. I'm so glad Disney didn't make her evil, because it's so interesting getting insight on a character who has done a bad thing, but honestly hates herself for it. I love how at the end she finally accepts herself for who she is, and realizes that loving herself is the way to thaw the land. I think that Elsa teaches an amazing lesson through that. Elsa is an awesome new princess to the lineup, and I can't wait for her and Anna to be coronated so we can officially welcome them to the lineup.

1. Aurora

Did u see this coming? Well u should have. Aurora is the princess that got me to come to this club. Long story short: I was looking for songs to learn Norwegian, found I Wonder in Norwegian, became obsessed, watched Sleeping Beauty, then watched a bunch of other Disney movies, and here I am on this club today! So of course Aurora holds a special place in my heart, but I honestly feel a duty to vouch for Aurora, because she really is misunderstood. She is sweet, caring, dutiful, and mature, while also being playful and imaginative. I love how comfortable she is with the animals and her aunts, but how hesitant and awkward she is around Phillip. I can relate to how indecisive Aurora is, which is shown through her stumbling through telling Phillip when she'll see her again, and I can relate to how she doesn't want to be treated like a child. Aurora just has a sense about her that makes her seem like a Goddess to me, and which adds a sense of mystery to her. We don't know too much about her, but we can see how dreamy she is, and how through I Wonder, she really is an intelligent person. I love how she's a bit sneaky with her aunts, and how she can put up an act to both them and the animals. She's just so amazing, and I think she'll forever be my number one!
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