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 Pocahontas got best picture for this stunning foto of her as a zombie Credit:x-Tsuzurao-x
Pocahontas got best picture for this stunning photo of her as a zombie Credit:x-Tsuzurao-x
Previously on DNTM: Pocahontas is emotionally affected from the death of John Smith and the models pose as zombies. jasmijn and Elsa produce bad pictures but it was jasmijn was sent home. Who will be eliminated next?

Confessional after elimination
Pocahontas: I am really sad that jasmijn left. She helped me get through this death and I don't know what I can do now.
Ariel: I had drama originally with jasmijn but we became great vrienden I really wanted her to be in the competition longer.
Elsa: For the seconde week in a row I had a bad picture and was almost sent home. I really need to improve of I will be definitely going home.
Rapunzel: I totally rocked the zombie foto shoot. I am so happy.
Merida: Magic Mirror zei my foto was one of the best of the competition so far. I am so pleased.
Snow White: For the first time I think I didn't have a really good foto so I need to improve.
Cinderella: I felt like I did okay but I still need to produce meer good photos
Belle: I liked my foto last week and I hope that my foto this week will be another one I like.

At the house:
Belle: Mickey Mail! Are u ready to fight for your place in this competition, Love Mickey.
Rapunzel: I want to do a foto shoot where we fight each other.
Elsa: Why?
Rapunzel: I don't know, just for fun.
Elsa to confessional: I think the Rapunzel might be a little crazy.
Ariel to Pocahontas: Are u still okay?
Snow White to Pocahontas: Are u fine after the judging panel.
Pocahontas: Yeah I am fine.
Pocahontas to confessional: I was worried that after jasmijn was gone no one would comfort me but all the other models are comforting me which is really nice.

At a karate place:
Cinderella: Today we walked into a karate 'studio' which I thought was exciting. We walked in on a karate master doing some crazy kung fu in front of us. I recognised him as the famous General Shang a.k.a Mulan's boyfriend.
Shang: Hi models. Today Mickey has asked me to teach u some karate moves.
Shang to confessional: After Mulan was eliminated I was curious about the models that were not eliminated so Mickey got an idea to use me in a challenge. The training for the challenge was learning some karate moves. I thought all of the models did well learning the moves but I thought that Belle, Cinderella and Rapunzel were definitely the best. However the learning of karate was not the actual challenge.
Rapunzel to confessional: I thought we were just learning some karate for fun but it turns out the challenge is a foto shoot challenge where we have to incorporate karate moves into a foto shoot.
Elsa to confessional: The model who produces the best foto gets them and two vrienden jewelry.
Shang to confessional: Belle was good and incorporated the moves. Elsa knew how to pose too but her face always looked too mean. Snow White and Rapunzel were similar as they looked good and knew how to pose but it was not a fantastic photograph. Merida looked really pretty but didn't incorporate any of the karate moves either. Cinderella kept arching towards the camera and it looked bad. I felt Pocahontas did really well and I loved her poses. Ariel could never get the face right while she was posing but I liked her poses.
Some of the karate images:
 credit to joshwmc
credit to joshwmc

 credit to joshwmc
credit to joshwmc

 credit to joshwmc
credit to joshwmc

 credit to joshwmc
credit to joshwmc

 credit to joshwmc
credit to joshwmc

 credit to joshwmc
credit to joshwmc

Shang to models: It is hard decision to pick who won as most of u did well. The two I felt did the best were Pocahontas and Belle. However I have to choose one winner and it is:
Belle: Yes! I won a challenge!
Shang: Pick two friends.
Belle: I pick Pocahontas as she also did well in the challenge and Snow White.
Shang: When u get home pagina u will see the jewelry u won.

At the house:
Belle, Pocahontas and Snow White come back to the house and see their Jewelry. Belle gets a halsketting, ketting and ear rings, Pocahontas gets a halsketting, ketting and Snow White gets ear rings.
Elsa to Belle: That is so pretty
Belle: I know I love it!
Pocahontas: This jewelry is very beautiful.
Ariel: They say the diamonds they make the jewelry out of are mined my dwarfs.
Snow White: I know I was 'room-mates' with some diamond mining dwarfs once.
Cinderella to Snow White: Really?
Snow White: Don't try being room mates with dwarfs as while they are nice they are so messy.
Rapunzel to Belle: Can I wear your halsketting, ketting and see if it goes with my hair.
Belle: No this is my jewelry.
Belle to confessional: Rapunzel wanted to wear my jewelry which I didn't want her to wear. I think she was just overly excited like she usually is.
Pocahontas to confessional: I am sad of course about John's death but when I do well like get best picture and get jewelry I feel just a little better.
Merida: Mickey Mail! Can u princesses be as elegant as people say u are? Love Mickey.
Snow White: An elegant shoot! Yes.
Elsa: I have been looking vooruit, voorwaarts to an elegant shoot.
Ariel to confessional: We have done a lot of shoots and I have been wanting one where I can be elegant and pretty.
Ariel to Merida: Can't wait to toon my elegance.
Merida to Ariel: I am not good at being elegant. I am meer of a fighter then a princess who is elegant
Cinderella to Merida: I think if I try my best I can do well in this shoot as I can be elegant in person.

Photo Shoot Studio
Donald: Welcome back to the studio. Today u will be reunited with Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo fashions whom u did u startbaan, start-en landingsbaan challenge for way back in the seconde week of the competition. They make elegant gowns and today u have to do elegant poses and look really regal like princesses should look. This is a test of whether u can do that as well as the high fashion look and the evil look u have gegeven in vorige weeks. Lets go to hair and make-up.
Ariel to Elsa: I love these dresses, the fabric, the colour is just so perfect.
Elsa to Ariel: I know it is certainly exactly my style.
Merida: This is definitely not my style.
Pocahontas: I know, Merida same for me.
Donald to confessional: I thought that the some of the princesses would be great at this shoot and for most of them I was happy with their performance while others I was let down. Firstly lets begin with Ariel. She was pretty good especially with her poses. I wish she had a meer elegant face though. Belle I felt was really elegant. She did these fantastic poses where she would look over and and hold up her dress. Fantastic!
Belle: I was told I did well! I am really impressed.
Donald:Rapunzel was gegeven a lantern compliment and her pose, as usual, was very good. Her face however was not as good as her eyes were too big and she kept smiling too often.
Rapunzel: I got a good and bad response so I cannot guess how good my foto will be.
Donald: Cinderella was a disappointment. She kept doing weird poses with her hands which didn't work.
Cinderella: I didn't feel I did well. Hopefully I will still get a good shot.
Donald: Pocahontas was another disappointment especially after her great shot from last week as she didn't really do much in front of the camera.
Pocahontas: I let events get to me. I must never let that occur again.
Donald: Elsa did really well which was surprising because for the last two weeks she had bad photos. I was really impressed how she moved the dress and had a great face.
Elsa: I did well!
Donald: Merida was half good and half bad. She looked good when she had a profiel shot (only half of her face) but when she did had her face towards the camera it didn't look as flattering. Snow White was made for this foto shoot. She was truly elegant and I am very impressed.
Snow White: I did really well and got really good feedback.

At the house
Elsa to confessional: I did really well today and I hope I get a good shot.
Rapunzel: Mickey Mail! Tomorrow u will meet with the judges. On 7 will continue on in the hope of becoming Disney's volgende top, boven Model. Love Mickey.
Snow White: Wow just seven.
Cinderella: I know it seems so little.
Belle: And it will keep getting smaller until someone wins.
Rapunzel: I feel nervous but I think I got a good picture.
Elsa to Rapunzel: The judges love u so don't worry. I am worried that somehow I got a bad shot and I will definitely sent home
Pocahontas: I feel nervous too.
Merida to Pocahontas: Don't worry u will be fine.

Judging Panel
Judges Mickey Mouse, Magic Mirror, Minnie and Donald eend sit at a large judging desk. The 8 princesses are standing on a small platform in front of them.
Mickey: Hello. Today we will evaluate the pictures where u posed in Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo fashions elegantly. First up is Snow White
 Credit to:selinmarsou
Credit to:selinmarsou

Minnie: This is really elegant.
Mickey: The look over the shoulder and the slight holding of the dress is great.
Magic Mirror: I do wish there was meer intensity in the face.

Mickey: volgende is Ariel
 Credit to:selinmarsou
Credit to:selinmarsou

Minne: It looks like u are walking down a runway.
Donald: u are so elegant in this picture
Mickey: I love the look on the face as well.

Mickey: volgende is Pocahontas
 Credit to:selinmarsou
Credit to:selinmarsou

Magic Mirror: u look confused.
Mickey: Did u know what u were doing?
Pocahontas: Not really to be honest.
Donald: I noticed that. u need to ask meer vragen when u are confused.

Mickey: volgende is Merida
 credit to Julibee-Darling
credit to Julibee-Darling

Magic Mirror: This is really pretty
Minnie: I wish I saw your face not in profiel though.
Mickey: I agree if your head was towards the front this would be a better shot but the pose is so good.

Mickey: volgende is Cinderella
 Credit to:selinmarsou
Credit to:selinmarsou

Magic Mirror: I don't like what u are doing with your arms
Minnie: I like the eyes though.
Mickey: I still think u don't really know how to pose at some of the foto shoots

Mickey: volgende is Belle
 Credit to:selinmarsou
Credit to:selinmarsou

Magic Mirror: I love the dress on you.
Belle: Thanks
Minnie: I think this is a good photo.
Donald: I thought u did really well.

Mickey: volgende is Rapunzel
 Credit to:selinmarsou
Credit to:selinmarsou

Magic Mirror: I like the pose and not the face.
Minnie: I agree.
Mickey: I think u are great at posing but u need to work on your face.
Rapunzel: Okay.

Mickey: Last is Elsa.
 Credit to:selinmarsou
Credit to:selinmarsou

Magic Mirror: That is so good!
Donald: u were my favourite of the day
Elsa: Thanks so much!
Minnie :I love the motion of the dress and the face and the hands. I love everything about this picture.
Mickey: Thanks so much everyone. The judges will deliberate in private and we will decide who is eliminated

After the deliberation
Mickey: Hello models. I have 7 foto's in my hand and the foto's represent the 7 models who will still be in the running to becoming Disney's volgende top, boven Model. The princess to get best picture is:
Elsa: I can't believe it.
Mickey:After two bad pictures u did much much better this week.
Snow White
Mickey: We all love your picture
Mickey: Good job Belle
Only two models remain Cinderella and Pocahontas
Mickey: Would Cinderella and Pocahontas please step forward. Cinderella u have had good foto's in the past however we believe u may still not know how to pose. Will u be able to learn door the end of this competition? Pocahontas u had the best picture last week but this week your foto was bad and once again u did nothing in front of the camera. Will u be able to bring meer emotion to your shoots? The model still in the running towards become Disney's volgende top, boven Model is:
Pocahontas collects her foto from Mickey. Cinderella cries and the princesses hug her.
Cinderella to princesses: Bye everyone and good luck.
Cinderella to judges: Thanks judges and goodbye.

Cinderella's last words
Cinderella: I am sad to leave and I truly worked really hard in this competition but I now that I have been eliminated I realise that the princesses who are left are better than me at modelling and one of them deserves to win. I thank Mickey and the judges for this opportunity and hope to continue modelling in the future.

Photo Montage

 credit to joshwmc
credit to joshwmc

 Credit to:selinmarsou
Credit to:selinmarsou

Next time on DNTM: The models have their seconde fashion startbaan, start-en landingsbaan toon and some of the princesses get ahead with a beauty shot foto shoot.

(Authors note: I got some complaints about the foto's last week and I feel that this week's foto shoot is better. I hope u are not sad about Cinderella leaving. zikkiforever,324anna and UltimateQueen will be getting complimenten as they guessed the elimination correctly. Hope u liked reading this article.Who do u think is getting eliminated next? Who do u think will win now? What do u think of everyone's photos? Write what u think below in the comments)
Dear Diary,
   After Auguste's funeral, my family thought it best that I verplaats back home. I didn't fight them on this. Living in that house had too many bad memories. I wanted to be back in my Mother and Father's house, in my old bedroom. It was like my sanctuary. My family made the grieving process easy for me. They gave me my space when I needed it, and gave me company when I needed it. It was still a difficult time though. I sunk into a deep depression. That's when my Mother began her research. She wanted to find a way to bring her daughter back to life. 
She had a friend that had a similar...
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 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
She almost couldn’t believe her eyes. Belle had never had a connection to her Mother before, other than the painting that hung in their small drawing room. She died when Belle was just a baby, so she literally had no memory of her, which was most unfortunate. She took it downstairs and showed it to her Father. “Did u know about this, Papa?” Belle asked. Maurice took the diary and sat down on the sofa. “No, I didn’t. I just always thought it was another one of your Mothers books. She liked to read like you. She even read to u when she was pregnant! A lot of people thought she was...
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posted by random_camo
The Princess and the Pea

     The story starts long geleden in a far away country. In the country there lives a smart and brave handsome prince, named Antonio who has to marry a "true princess" to save his kingdom from peril. Princesses from far and wide have failed because of his jealous step mother, Queen Sonya who has placed a curse on the kingdom that's so powerful, only true love can stop it.

The curse goes:
"If one does not feel a ruffle in her sheet, the kingdom will become dark and bleak. A princess of true grace and nobility, one of good faith and sensitivity, will destroy the wicked spell,...
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In the movie Tangled, it's not made obvious whether Rapunzel's reunion with her parents takes place in the morning of afternoon. Analysis of the light and shadows of various morning and afternoon scenes shows that the reunion takes place at dawn, and may imply that Eugene and Rapunzel spend the night in the tower.

 7:00 AM, dag 1
7:00 AM, dag 1

Here we see the first shot of the tower after the opening prologue. Rapunzel states it's 7:00 AM. The light comes from the side, and does not directly shine into the door window. The waterfall is in a narrow shadow.

 Afternoon, dag 1
Afternoon, dag 1

This shot is from when Mother...
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posted by Swanpride
DISCLAIMER: This artikel solely consists of my opinions. I don’t think that it’s the only one which matters. I also don’t think that everyone has to agree. Just take it as a different perspective and feel free to share your perspective here. I don’t think that we’ll come to a consent about the matter I intend to address, but this might help all of us to understand where the other is coming from.

In the last week, there has been meer than one discussion about the use of the pick page here. I try to summarize some of them up: There are too many countdowns, this of that pick is stupid,...
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As promised here is my sixth artikel which is about the swedish voices of the disney princesses. I will post linken to each of them singing so that u can decide your favorite. I will also write their swedish names (for a few of them) and let u decide which swedish name is your favoriete and the one u think is the prettiest. Image credit goes to as usual Elemental-Aura (top image) and princesslullaby (bottom images). Compared to the english one, this one was thougher to decide where each of them where going to be placed because they all have wonderful voices.

10. Tiana (voiced door Pauline...
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Here is my fifth article! I decided to write two lists about my favoriete singing voices, this lijst is the english voices, the volgende one will be with their swedish voices (same goes for their speaking voices which I will do after the singing voices) because swedish is my first language and I grew up with most of the swedish versions of the princesses (except for Tiana and Rapunzel). For the swedish version I will post linken to videos so that u can choose a favoriete aswell. Image credit goes to Elemental-Aura for the beautiful top, boven image and princesslullaby for the rest of the pictures.

10. Pocahontas...
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Well, I read other favoriete princess artikels and thought I should make my own. This is my first article. Feel free to express your opinions, but please don't leave mean, nasty comments.

10. Aurora

I don't hate her, and I don't necessarily dislike her personality. But Aurora barely does anything. She basically sang, danced, and cried. Her personality just wasn't that strong. The three fairies were meer enjoyable. So Aurora did nothing to impress me in her whole 18 minutes.

9. Snow White

I found her to be a little meer interesting than Aurora. Snow White seemed to have been focused...
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Well, without further ado, directly into the article. If u don't know what this is about, please read my vorige Soundcheck article.

10. Sleeping Beauty: No long explanation needed, “I wonder” is simply too short to leave much of an impact. It’s a wonderful tune, but with a very basic text on it. Nevertheless, I seriously considered putting it slightly higher, because it fits Aurora's dreamy personality perfectly.

Fanpop says: Basically, boring. Also “It would have been better if it lasted a little bit longer, but it goes door really fast.” (founten). The voting for this category...
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One day, Snow White was in the palace gardening planting roses. Suddenly, she noticed something small and white hiding in the bushes. When she looked closer, she realized it was a tiny frightened baby rabbit. "Don't worry, I'll look after you," zei the princess as she picked up the little rabbit took it inside. Within a few minutes, the rabbit had begun to feel at home pagina and started hopping around the palace. Just then, Snow White look down and noticed her wedding ring was missing. She rushed to find the ring and together they started looking for the ring. However, they soon found that the rabbit...
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10.Prince Charming
Rank Last Round: 10
blah too little screentime blah

"I wish Charming had meer screentime. That eye roll intrigues me. It means underneath that vacant, Ken-doll stare beats the hart-, hart of an intelligent (or at least, easily bored) human being" (phantomrose89)

High Rank (1-3):
sweetie-94 (3)
KataraLover (3)

Medium Rank (4-7):
PrueFever (4)
fhghu (5)
MrsEmmaPeel (5)
princesslullaby (7)
callejahLUVSed (7)

Low Rank (8-10):
Pink_Love (8)
flina (8)
tiffany88 (8)
mergirl13 (8)
PrincessSnow (8)
Ashley-Green (8)
haynay24 (9)
Mongoose09 (9)
SailorM91 (9)
Maja2601 (9)
phantomrose89 (9)
rougeslayer17 (9)...
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10.Princess Tiana
Rank Last Round: 9
Not too big of a drop since last round, and honestly not too much of a shock. Tiana's rankings seem to stay on an even plane whenever I do these countdowns, I don't think she's even made is past rank #8. The fact is, gegeven the younger demographic on the site, Tiana is hard to relate her and I find her a bit one-note and dry.

High Ranking (1-3):
random_camo (2)
boolander25 (3)

Middle Ranking (4-7):
pretty_angel92 (5)
PrincessSnow (5)
tiffany88 (6)
mergirl13 (6)
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 “This is my love,” she angrily said. “No matter what u do, u cannot kill love.”
“This is my love,” she angrily said. “No matter what you do, you cannot kill love.”
vorige PART


    The wind furiously blew through the trees. The spirits became angered with the horrid sound of the gunshot. It happened so quickly and yet it seemed like time had stopped just so Pocahontas could get to where she is now. Her arm burned with pain as blood dripped from her arm. Her eyes were intense as she glared at John Rolfe.
    “This is my love,” she angrily said. “No matter what u do, u cannot kill love.”
    John Rolfe threw the gun to the ground, ashamed that the blood on Pocahontas was his...
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posted by TotallyMe105
Warmth. It was the first feeling that Eugene Fitzherbert had
felt when re-entering the world. It was pleasant, yet oddly
uncomfortable, like it was healing a pain that he could already
no longer feel.

Soon after the warmth went away Eugene realized that
the petite brunette who was sitting in front of him had saved his life.
Saved him from the ultimate demise. Not from death, but a lifetime
as Flynn Rider.

Eugene felt that warmth now, but it wasn't the same. Sweat
dripped from his forehead and fell to the tile on the balcony
of the Corona royal palace. This was the summer sun causing him
the discomfort,...
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posted by Cantwait4book5
I'm assuming that all the people on the spot are here because they love disney princesses as much as I do... But why do we love them so much?

Every single Disney Princess has a different personality, story and dream but they all share one thing (asides from beauty )... They are strong, brave, independent, empowering women.

Some people may disagree with me but honestly I don't cre because these are my thoughts and opinions and I want to share them.

In so many films these days, the main character are the men. The women are side-line characters, letting the men rule the storyline. They have no real...
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A/N: This idea has been in my head since I saw the movie and I really just needed to type it all out and see where it went. This is the tale of how Eugene Fitzhebert really got his name!

"He rode off on his stead..." Eugene was suddenly cut off door giggling coming from a 6 jaar old brunette perched on his knee, her smaragd, emerald eyes were closed as she brought her hands to her face to smother the laughter.

"What's so funny Annabelle?" He asked exasperated at his little sister. Eugene loved her but don't get me wrong sometimes she was just a little too much to handle.

Both of the children were currently...
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 (evil stepmother from enchanted) yeah, there's NOTHING unkind of evil about this woman AT ALL. /sarcasm
(evil stepmother from enchanted) yeah, there's NOTHING unkind or evil about this woman AT ALL. /sarcasm
aurthors note: I'm back with a new article! I just realized that on my last two artikels that it has 2 fans! I didn't fan it myself, so whoever two fanned it, Thank u very much! I'm glad u like my writing. =)

Anyway, we're going to start with comparing Ariel to ECHANTED. I have watched it and it is VERY funny. The main character is Giselle, who is kind of all the Disney girls mixed. She has animal friends, cleans after people, and so on. Her prince is Edward, but instead HES the one with the evil stepmother. Apparently she's very kind to everyone. And It's a musical as u can imagine....
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posted by lovegypsy64
#9. Cinderella
Yep. Sorry,Cinderella fans. She's at the bottom of my countdown. I mean,it's not that I don't like her of anything. I love her. She's kind and beautiful like all the other princesses and her movie is great,too. It's just that it seems like she's the most typical princess and has the most typical story. I understand it's very well known but still,it seems to be told meer than any other fairy tale. So,she's just not as exciting to me as the other princesses. But,hey,I'd choose her over Hannah Montana any day. ;)

#8. Aurora(Sleeping Beauty)
She's meer beautiful than Cinderella...
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 DreamyGal Productions
DreamyGal Productions
Ok, I'm bored at work and felt like writing something...I've done tons of articles, but never one about my favoriete transformation scene, so here we go...

7. Evil Queen transforms into an old Hag
 Mummy dust to make me old. To shroud my clothes, the black of night. To age my voice, an old hag's cackle. To whiten my hair, a scream of fright. A blast of wind to fan my hate. A thunderbolt to mix it well. Now begin thy magic spell.
Mummy dust to make me old. To shroud my clothes, the black of night. To age my voice, an old hag's cackle. To whiten my hair, a scream of fright. A blast of wind to fan my hate. A thunderbolt to mix it well. Now begin thy magic spell.

This scared the living daylights out of me when I was a kid, but now, looking back, it's a really great scene. It shows her in her secret lab (which is creepy but...
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Scene 1- outside of th stepsister's house.

Narrator: Once upon a freekin time, there was a tall guy named Carl, and a little girl(that's her daughter) named Hella. They used 2 been happy 2gether doin alot of stuf, havin such great memories, talkin, playin, and laughin at other people injurin themselves on AFV. One day, the 2 of them were going 2 visit Carls new wife at her old,tall,wrinkly,ugly(AND EVIL!) house(shes Hella's stepmom), Along with her daughters Anabella and Denaji(but no one cares about them since they have no life).

Scene 2-Hospital(fast forwarding a few days).
It was a pity that...
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