Duncan and Courtney Club
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I was in my room getting ready. I had my ipod plugged into my ihome blasting morgan Mayer as I jumped around the room trying to prepare. It was Halloween night, and Bridgette zei her and Geoff were going to go down to an old house a few miles down the straat and just hang, which for them usually means making out. The zei house was supposedly haunted. I remember hearing scary stories about it when I was younger. Bridgette and I used to drive door there on our bikes all the time, and it seemed no one had ever lived there, at least not in my lifetime. I remember one story in particular. When we were in sixth grade, Bridgette's older cousin Ryan told us about how him and his friend Brian were going to play a Halloween prank. Brian was going to set up some projectors and stuff inside so that they could scare these three girls at their school and Ryan just had to keep watch. Well, a few moments after Brian entered the house, Ryan heard a scream. He looked at the house and saw a white woman standing at the seconde story window looking down at him. He took off running down the straat and never saw Brian again.

Of course, I don't believe in all that supernatural mumbo jumbo. Brian had probably ran out the back door and moved to Wyoming of something. Everyone knows ghosts don't exist. I didn't even want to go tonight. Trust me, nothing in this world would make me happier than to just sit at home pagina in my cozy pajamas watching a movie of reading a book, but Bridgette assured me that it would be fun. Geoff even agreed to bring a friend, so I wouldn't feel like a third wheel.

Gosh, I hope it's not that one kid he hangs out with, Duncan. Man, that guy bugs me. He goes around acting like he's so hot, and that he can get any girl he wants. Well, I'm not falling for his bad boy attitude, of that rebellious hair style of his, of those gorgeous taling, groenblauw eyes, of that awesome body....

I shook my head trying to clear my brain of these ridiculous thoughts. It was just absurd to even consider liking him. We were completely incompatible.

I went back to focusing my attention on my outfit. I was wearing black skinny jeans and a purple tank top. I had straightened my hair and had goud hoops in my ears. I started singing the lyrics to morgan Mayer's 'Everything' as I slipped on my new pair of white tennis shoes. I double checked myself in the mirror. I actually didn't look half bad. My phone began vibrating, making the awfullest noise on my wooden vanity. I ran over and quickly flipped it open. “Hello?”

“Courtney, come on. We've been honking the horn for five minutes!” She zei in fake irritation.

“Crap, sorry Bridge, be right down.” I closed my phone and stuffed in my pocket, quickly running down the stairs. I grabbed my house key and locked the door before running down my porch steps. I saw Bridgette leaning on the kap of her sky blue jeep. She was wearing light blue jeans and a white tank top. She also wore what was obviously one of Geoff's jackets, since it was really big on her. She stopped looking at the stars and smiled at me.

“You ready?”

“Yea, where's Geoff?”

“Eh, he's in the car. Come on, I wanna get there before some junior high dweebs do first.”

I walked over to the jeep and opened the door. My face immediately dropped when I saw who was sitting in the jeep.
“This is who u brought to keep me company!” I turned to Geoff who was in the driver's seat.

“Don't act so happy to see me, Princess.” Duncan smirked.

“Sorry Court, he wanted to tag along.” Geoff zei innocently.

“Come on, lighten up. It's not like we're asking u to marry him.” Bridgette butted in.

I let out an irritated shriek as I sat volgende to the delinquent. Not two seconden into the drive and he was already irritating me. He just kept starring at me with the amused smirk on his face. Finally I whipped my head towards him. “And exactly what are u starring at?”

“Nothing, babe. It's just that u look really hot in that outfit.”

I scoffed, “Don't call me babe.”

“Fine, I like Princess much better anyways.”

I growled in frustration and continued starring out the window again. After about eight minuten we arrived in front of the big Victorian house. u could tell it used to be white, but now the painted was faded and peeling. The house looked to have three stories and stood out in the neighborhood full of apartments and suburban homes. The old fence surrounding the house was covered in graffiti from neighborhood gangs and I wouldn't be shocked if Duncan were one of those hooligans.

“There it is dudes and dudettes, the old Jones house.” Geoff zei excitedly. Him and Bridgette jumped enthusiastically out of the car. I reached out my hand to open the door when I heard an antagonizing voice coming from behind me.

“Try not to get too scared, Princess.” I turned my head and glared at Duncan. He just winked and then proceeded to open his car door and went to kom bij Geoff and Bridgette. I gasped at him before turning my face into a scowl and exiting the car, slamming the door shut behind me. Everyone else was standing there gaping at the house.

“Wow, it's so big and creepy.” Bridgette said.

“I know! Let's go in.” Geoff zei excitingly. He grabbed Bridgette's hand and half drug her to the front door. I trudged sluggishly behind. A light breeze flew door and I shivered in the cold. I was in such a rush that I forgot my jacket. I suddenly felt warmer as a large piece of cloth was draped around my shoulders. It was Duncan's leather jacket. I looked at him and gave him a thankful smile. He just smirked, but there was a glint in his eye that was unrecognizable. Something I had never seen in him.

Geoff pushed open the huge white, wooden door. Dust kicked up making me choke slightly. The house looked like a freakin' mansion. Okay, so I'm kinda rich and have a big house, but this was just... wow! The ceiling was extremely high with a huge, crystal chandelier hanging down. There was a large hallway on the east and west side of the room with at least half a dozen doors leading to unknown rooms filled with the mystery that was the old house. Inside the main room were two staircases both leading to a platform. In the middle of the platform was a big, oak door. The house was beautiful, but it had a creepy essence that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

Geoff rubbed his hands together excitingly. “Okay guys, lets set things up.” It took me til just now to realize that everyone was carrying a backpack. They all began emptying the contents of their bag: sleeping bag, flashlights, marshmallows, and various cans of soda and beer. Why did they have this stuff? We weren't spending the night were we?

“Umm, guys, what's going on?”

They all looked at me like I had just zei the dumbest thing in the world. I hid my face a little farther into Duncan's warm jas to hide my slight blush.

“We're setting up camp to spend the night. What'd u think u were doing?” Geoff asked.

“Well... um... I didn't...”

Bridgette sighed, “Geoff, u were suppose to tell her.”

“I thought u zei u texted her.”

“No, I said...”

“Guys, guys, it's okay. I'll just sleep on the floor of something. I'll be fine.”

“You know, u could always just share a sleeping bag with me.” Duncan winked.

“In your dreams, pig.”

“Don't worry, Court, I brought an extra.” Bridgette zei tossing me a light purple sleeping bag. I meer than gladly took it and sat it down volgende to her light blue one. Geoff gathered all the flashlights and set them in the center like a campfire. In the light, u could defiantly tell that the house had seen meer birthdays than either of my grandparents. There were cobwebs and dust everywhere. It defiantly added to the sinking feeling in my stomach.

“So, anyone know the story behind this place?” Geoff asked.

“I do.” Duncan said.

“Well, tell it bro.”

“Are u sure? It's pretty spooky, and I'm not sure Princess here can handle it.”

“Oh ha ha.” I spat sarcastically. “Just get on with it.”

“Okay then, but you've been warned.” He reached in the middle and grabbed a flashlight and held it close to his face for emphasis. I rolled my eyes at the cliché. Then he started talking in a 'spooky' voice. “This house wasn't always abandoned, obviously. A newly wed couple door the name of Dakota and Makaila Smith moved in here about a hundred years ago. Makaila was beautiful, with long, golden hair and a beautiful smile. Her and Dakota were always together and always happy. Some say they were the perfect couple, but after a while, things started turning zuur, zure for them. One evening Makaila came home pagina from work about an uur early. She planned to surprise her husband but instead was surprised herself. She walked in on Dakota having an affair with a woman with light brown hair and tannish skin. She was outraged and went completely insane. She murdered both her husband and his mistress and hid them in the walls of this house. She continued to live here, but the spirit of her husband was haunting her every moment. She ended up taking her own life door hanging herself in the attic. They say it is Makaila who now haunts this house, seeking revenge on her husband and his mistress.”

He finished the story and looked at us with satisfaction. Bridgette was clinging to Geoff who looked just as equally frightened. I admit, the story was scary, and the constant creaking in the house wasn't any help, but I would rather die than give Duncan the satisfaction of seeing me even the littlest bit afraid.

“D-dude, is all that really t-true?” Geoff stuttered.

Duncan shrugged, “Maybe, maybe not.”

“Okay, I want to leave.” Bridgette zei standing up.

“Not so fast, Malibu. You'll loose the game.”

“Game?” She averted her eyes to look suspiciously at Geoff.

“What game?”

Geoff's face went roze with guilt, like a child who had just disobeyed their parents. “We sorta had this bet that the last person to run out of the house got to pick someone and they would choose a costume that person had to wear.” He hung his head while he explained.

“And I already have mine picked out.” Duncan winked at me. I gave him a disgusted look before turning my attention back to Bridgette who was now walking towards the door.

“Boys are so immature.” She zei as she opened the big heavy door. Before she could walk out, we all heard a menacing laugh. It was so loud, I wouldn't be surprised if a passing car heard the horrific noise. We were all looking around frantically trying to find the bron of the woman's laugh. Suddenly the door, which Bridgette was holding open, slammed shut. She stepped back and starred at the door in horror for a moment before running back to Geoff. door this time we were all standing back to back, flashlight in hand, looking with terrified eyes around the room.
While looking around, I noticed something out of place on the platform. I squinted my eyes trying to adjust them. Suddenly there she was. A woman with blond curls laying down her back. She had a pure white dress that poofed slightly towards the bottom. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought she was a bride, waiting patiently for her father to walk her down the aisle. She was truly beautiful, but her skin was transparent and her green eyes seemed to glow with an evil intent.

“Umm, guys.” I could hear the wavering in my voice, and everyone else probably could as well. They all followed my gaze and starred terrified at the woman.

“Who dare enter my house?” The woman's voice was booming and demanding. We just starred in silence. “Someone answer me!” She demanded harshly.

“I think she's talking to u bro.” Geoff pushed Duncan from the back. He staggered vooruit, voorwaarts slightly and looked back to the platform. The ghostly female was looking directly at him expectingly.

“Look lady, we're just a couple of teens looking for something fun to do on Halloween, we don't want any trouble.”

She laughed, lightly this time. “Well, I guess u should have thought of that before u entered my home.” Her gaze moved across all of us before stopping specifically on me. Her expression turned from one of amusement to one of pure rage. I swallowed hard as she continued to glare at me. “You.” she snarled, “How dare u come into the house again.”

Everyone looked at me curiously, but I kept my gaze fixed on the woman, my eyes wide with fright. “You've been here before?” I heard Geoff whisper. I slowly shook my head.

“You liar! You're the one who came here and stal my husband from me!”

I think my hart-, hart stopped beating at that moment. I felt completely lost, distant from the rest of the world. I vaguely heard Duncan yell, “Look, lady. You've got it all wrong. That was a hundred years ago. This isn't the same girl.”


I snapped back into reality and realized the situation at hand. There was a psychotic ghost and for some reason she believed I was the woman who had an affair with her husband one hundred years ago. “Look, Makaila, I know u were hurt door what happened all those years ago, and I'm sorry for all the pain u went through, but we are in no way responsible for what happened. Please let us go, and rest in peace.”

I held my breath waiting for a reaction. It may be a stretch, but I was hoping she would set us free, however I got the complete opposite reaction. Instead she shouted and stormed, of should I say floated, towards us. Geoff and Bridgette took off running down the west hallway. I stood stiff with fright before I felt a firm grip on my wrist as Duncan began dragging me down another hallway. I snapped out of my trance and began running with him. He continued his steady grip of my wrist as we rounded the corner. I was too terrified to even turn around and see if we were being followed.

He came to a sudden halt, causing me to run into him. “Ow, what the-”

“In here.” He yanked open a big oak door and shoved me inside. He hastily closed the door behind him and leaned against it, trying to catch his breath. The room was a huge library. There were probably meer boeken here than in the public library. There was a large oak bureau in the middle of the large room. The bureau was empty except for a green spiral journal. I walked over to the bureau and picked up the journal, examining the unique texture of the old book.

“Courtney, don't touch anything.” Duncan said, but it was too late. I already had the the book open to the last entry. There was a drawing of a girl with long brown hair and dark brown eyes. She was standing on one of the staircases in the main room, smiling. The book slipped from my hands and dropped to the floor. In an instant Duncan was at my side shaking me.
“Courtney. Come on, snap out of it.”

But I couldn't. All I could do was mutter, “Duncan, the book.”
He looked at me curiously before leaning down and opening the book to the page I was on. I saw the realization on his face.

“She-She looks just like you.”

“Thats why she thought I was her.” I zei snapping out of my trance. Man, I need to stop doing that.

“We need to get out of here.” Suddenly Bridgette came through the door.

“Guys, we found an exit, come on.”

“Thank god.” I zei half running toward my friend. Duncan followed not so hastily behind me. I turned around and scolded, “Come on, Duncan, I want to get out of here now!”

He stood there for a moment, as if debating what to do. Finally he just shrugged and followed us out the door. “Hurry, she could be anywhere.” Bridgette whispered. We walked down the hallway a little ways and stopped at a small door at the end of the hallway. “In here.” She shoved us vooruit, voorwaarts into the room. It was small and cluttered like a closet with no obvious escape way.
“Um, Bridgette, are u sure-” I turned around and saw her standing at the door smiling at us. But it wasn't a Bridgette smile, it was an evil one. She then closed the door, leaving us in the dark. I heard a small clicking noise indicating that the door had been locked from the outside. “Bridge, what the hell!?” I yelled pounding my fist against the door.

Instead of hearing Bridgette's voice, Makaila's laugh materialized on the other side of the door. “You didn't really think u could escape that easily, did you?”

“Ah, u have got to be kidding me!” Duncan screamed in irritation.

“Have a nice death.” I then heard footsteps as she left us. As Duncan continuously rammed his shoulder against the door, I leaned against the uithangbord of the small closet and slid down to the floor in defeat. I was going to die. I was going to die here, in a small closet in a haunted house. I was going to die with Duncan....

Duncan screamed one meer time in frustration before leaning on the opposite uithangbord and sliding down as I had. “We're really gonna die aren't we?” I whispered to him, even though it came out as meer of a whimper.

He sighed, “Let's not give up.” He jolted up and brought something out from his pocket. Suddenly a beam of light shot through the room and I could identify the object as a lighter. Now the room was lit with an oranje glow. We were in fact in a closet. It was cluttered with coats and old shoe boxes. The floor was wooden and the walls were painted a light cream color. With his lighter in hand, Duncan began tapping the walls and searching for some sort of escape route. “There's gotta be a way out.”

“Duncan, just stop. Theres no way out. We're trapped. With no way out. Left for dead.” I heard my voice crack slightly as tears began to silently roll down my face. Duncan moved the lighter so that its glow illuminated my face. I hid my face with the sleeve of his jas so he wouldn't see my state of vulnerability.

The room grew dark once again as Duncan put his lighter away. I couldn't see him, but I felt him sit down and scoot closer to me until we were touching. Then expectingly he wrapped his arm around me in a hug. That was definalty not what I was expecting. I didn't really know how to react to it. Before I knew it I was soaking his overhemd, shirt with my tears as I dug my face into his chest. I don't really know what I was crying for. Was it fear? Was it not knowing what would happen? of was I crying from the thought that my last moments would be spent in a closet with Duncan Logan? The thing was, in that moment, that moment of being comforted door the last person I would expect it from, being here with him didn't seem like the worst thing in the world.

I cried probably for a good five to ten minuten as he silently stroked my hair. I was starting to get tired, it must have been at least four o'clock in the morning. I felt my eye lids start to droop, but I didn't want to sleep. Mainly because I don't know what would happen if I did. However, I couldn't stop the drowsiness that was taking over my body. I still had my head resting on Duncan's chest and I listened to his steady breathing. I realized the soothing rhythm was making me sleepier, so I slowly sat up. As soon as I moved, I realized how much colder the room seemed without his body heat. I sat up volgende to him and squinted my eyes trying to see him clearly. I could barely make out his outline, and that was as good as I was gonna get.
We seemed to just stare at each other for a minuut before he finally broke the silence. “You, umm, are u okay?” he asked awkwardly.

“Yea I'm fine.” My throat was slightly scratchy from the lack of water and all the dust floating around in the small closet.
He rubbed his hair through his Mohawk and sighed in exasperation. “Well, looks like theres no getting out of here anytime soon. u might as well get some sleep, u look pretty tired.”

I didn't respond immediately because I didn't know if I wanted to go to sleep. “Don't worry, I'll stay up. I won't let any monsters come and get you.” He smirked.

To my surprise, I didn't give him a nasty commentaar about how he was a cocky, arrogant baboon. Instead I smiled and layed my head on his shoulder. After a few short moments, I was drifting off to sleep.

I awoke to a strange rhythm. I opened one of my eyes to see that Duncan had found a bouncy ball and proceeded to bounce it against the opposite wall. I slowly lifted my head and stretched in what little room we had. “Where'd u get a bouncy ball?”
He stopped bouncing for a minuut to look at me and shrugged, “It was in one of these old shoe boxes. I got bored and decided to look through them.” He then continued with his game of catch with himself.

“How long was I asleep?”

“Eh, maybe an hour, give of take.”

Wow, it felt like I had been asleep forever, not just an hour. I decided to direct my attention to the little small ball being bounced back and forth in perfect timing. Then Duncan threw the ball a little too far to the left, causing it to hit the corner and ricocheted to the other side of the closet. It landed on the ground with a hollow thump. Duncan jumped to his feet quicker than lightning. “Did u hear that?”

“Uh, yea, it hit the floor, so what?”

Ignoring me, he went over to the jas rack and crawled underneath them. He then began to tap the floor with his fist. All the knocks sounded the same until he came on one area where the noise was significantly different. “What's that?”

“That, my dear, is our escape hatch.” I crawled over to where he was. He pulled out his light and reached it to me. “I need to see to open it.” I had never held a light before, so therefor didn't know how to start one. I just starred at it for a moment. I could practically feel Duncan roll his eyes as he snatched it away from me and lit it before reaching it back to me. I held it up just above the spot he had pointed out. The wood looked the same as the surrounding wood. He grabbed a jas hanger and began to pick at the creases in the wood. I could now see the outline of the square trap door. After about ten minutes, he had made the outline of the door meer clear. He took a deep breath and out of no where punched the door as hard as he could. The wood shattered, leaving behind a large hole, big enough for us to fit through.

I looked over at Duncan to see his hand covered in a bright red liquid. “Duncan! Your hand!”

He looked down at his hand as if he just realized it were hurt.

“Eh, just a scratch.” he smirked. I quickly reached up and grabbed a white jas from the rack. I ripped off the sleeve and wrapped it around his injured hand. He winced in pain as the fabric came in contact with his open wound.

After I had bandaged the wound I tied the cloth tight around his hand, “There, its finished.”

“Come on, we have to go.”

“What about Bridgette and Geoff?”

“We'll go and get help then come back. But in order to help them we have to get out, so get in the hole.” He zei urgently. I obeyed and jumped down the shaft. It was a dark dirt tunnel. I crawled a little and waited for Duncan to catch up. I'm not usually claustrophobic, but being in a small dark tunnel can make u a little nervous. Thankfully, the tunnel was only about fifteen feet. The exit was covered door a lawn gnome. I easily pushed it aside and as quick as I could, I jumped out into the clean night air.

I was shocked to see Bridgette sitting on the kap of the car crying while Geoff reassuringly hugged her. “Bridgette!” I screamed despite my sore throat. She jerked her head in my direction and her face immediately lit up. I ran up to the busje, van and was crushed in her embrace.

“Oh my god, I thought u guys were dead!” She cried into my hair. I patted her back.

“How did u guys get out?”

“Well, I remember running with Geoff, then tripping and blacking out. Then I woke up in a different hallway. Geoff found me and, well, we sorta made our own exit.” She zei indicating the Geoff sized hole in the side of the house. “But what happened to u guys?”

“It's a really long story.” I turned around and saw Duncan starring up at the house. “Can u guys excuse me for a minute?”

I walked over to where he was standing. He seemed to be really deep in thought. “You okay?”

He jumped slightly, as if I had startled him, but smirked. “Yea.”

He returned his gaze back to the house. “But I think we need to be sure this never happens to anyone every again.”

“And how do u suppose we do that?” He took out his lighter and waved in front of my face. He then went up to the side of the house and lit it with the lighter. Being that the whole house was made out of old, dry wood, it instantly ignited. I looked up at the seconde story window to see Makaila starring at us. However, her image disappeared when a flame engulfed that room. Duncan returned to me smiling. “Well thats one way to do it.”

“Well, u have to admit, not everything about this was bad.”

“Oh really?”

He inched closer to me until our faces were only centimeters apart. “Yea, I mean, u finally admitted u dig me.”

“Oh I did, did I? I don't recall that.”

“Well, all I know is that you're going to kiss me in about, hmm, thirty seconds.”

I scoffed, “And what makes u so sure?”

“I just know.” He zei cockily.

“You know what, Duncan?” I paused and looked deep into his eyes before grinning. “You're not as dumb as u look.” And with that I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. It was the best kiss I have ever had in my life. He placed his hand gently on the small of my back as the flames irrupted behind us.

He broke away and started chuckling. “What?”

“I just remembered something. I won the game.” I looked at him puzzled and he continued to explain. “I was the last one out, so u have to wear the costume I pick.” He grinned.

I rolled my eyes. “Are u serious.”

“Dead serious, babe.” I opened my mouth to protest, but he covered it with his hand. “Come on, Geoff and Bridgette probably are freaking out in the car.” I laughed as we walked back to the jeep, hand in hand. It may have been the most terrifying night of my life, but it was also the best, and one I will remember.
door xXxTDI AngelxXx on Fanfiction.net
*If u read please commentaar cause I don't if people read any more*

Courtneys POV

"........alive" he declared finally. At that moment I was filled with relief and fear and all those vraag of doubt came flooding back. What if she gets me this time? But there is one meer thing meer important than my safety and that is the baby.

"So what are u gonna do with Gwen?" Duncan asked breaking the silentness of the room.
"She is in intensive care and will be treated for her brain disorder." The doctor said.
"So me and the baby are safe?" I ask
"Good" Says Duncan.
"I know, now we are veilig from Gwen...
continue reading...
hallo guys! I know I have two other storys but I have BAD writers block so here is a new one I hope u will all enjoy. plz leave comments! tell me how I did!

It had been a while since I cheated on courtney. She was so mad she fell into a coma! I feel so bad. I was outside courtney's room for the fith dag in a row Jeff, lindsey, and the rest of the cast was with me.

Courtney's POV:
I woke up in a bed and I did not know where I was. A nurse came in holding a box of cinnamon geroosterd brood, toast crunch. with her mot, nachtvlinder full of it she zei "Your... muph! in the.......
continue reading...
posted by izzyfan909
*Note: This artikel will sound much better if u listen to the song Bubbly door Colbie Caillat*

Courtneys POV

I wake up in hospital and suddenly realized what happened. I slowly go to lift my hand up to check my tummy than I fell something verplaats volgende to me.
"Courtney!?!? u awake" A voice zei and I no who it was.
"Duncan, what happened, is the baby ok!?!?"
"Relax Courtney, the baby's fine" He zei "I thought I nearly lost you, I mean u my whole world"
"Oh Duncan I love you, and the way u make me fell reminds me of my favourite song, can u go get my guitar?" I asked. He was back in like 5 seconds...
continue reading...
*At DxG's apartment* Gwen:Hey Juvie. Duncan:What? Oh,hey. Gwen:What's the matter? Duncan:It's just being with u is kinda boring. Gwen:So,what are u saying? Duncan:Its over I'm sorry. Gwen:Get out. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!! Duncan:Fine,but I bought it anyway. *With Courtney* Lisa/me:Courtneyare u okay,sweetie? Courtney:No I feel horrible. *They hear a.knock at the door* Courtney:I got it. *She antwoorden it* Courtney:*gasps* Who's at.the door find out on DxC after Total Drama World Tour!
posted by JacobDXCfan4eva
by JacobDXCfan4eva geplaatst 4 minuten geleden

Zanna:Today is a special episode to celebrate the top, boven 8 so here is Courtney,Beth,Bridgette,Gwen,and Izzy to do the cell block tango link
Isabella:Oh my god Courtney we have got to do a song together
Courtney:Um sure
they get on stage and sing link
Duncan and Zack clap
Camielle comes up
Camielle:Oh my god Duncan sign my stomach!
Courtney:Oh no u don't Duncan leads him to another location
Zanna:Duncan and Zack and Jack want to do a song
they get up and sing link
Courtney makes googly eyes (lol)
then a suprised guess comes
Zanna:Welcome Jason Mayhem Miller!...
continue reading...
posted by Depressed671
Note: This story is always in Duncan's POV.

It was just another dag in the strange town of Toronto. Where I was having my ordinary coffee with my annoying girlfriend. She was blabbing away about this poetry convention she probably wanted to drag me to. I wasn't really listening, I only heard bits of what she was saying. "Blah blah poetry blah blah blah scary and gorey yet romantic blah blah souls." It's not that I wasn't interested it was just...Ah, who am I kidding, I couldn't be any meer uninterested. Lately, Gwen has actually been uninteresting....
continue reading...
Courtney´s Pov
After seeing the message, i walked again into the house, the living room, and then took Bridgette door the arm. I told her that she had to leave her home, that it was necessary and for safety.
I waited for her at the backdoor. My uncle had verplaats my car so that i could get Bridgette outta that hell her house was now quickly.
I was wondering why some persons become assassins, when, suddenly, i heard a noise coming from beneath the trees that the backyard had. I tried to stay calm and i concentrated in the noise. It seemed to be steps. I was getting nervous... No one was supposed to...
continue reading...
posted by fly210
u might want to read the prolog first cause if u don't u might not understand. OH! and the man was DJ and the girl was Briget.

I got home pagina from that tourcher hole and went right to briget. she was in bed. dieing just like all the days before. I sat door her bed and looked at her. "Please take good care of courtney." zei briget. "I will I promis." I ansered. Just then a man named Harold (also known as Valgher) broke into the room. "off to jail with ya now!" he zei to me. "NO!" I protested. "now is not the time briget is dying!" "yea yea yea....
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" hallo everyone," metis said. " hello metis long time no see," zeus said. " oh hi hepeastus hello apollo hallo zeus nice to meet u duncan.. i mean ares," metis said. " would u like to meet athena, metis?" apollo asked. " of course i would love to," she zei " where is she?" " she ran off because zeus was talking non-stop about aphrodite," hepeastus said.

"metis may i talk to u for a minute?" duncan asked. "well of course u may ares," she said. they walked away from the other gods.

"how did u know my name? u zei my name but hid it door saying ares! now i wanna know why does everyone...
continue reading...
posted by fly210
this is a complicated story of love loss war hate and death. I know what u are thinking
you: but liz! u are in the middle of about 10 different storys!
well I will finsh them like kam kaine kami. I have started but I am not sure how to finish. well I bet u want to hear the prolog so here it is!

you'll find out who's POV
I lay in my bed with my little baby in my hands. my little Courtney. miser is going to take good care of her when I am gone.

anouther person's POV
I sit in the gurey looking at the poor man who might have to take a punishment for me. should I tell them that I am the man they...
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posted by crazy-yanu
Duncan Pov

It has been five months since Courtney was here. Creeí could stand it, but I was wrong. I miss her too, she is irrempazable.

I admit I've been drinking and eating an occasional drug. I never thought that I, Duncan Johnson, come to that point door a woman ... Much less a girl like Courtney. I tried to fill my emptiness with many girls, but none is as t the lesson, if u want a girl like Princess, u have to treat it as it deserves.

But that was over, after much soul searching I have decided to bring her back to me, regardless. 'll Do anything for her.

The first thing I did was to...
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Courtney: (crying)

duncan: I'm so sorry!

Courtney: sorry does not always help. and I forgot to tell u your going to be a dad!

Duncan: what? OO

Courtney: get out of my house!

duncan: but...

Courtney: NOW!!!!!

Duncan: (runs out) I messed up big time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Duncan's life now: he lives alone. no girl friend no job no money. just a empty hole. his mom and dad help a little and so do his sisters and brothers with money.

Courtney's life now: she had two kids twins and both are duncan's. has alot of money. last time she "talked" to duncan was when she wrote him...
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posted by dxcfan
1.The Right time

Please let me know, when the time is right
The waiting is unbearable, at 12:00 at night.
You drew through this stress, and tried to make me admit
That I might have a feeling for you, ever since we met.
How can someone me, ever love a someone like you,
It's pure insanity if, that scene ever comes true.
Please let me, when the time will come
To ever be with again, and have someone to love.

2. Questions

I have a question: Was it really meant to be?
Was the act of us, really passion? Did u ever love me?
We are nothing alike, yet I know u so well.
You know me too, and I can see in your eyes....
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I just finished listening to the most romantic song in history, and gave me an idea of a oneshot.
Enjoy. Listen to the song it's beautiful. "He Proposed to me"

He took my hand, and we strolled through the thin layers of flowers and plants. It was Valintines Day, Duncan promised he'd give me a gift I would remember.

It was valentines dag february the 14th
My baby took me to a special place
Said he had a surprise for me

After a minuut of walking, we stopped at arch. Beauitful flowers covered it. I smiled and glanced at in amazement, than...
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posted by lemon1110
Courtneys P.O.V:

SCENE: getting ready for new years. another party hosted door geoff and bridgette. but this time its at a HUGE club. duncans band is going to be playing. duncan plays the bas, bass and sometimes sings. he is now mrlting with love for courtney, but iznt sure if he should make a verplaats on her cuz she still hasnt forgiven him from tdwt.

Okay....... last dag of the year.....some luck please? no i should be lucky all this jaar with my lucky number 11... (lemon1110: accually, thats my lucky number but whatever just go on with the story) i cant belive i kissed duncan on christmas. anastasia...
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Okay, so Duncan and Gwen Kissed, it is a fact. Duncan and Courtney were once a couple, thats a fact as well. Why can't both sides just get over it and leave eachother alone? There will always be Duncan and Courtney fans, becasue they were once a couple. There will now always be Duncan and Gwen fans becasue they ARE a couple now, of for now.And becasue of this the "war" is stupid. In fact war is stupid to begin with.

Has anyone ever tried to talk to someone from the other side of the war without them knowing your a fan? My plan didn't work well, because the fan I picked in the fanpop chat was...
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posted by maaaax99
 courtneys house
courtneys house
My first special YAY KIRBY DANCE TIME! <(0_0)>(>0_0)> <(0_0)> <(0_0<) <(0_0)>
This has a litle bit language

(At Duncans House)

Geoff:Dude come on everyone's gonna be there.

Duncan:NO! Im not going to some stupid Christmas party.

Geoff:But dude that new girl Courtney's gonna be there.And I her She's Hot.

Duncan:What why didn't u tell me that first.Im going now.


(Bridgets house)

Bridget:So Courtney are u gonna go to Geoffs Christmas party tomorrow.

Courtney:I Dont think I can.

Bridget:Why Not?

Courtney:Cause my parents are so strict about me going to partys.

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posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney`s POV:I was so frustrated with my mom and my life,my new life that is.I sat down on my bed and tried to think of what a "private" school is.I started to fall asleep thinking of what school was going to be like tomorrow.The volgende morning,I woke up and got ready for my very first dag of private school.I put on my best clothes that I had.Back in my old town,all the girls were always wearing a nice,plaid blouse,jeans,a hat, and boots.All the guys were always wearing a plaid, long sleeve shirt,jeans,a big riem buckle,a hat, and boots.That`s all I had in my closet.I put on my best torn up...
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posted by lolibarbie
I finally decided it was time to talk to u again. It had been about four months since it happened, and as I walked up the steps to your house the brisk April air whipped around me and u were there.

I just wanted to make simple talk until u told me how u felt... I wanted to ask u about u brother, how you've been, how the weather was. But that's just simple small talk, and as we zei nothing the air between us got awkward.

I'm so glad u made time to see me 
How's life, tell me how's your family? 
I haven't seen them in a while 
You've been good, busier than ever 
We small talk, work,...
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hallo guys sorry for the lateness with the story I've just been very busy with school and stuff! Well I shouldn't be talk about my boring, I should be writing the story so here I go......


Gwen: so Where going to the hospital to see if it's a boy of a girl.

Duncan: what why should I go.

Courtney: yeah, why should he go.

Gwen: cause u could be the dad

Duncan: whatever, but if I go Trent has to come. Oh and my princess.

Courtney: awwww, u want me to come!

Gwen: but I can't call TRENT!!!!!

Duncan: why not you've got his number?

Gwen: BUT!!!!!!!!

Duncan: No buts!

Gwen: (angrily) Whatever!!!...
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