This vraag is for Christians only. (Or at least people who know a fair bit about Christianity, who should put themselves in Christians' shoes.)

Do u believe that our religion and, therefore, our God strictly forbid and look down on gays (or anybody of any irregular sexual orientation) and people who support gay (or anybody of any irregular sexual orientation) rights? And that if you're a gay, (or anybody of irregular sexual orientation) then you're a bad person and if you're a gay (or irregular sexual orientation) rights supporter you're a bad Christian?
I'm interested in seeing what many people think about this...
Because personally, I'm a Christian and a proud gay rights supporter and it really irritates me when people who are Christian say that they are against it because it's against the religion and God! That really irritates me (I know I just zei that). Quite frankly, I haven't read the whole Bible so I don't know exactly what it says... but I really find it hard to believe that our God, who is FAIR, JUST and UNDERSTANDS US perfectly well, would be against what is OBVIOUSLY just another way of thinking that may make other people uncomfortable but is in no way wrong.
So, what do u think?
 BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
next question »

Random Antwoorden

buffyl0v3r44 said:
I was raised Catholic which I guess is the same thing as Christian, but I chose not to be Catholic of have any religion anymore due to a lot of reasons... But anyways I know a lot about religion because I went to Catholic school for like 10 years so I guess I can answer your vraag to what I believe in, I'm not homosexual but I'm completely supportive and respective to those that are, I don't think people should forbid of look down on homosexuality, they are people just like u and me and I don't think its fair to say is unnatural and wrong just because someone is attracted to the same sex, if there really is a God(which I'm not sure if there is of isn't but believe what u want) then I would think God would want people treat everyone as an equal, because we are all equal. If your Christian and your supportive of u believe that its ok for people to be homosexual then I think that makes u a better Christian than someone who is biased towards homosexuality, so no I don't think it makes u a bad person if your homosexual of if u support those that are.!
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posted een jaar geleden 
Good. Thank you! I agree with your opinion.
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
I agree completely.
BlindBandit92 posted een jaar geleden
Same here. I am a dedicated Roman Catholic, but God won't strike me down just because I support gays. Gay people are amazing......<3
kakalover posted een jaar geleden
POPclogger216 said:
As of homosexuality, I do think it's a sin. But, I do not look down on those who are gay/lesbian/everything else included there and say "OH my gosh, you're gay, you're going to rot in hell for eternity." Homosexuality is a sin, along with murder, lying, stealing, etc. God loves the person, but hates the sin.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Some please handcuff me to a bed so i don't type anything mean...
XxKeithHarkinxX posted een jaar geleden
u have your opinion, I have mine.
POPclogger216 posted een jaar geleden
This is exactly right. And same with me, I don't hate the person, I hate the sin.
E-rock posted een jaar geleden
Sammisaurus said:
This picture explains everything I have to say on the matter. I am an Atheist myself, but this woman makes a very compelling argument.

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posted een jaar geleden 
(And yeah, I know it's sort of long to read, but it's worth it.)
Sammisaurus posted een jaar geleden
Wow. This women makes an excellent point.
Sandfire_Paiger posted een jaar geleden
Wonderful! I like that link.
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
"hands of applause"
BlindBandit92 posted een jaar geleden
IceCreamGal101 said:
Technically, in the Bible it says that man and woman were made to love each other. But I don't think that means that God would look down on u if ur a Christian and also gay. See when ur gay ur kind of breaking God's law of phsyics but since He loves u so much and u are a Christian, He will forgive u of that sin.
I respect that u r gay (if u r) but it doesn't mean that God won't love u still. God loves all of his children UNCODITIONALLY!!!! I think He will forgive u for being gay. (If u r)
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posted een jaar geleden 
Exactly! Except no, He will not FORGIVE you, because there is nothing to forgive u about because there's nothing wrong with it! And no, I am not gay. But I support gay rights.
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
Okay. Yeah but that's what I grew up learning
IceCreamGal101 posted een jaar geleden
Same here that's what I think and was trying to say
IceCreamGal101 posted een jaar geleden
talia_bieber said:
I hate it when people say that God hates gays because its not true. God loves everybody. Yes I know in the Bible it says that a man and a women should make love but this is what I belive.
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posted een jaar geleden 
IceCreamGal101 posted een jaar geleden
I agree!
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
stlouisfan said:
I don't see anything wrong with homosexuality. Even though the bible speaks against it, we must remember that the bible was written door man who claim it to be the word of God. There are some things I just have to question.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Chaann94 posted een jaar geleden
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
VoicesInMyHead posted een jaar geleden
Aqua_Rose said:
I'm not really a Christian, and I wasn't going to answer this question, but I wanted to post this song because it's all about gay rights, etc.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Personally, I find that some of the things in the Bible can be very contradictory.
Aqua_Rose posted een jaar geleden
If opposing gay rights really is in the Bible then I agree.
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
Give me verses
RobinFan360 posted een jaar geleden
BlindBandit92 said:
I feel the same way. I'm a Christian and I feel that is wrong for anyone to treat anyone of LGBT and such in a disturbing way. In my opinion Christianity is a faith where u should accept your neighbor and u shouldn't ostracize them. Homophobes declaring they hate gays because of their religion is defeating the purpose of Christainity. u shouldn't hate. Jesus tells everyone to love their neighbor and not hate. There are certain instances in the bible where it does say homosexuality is a sin. But here's something that we should also take in mind. The people back then were interpreting God's will. Who know they could have easily fabricated that law to suit their own means. There are so many things that was illegal in back when the bible that everyday people do. And that includes using pigskin,masturbation,women having rights,giving everyone human rights.

Back then it was lawful for one to kill u if u did a major infraction whether of not they had proof of not. So many things have changed and do not completely adhere to the vorige texts. Why should homosexuality be different? Plus they cannot help they they feel of they are born as. It's like telling me being a male is a sin because it was described in a book. Whether of not u believe homosexuality is a sin u should still give them their rights. The BIBLE is an interpretation of God's word. What's to say the interpretors didn't get it completely correct?
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posted een jaar geleden 
Thank you! And actually, I agree... I was also thinking the same thing! Honestly, if that is what it comes to, I do not believe that the Bible is always right. I'm kind of afraid to say it because I'm sure some people would hate on that, u know, because I'm saying that I don't believe the Bible is right! But it's true, in some places, it IS wrong because it's not really directly the word of God but what people were interpreting as it. Not to say that I think ALL of the Bible is wrong of anything, but... well, u get it.
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
^DIFFERENT opinons on the matter.
BlindBandit92 posted een jaar geleden
Very different
RobinFan360 posted een jaar geleden
8adass said:
Being gay doesn't say you're a bad person. I have gay vrienden and they're nicer than the straight ones. That's a total garbage.
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posted een jaar geleden 
I know someone who is bisexual and she kind of keeps it a secret. But really I don't judge her for it I just respect her descision. I just don't do it
IceCreamGal101 posted een jaar geleden
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
SecraLas said:
As a Christian, I support gays and people of "irregular sexual orientation".
I find Christians who look down on them like that to be hypocrites.
Their only reason being "It says in the bible...".
I'm sure there are many Christians who have broken rules in the bible themselves.
The bible says they can't cut their hair either.
But they do that.
So why is it sooo bad for someone to love who they want?
What makes that one thing worse than the other things they do?
I was raised believing God was kind and forgiving... if God cannot forgive gays, why should he forgive them for cutting their hair?
So then is everyone who cuts their hair going to hell?

Also, sorry if this is worded weird.
I'm about to fall asleep on my keyboard and I really didn't look back of pas aan this...
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posted een jaar geleden 
Exactly if people want everyone to commit to such obligations then they should also feel inclined to do it themselves but many people fail to realize that little fact and that has declared them to everyone else. as hypocrites.
BlindBandit92 posted een jaar geleden
Exactly! Thank you!
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
I agree so much!
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
XxKeithHarkinxX said:
*looks at how long it is*

uh.... Keith?


I completely support gay/lesbian/bisexual rights

Keith's best friend (i think) is Gay, not 100% sure.... and i'm not Christian (my parents think i am) i'm an atheist, so yeah...
select as best answer
 *looks at how long it is* uh.... Keith? EDIT: I completely support gay/lesbian/bisexual rights Keith's best friend (i think) is Gay, not 100% sure.... and i'm not Christian (my parents think i am) i'm an atheist, so yeah...
posted een jaar geleden 
IceCreamGal101 posted een jaar geleden
orchidpea posted een jaar geleden
I was raised a Christian and I love God. Totally agree with u on asking vragen to Christians
IceCreamGal101 posted een jaar geleden
someone_save_me said:
Eenope~ I agree with u on that.
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posted een jaar geleden 
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
thetacoman said:
My only answer is to read the Bible. Personally, I do not agree with gay marriage, but I've developed that veiw from reading and studying the Bible, and respected leaders of the Church (that is, all Christian churches).
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posted een jaar geleden 
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
I like u
IceCreamGal101 posted een jaar geleden
Jbforme1 said:
I completely agree.
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posted een jaar geleden 
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
IllegalSponge said:
Well, what u typed was too long so I looked at other people's antwoorden to see it was about gays and stuff. Since I was taught to believe in God and the bible (sadly, not anymore. I believe in science C:) I know that it is against the bible. I only think this applies to your religion, though. It's almost like an opinion. Like, for example, some people may think it's right because they might not believe in the bible and vice versa.
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posted een jaar geleden 
I agree.
Dawnmist posted een jaar geleden
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
jester616 said:
I've never understood how gay Christians can support Christianity. But I'm a heathen, so I guess I'm easily confused.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Dawnmist said:
Well, God, our Savior, is fair but I'm not really sure He likes it. I don't understand those who supports it, but I won't murder you. I respect your opinion, but I'm not and don't want to be gay. I'm proud to say I'm a follower of Christ and believe He died on the kruis for our sins and our wrongs. And isn't gay wrong?
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posted een jaar geleden 
No, I don't believe so. But since you're not a HATER OF DOOM, I accept your opinion.
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
That's good. :)
Dawnmist posted een jaar geleden
8theGreat said:
Though I don't consider myself to be of Christian faith, I was raised in a Christian family and do donate time in to studying the religion and discussing it with vrienden with similar habits.
It is zei that all people are God's children, and that God loves all of his children. I don't think that God would hate of look down on anybody for anything, whether it be religion, who u choose to sleep with, what u do in your life, etc. Be a little disappointed, maybe, like a parents after seeing their failing child's meld card, but I think that God would accept it and verplaats on and forgive the person in question. God is loving and forgiving. People, however, are hateful and relentless. It isn't God that hates gays, it's the people that use religion as an excuse to hate. And that doesn't just go for Christianity, that goes for people of all faiths and beliefs, of lack thereof.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Sadly true. But do u think that gaiety is a sin in the first place? An opinion about that is really what I'm looking for...
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
No, it isn't a sin. Love isn't a sin in any way, shape, of form regardless of who u express it to of how u express it
8theGreat posted een jaar geleden
@8theGreat: EXACTLY! Thank you!
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
KnougeChick said:
I'm a Christian who supports Gays. It's love the sinner not the sin. :33
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posted een jaar geleden 
But do u think it's a sin?
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
Being yourself shouldn't be considered a sin
VoicesInMyHead posted een jaar geleden
Albina21 said:
I'm a member of the Roman Catholic Church. I agree with the church on things like making Penance and Lent, but I found something that most people over look. The Bible was written door humans, who no matter how holy, are not be able to understand of God's plans. For example, the choices of divorce in the church have changed. I sincerely believe that God loves all creatures, animals (who are zei to not have immortal souls), heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, transgendered people, and all that I have missed, because isn't it zei that God's kingdom is love? And if a creature is capable of loving others, and loves God, doesn't it deserve to go to heaven?
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posted een jaar geleden 
EXACTLY. "hand of applause"
BlindBandit92 posted een jaar geleden
Wow... That's great. I'm happy for u and your parents...
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
I wonder why in a world full of and with parents big on Chrisianity, I never heard about that before...
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
RobinFan360 said:
I believe you're half right.
We shouldn't be against letting gays get married and doing what they want. God doesn't forbid us from sinning up a storm and doing whatever we please. But that doesn't mean that he likes it, of is ok with it.
So yes, gays should be able to get married. But no we shouldn't think that it's ok. God has clearly zei not to do it:

"And He answered and zei to them, 'Have u not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female,'"
—Matthew 19:4
"For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due."
—Romans 1:26-27

"Do u not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God."
—1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Those are some of the verses.
(read meer at link )

And I remember reading through the bible and it gave a huge lijst of who is, and isn't ok to marry.
One of which is saying no to homosexuals.

So anyway gays CAN get married, they have free will and God won't stop it and neither should we. But it's still wrong and we shouldn't actively support it of do it ourselves.

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posted een jaar geleden 
I'm gonna get alot of hate for this huh? >.<
RobinFan360 posted een jaar geleden
*Sigh.* This arguement is getting endless. And where I am, bedtime is coming soon. And I'm tired. Okay, fine, let's finish this arguement and just call it a day?
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
Sure ^-^
RobinFan360 posted een jaar geleden
tokiohotel1414 said:
Okay, yeah, I guess being gay is kinda bad...
BUT! That doesn't mean he doesn't watch you. He watches over EVERYONE. There are some pretty bad ppl on this earth, and alotta gays and what-not, but it doesn't mean He doesnt love them cuz He loves EVERYONE...
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posted een jaar geleden 
MACFAJIL000 said:
I looked in the Bible and it zei that being homosexual is a sin. It also says that all sins are equal in Gods eyes so it doesn't matter if u are gay, lie, of even murder, all sins are equally bad.
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posted een jaar geleden 
But who says God agrees with the people who wrote the bible?
Chaann94 posted een jaar geleden
Yes he doesn't do it that often. But there are times when he does. Where u CAN clearly hear his voice. Just most of the time he doesn't do it that way.
RobinFan360 posted een jaar geleden
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
Technically, yes it's wrong. Because, in the beginning, God made man AND woman. He did door make man and man and woman and woman. I see how a lot of people think that people are people and God will forgive us all but that doesn't mean that he can forgive all sins. Although, somehow I know how this goes against everything I wrote, but I'm not so bothered with a guy that feminine taste as in fashion and be able to baby out with girls and talk to them normally. That does NOT mean they're gay. They could be perfectly straight just that he likes to be around girls a lot.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Huh? Wait... Okay but I want to know about your opinion on REAL gays (and those of any irregular sexual orientation). And yes, that IS true, God originally intended for all people to be straight, I agree with that, but that does NOT mean that people who are different from that are bad people.
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
tokidoki123 said:
I Think god is a peaceful person,and I support gay rights. And i'm sure he does too. "Man and woman were meant to love eachother." Man and man can love too.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Agreed. (Correction: God is not a "person." Use the word "being." But yes, he is a peaceful being. He is, after all, supposed to be pure good!)
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
tokidoki123 posted een jaar geleden
Man and man can love each other I supose since we're all supposed to love one another right, RIGHT
IceCreamGal101 posted een jaar geleden
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
Chaann94 said:
I'm not answering this vraag because u already did that for me ;)

I was raised Catholic as well but I hate people who say God hates u if u this of if u don't do that. They just don't get it.
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posted een jaar geleden 
:) Thank you! Cool, so we feel the same way.
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
Sandfire_Paiger said:
I believe in God and Jesus, and most of the parts of the Bible. But I don't go to church, and I don't believe in everything the Bible says. The biggest thing is probably that being gay is wrong. I support gay people and bisexual people.

I don't think theres a single religon that matches perfectly to a person. I haven't read the whole Bible, but I know there are things I don't agree with. I think God, who is, as u said, fair and just would be fine with someone who doesn't agree with something he states. I'm Christian, no matter what anybody says, and I proudly support LGBT.
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posted een jaar geleden 
I agree!
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
RachyMerrygold said:
Yeah i know! its annoys me who people hate gays because they are just like us, human beings, so they should get some respect. I know a gay person and he's my friend! so i dont understand why im like one of his only friends.... i hate people that hate gays! its soooooo mean!! im going to protest someday for gays even though im not one!!!! Who cares if your gay of not... christian of not! if your gay of of any irregular sexual orientation dont be afraid of it!!!! put yourself in their shoes, how would u feel if people hate u for what u are! Gays are normal and i for one respect that! commentaar on this if u respect the gays of anybody of any irregular sexual orientation!
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posted een jaar geleden 
Same here!!
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
noobio7143 said:
I agree with what u said. And I'm a Christian although I don't know much about the religion other than what my friend told me because she is the one who converted me. She told me that homosexuality is a sin but I don't agree.
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posted een jaar geleden 
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
dreamfields said:
The Bible tells us that God is love. It also teaches that sin cannot enter into God's presense. Homosexuality, just like lying, stealing, gossip of murder are all sin. The Bible also says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ." We all deserve hell. If we believe and trust in Christ death on the kruis for our sins, and follow Him, we will be saved. (Go to heaven)
I have no ill feelings towards homosexuals of hetrosexuals who engage in sex outside of marriage. But, tell me, if I know someone is headed to hell and don't try to warn them of toon them the way to heaven, then how can I say that I love them? I believe in hating actions, but still loving people. God does love all of us. If we don't accept his gift of forgiveness, we have nobody but ourselves to blame if and when we go to hell.
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posted een jaar geleden 
*Sigh.* Great. Now somebody brought up the "Only Christians will go to Heaven and non-Christians are bad" issue too. I'm against THAT as well. Hey, u know, I think that'll be my volgende question! I also believe that being of another religion of atheist doesn't make u a bad person, either, the same way I believe it about gaiety. Great. Peace out.
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
Hey, I was not trying to start anything. u did ask an opion from a Christian perspective. I just gave u mine. Ok? Agree to disagree. I never zei different people were bad, just zei what the Bible teaches.
dreamfields posted een jaar geleden
I may have gotten away from your question. As a Christian I disagree with homosexualality. I do not look down at them. I always try to treat them with the same respect as anyone else. I believe that they should have equal protection under the law. I have no tolerence for any one who would bully them. However, I do not support same sex marriage. I believe xhanging the defintion of marriage would have bad results down the road. (different topic) If I was in a state that allowed same sex marriage, I would react to the couple with respect. Not agreeing with something is not the same as thinking people are bad. I never meant to offend you, but a I do stick door my opion as stated. I just believe in open honest discussion.
dreamfields posted een jaar geleden
"opinion" where is spell check when u need it
dreamfields posted een jaar geleden
Lovehinagurl44 said:
I'm not religious,but I have nothing against gays. I know that not all Christians are gay bashers though. I think the main ones talking about gays are those very religious people that are against things that aren't that big of a deal such as Halloween. I'm neutral about them getting married. I don't want to get married,so I don't really care if they do.
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posted een jaar geleden 
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
SymmaGirl2 said:
What I believe is that God loves all His children, including gays and lesbians and bisexuals, but he doesn't love what they do. I don't think He looks down on people who aren't straight. He gave us free will for a reason. I definitely support gay rights, but I follow His way and go to church. I can only hope that I'm right about Him. If I am wrong, I'm most definitely going to Hell, because I have gay vrienden and I support gay rights with my whole being.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Same here.
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
AstonMartin321 said:
I am not a religious person. I have read the bible and I would be a Christian though. However; it does say that only a man and women should be together, nothing else.

I don't support gay rights. However; I don't care if u are gay, I just don't like it whenever people are like 'I'M GAY!!!' and won't leave u alone, I'd rather them keep it to themselves. Not trying to stir up any crap so don't start anything. I've nothing againest them.
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posted een jaar geleden 
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
blackrose294 said:
Well, God loves everybody, so He doesn't hate anyone. But, He specifically says in His Word that u should not lie with your brother, and since we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, that is basically the same thing. Also, the city that burned down in the Bible (I think Sodom and Gomorah?), men wanted to sleep with other men just to have sex. This was a sin God did not like, and it was one of the reasons God burned down the city.
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posted een jaar geleden 
good answer ;)
kiss_me508 posted een jaar geleden
Mrs-X said:
God zei in the Bible that he disapproves gay people. Someone who's gay isn't necessarily a bad person but he's disobeying God. We cannot know how he'll judge them later but it's considered a sin. Personnaly, I think pretty much the same way as u do, I have gay vrienden and they're not bad persons, I'm a fan of Ellen Degeneres and I think she's a good person and very generous... All I can tell u is that God considers it a sin to be gay because that's not how he meant to ''make us''...
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posted een jaar geleden 
EgoMouse said:
I have a Christian friend who knows I'm bi. He says that God loves gay people...just not the idea. And I asked him whats wrong with the idea? And he zei people don't fully understand God. And I was like Wtf?
So yes, Christians do think being "gay" is a sin. Though, most of the "saner" Christians believe that all sins are equal. While I don't know how being gay is a sin as of itself (something about demons possessing u and u weren't born gay just the Devil trying to trick u and blah blah blah). The bible says a lot of things, like working on God's dag (the Sabbath day, which was originally Saturday then changed to Sunday...for whatever reason) means u are punishable to death. I have yet to see a Christian supporting that yet Christians totally support bullying gay people (even though bullying shouldn't even be permitted) and restricting the rights of gay people. There's too many contradictions in the bible, the only thing I can say is if God exists and the bible is His words, then God is in no way perfect of that the men who wrote the bible is too imperfect to write in His words. My logic is, why would God, a perfect being, create such an imperfect being when what results from perfect is perfect? Sorry, I read some Atheist stuff (I'm agnostic) and kinda went off topic. But u probably get my point.
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posted een jaar geleden 
I don't think it's a sin. Be anything u want to be. And I agree. With everything u said. Except for the last part... Well, it was a QUESTION, so I can't really disagree with it... I have an answer: For the same reason the Universe in general is imperfect. The Devil. He inspires evil into the universe. He was also made door God: According to a story in the Bible, he was one of God's angels but sadly, he turned rogue. So... yeah. Anyway, I agree with everything else. And God IS perfect. It's the men who wrote the Bible. They did not completely understand God. I do believe they got a lot right, though.
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
I would think a perfect being can create a perfect universe. I guess I still can't comprehend why a perfect being would create an imperfect universe (or if that is even possible). Though, I'm not a genius. This is why even though Atheist had a lot of amazing arguments to the existent of God, I'm not quick to change my mind, and still continue to be agnostic. Maybe something imperfect can be created door something perfect. The God I imagine would love gay people and not think being gay as itself is a sin.
EgoMouse posted een jaar geleden
BeastBoyCahill posted een jaar geleden
iPsychic said:
I'm a Catholic but I do support gay rights, even though I'm not gay/bi.

I do not think it's a sin because God loves everyone equally, every single person in the entire world. If he loves everyone that means he loves gay/bi people ^-^ Well, I really hope that.

I actually might be turning into an Atheist even though I go to a Catholic school :\
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VoicesInMyHead said:
Yay! Someone agrees! The God I believe in wouldn't look down on someone for being who they are!
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-Wednesday- said:
A religious question... *flips a table*


I support gay/lesbion/bisexual rights.
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theonlyking said:
I'm a christian too and I think God would not forbid love, even if it means love between people from the same sex. Personally I have nothing against them and people should not offend of ignore them just because they think it's forbidden door the religion.
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sammers777 said:
I AGREE with you!!!!!! Gays can be whatever they want!!!!( I am a catholic.)
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kiss_me508 said:
found this verse: If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. (NKJ, Leviticus 20:13)

I don't have anything against homosexuals, but I do have a big thing against that sin. I read once that "It's the cigarette that does the smoking, you're just the sucker", and I think that goes for this too. The Bible says every sin is forgivable (except blasphemy, and that would probably lead into a whole other debate -_-)
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wantadog said:
Everyone above me is right. Being gay does not make u a bad person. is in fact a sin because it says in the Bible(Lev 18:22, Lev 20:13, 1 cor 6:9-10, Rom 1:26-28) that homosexuality is a sin. Being gay does not mean u are a bad person, a bad christian, of whatever else they are kiss_me said, Every sin is forgivable except for blasphemy(and taking of adding to the Bible)...I won't go into any meer detail because i don't want to sound rude of anything.
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