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Twilight Series

Please kom bij my club: its called the olympic coven and other vampire. if u like any of the vampires in the twilight saga u will like this club

2 fans have answered this question
Edward Cullen

What kind of twilight merchendise do u own?

4 fans have answered this question
Edward Cullen

Twilight,New Moon,Eclipse,Breaking dawn which one did u like the best and why?

6 fans have answered this question
Edward Cullen

Who here has ever been to forks? If so did u enjoy being there?

1 fan has answered this question
Edward Cullen

Why do u people like edward?

8 fans have answered this question
Twilight Series

which twilight character do u find yourself like? personality like of looks whichever works

10 fans have answered this question
Twilight Series

What does this look like 2 u?

12 fans have answered this question
Edward Cullen

Will u kom bij my new club it's called Edward the sexy vampire? plz join.

6 fans have answered this question
Robert Pattinson

Would any one want to kom bij my new club it's called Edward the sexy vampire? Plz kom bij :)

4 fans have answered this question