Alpha and Omega Club
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I awoke to the shine of the sun hitting me in the eyes, a women who was opening the window "Who is it" I zei rolling over.
I opened my eyes and she was sitting cross-legged on my bed. I sat up, "Hello-" I felt hands slide over my eyes.
"Guess who," zei a voice that sounded so fimiliar, I smiled, "hmmm, I have no idea," I grabbed the arms and threw her over my shoulder on to the bed landing on top, boven of her.
Alyssa gasped as I fell on top, boven of her, "Well that was exciting."
"Alyssa what are u doing in here" I smirked Alyssa laughed and hopped off the bed, "Came to say good morning" she started to walk off, I shifted as I watched her leave, and Alyssa gasped again bringing my attention back to her.
Alyssa gasped "You are not wearing clothing Jet" I grinned at her, "Well that was a risk u took when entering my room"
"Well then I might as well use this to my advantage." giving me a sly look.
"Then I am yours to command, do with me as u wish."
"Id planned to anyway."
I nibbled her collarbone as my hand made their way over her body. She wore a mid-morning dress with one strap over the right shoulder. I slid it off and worked the dress down over the soft mound of her breasts to gaze down at her gorgeous figure.
"Hey Jet come on-"
Me and Alyssa looked at Jake
"Oh sorry, didn't mean to interrupt", he looked very surprised.
Alyssa started putting on her dress again and I was starting to put my clothes on.
"It's ok, what do u need" I was a little sad, I thought me and Alyssa were gonna make a move.
"We need some help with some chores.....Hey sorry I didn't know u and Alyssa were gonna-"
"it's ok" we walked to the front yard, we were greeted door Shadow.
"Hello Jet and Jake u ready to get some chores done?"
I zei with a little sigh "Ready as we will ever be"
"Alright then we will need, some wood for some brand then we will go onto some cleaning then we will be done"
Me and Jake walked to a small, nearby pacth of trees. He gave me an Axe and we started swinging. We would take turns at hatching at a single tree. I would take the first schommel, swing then he would take the second. I couldn't help but think of Alyssa and this morning.
"Hey Jet, sorry about this morning" I stopped swinging and looked at Jake.
"Its alright Jake it wasn't like u planned to do it, u know I have never bothered to ask u about this but who is your girl?"
He gave off a little sigh, looked around a bit and zei "She died in a fire, just over here, used to be six of us.' He started to sniffle a bit.
"Who was she and the other member"
He struggled a bit to say something and came out with it. "My wife Luna, and my unborn son"
I felt so much sorrow and ache in my heart, to lose your wife and a child that must be heard, but I didn't want to continue the conversation, I can see it really was a hard subject for Jake to talk about.
"Well..... How about u and Alyssa" he put a smile on his face.
"Oh that was this morning, u think she is into me Jake?"
He thought a bit, "Dude go for her she hasn't had guy to like for years and she seems really into you."
Crystal came door to check on us, "Hello boys"
We both stopped hitting the tree, "Hey Crystal"
She looked at the boom checking our progress, "We must be having a barbecue tonight with this type of tree."
Jake dropped his jaw, "Oh yes, that sounds good"
Crystal and I chuckled, "So get back to work I'm sure Alyssa will bring u guys some water later on."
She grabbed my attention with "Alyssa", "Oh and before I forget" ,Crystal preceeded, "You know the wolf pack of the east?"
Jake seemed a little happy "Yes", I was already lost
"Well they will be coming today" and just like that Crystal was walking away and Jake went back to swinging."Hey Jake, I'm lost who is the wolf pack of the east?"
"They are old friends, we are planning to make this place meer secure door making this house bigger that's why we are getting the wood." the boom slow but surely was falling down with a big thump at the hit of the ground, "So we better finish soon."
After 3 hours of grueling work we had finish the task, four trees all cut up for brand wood. Shadow had already greeted a few members of the eastern wolves pack. Me and Jack came to greet them as well.
"Hello there" I shook their hands.
"Hello there, a new member of this group I can see what is your name"
"My name is Jet."
A smile grew across the mans face, "Well hello Jet my name is Ed and these are some of my men from my group, Ricky and Miles"
They were busy talking to Shadow and so we decided to leave, a long dag of sweat and har work and I decided to take a shower. I turned on the water head, I liked the water warm and just let soak my body a bit. I got some soap and rubbed it in making sure I smelled extra good for Alyssa. Put some shampoo and conditioner and made my hair really soft and smelled good. I just let the water run a bit, warm streaks running down my face, it felt wonderful and I felt revived. After turning off the shower, Crystal brought a towel outside the ddoor for me. I rubbed the towel around my body making sure I was dried as well as possible.I thought I could take a quick nap before the barbecue. I was peacefully in my bed for while and before I knew it I was fast asleep, forgetting the whole barbecue without me there, but no one seemed to mind.
posted by trueshadowwolf
A Cherokee Legend

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he zei to the boy.

"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside u - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for...
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Kate just got in limo heading to hollywood. gonna do another movie. she was going to play "THE AMAZING SPIDER-WOLF"
she was just driving and the news was there filming her. "now here she is and jenna just lost all of her money door kate from balto." the news reporter said. and jenna was watching the news. and she had one thought in her head. "MUST KILL KATE!!!!!" then jenna got in her car. few mins later. "hey driver do u got any boose?" kate asked. "uhh hold, yeah, and--" the driver just got knocked out door a crash. "what the fuck?!" kate shouted....
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posted by tinyhades
Chapter 1: Married Life

Humphreys POV

This story started the night of when the movie ended

I'm so happy I cant sleep Kate is right door my side my childhood crush is finally my wife.

she is so beautiful in the moonlight. I don't know what I was thinking, becoming a lone wolf. The only flaw with Kate Isn't even to do with her but her mum someone I've always feared I'm afraid to even look at Kate when she’s there.

Flash back

back in Idaho meeting Marcel and Paddy. To dancing in the Biker's/Wife's busje, van To log sleeën, rodelen down the mountain being chased door a bear.

Back to reality:

Time to get to sleep zzzzzz....
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posted by MarvelousAlpha
A/N: Please R&C.

"We're your parents, Humphrey." Rose and Jack stood together, smiling at Humphrey. Everyone's jaws dropped from surprise. There was a moment of silence.

"Are u serious?" Humphrey asked.

"Why would we lie about something like that?"

"I don't think you're lying. It's just..." tears started to come out of Humphrey's eyes. Tears of joy. He took a step forward, "I haven't seen u since I was a pup."

"It's about time I met your parents..." Kate smiled. Humphrey lowered his head. He knew he was going to get embarrassed any minuut now.

"And, u are?" Rose asked, looking at her.

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Look guys, from what I observed just now after being gone on a long road trip today, I can honestly say I am glad I was not around Fanpop at all on 1-6-12. I found myself mildly disappointed in a few of you, not gonna shout out names but here is the scoop.
Some of u are really taking this whole site a little too seriously, the battles over who is who of whos mate is the real deal is really starting to get childish like no other. Deep down we all know that this is all just a game, even though we would like it to be real, each and every one of us would. Who wouldn't wanna cuddle up with a furry...
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posted by hank666
"Can't border patrol wait?" Hutch zei to himself as he stirred from his deep sleep. It was another average dag for him: Patrol the border, Hunt, meld the day's findings, and many more. It was a everyday rut for him, he was dug in a rut which had no end in sight. "Might as well get it over with." Hutch got up and stretched his muscles which were sore from yesterdays duties. "That tussle with the coyote yesterday sure did it to me." Hutch zei in a irritated tone, the coyote which he had to deal with yesterday gave him a run around he hadn't had in years. Hutch started to walk out of the den...
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So far the due dates had been false and Kate herself was honestly growing really impatient with people prodding at her and asking her a bunch of technical vragen about when she would give birth to her and her mate Jon's son. Finally she gently told Jon one night riding back to the campus in his truck from the grocery store that she had enough of it and would not go in and have them do anything like that again to her of her son. Jon agreed indefinately, he was sick of them also but was too kind to admit it. He just wanted the best for her. The same thing had happened to Katie also and she...
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posted by JackLuver14
 Calla (blue eyes, vacht, bont sorta like Kate, brown tipped tail)
Calla (blue eyes, fur sorta like Kate, brown tipped tail)
"This is the best!" I exclaimed, having the time of my life. "I told u it was fun," Humphrey laughed. "So Humphrey really came up with this, Shakey?" I questioned. Humphrey zei he'd thought of log sleeën, rodelen when he was a pup, but I hadn't really believed him. Shakey had nodded in response. I smiled, glad he had thought of something so fun.
We were log sleeën, rodelen down the hill. I was in front, then Humphrey, Salty, Shakey, and Mooch was in back. I was glad Humphrey was the one behind me; he was my favoriete out of their little group. When we were pups, we hung out all the time. In the beginning...
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posted by snazzywolve53
auteur note: Sorry people, I was tired and wasn't thinking when I wrote the last two articles- when I wrote that we were surounded door the female wolves-I meant Eve and Lilly surrounded us- ok now u understand.

As we were running away from slutty Eve she yelled: hahaha- one of u guys will fall in my trap and be mine! They ignored her warning and kept running. Bamm! Humphrey yelped as he fell in a pit trap! I went back to the hole and jumped in. What the Fuck are u doing Dillon! Humphrey yelled to me. I'm getting u out of here. Then I picked him up, and threw him out of the pit. Humphrey,...
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auteur note: sorry for all of my short artikels previosly, I have been very busy, I hope u enjoy this one!!!! NO SPOILERS! And FYI- Dillon usualy narrorates!

Quickly, I (Dillon) started whispering to Jakob: ok.... we are about to get reaped Jake.... Jakob: but why?!....Me: because I woke up here too at the pack meeting tied to a boom hanging upsidown.... stripped door them (ealier) Jakob: WTF- are u Fucking kidding me!!!! Me: no.... they made me kom bij the pack... im now a beta...... my guide is Humphrey... he was tonen me around jasper when we found you... and Kate is my mate.... the turned...
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So after the happy reunion of the siblings, Katie and I offered Alex to live with us, which he was happy to accept. So I have two wolves living with me! Well, that soon turned to 3. After a few weeks, Alex fell in love with Sapphire, Phil and Kate's new friend. And together they became mates. And after that happened, Phil allowed Sapphire to verplaats in with us. So Katie and I gave Alex and Sapphire the guest bed. "So Katie," I asked, "Are u glad u have your little brother back?" I asked. Katie looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, hes my little bro and I love him. Sometimes he tells me I am like...
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posted by jbiehl
Humphrey awoke dazed and confused. Ow what happened?
did i do something last night? Yes Stupid u Did!
Eve zei with a angry tone.I heard and seen Everything u and my daughter did! and now your going to pay for it!Eve I can explain!Humphrey pleaded which fell on deaf pissed me off for the last time!so u better start
explaining NOW!! Eve zei angrily.or i'll rip your wolfhood off and shove it up your ass!Ok i'm sorry me and Kate mated without your consent!I'm sorry! let it g-Humphrey zei before he was cut off door a stempel, punch in the face door Eve.Not good enough!now don't make...
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Me and Kate confronted Garth and asked why he left. " I wanted nothing to do with my fathers death. All I would have done is sit around for days thinking how I could of prevented the incident." He zei in a way that made us remember Tony's death. "You could not have prevented it Garth. Not even if....." I was interupted door Mitch coming onto the back porch with the burgers.

"Here u go, rare and still bloody." He zei as he handed each of us one. It was weird at first because Garth, Kate and I were not used to eating food that was not killed minuten before eating it. Even Sandy got a burger...
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Humphrey one dag decided to work on his douche as the door is having problems. However, this time it may cost him his breath, and possibly his life to fix this one.

It had been happening for a few weeks, that damn douche closet. His landlord told him to fix it on his own so that's what he was going to do. Humphrey had a good paying job selling medical equipment but he did not want to spend several hundred dollars on a stupid thing like a broken shower. Humphrey loved fixing things all his life. He fixed the family dryer for his dad when he was a pup. He got a full tool set for his 17th birthday....
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Chapter 9

Humphrey's POV

I woke up with the rising sun shining in my fur, and Kate curled up against me. I looked over and saw my mom and dad sleeping in the other corner, but I didn't see Jake anywhere. I slowly got up, trying not to disturb Kate. I walked outside and saw that it was a clear and cloudy day, it was a slightly colder morning then the vorige ones. I decided to go and try my luck at hunting again, even though I should have waited until Kate gave me some training, but I knew I could do it. I was so close last time, and I'm sure I'll succeed this time. I walked out into the open...
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posted by HumphreyWolf11

It was a fine dag in jasper not a peep not even a hoot from a owl it was silent too silent

“Sarah im worried”I say shaking sarah
“Don’t worry honey”she says
I Look at my IHowl
“5AM”I Say
I slowly start to sleep but then I hear a low growling and a gurgling sound
“What the hell”i say walking outside
Then i saw it was a wolf with skin peeling off it had eyes that were on fire
“Holy!”i say getting cut off door cando who was attacking the zombie wolf
The wolf was gaining strength then it ignited in to a fury of flames...
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posted by hank666
Kate was woken door the sound of her father being attacked! She quickly got up and poked her head out the entrance of the den. She saw Garth ripping and tearing her father apart! She wanted to help him, but she knew that if she did, she would get herself killed. "Only if I could do something" Kate thought, but there was nothing she could do to stop what was happening. Kate laid at the entrance of the cave, but to where she couldn't be seen.
She laid her head on her paw and tried to be still, but suddenly she noticed a shadow had fallen over her. Kate looked up and saw Garth staring at her with...
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(June 4, 2011)
(this part takes place after my various surgeries)

From the drug-addled haze that being sedated was, I emerged into the light and heat of reality. The first face I saw was that of my loving Alpha, Scar. She looked down at me, worried.
"Hi, baby," I mumbled. She laughed.
"Hey, u druggie," she zei back. The twinkle in her deep brown eyes told me that she was just playing with me.

When I woke up, the morphine had worn entirely off. I was clear and levelheaded again.
I blinked and looked around to see Scar trying to open the window. She didn't know I was awake yet, determined as...
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posted by hank666
Kate was woken up door Winston.
Winston:"Kate, get up....I think I hear something outside the den."
That woke Kate up immediately.
Kate:"I'll go check it out."
Winston:"Be careful"
As Kate inched her way, she could hear the sound off footsteps near the entrance of the den. Kate looked out the entrance of the hol, den to find Garth pacing and looking around frantically. Kate was relieved to find out it was Garth.
Kate:"psst! Garth, over here."
Garth looked and saw Kate.
Garth:"Kate! Oh thank god your alive! where is Lilly?"
Kate Paused and looked down, Garth then realized that Lilly was gone.
Garth:"Is she really-"...
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posted by Humphrey_Omega
Alpha and Omega was door far an Amazing film! Had amazing animations, Beautiful landscapes, and a great story line. The Movie as all of u know what it is about but we gotta be professional about this of do we? Well guess what i'm not going to be, so go watch the movie yourself. But seriously it is a great movie about 2 wolves named Humphrey and Kate and i know u know who voiced them and i'm lazy so go look yourself. They get captured door humans and taken to a new park in Idaho to Repopulate. Now Kate needs to marry a wolf Named Garth to keep a war from happening between the their pack and another pack. So they set off on an adventure back to their pack in Jasper Park, Canada. Now if u haven't seen this movie SEE IT! Oh 1 meer thing didn't mean to be mean in this artikel just intended to be funny. And since I am too lazy to make a question-
If u were to marry anyone who would it be? (human of wolf) Leave your creative antwoorden in the commentaar thingy.