Alpha and Omega Club
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posted by Ricoh_Alpha_626
Chapter 10: Resurrection Part I

**Authors Note- hallo I'm so sorry this took so long but my computer completely crashed so I haven't been able to type at all. Anyway hope u guys enjoy the chapter, and there will be two guest appearances door my personal character and my girlfriend's character. Hope u enjoy**

"Make sure Hutch, I need u to be absolutely sure that it was him," Winston zei for the third time.

"Sir I never forgot his face, and those cold heartless eyes, if it wasn't him I don't know who it was. And he clearly remembers me," Hutch zei repeating himself. Winston nodded and looked over to Tiberius.

"Then our fears have been realized. Tiberius, have one of the alphas deliver a message to Zeyphyr up north, we need his help, tell him Winston is calling in an old favor," Winston ordered.

"Yes sir," Tiberius nodded and left the den.

"Hutch, I realize now that this is all my fault, I really should have killed him when I had the chance. Zeyphyr, my brother, would have done it had he been in my position," Winston zei shaking his head.

"Sir, don't beat yourself up, besides, I'm the one who wants him dead," Hutch zei snarling. Winston smiled grimly and looked up at Hutch.

"I have a feeling that door the time this is over, you'll get what u want,"


"Momma, why do we have to stay in the den, I want to go out and play," complained the young Kate.

"I'm sorry Kate, but it's far too dangerous to go out right now, those wolves who broke up the wedding are after a wolf from our pack and they won't stop until they get him," Eve sighed trying to explain the situation to her daughter.

"It's Hutch isn't it," Kate asked taking Eve completely door surprise. She shrugged nervously and tried to think of something to say besides the truth, but it was no use.

"Unfortunately yes, it is Hutch," Eve zei sadly.

"Well then I'd be meer worried for the other wolves," Kate zei with a grin causing Eve to smile.

"Oh Kate, you're so enthusiastic aren't you," Eve giggled. Just then Percy walked in panting heavily.

"Eve, there's no doubt anymore, that wolf really is Sadie," he zei trying to catch his breath.

"Ah Percy, so glad u could drop by, now u can watch my girls while I go- what," Eve asked in shock.

"I couldn't believe it either, but it's true, she must have survived the fall off of the cliff somehow,"

"Percy, watch my daughters, I'll be back," then without another word she rushed out, leaving him no time to object.

"Hello Percy," Amanda zei sweetly.


"Eve, did Percy get the message to you," asked one of the healers.

"Do u think I would be away from my daughters if he hadn't," Eve snapped.

"No ma'm," he replied lowly. Eve burst ino the hol, den where the new-comers had been resting. On the far right of the group was the same shade of light grey Eve hadn't seen in almost a jaar now. Sure enough, it was Sadie.

"Drew, I thought her vacht, bont was red," Eve whispered.

"It was ma'm, but it had been dyed that way with berries, how it hadn't washed away I'm not sure," he replied softly.

"Does she remember anything," she asked.

"No ma'm, at least nothing before the incident," he replied. Eve nodded and approached her kindly.

"Hello dear, and how are u feeling," Eve asked kindly. Sadie sniffled and buried her face in her paws.

"I know you're scared dearie, but we're not going to hurt you, now why don't u tell me what happened," Eve cooed laying down beside her. Saide was shaking violently from fear, but slowly she began to calm down.

"Well, those wolves attacked our pack in the south. They just came out of nowhere, we were the only ones to make it out alive," Sadie cringed and Eve knew it was bad.

"Don't u worry about that now sweety, we've got some of the best alphas around, nothing will happen to you. I'm Eve door the way," Eve zei causing Sdie to reveal a small smile.

"Thank u Eve, I'm Sadie," she zei wiping the last of her tears onto her paws.

"Well dearie it certainly was a pleasure to meet u as well, but unfortunately I must be going, I have pups waiting on me back at my den. u and your vrienden are welcome to stay where u like," Eve zei politely. She started to walk out but Sadie quickly jumped up and stopped her.

"Eve, I want to meet that wolf that saved me earlier," Sadie zei quickly. Eve's hart-, hart jumped into her throat and she bit her lip. She didn't want to say no, but at the same time it could cause Sadie to have a bad memory relapse which could severely affect her memory.

"Please Eve, I'll do anything u want," Sadie begged. Eve sighed finally and nodded her head.

"Alright dear, come with me," Sadie let out an excited squeak and nuzzled Eve warmly. Eve giggled and smiled at her. Eve nodded content and walked off in the direction of Hutch's den. But Hutch wasn't in his den. He was with Tiberius, going north.

"You know, I never knew Winston had a brother," Hutch zei trying to make conversation.

"I'm not surprised this is the first you're hearing of it. Winston doesn't really talk about his family all that much. Zeyphyr is really the only one he'll ever tell u about. But as long as we're here, u might as well know. u see, Winston was an orphan. But when he was very young he was adopted door a pack of arctic wolves. His parents never gave him the privelages that his other siblings had. Nor did he recieve their training. Mainly because he litterally would not have survived," Tiberius explained.

"How bad could it have been," Hutch joked.

"They had to survive on their own for 2 months in a winter so cold that if u didn't keep moving, u would freeze to the ground, and then freeze solid. Only an arctic wolf can pass, and not all of them do. If u made it back, u passed. If u didn't, u failed. There were no searches, and they don't allow omegas. Each pack member must go through it. Winston had seven siblings. Zeyphyr was the only one to return," Tiberius zei grimly. Hutch was completely shocked.

"That's, that's just awful," Hutch zei shaking his head. For some reason he just couldn't inpakken, wrap his mind around that.

"But it works for them, they're easily the toughest pack in the wrold. If u ever see one, you'll never forget it. They stand taller than any other wolf, and have strength surpassing anyone in the pack, even u and Winston. The only wolf I ever saw come close to them, was Felix. And Zeyphyr makes him look like a pup," Tiberius zei with a smile of awe.

"So you've met him before," Hutch asked curiously.

"Just once, but it was under different circumstances," something about Tiberius' tone told Hutch something worse had happaned before this.

"I'm guessing that time has something to do with the favor he owes Winston," Tiberius chuckled and nodded.

"You're clever, but, those were dark times, for all the packs, it's best if we just leave that story be for another day," Tiberius zei trying to avoid the dark past. Hutch knew that if Tiberius wouldn't tell him, it was bad. So he decided to let it go. He felt a sudden shift in the temperature and knew they were getting close to Arctic territory.

"Air's getting colder," Hutch pointed out.

"Good catch, we should be seeing snow soon, then it's maybe a one to two dag walk," Tiberius zei as he tried to glance ahead for snow. Clouds were visible high in the sky and the wind was starting to pick up.

"Then we better get a verplaats on," Hutch zei enthusiastically as he pushed forward. Tiberius smiled and picked up his own pace as well.

*Winston's POV*

I sighed as I paced around the valley and shook my head. Tony had went back the east to prepare their alphas for the ensuing conflict. But my top, boven two wolves had gone to get help. I couldn't help but feel like something bad was about to happen. From behind me II haerd the gras rustle and turned to see Candu and Lobo running up to me.

"Sir, there is no sign of any other intuders. After the initial attack they must have retreated to the south to regroup," Candu informed.

"Good job, both of you, now go make sure the omega's are inside. Any alpha's u see tell them to remain on high alert. I don't want to see hide nor hair of one of those bastards unless they're dead," I growled. They nodded nervously and turned to walk away.

"Lobo, stay with me, I need to know everything u know about Roxas," I zei quickly. Lobo stopped and nodded slowly while Candu kept on with his task.

"He's going to give us hell sir," Lobo zei instantly.

"I know, but how," I urged.

"Roxa, he never liked to fight fair. Our first dag of alpha school he stabbed Hutch's paw with his claws. He's going to do anything he can to get under your fur. And believe me, he isn't afraid to die," Lobo shivered, probably remembering something Roxas had zei to him.

"How would u recomend we fight him," I asked.

"Well, make him angry, he gets extremely reckless when he's angry. He never watches his back, he was always the easiest to pounce. Oh, and he can't run very far, he tires out easily, u can easily chace him down," Lobo zei shaking his head in dissapointment.

"Thank u Lobo, I'll be sure to remember that. Now go catch up with Candu, he could use the company," I ordered. Lobo nodded and darted off to meet up with Candu.

"Tony, I know you're back there," I zei sighing again. My old friend stepped out of the gras with the same disgruntled expression he constantly bore.

"Winston, don't think that this little scuffle will change anything. u are still going to unite the packs," he growled.

"Tony, don't think for one seconde that any of this is going to be easy on us, and I would be meer concerned about the safety of your own pack. If he wipes out our pack he's coming your way," I snarled back.

"Alright u two break it up," snarled the smiling yet sweet Rose who casually strolled over to us and sat beside us. She had scolded us as if we were pups, and we listened. If there was one person on the planet scarier than Eve was, it was Rose.

"Just tslking to my old friend," Tony laughed trying to play off his actions but she gleamed at him with a smirk.

"I may have been pregnant but I'm still as nimble as I ever was Tony. u don't think I was out here long before u showed up," she smirked. Tony grumbled and tried to hide an embarassed blush sliding across his face.

"Now u two better learn to play nice, of so help me I will get your wives," she threatened and we both cringed. Eve and Juniper in the same place... it's scary to even think about.

"Yes Rose," we both zei lowly.

"Good, now Tony, go home, Winston and I have to talk," she ordered and Tony did so. As he dissapeared he looked back at me and gave me a look that zei 'this isn't over,' and I growled.

"You know Winston, one dag u two are going to learn to get along," she zei sitting volgende to me. I almost laughed but decided against it.

"I'll believe that the dag alpha's and omega's can mate," I replied sarcastically and she chuckled.

"Oh Winston what happened to u two, when u were pups u were insperable," she asked as she began to remanise.

"It was two things, the first was the fact that we just became polar opposites. The second, was Eve," her eyes grew wide and she looked straight to me.

"You mean Tony had a crush on Eve," she asked in shock.

"Yes, before the packs sepperated we both had huge crushes on her. We never told each other though, and I don't think either of us knew. But Tony found out though. Our first moonlight howl, I got to Eve before he did. We've never got along ever since," I zei with a sigh.

"Just like good vrienden to let a girl get between them," she laughed, "but I'm here to talk to u about something a little meer serious than that."

"I'm guessing it has something to do with your son," I asked raising my eyebrow.

"That's exactly what it's about Winston. These past few weeks have just been so hard without Felix around. I mean, yes Humphrey is an omega, but there are still things that he needs to be taught door his father," as she spoke a chill ran down my spine. I never had a true father, and I turned out just fine.

"Well, u know, there are still plenty of single males around-"

"No Winston, I went over this with Felix. We agreed that if anything ever happened to us, that we would like u and Eve to watch out for our son. Teach him how to be a good wolf," she explained. I shrugged nervously, but how could I possibly argue.

"I guess I could teach him what I know," I zei shrugging. Rose smiled and nodded happily.

"Good, and Winston, thank you,"

*The volgende Day*

Eve woke slowly as the sun rose on the first dag of the war and she yawned widely. She sat up slowly, trying not to disturb her pups and stretched her forelegs with a relaxed sigh. Winston was still sleeping soundly and she decided it was best not to disturb him. Despite the comfort of the morning, something felt, out of place. Something was odd. Something was wrong. She quickly looked to her pups and the valley nearly exploded in a violent shout.


**Authors note- hallo guys sorry it took so long for the updat, since my computer has been down I haven't ben able to do any typing, but I get done what I can at my back-up station i.e. my grandmas house. But anyway, hope u enjoyed, please review and keep on the lookout for meer updates soon**
added by SentinelPrime89
alpha and omega
added by Mollymolata
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Source: Lions gate
added by SiberianWolf
added by AlphaClub
Source: ME
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added by Acarajoeguy
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added by HUMPHRY
added by TimberHumphrey
for anybody who doesn't believe me when i say this movie's terrible. from 0 to 10, how would u rate this? P.S: this shitty quality's the best i can find on youtube
posted by Rockowolf123
Rocko met princess in alpha school
Her dad was an instructor at the time
Princess had a big crush on Rocko
But he had a big secret
Hi princess'' Rocko said
Hi Rocko'' princess zei back
Me and the guys are hanging out later wanna come'' Rocko said
Sure'' princess said
Princess and Rocko met early
Um...hay Rocko can I ask u something'' princess asked
Sure'' Rocko said
Princess then placed her lips on his
Will u love me'' princess asked
Princess I'm ...I'm married'' Rocko said
Oh...oh I...I got to go'' princess said
A maand after sweets. Rocko's original wife passed away Rocko was walking when a brown wolf ran into him
Princess'' Rocko zei in disbelief
Rocko I would kiss u but you're married'' princess said
Not any meer she died a maand ago'' Rocko said
Well I know how to make it better'' princess said
She then placed her lips on his
added by SiberianWolf
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Source: Me
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Source: Mermaid Maker
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