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posted by Ricoh_Alpha_626
**Authors Note-Hey guys, I'm trying like crazy to keep the updates flowing, but getting to type is hit and miss lately. Hope u enjoy what I manage to get out.**

"Tiberius, are we getting close," Hutch shouted hopefully as the blizzard-like winds attempted to push the two wolves back the way they had came. Hutch could barely see a foot in front of his face, and what he could manage to see was blanketed in snow. He had thought that the Jasper park winters were cold. but this made those look like nothing.

"I think so, just hold out for a little bit longer, if we don't find them over this ridge, I'll find us a shelter and we'll hold off 'till the storm passes over," Tiberius replied, himself sounding shaken door the chill. Hutch grit his teeth as the snow began to come up to his knees and was getting dangerously higher. He looked up the see the right flank of Tiberius who was forced side-ways from the strength of the wind. Ice cold snow pelted his face almost instantly and the blistering cold forced his eyes shut. He was forced to look back to the ground, just to keep moving forward.

He managed to turn Tiberius back in the right direction and the two pushed towards the top, boven of the ridge. There were two large oak trees directly ahead of them that was blocking the wind and the pair quickly jumped up to them for some temporary relief. They panted heavil and even got a slight break from the cold snow on their feet, having most get caught in the branches. Hutch looked over to Tiberius who had a snow pelted vacht, bont and even small icesicles starting to grow on his shoulders.

"Damnit," Tiberius panted.

"You look rough, maybe we should just find shelter. at least until the snow stops a little. I mean, what if we've already wandered off course," Hutch suggested. Tiberius shaking insanely from the cold, managed a slight nod.

"I couldn't agree with u meer on that Hutch. Listen to me Hutch, I want u to stay right here, don't verplaats from this spot. If I'm not mistaken there is a small hol, den near here, it isn't much but it will keep the wind off of us. I don't want to risk u getting lost, so just stay here until I return," Tiberius ordered shakily.

"Alright, but try to hurry, I can't take this much longer," Hutch begged with a heavy shiver. Tiberius nodded and took a few readying breaths before forcing himself out into the blasting winds. Before Hutch knew it, Tiberius had vanished into the snow, leaving Hutch all alone with his thoughts. The sounds of the blizzard were all he could hear, and even they seemed to grow distant as he died into thought.

Unsurprisingly, all he had on his mind was Sadie. Ever since he saw her there at the wedding, she had pushed everything else out of his mind. It was unbeleivable that she was there. He watched her fall off of a cliff that night, but there she stood right in front of him, well, before Percy and the other healers pulled her aside. He didn't think it could be real that she was back. He kept thinking it was some kind of illusion, something about it just didn't seem real.

Then, there was Roxas, who took up the reast of his brain. He knew that night wouldn't have been the last time he saw Roxas, nnot after Winston let him live. But he didn't blame Winston, it would have seemed unethical to kill a pup, even if he was a complete menace and hated pariah. But Roxas wasn't a pup anymore, although he did share an uncanny resemblance to his younger self. It was as if he had only gotten bigger, but kept the same looks. Hutch grimaced and almost spat at the thought of him.

There was no way of describing the pure hatred he felt towards that wolf. Hate wasn't nearly stong enough. It was meer of a sensation of pure seething anger fueled door nothing but a desire for revenge. No one else would do it, Hutch had to be the one to kill him. Never had he imagined that he would want to harm another wolf, let alone kill one. But Roxas was the exception to that. All he wanted for Roxas was a slow painful death. And he deserved no mercy.

About half way into his thought he noticed that the wind was once again pushing him down the hill. He braced himself and once again flung himself into the protection of the trees. Hutch thought it was just his mind playing tricks on him but it actually started to seem colder than before. The wind had also picked up in ferocity. The tops of the trees were blowing violently in the strong gusts. Hutch cringed from the pain of the cold and began to look around frantically.

'Where the hell is Tiberius,' he asked himself. He moved slowly to the edge of the trees and peered out as far as he could, but all he managed to see were the slowly vanishing tracks that Tiberius had left.

"TIBERIUS," Hutch called over the wind. He raised his ears only to hear no reply, just meer wind.

"TIBERIUS WHERE ARE YOU," he shouted starting to grow meer nervous. Instantly he thought the worst, but shook that thought from his head. He was a beta, he could handle this.

'I want u to stay right here, don't verplaats from this spot,' heheard Tiberius' words echo in his head. He bit his lip and cringed in the blistering pain. If he left now he would be disoberying strict orders, but if he stayed he would probably freeze to death. Then again, either way he would probably die, but he wasn't going to die alone. He was at least going to find Tiberius first.

"Oh to hell with it," he growled as he pushed head-first out into the searing blizzard. The cold was absolutely unimaginable, now he was for sure it wasn't just his imagination. It actually was getting colder, and the wind was only dropping the temperature. He didn't think it was even possible for anything to live through this cold, especially not a pack of wolves. He looked around and found the slight hint of footprints that Tiberius had left. But they were fading fast.

"Don't u dissapear on me," he growled as the wind was blowing away the tracks. Hutch picked up his pace and started running after the tracks.

"TIBERIUS," he shouted in desperation. Still no response. His hart-, hart began to race, he hated the thought of Tiberius being dead, but it was an inevitability that seemed to be drawing closer. He looked around fractically as snow and ice began to pelt his face, forcing him to look at the ground. It was terrifying, he knew that if he didn't find shelter soon, he was going to freeze to death.

"HELLO, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, HELLO," he shouted meer and meer desperate. His hart-, hart began beating at a million miles an uur as the sounds of the blizzard began to consume him. They were almost drawing him further into the storm, begging him to wander off and die. The cold was begining to take its toll on him. His limbs were locking up, his vision was getting blurry, and it was getting harder and harder to concentrate. He fell to his knees and his chest exploded in chills, but he couldn't summon the energy to stand up.

"Help me," he managed to pant. His vision was fading fast, and soon he was going to lose conciousness and die.

"Please, anybody," he panted. He heard footsteps approaching him and managed the strength to look up and see Tiberius sprinting towards him as fast as he could.

"HUTCH," he cried as he stopped volgende to the freezing canine below him.

"Come on Hutch, there's a hol, den just a little ways off into the distance there, it's warm, just stay with me," Tiberius encouraged as he lifted Hutch onto his back. He could feel Hutch's hart-, hart racing in his chest and his breathing getting shallow.

"Oh jeeze, you're freezing, come on buddy stay with me now, u can't sleep yet, we're not in a hol, den u here me," Tiberius zei trying to keep Hutch from passing out as he pushed into the cold back to the hol, den he had found. Hutch only managed to mumble something that Tiberius couldn't understand, but he just went along with it.

"I know you're cold Hutch, trust me I'm cold to, but u can't go to sleep yet, not until we get to the den," Tiberius zei following his tracks back to the den. It slowly drew into sight and he smiled lightly.

"You see that Hutch, it's warmth, I'm gonna get u out of this cold, just a little furthur," Tiberius panted and started to struggle under Hutch's weight. He knew it was mostly muscle, but he was still heavy.

The relief Tiberius felt when he burst into the small cave was unbelievable. He let out a loud sigh of relief and smiled as he collaped onto the ground. He could feel Hutch shivering severely and moved him to the back of the cave, and as far away from the cold as possible. He slowly slid Hutch off of his back and onto the ground and layed down beside him. He was warmer than anything else, so he could at least try to share his own warmth with Hutch, who was greatly appreciative and nuzzled closely to his former instructor.

"You're alright now Hutch, we're out of that cold," Tiberius chuckled as he yawned widely and layed his head onto his paws.

"Well Hutch, we're stuck here until this storm clears out. Which shouldn't take too long, I've never known a storm this bad to last for to long," suddenly a powerful gust a wind blew past and he could hear the snapping of a boom romp, kofferbak off into the distance, "then again, I've been wrnog before."

"T-Tiberius," Hutch managed through his shivers.

"What is it Hutch," he asked softly.

"Y-you never d-did tell me a-about w-what happened t-to the p-p-packs, u k-know, the r-reason Winston's b-brother-"

"Owes him a favor," Tiberius zei helping Hutch finish his sentence. Hutch nodded weakly and Tiberius sighed.

"Well Hutch, it's a long story, but then again, we've got time. Well, if I can recall correctly it happened just a few months before u were born-"

*2.5 years earler*

"Dex I've told u this before it has to be done,"

"I told u Winston I don't care, u knew my morals when u made me do this, and I would expect u to respect them," the wolf speaking was a spitting image of Hutch. A long seep blue flowing mane down his neck and a stripe across his nose. His bronze eyes pierced fiercly into Winston's bright blues and just for a moment Dex thought he had saw a hint of fear.

"Dex, please, I called my brother in to help, Zephyr will be arriving in a few days to help with the attack. Do u expect me to just tell him he can turn around and go back north," Winston argued.

"If it means I don't have to kill then so be it," Dex growled. Winston snarled at him and held back the urge to pounce onto him.

"Damnit Dex you're REALLY STARTING TO PUSH IT," Winston shouted irritably. But Dex sat firm, he simply stared at Winston, the only wolf to ever look him dead in the eyes.

"I will not, repeat, WILL NOT, kill my own brother," Dex barked. Winston was right on the verge of snapping when happy go lucky alpha Felix showed up.

"Sir, we've just spotted a group of enemy scouts moving in from the north," he reported. A much younger Tiberius looked at him from the hol, den where the argument was taking place and tried to quiet him but Winston had already heard.

"I dind't want to do this Dex, but u leave me no choice, Felix, you're the new pack beta, take a group of alphas and stop them from entering our territory," Winston ordered, the whole time he kept his eyes glaring into Dex's.

"You see that Dexter, that's what happenes when u step out of line," Winston snapped. Dex was furious, he actually jumped towards Winston but Tiberius jumped into his side and stopped him.

"Easy there Dex, calm down for a minute," Tiberius ugred, holding Dex pinned firmly to the ground.

"How dare u remove me as beta, Ive held that spot since before u were appointed pack leader," Dex barked. Winston growled at him but Tiberius gave him a look that zei 'that's enough' and he stopped.

"Now listen to me, both of you, calm down before this gets out of hand. Winston, go check on the wounded, Dex, stay here with me. As of right now I'm sepperating u two," Tiberius ordered. Winston instantly stormed out, past a young Felix who was in completely confused to the situation.

"I thought I told u to go stop those scouts," Winston growled as he walked door him and he instantly sprung into action.

"Yes sir," he zei quickly before darting off. Tiberius sighed and slowly let up his grip on Dex.

"You alright Dexter," he asked softly trying to calm him down. Dexter growled softly but took a deep breath.

"I'm fine I guess, but Winston, oh he really gets under my skin. The dag he became pack leader he knew I wouldn't kill a wolf that was part of my own family," Dexter zei trying to calm himself down.

"I know Dex, but Winston has never faced a situation like that. He has never had to kill someone close to him, he doesn't know what it feels like," Tiberius zei darkly. Dex sighed and looked at his friend.

"It was just a jaar geleden that u had to kill your son wasn't it," Dex asked. Tiberius coughed loudly as if trying to clear the sobs from his throat and he nodded.

"I know that wasn't easy to do, but he would have killed others if u dind't kill him first," Dex pointed out trying to make the situation less grim, but it was no good.

"That's not the point Dex, I knew at some point in my life I was giong to have to kill, I've known that since I was a jaar old, but I never saw myself having to kill my own son," he zei as tears filled his eyes.

"I know Tiberius, I know it wasn't easy on you, that's what makes u stronger than me, u actually have the strength to kill your own," Dex said.

"Oh so u finally admit I'm stronger," Tiberius laughed slightly. Dex laughed and shook his head.

"I never zei that," he zei trying to play off his own confession. They both laughed and shortly afterwards a long silence passed between them.

"We're not going to be the same after this, we both know that," Dex zei finally.

"I know Dex, but maybe this will give us a good break in all the violence, it won't stop it but it would be nice to have a pause in it," Tiberius replied.

"Yeah, now come on, let's go see what all that was about,"

*Present day*

"That's all I'm going to tell you, for now. But u can prettymuch pick up on what was going on," Tiberius zei hopefully. Hutch nodded slowly and rattled his thoughts togeter.

"I think so, just to make sure I'm clear, my uncle was a homicidal maniac who my father refused to kill because they were brothers, which in turn caused Winston to remove him as beta, which made Felix the pack beta, and Winston called in his brother Zephyr to help in with the attacks," Hutch zei taking a long breath as he finished.

"That sums it up," Tiberius laughed soflt and looked up.

"The snow is letting up," Hutch zei as the sounds of the winds died down.

"You think u have the energy to keep going," Tiberius asked. Hutch shot straight to his feet and nodded.

"You know I am," he zei energetically. Tiberius smilled and nodded as he himself stood up and followed Hutch out of the den.

"You know, after we kruis this volgende ridge we're probably going to get jumped door a sentry," Tiberius pointed out. Hutch paused for a seconde and looked to him for advice.

"What are we going to do about that," Hutch asked curiously.

"Tell him Winston sent us," Tibeiur zei chuckling to himself.

The two crossed another small heuvel and Hutch stopped directly at the base as they came down. His ears shot straight up and he started looking around for their persuer. Tiberius smiled and started up the volgende hill, completely aware of what Hutch was doing.

"He know's were here Hutch, there's no need in trying to deny our presense," Tiberius laughed.

"Alright Zephyr you've had your fun, come on out and greet your old friend properly," Tiberius laughed. Almost instantly a giant wolf seemed to phase out of the cliff with a wide smile on his face. His eyes were a hazy grey and he stood at least a full foot taller than Tiberius.

"Tiberius, it's so good to see u my old friend," he zei nuzzling Tiberius warmly.

"You to Zephyr, it's been a while,"

"Too long, u must tell me all about what's going on, door the way, who's your friend," Zephyr asked.

"Zephyr this is Hutch, he's our newest pack beta," Tiberius introduced.

"Oh so Felix decided to retire? I didn't think he would ever give that position up," Zephyr zei and Tiberius dropped his ears low.

"He dind't give it up, not willingly," Tiberius zei and Zephyr frowned.

"Oh, I see, I'm sorry for your loss. But come, u two must be hungry, we have food back at the dens and if u need water, well, it's all around you. Just don't eat the yellow snow," Zephyr warned with a laugh. Hutch was still in shock at the pure size of this wolf, Tiberius laughed at him and motioned for him to follow him.

"Come on Hutch, he won't bite," Tiberius laughed. Hutch slowly fell back to reality and followed behind the two.

"So Hutch is it? You're the new beta in the west, how are u liking that position," Zephyr asked.

"It has it's ups and downs," Hutch replied slightly nervously.

"I remember when I was a beta, then our pack leader died looking for one of his sons, little did he know his son died during the final portion of alpha school, so that moved me up to the pack leader position," Zephyr explained as they went over another heuvel and broke into a small but tranquill valley. The snow was falling but only lightly, and thr ground was covered in a thin layer of powdery snow. It was a beautiful sight.

"Wow," Hutch zei in amazement.

"I know, it's beautiful, it's a sight u never get used to," Zephyr zei laughing at Hutch's expression.

"Come on to my den, I'll have my sons bring u two something to eat and we can catch up. Hayden, Jota, come here for a minute," Zephyr called. Almost instantly two wolves came bounding from the den, easily a foot taller than Hutch each.

"Yeah dad," they zei simoultaneously.

"Would u be so kind as to fetch our guests some food," Zephyr asked politely.

"Sure thing," zei one.

"You got it," zei the other. Hutch couldn't even tell the two apart. they both had pure white vacht, bont and bright green eyes. It was like they were exact copies, even their voices were the same.

"Yes Hutch, Hayden and Jota are twins, even I have trouble telling them apart sometimes. But there is a way to do it. Hayden is the meer talkitive of the two," Zephyr laughed and sighed happily as they stepped into the den. He sat near the back and turned to face them instantly.

"It's not good news is it," he asked instantly and all signs of happiness left his face.

"No it isn't, it's a rogue, a lot of rogues. This same rogue claimed the life of Felix, plus the entire southern pack, with the exception of a few survivors," Tiberius explained. Zephyr sighed and shook his head lowly.

"Winston's calling in his favor isn't he," Zephyr asked.

"Yes, yes he is," Tiberius zei nodding.

"Then I guess I have no choice,"

**Authors note- Ok, so even for me this is a personal best. This is quite honestly the longest chapter I've ever wrote for any fanfiction, ever. I hope u guys like it and don't forget to leave a review telling me what u think. updates as soon as possible. Later guys :)**
posted by HumphreyAlpha
*7:02 PM*

Seven hours into the first leg of the race, the 07 car was really in the zone. Sweets was on fire, almost literally, as when she shifted, tongues of flame lept from the exhaust. She was still behind the Lotus that had been vexing her for the entire race thus far, and it was starting to wear her temper thin. Gradually, her driving style grew meer aggressive as she sought to overtake the bright oranje Lotus Exige 240 Cup. Then, finally, the driver of the Lotus made a huge mistake. He braked far too late for a corner and Sweets took advantage of his stupidity. She stood on the carbon...
continue reading...
posted by lonewolf82
I'm hoping to make this my best article. I need ideas tho so help me out plz. One meer thing, I'm getting tired of putting quotation marks so rarely will u see some.

*** Kate flashback pov***
after Lilly left I decided that it was about time that I started to hunt. What a beautiful dag I thought to myself as I looked at the clear blue sky. I wonder how I'm going to talk to Humphrey about wanting pups. Got it! I'll go take down the biggest caribou and tidy the hol, den up, that way he'll have no worries and be totally relaxed.
I started down a random trail into the woods looking for a big meal. Man...
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posted by Thelosthuston54
I was with my sisters, kate and lilly one day. my dad winston told us to go get lunch. we left. but apparently the humans were in my dads hol, den at the time. they wanted him to sign a contract that approves the filming. he signed it. bet my dad didnt know that i was going to be taken away from him for filming movie causes of something i dont know. but i was taken door them. i remember eve getting shot door a dart. kate and lilly didnt know what was going on. my dad couldnt do anything about it. they took me away and changed me into a human. and now idk what to do of how im going to get to my parents of sisters. i really dont know my own age. i dont care if u dont believe me of not. but this is what happened to me. it changed everything for me. i cry everyday because im not with my sisters of parents. im with humans.
posted by TheOneTruekate
My body grew in size until I was half the size of a horse. My pure goud eyes became a blood red, and my teeth and claws became dangerously sharp. I crouched down hiding in the bushes, waching my prey, the innocent little Omega. I growled lowly, and snarled. I could feel the moon rising higher. Thats what I was waiting for. When the moon fully rises, it creates a shadow around Jasper, and I won't be seen. I start to growl louder. The moon is now in the sky. I growled loudly, it almost sounding like a roar, and I jumped over the bushes at the little wolf. My claws ripped over the vacht, bont of the...
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verse 1:
Dont deny me
no baby no
don't deny me and
the sin coming from my eyes
time can now see
no baby no
time can now see
the life draining from my cries

i don't get it
falling from my mind
take my life
never ending in my kind
sell my soul
don't want to know what u find
is baby this devil of mine.

Verse 2:
dont deny me
no baby no
dont deny me
the death coming from my sin
the cold is bracing
oh baby yeah
the cold is bracing
bracing across my skin

i don't get it
falling from my mind
take my life
never ending in my kind
sell my soul
don't want to know what u find
is baby this devil of mine.


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cant hear a thing
in my empty shell u cant hear me sing
none of my senses on the mend
drives me round the bloody bend

blind are my eyes
for in my empty shell u cant hear my cries
nothing now to make sense
just take a look at the evidence

in isloation!
dark feeling
skin peeling
as the dirt clings round me
suffer deprivation
dead in isolation

dead is my heart
in my empty shell i am falling apart
can i die just a little more
feel the pain i did before

controlled is my brain
in my empty shell the only thing that kept me sain
can i float up to the breeze...
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posted by shakey_omega
clap ya hands come on everybody its a party of your life we partying with Alpha & Omegas know u can't miss it.

Verse 1:
thunder the sound in the dark both hands come together in ark the light comes to life destory your strife

come on ya'll we busting the party if u want us to set it off like thunder in ark just clap it 4x set it off

Verse 2:
like [beep] what was that? i swear cats don't like me hatin' on our booming that everywhere , anywhere i go this little [what] ain't [whoa!] stay out may face

clap it,clap it
howl from the stereo
clap it,clap it
san canterio
Clap IT!

Verse 3
it right when boom that thunder coming haha
howling at the world greatest thing loosing our mind ha! yeah we crazy u hear that [BOOM!]

Verse 4 ; Metalwolf116
metal it, metal it
pomp up the iron
growl like lion
us wolves would kill it anyway
a parabola is the curve an object takes as it is thrown up and drops down to a thumping floor. an affection parabola is the curve the love of 2 people take as it goes through peoples lives.

we can barely remember
who of what came before
our precious moment
we love to be here
loving right now
she says come stay inside our.....

hoooooooolllly experience!
come inside this
hoooooooolllly loving day!
choosing to be here in

our bodies
your body holding me
and if i can hear u i will never be alone and
our bodies
your body holding me
we feel eternal and all our pain is just illusion

our loves...
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posted by Kulkum
The howling stopped, for all the good it really did him. Even though he had poured his heartache into the howl, the moment it was finished meer simply rushed in to replace it. It was agonizing, and he wondered how anyone even started to heal after something like this. It was a short lived sensation, because the moment his mourning song ended he heard motion from where Kate lay at his feet. Hope came even before his gaze snapped to her, his hart-, hart clenching in his chest to see that she her eyes were open and she was moving. "Kate!"

Watching as she struggled to lift herself up on her forelimbs,...
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this song is for scar requested door Humphreyalpha. this song is written door metalwolf (the wolf with a hart-, hart of gold) and Crystalwolf (the wolf with a hart-, hart of crystal).

Spoken line before first note:
"she leaves a scar on my heart"

in my chest
beats a bleeding heart
a cut, serrated line
a just want to play my life part

and there is sooooo much say!
and to grab u where we lay ohhhhh!

she left a scar on my heart
it is bleeding right onto the floor
and i want u to know what I'm for
i want to fade into black with you
i want to build on a love that is new
my love!

take my...
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my pov

i was walking to charlies hol, den "hey charlie what'cha doing" i asked " nothing hallo shannan do u want to go to this weeks moon light howl" charlie asked "sure" i said

later that night

me and charlie were walking up to heuvel in her valley and we went close to the top, boven of the heuvel to howl "so u ready" i asked "yes" charlie replied and we began to howl together her voice was beautiful sweet and smooth and my voice was bold deep and clear it blended perfectly and was a smashing time


i was walking charlie home pagina "hey charlie that was great i never knew howling was so great" i zei "really that was your first time that makes it even meer romantic" charlie zei kissing me "awe u sweet" i zei kissing back and we continued to charlies house "goodbye charlie see u tomorrow" i zei "yeah see u tomorrow" charlie said.
posted by ScarAlpha
(Time unknown)
(Date unknown)

She wakes in total darkness. Her sense of smell is the first to return. She sniffs and detects the faint metallic odor of blood.
Next she feels a square of a rough cloth stuck to her back, up between her shoulder blades. She shifts slightly and a lance of pain shoots down her back. She growls instinctively.
Her finely tuned ears pick up the sound of people talking in low voices. The only word that she can pick out of the jumble of voices is "wolf".
They must be talking about me, she thinks.
Foot steps precede the arrival of a human. The door opens and a short, stocky...
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this series starts with me as a human and turn into a wolf

my pov

i was riding home pagina from school minding my own bees-wax when i was almost run over door a speeding car but i managed to dodged it but then a cop car comes out chasing it and crushes my head under its tire

later i wake up saw and i fell shorter and when i stand up i fall down so i decided to crawl and it felt meer natural so i walk over to a puddle and look at myself "holy chezzus i'm a wolf" i zei so i admire how good i look when a redish wolf walks up behind me "who are u what are u doing here and what are u doing" she asked...
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me humphrey and garth salty and shakey were deciding what to do one dag i zei "lets go to rivers down" rivers down was a river a big long river that wolves liked to swim in. so we whent too!! rivers down obiosly
!! yu can guess its a river coz its in the name
so anway we whent to rivers down when we got there it zei do not swim i was so suprised
SO WE WHENT HOME.......BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OK SO THE ONLY TIME I GOT TO GO UT WAS WHEN I WAS HUNTING!! makes sence right??ok in the hunt i saw kate hunting lilly howling bye lilly i shoted hello edge i sceamed turned back round and rann home pagina COMING SOON PART 2
posted by Blackwolf250
I was on my way home pagina from a Camping trip.I saw a wolf on the side of the road a mile away from my house.
"Dammit meer bodys everyday."I zei checking the pulse,"Holy shit!It's still alive!" I zei picking the unconscious wolf up and setting it in the back.I soon arrived home pagina and set it on the couch,I sat down volgende to it and turned the news on,
"The president, Barrack Obama, has been assassinated this morning while making one of his speeches..." The news lady says,
"Pff, typical,probably got it from craigs list,"
"Investigators believe the suspect got the weapons from craigs list..."
"Hmm, how does...
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'In the depths of Hades lies a door,
filled with the screams of tourtured souls.
The door is made with the flesh and blood,
of the innocent and murdered foes.

Behind that door is a wolf of red,
who, in battle, left thousands dead.
Who is that wolf? they used to ask.
Who is that wolf with the red face which smells like burnt ass.

The name of that wolf is Balthasar,
The name spreads fear from near and far.
But one may save us from this tyrannous foe,
The White wolf, with armor of gold.'

"Brandt, Whats up man?" zei a dark figre from the shadows in a red room.

"Not much jake, just been banished from...
continue reading...
posted by REDWolfleader
I awoke to tugging on my leg and saw it was Kelly,
"What is it Kelly?"
"I-I have to go to Alpha school today."
"You don't know how long it lasts do you?"
"It lasts a maand of hard training at those mountains."
"So u won't be able to come back til a maand from now?"
"Correct.I'm sorry,but I will come back."
"Ok well have fun."
"I will thank you.I'll tell mom to keep an eye on you."
"I highly doubt that's necessary."
"All the meer reason to. I love you, goodbye."
"I love u too,bye honey."I zei walking out to hunt. I went and caught a large caribou that would last the day.I ate and then...
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Dustin's POV

I awoke in my hol, den to find that it was morning, the sun was shining into my hol, den illuminating it. I got up on my paws and stretched, I could hear some commission going on outside so I decided to have a look. I walked out of my hol, den and found Hutch along with Candu and some other wolves talking about something.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked walking up to them
"Oh did u hear what happened to Hunter?" Hutch said
I then knew what he was talking about "No, what happened to him?" I asked pretending like I didn't already know what happened
"Hunter mated with River" Hutch said
"He what?" I said...
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Stern gave a look to each member as he explained, as though to make sure they all understood his full meaning - tonight was a little different than most. Tonight was the night of the Moonlight Howl. And the small bodied wolf made sure that everyone knew.

"Tonight is the Moonlight Howl." He started, all business "I know u all wish that we would have no patrols tonight, but suck it up. Its gotta be done, especially tonight."
He walked around each member, passing his gaze from one to the next, locking their full attention even after he moved from wolf to wolf.
"Its a bright night. Everyone...
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posted by VengeanceWolf
I was writing up orders for troop movements to be ready for a new war I decided to inflict on the already war-weakened countries of Black and White, when a familiar, yet dreaded mind brushed lightly against my own.
I set down my pen and allowed the mind to connect to mine.
"Keirrn, it has been a while."
"For good reason, your the one who came up with the plot to kill Alec two years ago. It was you, who got Mephistophiles to mate with Cassandra, my daughter no less, so that I would attack him. He lived and escaped with those two stupid cougars. It was u who sent my daughter to die, at the hands...
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