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Summary: Three years have passed since Humphrey ran away from Jasper after all the heartbreak, now he's a lone wolf living as if it all never happened thanks to a head injury. However he will soon realize just what he has forgotten when he gets an unknown visitor. Will he come to terms with the past that he lost, of will it end up just causing him to break and feel the hurt all over again?

Fragments of a Lost Life – TheChriZ1995

I keep having these strange flashes in my dreams lately, visions that at first seem like only a normal dream but for some reason feel so familiar. I see myself living in the confines of a pack around other wolves that I do not recognize. It's making me confused, for as long as I can remember I have been a lone wolf living here in the mountains, I have never been in a pack yet why am I having these visions? When I close my eyes I see all kinds of things like other wolves, landscapes, and even experiences of traveling a long distance with a particular wolf. Yet it's all a blur of mystery that makes no sense but feels as real as my memories of what happened yesterday. I feel like I'm being haunted, as if there's a point of time in my life that I have forgotten about, but how? How could I have forgotten something when there's no physical way I could have, I don't recall getting a bad injury involving brain damages. Perhaps this is just a phase and it will all just go away allowing me to go back to living my life like normal, for now I'm at the mercy of these visions and I'll just have to try and put the pieces together.

Humphrey's POV

Today had been going pretty well for me so far, spring was in the air and with it brought relieving warmth after a long cold winter. I sometimes wondered why I decided to live in the mountains, it was much koeler, koelwagen being higher up however it's also a pretty secluded and veilig place up here. I had gone out early to do some hunting in the local area and ended up bringing down one deer meaning that I would be fed well for several days now. I dragged it back to my little hol, den located volgende to a small pond and clearing that I've called home pagina for many years now. I decided to get a little rest in the suns warmth but this only ended up with me just having the visions pay me another visit. I have learned to accept it and did my best to keep a visual note as to what they looked like considering it all passed door so fast.

During this particular time I found myself sitting beside another wolf talking with them, however I couldn't hear any of the words being said. This wolf came up a lot during these dreams, their vacht, bont color was tan with brown eyes to match but I still didn't know whether they were male of female. There were times where things were friendly between us, but then there were times where we didn't get along. Maybe we were vrienden but then had a falling out of sorts, the defiant answer was still not clear, and it may never be. These visions have only been happening for a week of so now and I'm still trying to make sense of it all. The tan wolf wasn't the only wolf I have seen frequently though, in fact there was a group of three which I found to be friendly and spent time with as well.

Of course the meer I would see the meer vragen I would get about why am I seeing these things and why do they feel like their something major and not just another dream. I ended up waking back up from my nap and found the sun still shining up above, it was afternoon and I had nothing else I needed to do. I stretched my body before getting off of the warm rock I slept on, it was times like this I would think of something to do other than sit around all day. Sometimes it could get pretty lonely here in between times of meeting other wolves, I know a few others that lived in the area but we never talked much. The ones I would end up talking to would be the ones just passing through between the packs of wolves that lived on either side of the mountain peaks. In all my years of living here I have never gone to visit either of the packs, I was doing fine out here for myself ever sense I left my parents at the age of one. I wondered if I would ever see them again, they lived several miles away as lone wolves as well.

But a lot of things can change in the three years sense I left them to go try my luck out here in the wild wilderness. I learned how to look after myself door hunting and building my strength so that I had the best chances of surviving in a fight. Fortunately I haven't found myself in a fight yet, there were times I would have to ask wolves to leave if they were near where I lived. But it never escalated to the point of physical conflict, and I was glad, I didn't see the need in fighting of even killing another wolf. I was the peaceful kind of wolf rather than one that wanted to fight others as a good kind of challenge of entertainment.

I decided to go out and scout around the area to make sure my scent border was still strong and that no one has intruded it, as a lone wolf I considered the area around my hol, den to be mine and I was sure to keep it that way. It wasn't a large area considering it's just for one wolf but it was plenty large enough for me. So far things were fairly normal for a walk around the border until I caught the scent of an unknown wolf. It was pretty fresh leading me to believe that they had just passed door here, I decided to follow it considering it was going towards the pond volgende to my den. I had memorized the scents of the other lone wolves around these peaks but this one seemed foreign. I was hoping whoever this wolf was they wouldn't be trying to steal the deer I had lying beside the hol, den and in plain view of the pond. It didn't take long to arrive back home pagina but I stalked my way around to make sure the wolf wouldn't hear me if they were still here. I hid behind a struik, bush as I looked around it so see a wolf drinking out of the pond in front of me, I watched them for a bit before deciding to go and confront them. I got up and silently walked up behind them and sat down a few feet away as they continued to drink. I didn't mind if they were only here to get some water, and it wouldn't be the first wolf too but I always told them to leave and pointed them in the direction of a river about a mile away.

I cleared my throat before speaking "Hello, can I help you?" I greeted

The wolf immediately spun around to face me surprised, I could sense they were afraid as they back away a little "Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that u lived here" They replied with a voice indicating that she was a female.

"It's alright, your just here for water right?" I asked

"Yeah sorry, I'll just leave if u don't want me here" She zei sounding disappointed

For some reason I felt like forgiving this wolf, it wasn't that it was because she was female but because she seemed nice and I could use a little company for the moment. "No you're fine, feel free to continue what u were doing" I said

She thanked me before lowering her head to drink some meer as I just looked around waiting for her to finish, her vacht, bont color was a golden tan color with white underbelly. Her eyes were amber and she was fairly attractive although her vacht, bont was a bit of a mess, but I wasn't trying to make a verplaats on her door being kind. I've never been one to understand love so I've never been looking for it, and I'm okay with that. I was happy with living out my life alone if it ended up coming to that. She finished before sitting down and looking at me although it wasn't a normal stare, it was as if she recognized me in some way I didn't understand. She didn't look like someone I've met before so I decided to ignore it and ask what she was doing here.

"You new around here?" I asked while drawing circles in the soft dirt

"Yeah I'm just passing through" She answered

I nodded "I'm Humphrey" I zei holding out my paw to shake

"Humphrey? u don't happen to come from a place called Jasper Park do you?" She asked sounding hopeful about it

"Um no I don't, I was raised a ways away with my parents but it wasn't a place called Jasper." I answered putting my paw back down

"Oh..." She zei holding her head down in shame

I could tell something was wrong so I decided to ask her about it "You looking for someone?"

"Yeah, it's kind of a long story" She replied looking back at me

"Well your free to tell me if u like, besides I'm sure u need a place to stay for the night so your welcome to stay here if u wish." I said

Normally I was never this kind to strangers but I wanted to hear her out considering she's looking for a wolf named Humphrey so it struck my curiosity. Besides she didn't look hostile and she appeared to be fairly worn out and tired so I wanted to be kind in giving her a secure place to rest for the night before she would continue on her journey.

"Oh that is very kind of u but I don't want to be a bother to you" She replied

"I insist, besides u must be hungry and tired from traveling" I said

"Thank u Humphrey, u are the nicest wolf I've met out here so far." She zei giving a smile "I'm Kate"

I smiled as well from her compliment "Nice to meet you, come I already got some food for u back in my den" I zei before tuning and leading her the few yards to the den.

"Feel free to grab what u can eat, I'll be inside" I zei pointing to the deer I had caught earlier that laid beside the entrance

She nodded her head and thanked me again as I retired into the dark but large open space that I've called my home, I sat at the back of the hol, den and waited for her to come and kom bij me. I was looking vooruit, voorwaarts to getting to talk with someone for once after a long week and a half of just being myself. A minuut later she walked into the hol, den with a chunk of the deer meat in her mouth, she sat across the way from me but was faced towards me.

"This is quite the home pagina u got here" She admired looking around the room "You’re a lone wolf right?"

"Sure am, have been for around three years now after I left my parents" I replied

"I see, aren't u going to eat too?" She asked

"Nah I'm fine right now, I might later though but don't let that stop u from eating." I zei looking at her as she took a bite

"Aright, well since we're going to be here for a while why don't we get to know each other" She suggested

"Sounds good to me, u go first" I answered

"I'm Kate and I am an alpha that comes from Jasper Park, a place fairly far away from here, I like to do things adventurous but also help serve my pack." She said

"Very nice, I'm Humphrey and I have been a lone wolf for all of my life since my parents were lone wolves themselves. I like to play games to keep myself occupied on top, boven of taking care of myself and this little place I call home." I zei summing up who I was

"So you've never been a part of a pack?" She asked

"Not at all, I have an understanding of how their structure works but I haven't been the one who wants to be in the confines of a pack around other wolves." I replied

"I understand how u feel, it can get pretty hectic at times" She zei after she finished eating "That was good, again thank you"

I smiled hearing how thankful she was for my act of kindness "You are welcome" I said

"I don't mean to be rude but why have u done this for me? I have met plenty of other lone wolves on my travels but none that allowed me to stay at their hol, den instead of me trying to find my own place." She asked looking at me after cleaning off her muzzle

"You seem like a kind wolf, and I like to have some company every now and then, I find it interesting meeting others that come from faraway places, I sometimes learn new things." I replied

She smiled and nodded her head happy with my answer, we sat quietly for a few minuten as the light outside slowly began to grow dim as the sun was beginning to set. I decided to get some food for myself seeing that we will most likely be sitting here and talking for the rest of the night. I still didn't know about this wolf that she was looking for which held the same name as myself so I changed the subject to it.

"So, why exactly are u way out here and not back with your pack?" I asked

"It's a long story..." She zei making it sound like it wasn't a happy one

"I'm all ears" I zei looking at her but took bites of the chunk of deer I grabbed earlier

"Well it all started when I got back from alpha school..." She began

She told me about the course of events beginning with finding out that she held the responsibility of marrying a wolf of another pack in order to unite them both. This was only the start of her problems, later on she got taken away and relocated to a place called Idaho alongside an omega from her pack. She zei he was a good friend from her puppyhood days and that without his help she would have never made it back home pagina on her own. I was really getting in to this story she was telling because it sounded like quite the journey for two wolves. She began to get feelings towards this wolf and along the way home pagina and they even howled together which sounded nice door the way she described it. However things went south once they arrived back home, she had failed to tell him about the arranged wedding simply because she thought he already knew. At the time she zei she was so overwhelmed and confused door everything that she hadn't even stopped to think about her true feelings. She paid the price door losing the wolf she truly cared about because he ran away to become a lone wolf, which explains why she's out here.

"... I was so close to sealing my fate with a wolf I didn't love but I backed out while I still had the chance, everyone was confused but I announced that I didn't love Garth because I loved Humphrey. It was a major shock to everyone because an alpha couldn't love an omega but I didn't care. In fact it turned out while I was gone Garth and Lilly had fallen in love so they ended up uniting the pack through their marriage." She zei as the hol, den grew dark to the point where I could barely see her.

"Wow..." Was all I could say from hearing what she has gone through in the course of a few weeks long geleden "So now you’ve been out here searching for this wolf u love, even after three years?" I zei seeing how it would make sense

"Yes, but it has been on and off though, I would spend a few months searching around and then head back home pagina to Jasper to rest and stay in the loop with my family." She said

"Now that is some true love right there, I've never heard of a wolf who would spend years to find the one they care about." I said

She smiled "I love him with all my hart-, hart and still do, but the searching in its self has been pretty fun yet saddening. I've been to all kinds of places and met many faces but as each dag goes door I know that eventually I will just have to give up my search. Will I ever love another wolf? Probably not because I can only see myself with him, I just want to see him again and tell him how much I love him. I know he loves me back because I have noticed how he has always cared and looked after me during the course of our friendship." She zei starting to get a little emotional talking about it.

"...and when I first saw u earlier today I thought I had finally found him because u look just like he did only u look larger in body size." She said

I grew confused door hearing this, so she is looking for a wolf named Humphrey who also looks exactly like me, this seemed too strange to be true considering the chances of there being another wolf like me in this world were very slim. But obviously there had to be because why else would she be here right now.

"Now that is strange" I zei looking at her

"I know, and not to mention your voice is similar which now that I think about it, it has to be you..." She zei suddenly looking up at me

I eyed her strangely "But I already told u I have never been to of heard of a place called Jasper, I've never been a part of a pack either." I said

"I don't understand... how can there be two Humphrey's on this world that speak and look exactly the same?" She zei getting up and walking closer to me

The moon had begun to shine meaning we could both see each other fairly well now thanks to a skylight in my hol, den "I don't know either, but I don't see any way how I could be this wolf. I haven't even met u before in my life let alone develop feelings for you." I zei looking back at her

She looked at me in a way that zei she still was not satisfied, I had no idea what was happening now, in fact I was getting a little scared thinking that this wolf was pulling some joke of act on me. She walked around me slowly, continuing to look at me from head to paw, I just sat still not knowing what to do other than figure out what the hell was happening.

"Where did u get that scar?" She asked stopping in front of me again to sit down.

"What scar?" I asked looking down at my sides to see what she was talking about

"The one on the back of your head, it looks like u got hit door something." She said

I then knew what she was talking about, and honestly I've had the scar for as long as I can remember and don't know how I got it.

"I don't remember, all I know is it hurt like hell after I got it" I said

"I think I know how..." She zei knowing something I did not

At this point I just decided to go along with whatever it is she's doing "Alright, what makes u such the expert?" I said

"Well u see my mother is the healer of our pack and what I've heard from her is that if a wolf lives through a serious impact to the head they can lose some of their memory." She zei sounding calm about it.

"So you’re saying I have lost some of my memory?" I said

"What I'm saying is u are the Humphrey I have been looking for these past three years but u just don't know it because you've somehow lost your memory in between the time u left and now." She said

I began to back away slowly until I was against the uithangbord of my hol, den as she continued to sit looking at me "No... No you're crazy!" I exclaimed not wanting to believe what she's telling me.

"I'm telling u Humphrey, what I speak is the truth and I know for a fact door looking at u that u are the wolf that I grew up with and love." She zei not backing down

"Okay why are u truly here, did one of the nearby packs send u here to mess with me, because I am going to make them regret that choice." I zei getting tired of hearing this

"I told u why I am here, I'm not trying to hurt u of be mean, and in fact I'm trying to help u remember what you've lost." She argued

"I haven't lost anything, I was raised door lone wolves and then moved away out here, that's it! So how can I remember that if I have lost the memory of my past?" I zei seeing a way through this.

"I never zei a wolf would lose all their memory from a head injury, sometimes they do but it's rare. And a wolf that has lost some of their memory can sometimes get some of it back over time. u were not born in my pack Humphrey, in fact your lone wolf parents placed u in our pack so that u would stay safe. It seems that u have forgotten all your memories of being in Jasper." She said

It had become obvious that she knew what she was talking about, but I still didn't believe her, not that I should anyway. I think anyone would think someone was crazy if they suddenly started telling them about things that they don't remember. I thought about just asking her to leave and spare me all of the confusion and craziness but after arguing with her I've come to realize that she was a stubborn wolf, and wouldn't back down so easily.

I just let out a frustrated sigh "So what now?" I asked thinking she still had vragen to ask me.

"Well seeing that u think I'm crazy I'm just going to leave u to your thoughts and maybe... just maybe it will all suddenly click. Because I am out of options other than asking u to come back to Jasper with me." She said.

"How would that help?" I asked

"Well I have a theory, if I bring u home pagina and u see and meet all the wolves u grew up with then u might suddenly realize all that u have lost." She said

My head was spinning at this point, do I trust this wolf that says I have lost my memory and let her take me to this place she says I've come from, of do I just ask her to leave in the morning? I didn't see what I had to lose door going and a change in scenery would be nice, besides if it turned out she had been wrong about me then I can just come back home. It was at this moment that I remembered about the visions I have been having these past few days, perhaps there was a connection going on here. Here I am having these dreams that feel very real and strangely familiar and then I just met this wolf who says I have lost my memory. What if this is true and these visions are really just the memory's I've lost trying to work their way back into my head. Maybe I was just getting ahead of myself but it seemed to be a good possibility, all I really wanted was to get these damn visions to stop haunting me.

I decided to go along with her but as I looked back up to tell her that I would go she was gone, I looked around the hol, den to find her curled up on the ground. I had must of been thinking long enough to the point where she decided to just get some rest and hear my answer in the morning. She must be pretty frustrated like I am right now after the argument we had. I couldn't help but realize something as I looked at her sleeping, the moon was shining down on her which made her pelt shine beautifully, but that wasn't why I was looking at her. I slowly walked over to her and it was that moment something in my mind clicked, like I have seen this very image of this wolf sleeping like this in the moonlight. I do recall of a particular dream where I wake up the wolf I saw all the time in these visions. It was in a small room dark room too but the moon was shining down on them, much like how Kate looks right now, and as I look down upon her it finally hit me...

SHE was the wolf from my visions! The fur, the eyes, everything about her matched this wolf that plagued my mind for the past week.

"That's it!" I zei louder than I should have which caused her to wake up

"What's it?" She asked opening her eyes to look up at me

"It's you, you're the wolf I keep seeing in my dreams!" I zei suddenly getting excited about it

"Dreams?" She asked sounding confused as to what I was going on about

I knew I had some explaining to do which normally would sound crazy to anyone but I think she would understand considering after all she has told me today. "For the past week of so I keep having these visions that look like normal dreams yet feel so real and familiar." I zei sitting down in front of her.

"Most of them are with me and another wolf that looks exactly like you, eyes and all, we seem friendly and most of the time it seems that we are traveling to somewhere..." I zei continuing to describe to her what I have experienced and come to understand so far.

For some reason she just smiled after I finished speaking and sat up to face me better "I knew it was you" She zei pulling me into a hug which I didn't expect, I didn't understand why she did this but I went along with it until we broke the embrace "and I can help make those visions make sense"

"How?" I asked

"Well seeing that I am the wolf in these dreams of yours then I should know what you’re experiencing, and I already know the antwoorden because I was there with you." She replied

"Then explain why it looks like we are traveling to somewhere" I asked looking at her

I wanted antwoorden because as each minuut passed door I was starting to see how her memory loss theory and my visions were linked up meaning that what she has been telling me these past few hours are really the solid truth.

"That's easy, that was during our trip to Idaho and back" She answered

It all made sense now, I have been seeing all the memories of when I lived in Jasper Park, it was why I saw a pack of wolves and it was why I always saw Kate. I can see how the story she told me earlier fits in with what I've been seeing, it was like I had just opened my eyes to a whole new world. Things were coming back to me as a door opened in my head linking me to the past.

"You forgot to say that we had help from two birds on our way back home" I zei with a smile after sitting quietly in my thoughts for the past several minutes

She laughed in response and smiled back "I'm glad to see u remember now" She said

"Well it's all mostly a blur still but I'm sure gegeven time I will start to understand it all, with your help of course." I said

"Are u saying u want to go back to Jasper with me?" She asked sounding hopeful

"Yes I am" I replied

I could sense that she was jumping with glee on the inside now that she has finally found me after three years apart, but that left the obvious vraag which was why she was here. If I'm the Humphrey she's looking for, which I know I am now, then that's means we love each other, right?

"So since I'm the Humphrey u have been looking for then that means... we're in love aren't we?" I asked not knowing how to feel right now

"I do love u Humphrey, I want to spend the rest of my life with u but I guess the real vraag is do u still love me?" She zei looking at me seriously.

I thought a minuut before answering the vraag I'm sure she was dying for me to answer "Honestly I don't know..." I answered seeing her lower her head in shame "Obviously I loved u all those years geleden so I guess that means I can fall love u again right?"

"I hope so" She answered looking back up at me

I looked into her eyes and thought about everything that has changed in the past hours after we met, I had my whole perspective on my life flipped and thrown upside down and I still had vragen to ask about it. At least now I could rest easy again knowing the answer as to why I was getting these dreams. There were many things left to understand but now I know that I have lost my memory and it was time to work on getting it back with some help from Kate. I thought about my feelings towards her and came up with an idea to see if I would in fact fall in love with her again.

"Tell u what, when we get back to the pack we can start seeing each other and we'll see how it goes from there." I zei stating my idea

"You mean date?" She asked

"Yes" I answered

She giggled happily to herself before doing the unexpected, I felt her lips press against mine, feeling frozen on the spot from the sudden affection I let myself kiss her back. It lasted for a minuut and I savored it all, I could feel that we shared a connection between us only I have yet to find it myself. We pulled apart and sat a moment looking into each other’s eyes before she let out a yawn.

"We better get some sleep, it’s going to be a long walk home" She zei laying back down where she sat earlier

"You don't want to stay here a dag of two and rest?" I asked, I didn't see a rush in heading straight to Jasper just yet.

"Oh that's fine, I just thought u would be in a rush to relearn what you've lost" She replied

"Not really, I'd rather let u rest seeing how u have been traveling a lot lately." I answered

"You're so sweet, good night Humphrey" She zei smiling

"Good night Kate" I replied before lying down in my usual spot at the back of my den.

I closed my eyes and for once there was nothing, just black emptiness all around me which was a relief because maybe now I could get some nice uninterrupted sleep. I didn't know whether to be happy of what at this moment, so much had been told to me today that I think I'm just going to sit back at let things play out.

Adjusting back to the pack life had been quite the learning experience for me, I've met all kinds of wolves all over again and I even recognized some of them. There was a little welcome party for me and Kate when we returned but she made sure that Winston, her father, addressed the pack of what my condition was mentally. Her mother examined the scar I had and gave a theory that I must had been hunting a deer of something and got kicked in the head. I myself have learned to never to get kicked door a large animal because it can be quite powerful which obviously I have experienced firsthand. Each dag I began to remember new things and if I had a vraag I would ask Kate about it and she usually helped me out.

We had begun to datum just as I promised and so far I have been enjoying it, she's an amazing wolf to be around and our new friendship has been getting stronger. I reunited with my old omega vrienden who also appeared in my visions and at first it was weird talking to them again. But as we visited meer and meer I think u would say were back to the way we once were long ago. All I can say is that I have a lot on my plate right now with remembering the past but I know that one dag things will be like what they should be. Where I can remember everything like I had never gotten the injury in the first place, where I can live a good life and possibly have a mate and family. For now I will just live each dag one at a time trying to adjust from the life a lone wolf and back to the life of a pack wolf.


A/N: That’s a warp to a little story idea I got from a few months ago, and this turned out to be pretty challenging thanks to having to change the plot a few times. I hope u enjoyed this little story and feel free to leave a review on your thoughts about reading it. I will not be continuing this so please don’t go asking, however I already got yet another short story planned that will be longer. Cya later!
posted by Slenderwolf
Mission Details:Kill all Enemies, Find the hostages.
Weapons: M4A1 Acog sight, Desert Eagle.
Here Goes Nothing......
Time:10:50 Am.
Desert Special Units.
January 4 2014.
"Wake up!" Sandman said.
I opened my eyes only to find myself into a upside down hummer. I crawl out of hummer. "Here your Gun!" he gave my M4A1. I cover on a sandbag and shoot some enemies. Of course I didnt loose my pistol. I ran to a small house but I got hit door a sniper hidden.
"SHIT, SLENDER IS DOWN!" i heard a soldier. "Im fine..." I said. I took my M4A1 to shoot at sniper, he was hidden on a small...
continue reading...
The drips of pellucid water dripped on continuously all dag and night, m right ear flopped and buzzed almost half an uur of so.
I stretched and yawned while I was still laying on the ground.
I rosed with an ache, popping my neck sideways.
The sun was barely rising as its heat started flowing inside the cave.
Damn it made me feel drowsy, wanting to go back to bed, well…in a cave; though what’s the difference.
I twisted my body to get a good glance over at Tesla, but she wasn’t there; neither her cover nor journal.
I forgot, she volunteered as a(n) councils apprentice which...
continue reading...
posted by sanman7
Andrew (me) watched as the strange looking wolf ran down the alley he heard the click of a loaded gun and he ducked three shots rang out three bodies hit the sidewalk the wolf walked out the guns barrel smoking

Dead and forgotten.

She zei as she began to walk out of the alley way Andrew yelled down to the sidewalk to inspect the corpses

hallo can I help you?

The wolf shrugged and aimed the .357 magnum at his head

I suggest u don't step closer.

Andrew backed away as he was told he held his hands in the air

And yes I suppose u could be of use.

Andrew asked how

u could shelter me from them.

She lowered the weapon Andrew gladly accepted to shelter her Andrew only wanted to shelter her so he could fuck her. but first he'd gain her love and trust he grinned as he let her into his apartment.
added by BeautifulKate
Source: BeautifulKate
added by BeautifulKate
Source: Me, Picsart, lionsgate
added by BeautifulKate
(Note: This chapter will be spleet, split into multiple parts because it's so long)

Chapter 7: The Lost Tale

“Yeah, just a minute,” Gerald replied.

“What’s going on now?” Humphrey asked.

“Territorial dispute,” Gerald answered. “We can’t decide who gets the lake. I live on the west side of the lake, he lives on the east side.”

“Okay,” Humphrey replied casually, “so just spleet, split the lake. u get the west half, he gets the east half.”

“Oh,” Gerald said, a little embarrassed. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

“Clearly,” Humphrey remarked. “Now, we need your help.”

continue reading...
Chapter 6: Refugees

By the time the sun fully rose into the sky, the entirety of the Western Pack had reached the borders of the Northern Pack. Kyle ran up to Claudette, confused at what her entire pack was doing in his territory.

“Claudette, Runt,” he said, “what are u all doing here? Winston, Eve, and Tony arrived around thirty minuten ago. They zei something was going on in the valley, but they never zei what.”

“We were ambushed door humans,” Claudette explained. “It all happened so fast and there were too many of them. We had to get out of there.”

“We don’t have time to...
continue reading...
Chapter 3: Rest and Relaxation

Later that day, as Mick and Oscar began to get awkwardly acquainted with each other, Jax, Jonas, and Martin set out for a short patrol around the border. As they returned, everyone noticed a terrible stench in the air.

“What is that smell?” Martin asked, trying not to cough in disgust.

“Hey, Steven,” Jax zei casually, paying no attention to the awful odor in the air, “it kinda smells like the trail to your hol, den after u brought that rotten carcass home pagina last year.”

“Hey, back off!” Steven replied, defensively. “It wasn’t me. And that was a very...
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Chapter 11: The Youngest Alpha

Back at the sandstone cliffs, Adam had begun to take on the role of pack leader. Even though he was the youngest alpha in the pack’s history, it had been going fairly well for him, the decisions he made being mostly simple ones. Although Steven was constantly giving him a hard time, questioning most of the orders that Adam gave.

For the first couple of days, the pack continued to live in the small clearing near the cliffside. There was a small lake nearby where they could get water, and the caribou were door no means in short supply. The rain, however, continued...
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“Here I am again in the police department” says Humphrey. Humphrey was arrested for gang activitie and he was sitting in a jail cell. He was let free and he went to his car and it’s a 2010 doge challenger convirtble and he drove off and went hom in his hol, den sat kate she was waiting for Humphrey to come home pagina she was polishing her dual glocks and then Humphrey scared her and she jolted and pointed them at Humphrey and Humphrey zei “Ah!” Kate growled at him and then went back to polishing them she was angry and she did not like it that Humphrey had snuck up on her
Over at Wolfiey and...
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What an incredible night it was for the moonlight howl. The huge full moon lit up the night. Kate and Humphrey were on their way back to the den. Kate looked amazing, as usual, all spiffied up, just for her one true love....Humphrey! Humphrey really appreciated this. Kate always knew how to make him happy. He was the happiest omega wolf in the entire universe!

As the couple approached their beautiful hol, den Kate told Humphrey to go on in while she was "using the bathroom". So, he did. Humphrey went into the hol, den and sat down volgende to the back wall, waiting for Kate to return. Meanwhile Kate was still...
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added by katealphawolf
posted by Millksr
Kate And Lilly Holding Their Breath UnderWater And On Land In There Hotel Room Bedroom And In a There Hotel Room Bathroom When Both Of There Bikini Bodies Turn Purple In There Bikinis Kate And Lilly Taking A douche In There Hotel Room Bathroom Together In There Bikinis Kate And Lilly Doing A Breath Hold Contest In There Bikinis To Who Can Run Out Of Air First Kate of Lilly There Facees And There Bikini Bodies Are Gonna Turn Purple a From There Faces To Threre Stomach There Butt Breast
added by Kishin_Kira
Source: My friend
added by Zach-Coley
Source: Crest animatie Studios
 Humphrey's family
Humphrey's family
It was a quiet afternoon Humphrey could not stop thinking about his mom . He sighed. He missed her . He has a flashback . Humphrey had a picky pack leader he only wanted alphas in his pack he had 2 sisters and a brother they were all alphas . Humphrey's dad ( Chaser ) only wanted the alphas he ordered to Humphrey's mom ( Mica ) zei he was her favoriete pup . Chaser : '' We need alphas only we are at war " Mica : '' yes i know i 'll give him to a pack near door '' Chaser : '' but that could take days the only packs around us we are at war at '' Mica : " i will find him a good pack as soon as he is old enough '' Chaser : '' fine " Soon after a few weeks Mica journeyed to find a good pack soon she found the Western pack .... to be continued
added by HUMPHRY
added by HUMPHRY