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posted by westernunit-211
(So far every thing is going as how I wanted it to go. Here is the volgende part.)

5 months later

The return of a friend, and big news!
February 11 09:21 hrs
Frost age nearly two years old
Western territory border
Jasper National park, Canada

Frost woke up to another nice, but cold day. His wife Stacy was cuddled up to him for warmth from the cold and she was pregnant with his pups. They don't know how many but they were very happy to be parents very soon. Stacy was 12 days in her pregnancy. Very soon she will have little pups roaming around their den. Shakey and Janice were now engaged and they planned on having their wedding here in a few weeks. Things were looking up for him and the others. However, he still hasn't got a word from me. He was starting to worry that I probably was killed on a mission, but he still had hopes that I was still alive. For now he just had to take care of his wife. Temperatures have been freezing for them, but they were use to it from the training they have done. Temperatures reached 20-27 degrees fahrenheit. Frost headed out side to see how it looked. It was clear outside, but their was snow on the ground. He was able to walk through it really well and very calm winds. He headed meer to the west to see my veilig house.

About 90 minuten later he arrived at my veilig house. It was still empty since I wasn't their still, how ever he started to hear a vehicle coming. He hid behind a struik, bush and looked. He saw a military Humvee and it stopped. The driver came out and opened the right rear passenger door and out came out my brother, and then he helped me out. Frost saw me and was wagging his tail very surprised to see me. Frost was happy to see me, but he noticed something was wrong. I was wincing in pain from getting out. I had a crutch because I couldn't keep a balance still. Me and my brother both had snow camo sweaters, snow digital camo pants, and sand tactical boots on. I placed the crutch on my right arm and began to walk towards my veilig house. I then noticed Frost come out of the struik, bush and looked at him. He came running up to me and I saw him and crouched down slowly to hug him. I then spoke. "I'm back my friend." He had tears coming down, but he was very happy to see me again, alive and well. I got back up and he spoke. I want to let u know that Stacy is pregnant." I heard this and smiled and spoke. "Congrats Frost, your finally going to be a father soon." He nodded his head, but he could tell that something was bothering me. He spoke. "What happen?" I didn't speak for a bit, but I zei what happen. "My dad is dead."

Frost was in heavy shock in what he heard. We both went inside the veilig house and I sat on the divan, bank while Frost lied down volgende to me. I began to explain what happen.

3 days earlier

Fallen soilders
February 8, 08:12 hrs
22nd SAS Regiment

My father, brother, and me were walking through a building with Riley, our German Shepherd and my dad spoke. "Echo 6 wants us to verplaats fast, so load up before we get any shut eye." We also had Sergeant Josh Victor who is in the S.A.S. We were walking door a balcony. Josh spoke. "Something feel off to you?" Riley began to bark and knock out gas was shot to us. My dad shouted to us. "Get out! Riley hide!" Riley ran off, but we all started to go unconscious for the gas. I regained conscious, but my vision was blurry. I saw ex-spetsnaz coming towards us. I went unconscious again dew to the gas that was still in my system.


A Russian was dragging me while I regain conscious again. I heard one Russian speaking to Josh where was Echo team in Russian. Luckily I learned Russian when I was in training. The Russian punched Josh and he spoke. "Is that all u got, u piece of shit?!" I fell unconscious again. A few minuten later I heard a voice talking. I woke up completely and he spoke. "Ahh, your awake. Good." It was Dimintri Harkov. He spoke. "Nice to have the family back together isn't it. Were just missing our quiet team." He looked at my father that was facing right towards my and I saw my brother to the right. We were all restrained on chair and Harkov spoke to my dad. "Where's Echo team?" My dad spoke. "You know I'm not telling u a damn thing." Harkov spoke. "No? Well let see if I can change your mind." He pulled out his P99 pistol and shot me in the stomach and my dad shouted. "No!" My brother shouted to Harkov. "Son of a bitch! I'm gonna kill you!" Harkov spoke. "Easy junior I ain't even started with u yet." My dad spoke. "Roach, look at me, look at me son." I was in serious pain from taking the bullet, but I looked at my dad. Harkov spoke while walking towards my dad. "That's right u look at him. That's it, toon him how much pain he's caused you. Funny thing about your old man, he lets his men die to save his own ass." My dad responded to him. "Damn it, Dimintri! This is between u and me! Leave my boys out of it!" Harkov spoke. "Your talking to a superior, Lieutenant. toon some discipline." My dad spoke. "You were never one of us. Your not an operative." Harkov spoke. "Well that's just cause I'm better than you." He stempel, punch him and then spoke. "I've always better then you!" He continued swinging until he spoke. "But call yourself an operative?!" He swung again and continued in. "Your nothing! u and your sons, u are dead." I started to break free from the rope that was tied behind me. Harkov spoke. "Your name dies with you." I managed to break free from the rope and got up and went for the P99 on his holster. Harkov felt it coming and got hold of my arm and spoke. "Ohh, he still got a little life in him! Didn't he ever tell u no to aim guns at people? They could go off!" He then aimed the gun at my dad and fired at him and spoke. "That's it! Just a little meer that way!" I trying to fight back not to aim at my dad, but he continued on. "Come on!" My brother shouted out. "Damn it. Harkov! Stop!" He continued on and fired again at my dad. "Point!" He took the gun out of my hand and swung at me. I fell to the floor still in pain from the bullet in my stomach. My brother shouted at me. "Roach! Roach!" Harkov spoke to me. "Oooohh. u got brand in you, kid. I like that. Risking your life to protect your Captain." He spoke to my dad. "You can learn something from him, Victor." My dad responded. "He's my son." Harkov spoke. "Yeah... And he's gonna get to watch u die." He brand additional rounds at my dad and my brother Soap shouted out. "No! No! Dad!" Harkov pick up my dad and tossed him to the floor volgende to me. My brother shouted to Harkov. "I'll kill you, u hear me? I'll kill you, u son of a bitch! I'm gonna kill you! Mother fucker!" My dad looked at me and spoke. "I'm proud of you, Roach, everything is going to be..okay." Harkov walked up to my dad and spoke. "Oh, u are right Victor. I'm not an operative. I'm the man that hunts them, and sends them back to the other side." He aimed the P99 at his head at fired.

Present day

Frost was in disbelief in what I just told him. He then spoke. "What happen after that?" I spoke. "After that, they took me and my brother back with Josh and we were still kept prisoners. A couple hours later, two russians came up to us. One them zei in Russian that Harkov wanted me alive. Luckily me and my brother knew Russian. The other pulled out a Five Seven pistol and aimed it at my brothers head. Echo team had a remote .50 cal sniper on another building. One of Echo teams men had control of the sniper and saw this. He fired at the russian before he could kill my brother. We saw this to our advantage, Josh and my brother attacked the guards along with sniper support. Thanks to Echo teams help we got out. Once out we saw Riley attack one of the Russians, but a sniper shot him, I checked on him, and he was shot in the leg, luckily the bullet went through. I picked him up while the others took out any Russians they saw. Our extraction chopper came and got us out of their, we were lucky to survive. We we returned to the veilig house in Germany, Riley was taken to surgery instantly. It was about an uur long, but he's doing well. Sarah his wife came door the room the volgende dag and told him that she was pregnant. Riley was very happy what he just heard and the both hugged each other." Frost then spoke. "How far is Sarah in?" I responded." She's 23 days in. We brought them both here to my veilig house so we can check on the pups and when will they be born as well." Frost then spoke. "Sorry about your dad, Roach. Seems to me that u and your brother are going through some tough times right now." I nodded and told him to bring Stacy so that we could check on her progress as well and to see how many pups are in her. Frost did what he was told and headed back to his veilig house.

He arrived with Stacy in less then two hours and they both went inside. They came into my room and saw what I was doing. I was on my laptop and I called Baseplate and spoke. "There's a clock tower in Hereford, where the names of the dead are inscribed. We try and honor their deeds even as their faces fade from our memory. Those memories are all that's left, when the bastards have taken everything else." Baseplate spoke. "What happen?" I responded. "He killed my dad. He's gone, Mac." Baseplate spoke. "What do u need from me, son?" I responded. "A location, our Russian informant says that Dimitri use to cache weapons at an old fortress in Siberia, he's got nothing meer solid then that. Place ring any bells?" Baseplate spoke. "Aye, we ran drones over suspects in the fortress back, during the cold war, but we never got winds of our targets visiting the area." I spoke. "What am I up against?" Baseplate spoke. "The place is big. Only one way in of out, unless u learnt to fly. Security office in the far side of the compound and a Command Center north of that. Both were heavily guarded. If Harkov is their, he'll be in that control room." I typed in and sent him items that I need. Baseplate spoke. "What's this you're sending me?" I spoke. "Equipment list." He responded. "That's a lot of hardware, Captain. What'd u plan on doin'?" I responded to him. "What u taught me to do... Kill em all." I ended the call and saw Frost and Stacy sitting door me. I got up and told them to follow me.

We entered a room where it had a monitor and a camera scanner connected to it. Stacy lied down and I got the scanner and turned on the monitor. I placed the scanner on her belly and got the image of their pup. I then spoke. "You guys have one pup." Frost and Stacy looked at each other and smiled. It may only be one pup, but they were happy. Stacy then spoke. "Is it a boy of a girl?" I checked, and responded. "I don't know. Well have to wait a bit, I'll check again in ten days." She nodded and so did Frost. I shut off the monitor and led them to their room for the time until the birth of their pup. I left them their and head out to the training area to talk with our new recruits that are joining us. Frost and Stacy decided to get some meer sleep since they were still tired.

10 days later

February 21 10:21hrs
Outside Western Territory
Jasper National park, Canada

The last ten days for Frost were not too bad for him. Stacy almost enters her mood swings. I did another check and the pup was a boy. Stacy and Frost were happy that it was a boy. Frost had a name already for his son. He wanted to name him David. Stacy really like that name. They named their unborn son David and the pup seem to agree with them with a kick to his mom's stomach. Frost then checked outside and saw that it was a clear day, and their was still snow on the ground. At least he could check out the area. He then noticed me come out in a snow ghille suit, sand tactical boots, sand tactical delta gloves, and a kruis bow with a 12x scope. I then headed outside and Frost followed me. I picked some caribou tracks on the snow and Frost already picked up it's scent. He told me to follow him to the caribou. It didn't take no meer then 5 minuten to find the caribou. Frost wanted to take care of it, so I let him do it. He crept closer and waited for the right time to make his move. I watched as he took down the caribou in a few minutes. He started to drag it back to my veilig house. We both made it back in a few minuten and Stacy was outside waiting for some food. They both started to eat and I headed for the front. I couldn't walk that good still due to being shot, but at least I wasn't using the crutch anymore.

Most of the dag Frost and Stacy were enjoying their time and Stacy practice her labor contractions when she gets to her due datum soon. They both then took a walk around the area and seem to enjoy the snow. It may be cold, but they were use to it. Suddenly Frost picked up a two scents that was familiar to him and he started to wag his tail. "Mom, Dad are u here?" He spoke. They both came out from the bushes to the South East and Linda spoke. "Hello Humphrey, it's good to see my son and daughter in law for the first time." Linda and Nate walked up to them and hugged their two kids. The four wolves headed towards the frozen river and talked for a while.

The dag was coming to an end and the four wolves headed back to my veilig house. Nate and Linda decided to stay with them until Stacy would give birth, Linda had lots of experience in helping female wolves out when they go into labor. Stacy told Linda that she was 22 days in her pregnancy and Linda could tell that she still had another maand left before David would be born.

One maand later

March 29 02:12 hrs
Task Force veilig House
Outside Western territory
Frost age 2 years
Jasper National Park, Canada

Stacy woke up and felt her water break, she then felt pain from her stomach and groaned. Frost woke up and could tell that she was in labor. He woke up both of his parents and then called me in to the room. Linda got into action and Nate got a bowl and headed out to get some water. Stacy spoke. "How is he? I placed a hand on her stomach and could feel their son moving, he was ready. "He's ready to come. Linda toon us your magic skills." I zei to the two females. Nate arrived in time and Frost was to right of his wife and placed his paw on hers. Stacy was doing her contraction breaths and waited for Linda to giver her the word.

5 minuten later

Linda can tell that the pup was in position. She then spoke to Stacy. "Okay dear, ready?" Stacy nodded and Linda spoke. "Okay, now push." Stacy started to push and was screaming not that loud, she stopped and took in a few breaths and pushed again.

10 minuten later

Stacy pushed one last time and the pup came out. She started to pant really heavenly and saw her son and so did Frost. I went for the bowl of water and gave it to Stacy. She started to drink the water slowly since she was still tired. Frost and I looked at David as he crawled to his mother and started to drink her milk. David had grey vacht, bont just like his father, but we still couldn't tell whose eyes he has just yet. That would have to wait awhile. Nate and Linda walked up and saw their grandson. Nate spoke. "He's amazing." Linda spoke as well. "He's adorable." Frost smiled and spoke. "We should all get some sleep right now." The four wolves nodded and lied down together and I left to my room to get some rest. Frost and Stacy however could sense that something terrible was going to happen soon.

2 weeks later

March 7 08:00 hrs
veilig House
Outside Western territory
Jasper National Park, Canada

Frost, Stacy and their son David all just woke up and the two weeks that went door David was not like any other born pup at all. He was like his father. A serious wolf, but also had the Omega side on him as well. He had his father's eyes on him when he opened them a week after he was born. He told his dad that he wanted to fight, but also be a medic. Luckily Frost and Stacy knew what to do. David would be trained for six months and they believe that he could do it, even though he was small and young. David told his parents that he wanted to get started right away.

David was taking to the training area near the Western territory border and was now being taught door his two parents the basics first.

(That end this part. meer of this is will be on the way. College will slow me down, but I won't stop. Until volgende time.)
posted by 63712
gunfire echoed through the iranian pack a.k.a the eastern pack the us aka the west have been at war for years and now it all depends on one man. sgt. henry humphrey blackburn. him and his sqaud misfit 1-3 have been at war with echo 5 another group helping them. it was that dag it happened. an operator named cpl. hutch maktovic fell asleep while on a jeep ride cpt.winston cole got him awake and hutch said; ive been asleep fo 34 minuten 34 minuten drinkin a.. vanila milkshake, that mean something? just then a rpg rocket hit a jeep infront of them cole yelled out :jesus fucking christ ambush!...
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Hybred and the others started to unleash their furry of 30 rounds of silver bullets on the attacking lycans, hutch who was bittin was slowly dieing from his bit wounds. Ryan was then also then bittin and was screaming in pain. " GET THIS FUCKING THING OFF OF ME" he cried. those where his last words as he was draged away into the darkness. Destroyer picked up his gun and started to beat in a dying lycans head. "GET SOME MOTHER FUCKER" he yelled. Hybred was left fighting a Lycan with his mes and was quickly stabbing the brut until it bleed out. when the...
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Ok i got new ideas for spirit hart-, hart flames n, roses. I drew a few pictures of Zoe. It will be geplaatst tomorrow. If it can. But spirit hart-, hart wolf is in the gallery. u have to zoek through the alpha and omega pics on fanpop. So spirit hart-, hart I might make a new episode. The project x i don't have enough ideas. I already got the xbox in it and booze, violents, Simba init. In part 5 there will be sex for the ones that like Kate and Lilly. Each fan gets a turn though. Soooooo.... I need new ideas for the project x, the spirit hart-, hart series I got new ideas for that. But I'm having really hard time getting u guys init. In part 5 I might put in grand theft auto, one of us has to steal a car, and the sex thing I already told you. So give me a few ideas.
verse 1:
dark in this womb here
i cant hear, cant see clear
damn this fate for
damning me in this place

verse 2:
there is a light i can feel
warm feel, my deal
with the devil trapped me
damning me forever in here

now im
born free
my destiny calls me
from this womb i
am born now i can see
now im born free
i flow to my black sea
born free
to run
now im
born free

verse 3:
screams in this dark place
shivering haste, fog haze
beats i can hear
bereave me of all fear

verse 4:
the pulse is racing in this cell
the sound of a bell, "is this hell?"
the world i can now see
now im born free

now im
born free
my destiny calls me
from this womb i
am born now i can see
now im born free
i flow to my black sea
born free
to run
now im
born free

born freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (the eee's following tune)
now im born free
my destiny kills me.
My name is Xi Omega born over 813 years on the planet Gallifrey, I’m the last Time Knight and I fight evil across the world but I will always be alone and cannot be free from this cures, but this is the story about me and my vrienden and how I came to settle in Jasper with my new family.
Xi’s POV
I decide to investigate Jasper National Park in Canada before I go home pagina to London “Well here we go” I zei as I jumped down the long heuvel not a care in the world although I knew of the many threats to earth but I needed this break I had just come from Nome in Alaska in 1925 from the illness and...
continue reading...
It was hard beating the swarm of Alpha Shades but they did it Xi, Humphrey, Lilly, Kate, Garth, Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Ryan, Ghastly, Fletcher, Tanith, China, Pedro, Nico, Blu, Jewel, Blade and Water had done it and at that same moment brand and the Doctor came out of the cave “Right brand has the power in him now so he now have a chance against Alpha and Artimus” zei the Doctor, Xi smiled and zei “Good now we can put phase two of my plan” Humphrey then raised his eyebrow “What’s phase two?” he asked.
Alpha was furious when he got the meld that his death squad was defeated by...
continue reading...
Kate and Humphrey adventures.
Mini story 5. Part 1 of 1. “After the fallout.”

After their three dag waiting period, the pack emerged from the airplane hangar. This was the first fresh air they have had in three days and it felt great. A cool breeze brushed through the valley making everyone feel even better. "So what should we do dad?" Kate wondered. "Well, go back to the usual routines I guess. All Will zei to do is wait in there for three days and then come out." Winston replied. "OK, everyone feel free to do whatever, just try and stay somewhat close to the populair spots." Kate announced....
continue reading...
posted by alphamajor
should i write about life after the first alpha and omega movie or

life after the first alpha and omega movie with me in it or

life in a completely different pack with me in it and new characters of

life with a character from the first alpha and omega omega movie in my town


i needed meer words so ignore the ses plz help door commenting
posted by trueshadowwolf
1. humphrey
2. garth
3. lilly
4. tony
5. winston
6. eve
7. salty
8. shakey
9. mooch
10. marcel and paddy
11. all the alpha wolves.

kate was the only one that ever survived. the creature didnt come back to kill her. cause spring was over. jeeper creepers was known as a demon thats a bat from hell. in every spring it gets to eat. but when springs over. it wraps up like a shell. but kate never found humphreys body. of shakeys body. so this is not the end of the story. u will find out later.
posted by Red_Pyramid206
I had woken up on a beautiful Thursday morning to the sound of my wife Katie sound asleep volgende to me. She was naked in anthro form after having a bit of wild hot sex last night. I looked at the calender and realized I did not have to go to work till Monday! I forgot that my office gave us a mini spring break! Since it was 7 AM, I decided to go back to sleep with Katie. I pulled the covers over us and wrapped my arms around her luscious breasts. After drifting off to sleep. I suddenly found myself on the hard floor. Katie decided it would be funny to push me off the bed this morning as a prank....
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hallo guys please enjoy

When eve finished telling Nathan about his new form and everything she walked him to the clan school where they decide what territory and if there an alpha of not. " but here we are Nathan we might see u soon " eve zei then she walked away.
Well here I go he thought then when he came close enough he heard a voice " stop and state where u came from " a voice said. " the eastern clan " Nathan told the voice.
Then he walked out " welcome I'm can-do and ill be your master for now , got it ". He zei firmly " got it " Nathan
told him quietly. " follow me " cando told him....
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posted by DJBrandon
There's a brand starting in my hart-, hart (D)
I heard that your dreams came true (S)
Don't underestimate the things that I will do (S)
There's a brand starting in my hart-, hart (D)
Reaching a fever pitch And it's bringing me out the dark (D)
Now rumour has it she ain't got your love anymore, (R)
Rumour has it, rumour, (R)
Rumour has it, rumour, (R)
Rumour has it, rumour, (R)
Rumour has it, rumour, (R)
Rumour has it, rumour, (R)
Rumour has it, rumour, (R)
Rumour has it, rumour, (R)
Rumour has it, rumour, (R)
The scars of your love remind me of us (D)
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all (D)
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited (S)
Rumour has it! (R)
I heard that you're settled down (S)
That u found a girl and you're married now. (S)
But u played it (D)
(You're gonna wish u never had met me) (D)
u played it (D)
Rumour has it (R)
Never mind, I'll find someone like u (S)
u played it (D)
We could have had it all (D)
u played it to the beat. (D)
posted by ninja989
It was a wonderful dag in New York as a German Shepard was woken door the warm sun as he woke his dream disturbed. His love kissing him it was the collie down the straat her name has Sophie. Then Sophie came to visit ninja (the German shepard.)

Hi ninja" zei Sophie

Ninja blushed "hi

Are u ok?

Me oh yeah

You seem stressed

No I'm fine

They started a Conversation as they walked together but, Sophie kept blushing why? Beacuse she was secretly in love with him but she was to scared to tell him.

Are u sure Ninja? " zei Sophie

Well.. There has been something on mind" zei Ninja shyly

What is it?...
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hallo fellow wolves please commentaar and enjoy : )-

When Nathan found out Jon wasn't at the hospital he knew Wright away he had to save him. But how he was miles away from jasper park and one human verses 70 wolves who will win. nate thought,
So Nathan got the best transportation thing he could get, a doge ram from a house a couple houses away from the hospital.
" Come on work , work." ( ZAP ) " aahhh fuck " Nathan zei while getting a electricated. " that's a good way to start the dag " he zei while putting the truck it in drive.
When he drove away no one noticed him driving, " jasper here I come...
continue reading...
posted by kingdom123
as i stepped out into the moonlight i knew i wasnt alone.... i felt a... presence, another wolf! it had to be! i could sence that from a mile away! had to be here she had been hunting me for months she just could never find me, i had been in hiding, but i have finally come out.... but she has found me! i started running as fast as i could! sticks cracked under me as i ran, how could this be? how could she find me! i was stunned as another wolf jumped on top, boven of me, nala why are u running so fast? wew! it was only my brother, konar my fellow pack brother, oh konar i was just..uhh...
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posted by lonehumphrey
I have to give credit to ( kateandme) for the ideas so thank u for the help. Hope u injoy.

When Nathan woke up he found himself in a cave with his head pounding from dehydration but his foot seemed better somehow. When his eyes adjusted to the light he saw a ( human) but he looked just at it and it was a golden beautiful wolf.
" o holy crap " Nathan screamed while jumping up but only to rebreak his already injured foot.
" Its ok its ok " zei the golden wolf. " Wwhere am I " Nathan asked. " Your in jasper park its ok I wont hurt u I just want to ask u a few questions".
The wolf zei while...
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hallo guys, Mack wolf here, i'm just posting this to tell u guys im writing a new artical and news on my other one.

Ok the new artical "Life with the Pack" is my seconde fan fic ever

it's about a week since Kate and Humphrey and Lill and Garth became mates and life is great tell they run in with a very odd 14 jaar old boy who know's how to hunt, and after they meet, the 3 pack leader's: Winston, Eve, and Tony make a very odd questian for the boy to kom bij the pack. how will Humphrey, Kate, Lilly , Garth and the whole pack deal with this boy and how long befor they start a fight of become friends?

so that's the new artical, now on the news with "Life with Wolves" i have not giving up on it i'm just on writers block and i've thought of all these other articals to write so im just taking a break don't think i'm giving up im not.

well that's basically it so im done, peace bro's and bra's

-Mack Wolf
posted by Red_Pyramid206
Fellow Alpha and Omega Club Members,

I am Chris' Son Leon, the eldest of his children. Lately I have zei that my hart-, hart is broken and I lost my job. Yes, that is true. I forgive the girl who hurt me and we are best vrienden as of right now. However, I am embarassed to say that I did not take it well earlier.

After I got the text from my GF, My world shattered. I had just gotten home pagina from a maand long assignment and was going to propose to her. After the breakup. I spend most of my morning crying, then it got worse. I turned to alcohol and ended up drinking 2 and a half bottles of liquor. I...
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posted by MarvelousAlpha
The four wolves were still waiting for the black wolf to wake up. Kate saw a small area of red on the girl's side. Blood. Kate walked over to an area of gras and picked the longest and widest one. She took it and wrapped it around the black wolf's body, covering up the blood. Confused, Humphrey asked, "Umm, what are u doing?"

She tied a knot on the blade of gras to keep it in place and answered, "It'll keep her blood inside her body, where it belongs."

"Good thinking," Garth said.

"What do u think her name is?" Lilly asked the others, after a few minuten of waiting.

Kate wondered the same...
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ok so this is my first fan Fic so go easy on me.

so basicaly this is a "Life with" story and u can see it's about alpha and omega.

so the story is about me and my five good friends/band mates and what happens is that their live start suck meer and meer and when they kill one of thier rivals men, they leave thier old lives behind door getting help door their muziek teacher who lends them a medium sized truck and load ther muziek equipment, clohtes, and other things and set off but when they get to Jasper park a misteryus thing happens.... read it to find out what it is?

oh and in this fan fic Kates...
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