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Well, Ryan Murphy had promised last week that we would get closure on Violet’s status and we sure did: the Harmon daughter is indeed dead. She kicked the bucket a few episodes back when she took all those pills, attempting suicide. While it appeared Tate had saved her, he was in fact too late. Last night’s episode, “Smoldering Children,” also revealed that Tate was actually the one who burned Larry in a drug-induced rage before embarking on the school shooting. Heavy stuff but then there was some levity when...
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( Scene) The Harmon family in the car on the way to their new home.

Violet: L.A is full of creeps, drug dealers and killers, great place to verplaats to. ( sarcastic tone of voice)

Ben: hallo crabby! cut it out. This house will be a new start for all of us

Violet: Whatever

Viv: u know violet I wish u were a little meer optimistic about this, u get to start over

( violet does a big fake grin)

Viv: Forget I asked.

( Arrive at the new house)

Violet: Holy shit is that our house!

Viv: Yes it is, I think it's great.

Ben: And it was plenty cheap too

( Big 19th century mansion)

( Ben rings doorbell and waits...
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When it comes to stories about relationships ruined door horndog infidelity, the blonde bombshell wrapped in red is usually the other woman, not the woman destroyed. But American Horror Story is not a toon to indulge conventional thinking. The jaar is 1983, five years after the Infantata shredded the redheaded twins in the basement of chopped up baby parts. The house was derelict then. Now it is restored, home pagina to a car salesman and his wife. Moira the housekeeper is not yet a female Janus with a dead right eye. She’s Moira Jr. young, though Moira Sr. weary. She’s smoothing the sheets when...
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 GETTING BUGGY Sister Mary (Lily Rabe) and Frank (Fredric Lehne) try to make sense of current events in "Dark Cousin."
GETTING BUGGY Sister Mary (Lily Rabe) and Frank (Fredric Lehne) try to make sense of current events in "Dark Cousin."
Episode 07 | Aired Nov 28, 2012

An angelic femme fatale brings the promise of eternal peace to the suffering souls of The Asylum in 'Dark Cousin'
By Jeff Jensen at EW

Divine intervention broke into the bedeviled world of American Horror Story: Asylum, but she did not come bringing truth for the deceived, of justice for the wronged, of liberation for the oppressed. The only balm she had for the suffering, the only release she had for the stricken, was a kiss of death. She called herself “Shachath." In ancient Aramaic, the word means “destroy” of “spoil” of “go to ruin.” She insinuated...
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 "I'LL FLY AWAY!" "Betty Drake" takes a (psychotic) break in "Continuum." The haggard survivor of Briarcliff horror vowed to make like The Flying Nun (which was based on her life's story, don't u know!) and flap away from The Asylum, even without her mag
"I'LL FLY AWAY!" "Betty Drake" takes a (psychotic) break in "Continuum." The haggard survivor of Briarcliff horror vowed to make like The Flying Nun (which was based on her life's story, don't you know!) and flap away from The Asylum, even without her mag
Episode 12 | Aired Jan 16, 2013

Broken promises and shattered dreams abound as the survivors of Asylum horror verplaats into the future in 'Continuum'
By Jeff Jensen at EW

Once there was a great society that tried to take hold in America. But some horrible things happened, and the story of our culture took the turns that brought us to today. I think we all know who’s responsible. That’s right: Those filthy freakin' aliens. Damn those shadowy monsters for turning the sixties into a boneyard of broken promises and shattered dreams! Damn those unsightly creatures for their hideous Otherness and unreasonable...
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 "HEIL ME!" Suspected Nazi war criminal Dr. Arden bluffed Sister Jude out of power and silenced a threat to his freedom with a few taps of his orbitoclast in the conclusion of "I Am Anne Frank."
"HEIL ME!" Suspected Nazi war criminal Dr. Arden bluffed Sister Jude out of power and silenced a threat to his freedom with a few taps of his orbitoclast in the conclusion of "I Am Anne Frank."
Episode 05 | Aired Nov 14, 2012

Not a good night for the ladies, as Bloody Face shows his true face and Dr. Arden seizes control of The Asylum
By Jeff Jensen at EW

Sister Jude lost her power. Lana Winters lost her freedom. Grace lost control of her body, and then her voice, while “Anne Frank,” married name charlotte Brown, born charlotte Cohen, lost her mind and all of her identities. The seconde part of “I Am Anne Frank” was one goosestep vooruit, voorwaarts for the wolfish Mad Men of Briarcliff Manor Sanatorium, one giant leap backward for women and their fight for self-determination. As usual,...
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Ben Harmon reaches the end of his rope and Tate's son shows his true colors in 'Afterbirth'

"Afterbirth,” the season finale of American Horror Story and possibly the series finale for Ben, Vivien and violet Harmon, left me in limbo. My opinion pings between cool admiration and hot disappointment, between reflections like “It's Sartre's No Exit but with a happy ending! How ironic!” and snarky knee-jerk reactions like “That was lame. And Sartre? Can u be any meer pretentious?!” (Sadly, I can.) Right now, I'm pinging toward the positive. The meer I sit with the finale,...
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Tonight’s episode, “Spooky Little Girl,” revealed two meer deaths that occurred in the infamous “Murder House”: Elizabeth Short aka “The Black Dahlia” (Mena Suvari) and Constance’s boytoy Travis (Michael Graziadei). The ghostly presences in that house are starting to really multiply. Perhaps the most chilling moment though occurred at the very end during a keuken-, keuken conversation between Constance (Jessica Lange) and Billie Dean (Sarah Paulson). Worried over what kind of child Tate (Evan Peters)...
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 Livestrong and Prosper. Lana Winters and Kit Walker represented two different kinds of confession, redemption, and happily ever after in "Madness Ends." One was worth modeling. The other... not so much?
Livestrong and Prosper. Lana Winters and Kit Walker represented two different kinds of confession, redemption, and happily ever after in "Madness Ends." One was worth modeling. The other... not so much?
Episode 13 | Aired Jan 23, 2013

An interview with Lance... er, Lana Winters leads to confessions, revelations, and one meer battle with Bloody Face in 'Madness Ends'
By Jeff Jensen at EW

For the seconde time this season, American Horror Story: Asylum unintentionally tapped the zeitgeist in a way only super-psychic Billie Dean Howard could have foreseen. On Halloween, we watched a “Nor’Easter” lash Briarcliff Manor Sanatorium during a black mass movie night as Hurricane Sandy completed its terrifying week-long rampage up and down the East coast. Last night, less than a week after Lance Armstrong...
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Episode 11 | Aired Jan 9, 2013

Twisted mother issues and bizarre baby trouble curdle the horror and spoil some heroic triumphs in 'Spilt Milk'
By Jeff Jensen at EW

Johnny Morgan, the man who believed he was the son of Bloody Face, sat in the gloom of his suspected father’s old home pagina stewing in his scruffy tank-top skank and toking on a hachee, hash pipe while waiting for something stronger to make the pain go away. She arrived in the form of a call girl named Pandora, a spirited treasure chest filled with playful vice, whose bulging bosom was meer juiced than usual thanks to a recent transformation:...
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 Damn Plucky. Lana Winters (Sarah Paulson) conspires to take control of her fate in "The Name Game."
Damn Plucky. Lana Winters (Sarah Paulson) conspires to take control of her fate in "The Name Game."
Episode 10 | Aired Jan 2, 2013

Death and regime change come to The Asylum, as the powerful take a tumble and the misfits take charge. And dance!
By Jeff Jensen at

When we last saw Monsignor Timothy before the holiday break (Happy New Year, door the way), the man who would be pope had been nailed to a chapel kruis like Christ himself door a Bad Santa and appeared doomed for a smooch from soul-sucking Shachath. But last night's episode of American Horror Story revealed that the black winged femme fatale had not dropped door for a dark night of the soul booty call. The angelic buzzard had a message...
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 Pass The Nutmeg. Sister Mary shares her recipe for being devilish with Creepy Jenny in "The Origins Of Monstrosity."
Pass The Nutmeg. Sister Mary shares her recipe for being devilish with Creepy Jenny in "The Origins Of Monstrosity."
Episode 06 | Aired Nov 21, 2012

Sister Mary and assorted Briarcliff devils reveal their "Origins Of Monstrosity" in a very special Thanksgiving episode. (Not!)
By Jeff Jensen at

The problem of evil is a tricky little devil. There is no single of simple answer to explain wickedness. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't ask and explore the question. ("If a way to the better there be, it lies in taking a full look at the worst" – Thomas Hardy.) Indeed, Ernest Becker – the famed cultural anthropologist who wrote The Denial of Death and Escape From Evil – believed that the root of humanity’s...
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[WARNING: The following story contains major spoilers from Wednesday's episode of American Horror Story, "Smoldering Children." Read at your own risk.

Um, worst boyfriend ever?

So Tate, it turns out, decided it was best for violet not to know she had accidentally killed herself and instead proposed that the two commit (fake) suicide and live in Murder House happily ever after. Because of course that trumps boarding school! And when that idea didn't go over so well, he took poor violet to see her decaying, fly-bait of a corpse, which he had stashed in a crawl space beneath the house. Because that's...
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 STARLET UNBOUND Madison Montgomery is named after the capitol cities of Wisconsin and Alabama, respectively. She shares alliterative initials with Marilyn Monroe and shares a Marilyn Monroe fixation with Lindsay Lohan. Unlike either of those ladies, Madis
STARLET UNBOUND Madison Montgomery is named after the capitol cities of Wisconsin and Alabama, respectively. She shares alliterative initials with Marilyn Monroe and shares a Marilyn Monroe fixation with Lindsay Lohan. Unlike either of those ladies, Madis
Episode 01 | Aired Oct 9, 2013

A bewitching new season of the horror anthology introduces a new world of mystery and terror
By Darren Franich at

The first uur of American Horror Story: Coven featured two escalating instances of homicidal telekinetic vengeance, a shot of the flayed skinless face of an enslaved human being, the apparently quite painful transformation of a man into a minotaur, the deflowering of a virgin teenager, various forms of sexual assault (including two instances of brain-imploding vagina dentata), the apparent deaths of three main characters (one already resurrected),...
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 THE DEVIL'S LITTLE HELPER Sister Mary helps Jean Valjean -- er, I mean Monsieur Lee Miserables get suited up for a Briarcliff slay ride in "Unholy Night"
THE DEVIL'S LITTLE HELPER Sister Mary helps Jean Valjean -- er, I mean Monsieur Lee Miserables get suited up for a Briarcliff slay ride in "Unholy Night"
Episode 08 | Aired Dec 5, 2012

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. But he's a devil-lovin' psycho who just hates the 'Unholy Night' of Christmas. Sorry.
By Jeff Jensen at EW

How does The Devil celebrate Christmas? With parties and presents, Brenda Lee's "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree" and Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer. In other words: Pretty much like anyone else who celebrates Christmas. Which is a scary thought to consider. Hell’s Jingle Bells! The Lady Lucifer of American Horror Story is even a big believer in Santa Claus… although Ian McShane’s twisted, twinkle-eyed devil wasn’t...
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 Jessica Lange returns for her third season on "American Horror Story".
Jessica Lange returns for her third season on "American Horror Story".
The hit FX Network Golden Globe Nominated horror-drama series American Horror Story has been renewed for a third season and the award winning casting team is now holding auditions for new series regulars and guest stars. The show's format is anthology based, whereas the story, characters, and location for each season is different. The show's guest stars and extras will be cast throughout the season. After two seasons shooting in Los Angeles, the series moves to The Big Easy for it's third season. Filming begins in July, 2013 in New Orleans, LA.

"American Horror Story: Coven" will center on...
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 "At least I'll be out of this house." Vivien (Connie Britton) was betrayed door the living, psychologically tortured door the dead, and came to the realization that she had been raped door something hideously inhuman in "Rubber Man."
"At least I'll be out of this house." Vivien (Connie Britton) was betrayed by the living, psychologically tortured by the dead, and came to the realization that she had been raped by something hideously inhuman in "Rubber Man."
The lady of the house drifts from room to room like a ghost. She is trying very hard to keep hold of her mind. A violation has occurred. Something alien has taken possession of her home. Something profane has desecrated her sacred space. Nothing is as it should be. The décor – “cheap” and “vulgar” -- is not her décor. The furniture, the pottery, the stacks of boeken – a thin tome on Greta Garbo; another called Interiors – belong to another time, place, and sensibility. “Who are you? What did u do to my house?” asks Norah Montgomery, full of despair. “I am terribly confused.”...
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It’s the mystery that AHS fans have been wondering about for the past eight episodes of FX’s thriller: Who is Rubber Man? Well we finally got our answer in the latest installment of the Ryan Murphy/Brad Falchuk creepfest. The man in the rubber fetish suit is…

Tate (Evan Peters)! Yes the ghostly son of Jessica Lange’s Constance and the boyfriend of violet (Taissa Farmiga) is the fella who impregnated Violet’s mom, Vivien (Connie Britton), with twins. I’m fairly certain that a ghost/human spawn can’t...
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Tonight’s American Horror Story opened with one of the most disturbing sequences I’ve seen on TV: the mass shooting of the students of Westfield High door Tate (Evan Peters). Utterly haunting. Viewers also once again saw the hospital technician who fainted upon seeing Vivien’s ultrasound. Basically, it appears Vivien (Connie Britton) is pregnant with a demon baby. No big shocker there. And we saw a guest appearance door Modern Family‘s Eric Stonestreet who was plagued with paranoia...
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Spoilers if u havent watched Halloween Parts One and Two!

Tonight was the wrap-up to American Horror Story’s two-part Halloween installment, and viewers learned meer about the dark past of Tate (Evan Peters). It appears that the school shooting fantasies plaguing Tate were not a dream but a reality, and his victims came calling for a little payback (or at least recognition of the heinous thing he had done). Plus, Constance (Jessica Lange) admitted to violet that Tate was one of her children! EW talked to co-creator Ryan Murphy about tonight’s episode, and what’s in store for volgende week’s...
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