Amy MacDonald Amy's teamed up with concert Live! Take a live CD home pagina with u straight after her shows...

ConcertLive posted on Nov 02, 2010 at 03:08PM
Hi guys! We're excited to tell you about how Amy Macdonald has teamed up with the instant music specialist Concert Live.

We're producing limited edition “live CDs” of her Love-Love UK tour and her extensive European Arena tour.

Everything Amy sings and says on stage on the night on an exclusive 3 disc deluxe ‘digipak’ collector’s set featuring band-commissioned art work, exclusive content and recorded at a premium level.

The best thing about this CD is that it is made instantly and available for you to take away 10 minutes after the concert’s finished. Enjoy it on the way home and relive the experience.

We'll be producing and selling recordings of selected European tour dates on the night and throughout the tour.

Pre-order for collection at the show or for home delivery.

Go to to find out more and to order your limited edition CD now!

Where and when was your favourite Amy Macdonald concert and what made it so fantastic? We'd love to hear about it!

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