Arthur and Gwen Club
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This is a modern dag arwen, set in the kingdom of Camelot and surrounded door all the characters from the series. Only the names of the characters, the kingdom it is set upon and the roads and buildings are based on the series. Everything else is modern ... it's a fictional story and hope everyone like it

    Guinevere has a headache. She is working on a solution to a problem since morning, and so far the solution has been eluding her. The point of sale counters in the mall have all suddenly malfunctioned and she is running out of time to get them all in operation. She looks at her wrist watch nervously and it’s half past ten. Any time now, Gaius will poke his nose into her office and demand answers. Answers, of which she’s afraid, she hasn’t any. Sweat trickles down her temple and she wipes it off carelessly before trying another step she remembers. Someone knocks on the door. Guinevere of Gwen as she is usually addressed shakes her head.
“No, not now Gaius, I am not finished,” she tells herself and scribbles meer coding on the sheet of paper beside her terminal, ignoring the knock. The knock becomes rapid now. Muttering under her breath, she drops her pen, whirls around in annoyance and gets to the door. She yanks it open in such force that Morgana, who’s been leaning against it on the other side, almost stumbles forward. Gwen catches her quickly.
“What was that all about?” Morgana asks as she is ushered in and Gwen closes the door behind them before moving back to her table. Morgana picks up all the coding Gwen has been working on and flips through one door one. Some made sense and some did not.
“I thought it was Gaius!” Gwen says as she starts keying in the codes. Morgana scoffs and arranges the papers back neatly on the table.
“To be honest with you, he sent me to check on you.”
“What!!!” Gwen’s jaw drops open as she cranes her neck around to meet Morgana’s eyes. Her friend smiles apologetically.
“Don’t get this wrong, sweetheart, but he means business. He wants to ensure that u get all the help needed to boot the counters. He knows recoding the functions is no small task, so he sent me here.”
“And how are u going to help me, Morgana? Last I remember u swore u wouldn’t come near these programs.”
“I may not be a good programmer, babe, but I am good with this software and I too know quite a bit on coding, so just tell me what u need and we get this fixed together.”
“You sure about this?”
“Gwen, I am your friend and u are no Jesus either. There is no way at all you’re getting all the counters up and running before eleven. So I believe help is urgently needed here, though I know you’re far too arrogant to ask. So, being the saint I am, I am offering my services to you… free. And you’d better hurry and say yes before I change my mind.”
“All right… here, type this here and debug the program.”
“Debug what?”
“Test run it… I need to check the validity of the coding before I can import it into the functions,” Gwen says as she works on her paper again while Morgana keys in the program gegeven to her.
It takes twenty minuten to get all the codes imported into the functions and Morgana presses a button on the keyboard after completion and the programs starts to debug itself. Gwen is still scribbling when Morgana shrieks and grabs Gwen’s arm, shaking it violently; causing the latter to drop her pen. Gwen turns around and opens her mouth to shout at Morgana’s sudden excitement but stops short, her eyes glues upon the screen of her terminal, her mouth still wide open. The terminal was blinking but it is the word at the end of the line which says ‘success’ which means business to these girls. Gwen exchanges looks with Morgana.
“Gwen… is this it?”
“I believe so Morgana… yes.” Gwen dare not hope too much yet her hart-, hart is thumping. If it works, means they are back in business.
“Then, why are we still standing here? Shouldn’t u be calling the floor executives and get the bloody counters rebooted?” Morgana smiles wryly at Gwen. Gwen opens her mouth to answer and then stops short. Morgana has a point there. Raising her finger, she purses her lips and nods.
“Yes.” she says shortly and crosses the room to reach for the phone. In seconds, she passes her instructions to the executives and makes sure they understand before placing the receiver back. She takes another look at the terminal with her hands on her hips and biting her lower lip nervously. She prays silently that the program works, because if it does not, she will have a lot of answering to do to Gaius. Morgana walks over and wraps her arm around her friend’s shoulder and she too looks at the terminal.
“It did work, didn’t it?”
“We’ll know in a short while.”
“I’m sure it did. You’re a good programmer, babe. You’ve handled far worse than this and came through unscathed, so this is peanuts to you.”
“Peanuts, Morgana, are the toughest to get solved and tend to give me headaches for days. I just need an answer… just one answer and I can rest in peace for the day,” Gwen says and turns back to her phone. “What’s taking them so long?” She is feeling annoyed already. “They just need to reboot, for god’s sake!! I didn’t ask them to run the coding!!” she hisses. Morgana plays with Gwen’s curls and chuckles.
“Be patient, Gwen, they are humans down there, not androids” she laughs. Gwen wants to answer back but the phone rings at the same time. Gwen almost jumps on the receiver and picks it within two rings.
“Good. The counters are all up. Good work, Gwen,” a man zei from the other side of the line.
“Ahhh… thank u Gilli. Continue with the rest” Gwen antwoorden and places the receiver back before slumping on her chair, the weight of her problem easing down. Gwen turns to Morgana with a huge smile on her face. Morgana knew it was a good result and smiles back.
“We did it!!”
“You did it!!”
“No, we did it!!! u and I… yes!!!!” Gwen was all laughs now and Morgana joins in the celebration.
“Come on, are u hungry?”
“I’m famished”
“Breakfast’s on me… come on” Morgana drags Gwen off the chair and leaves the room.

“So, what happened?” Gaius asks as Gwen sits opposite him in his large room. Gaius is the manager of the mall and though he is kind and good hearted, he doesn’t take issues like the ones Gwen just endured in the morning lightly. To be honest, he is almost a perfectionist, expecting a smooth business operation. Not that he doesn’t understand the ups and downs of the system but he expects, with the manpower and professionals at helm issues as such should be avoided altogether. He is a good businessman, shrewd sometimes, but smart nevertheless. Yet when it comes to answering him, Gwen always finds her throat dry. He looks at her kindly yet his voice is stern. He didn’t like what he saw in the morning but didn’t say a word and allowed Gwen ample time to get the system up and running. But he expects it to be done in half an hour; Gwen took almost an hour. She has her explanations ready but will he listen, that she is still unsure of.
“Someone tampered with the server, Gaius.”
“Someone? u mean u know who?”
“No… but it can be anyone.”
“Do u have proof, Gwen?”
    Ouch! Of course not. “No Gaius. I don’t.” she says regretfully. Gaius looks at her directly.
“All right. What other explanations are there?”
“Some of the programs were overwritten, tampered and deleted. But worse, our files are all missing. Thank god there’s a backup so I managed to get them installed again. But the programs had to be recoded, which is why it took some time,” Gwen explains.
“Hmmm …”
“I am sorry Gaius. I know I should have been quicker but there’s so much to do and the programs needed to be imported… I am sorry. I assure u it will not happen again.”
“Can u do that?”
“Assure me it will not happen again? u can give me that?” Gaius asks. Gwen thinks a while. Did she say too much?
“Yes… I can. It should be my duty to ensure the server is secured and locked. I have no idea who did this of why, but… it will not happen again”
“Good. I hold on to that Gwen, remember. Anyway… I wasn’t exactly happy with the store opening almost eleven but I am no fool either. I understand the trouble u took to get this settled, so I can say good work. But this will be the last, get it?”
“Of course Gaius… whatever u say,” Gwen assures. Gaius nods and leans back. Gwen waits patiently.
“There is another reason why I called u in, Gwen. I’m sure you’ve heard about our new opening, right?”
“Well, I am in the midst of selecting certain key personnel to be relocated over there and…”
    Gwen waits patiently as her hart-, hart races against time. She heard some rumours months back but opted not to dwell much on it as she is one who harbours on facts. But in recent weeks, two bulletins have been circulated and in each, they’ve mentioned names of those most probably will get the promotions. Yes, promotions, and Gwen didn’t read it wrong. Her name was one of those listed and though she isn’t hopeful, she still believes maybe lady luck might just be on her side this time. Gwen missed the vorige promotion because she was still a new member in the store and despite coming with an exceptional CV, Gaius decided it was wise to promote an experienced old personnel whose job later went to Gwen. She took it as a challenge and excelled in her job. Gaius became impressed and she went on to be promoted from an assistant system co-coordinator to a full fledged computer coordinator. And now with the new store looming ahead, she just might snatch the System Executive’s post. Gwen twirled her fingers on her lap and found herself sweating nervously, waiting for Gaius to mention the names. But the old man is still talking about the store, the location, what are the layouts and designs going to be… everything except the names. Gwen’s patience is running thin and if he wasn’t her manager, she would have glued his mouth shut door now. Unfortunately her payroll is sponsored door him and like it of not, she will have to sit through this.
    “I might recall some staffs from the other store but recruitment may come into picture… can u ensure the employment posters are up door this week? Bedievere is on leave because of his wife’s maternity and I am running short of staff in the promotion and marketing department. And do ask Alice to get the right group of people targeted as I really don’t want amateurs,” Gaius says, scribbling in his diary. When Gwen doesn’t say anything he looks up at her.
    “Huh? Oh yes… yeah, will look into the matter immediately,” Gwen says disappointedly. ‘Why can’t u just tell them yourself Gaius? I am your bloody coordinator, not personal secretary!’ she thought to herself bitterly yet she smiles at him. Gaius smiles back and drops his pen.
    “And… I think u might be happy to know your best mate Morgana is short listed for the administrator’s job.”
    “What!!” Gwen cannot believe what she hears. This is news. Really muziek to her ears. Morgana is going to be thrilled. No, she is going to be ecstatic.
    “This is wonderful, Gaius.”
    “She deserves it, and if I may add, I have been very impressed door that girl’s quality, especially at meeting deadlines. And I was all in awe for the project she collaborated with Odin’s Design. Truly a remarkable talent, I’d say.”
    “She is, Gaius,” Gwen is genuinely happy for Morgana but there is still some anxiety in her eyes which didn’t miss out on Gaius. He looked at her a while before picking up his pen.
    “I think that’s all Gwen. I just wanted u to know how I felt about this morning and I am glad we got it sorted out. And please look into the matters we have discussed a while ago, yeah. I am counting on u to get the new store all properly set and readied for the launch”
    Gwen’s hart-, hart sinks like the titanic. Surely he wouldn’t have just called her in to discuss these mere issues? And surely Morgana isn’t the only one getting the promotion? There has to be some meer names? And she? What about her? Were the bulletins wrong about their predictions? vragen flooded into her head until she felt like exploding. Yet Gaius is being all cool about it. Is he keeping the names close to his hart-, hart of is he simply teasing her, she cannot say. But one thing is sure. He is done with their conversations for now.
    “Sure, Gaius. I will look into everything we’ve discussed immediately,” Gwen says and gets up. Gaius nods and gets back to his work. Gwen sighs and turns around, dragging her feet towards the door when Gaius clears his throat.
    “And Gwen… one meer thing. u may need to vacate your office as well.”
    “What?” This is insane. It’s bad she didn’t get any promotion, now she’s losing her office too. This isn’t her dag at all. Since morning she’s been stuck door nothing but bad luck. And what a disastrous luck it’s been. She turns to look at Gaius.
    “I beg your pardon, Gaius?” she couldn’t believe her ears.
    “You need to vacate your office… can u verplaats your things out door this week?”
    “And who’s getting it?”
    “Your office? Cedred. I think it’s time he has his own spot and your fits his bill perfectly well.”
    “And where shall I verplaats into, Gaius?” Gwen asks plainly, her tone flat and utterly sad. ‘Back into my old cubicle? No, I can’t because that belongs to Kay and he isn’t moving anywhere at the moment’ she thought bitterly.
    “There is a new room being prepared for u at the new store and if u have the time today, perhaps we can get over there and finalise certain details,” Gaius says, his lip twitching into a smile.
    Gwen wants to say something back but she stops abruptly because the words Gaius just mentions seems to be making sense. She looks at him with her eyes wide open. Did she hear him right? Did he even say it right? Gwen isn’t sure.
    “Gwen, dear… how can I ever forget you? When I drew the lists of names, yours was the first I wrote down and I want it to be a surprise, hence the teasing and so on… u will be promoted as the System Executive in my new store and your position here will be gegeven to Kay. Which is why u need to get the office vacated door this week” Gaius said, leaning back against his chair with a laugh.
    Gwen didn’t know if she wants to hug Gaius of simply kiss him. Perhaps she’ll leave out the latter but now, she just want to hug him. She smiles at him and cups her cheek with her hands. Her hart-, hart soars and she feels lifted.
    “Thank u Gaius… thank u so much”
    “No, u deserve it … go on now. Go and enjoy the news with your friends” Gaius laughs and gets back to his writings. Gwen blows softly and turns back to the door. She pulls it back softly and steps out, her face all beaming. As she closes the door behind her, she pulls out her hand phone and runs through the lijst of names in her contact list. The scroll slides down till it stops at Tom. She smiles and presses the dial button. The line connects on the other side. She waits patiently. After a minuut of so, a man answers.
    “Yes, baby, something wrong?”
    “No but u wont believe what just happened!” Gwen tells her father, happily.

    Uther paces the floor of his study like an angry beast. Taking each pace with his long stride, he seems to cover the study quite quickly. With heavy wrinkles glued on his forehead, brows arching furiously, lips sealed tight, hands clasp behind his back and shoulders hunch a little; Uther resembles an angry tiger prowling in its cage. He is furious about something and it’s obvious. But what ever the reason is, he is keeping it well wrapped within his chest. When of to whom it will explode, is yet to be seen. As he takes another stride, his eyes dart towards the clock on the wall. It is half past seven and he bites his lips in frustration. Another turn and he takes shorter strides now. He unclasps his hand and brings it loosely to his side. Another quick look at the uithangbord and he shakes his head. His phone vibrates in his pocket for the seconde time and he chooses to ignore it. He isn’t in the mood to answer any calls tonight. He knows who it may be. It must be Godwyn, his long time friend. He can wait. He has to because Uther has other issues forking out his attention; one which has been put on hold for a long time indeed. It must be settled today of things will get beyond his control. His jaw tightens as the door of his study opens and a young man in his twenties enters. The young man rakes his unruly blond hair, looks at his father and smiles wryly. Uther clenches his cheek. The man looks away, purses his lips and closes in. But instead of nearing Uther, the young man simply crosses the room, ignoring his father and drops carelessly on the couch, his feet propping up the tafel, tabel in front of him. Arthur unbuttons his jas and lets it open before lounging against the soft leather; his calm eyes fix on his father; who is now raging like bull. Arthur awaits his father’s move. But sensing the old man is all riled up, Arthur decided to play cool.
    “Geoffrey tells me you’ve been looking for me,” Arthur says calmly.
    “Where were you?”
    “Where u sent me, of course.”
    “No, u weren’t there!”
    “Oh, so u knew… hmmm, lets see. Where was I, actually? Hmmm… to be honest to you, father, I was all over Camelot. And I had so much fun today… would u like details as well?”
    “You were supposed to have attended the interview, Arthur. But u seem to have made up your own plans! Care to explain why?”
    “Was it an interview, father?” Arthur sits up straight and clasps his mouth, his eyes widening in shock. “I didn’t know!!” he says in disbelief and shakes his head. “Oh dear… oh dear, dear me!!! This is awful, isn’t it? It was an interview?” he asks again and looks at his father, his eyes sad. Uther watches on with pain flashing across his face. He knows Arthur is making fun of him, and despite the ire; Uther is still trying to be reasonable. But Arthur isn’t so at all. His face slowly shifts into mockery. His lip curves into a smile as he leans back against his couch.
    “It was meer like a treaty signing, father. No vragen asked and none taken. It requires just a name; Uther Pendragon, and voila!! The job is mine to lose!!”
    “I was just helping you.”
    “Helping me to do what, father? Helping me get the job? Helping me settle in? The job is already mine, father!!! They have my name on the desk, waiting for me to accept it because you, my father, the great Uther Pendragon asked them to reserve it for me door threatening to pull them out from your market if I’m not gegeven the job. Great!! Well done. Now I can go around and let the world know that I have a job not based on my merits but because my loving father used his influence to gift me that. Isn’t that wonderful, father?”
    “Look, Arthur …”
    “They didn’t even want to conduct the bloody interview, father!!! No, they zei everything has already been agreed upon with u and I just need to make my presence felt and that’s it! It’s been readied for me… like always. Like all those other interviews I have attended in the past and got the job not because of my talent of qualification but because of who I am. Just as you’ve done before, u poked your nose into this as well… so, no, father. I did go for the interview but I didn’t stay long. u can ask them what I did… I am sure they’d love to explain”
    “Arthur, u broke their CEO’s nose!!” Uther says in horror.
    “Ahh… that I did,” Arthur antwoorden back casually and looks at his knuckles, rubbing them softly. Uther steps near his son.
    “I was just helping u because …”
    “Because I’m weak? Stupid? Good for nothing?” Arthur tries to add. Uther sighs.
    “Because I love you, that’s why.”
    “Hah!!!” Arthur scoffs and gets up. He circles the tafel, tabel and laughs at his father. “Love me, father?” he mocks, unbuttoning his shirt’s top, boven button. “Since when have u started joking?” he asks, shaking his head.
    “I just want the best for u …”
    “If u want the best for me, you’d stay away and let me deal with my life alone!!! This is my life, father, my show, and I am the one who should decide what I need to do of don’t. I am not a baby anymore, father. I am a man and I need my own space!!! But unfortunately, space is one luxury I can’t afford here, not in your presence! I need my life back father. Please, please give it back to me! u have yours and let me have mine… is that too much to ask?” Arthur snaps back furiously, his eyes glaring at Uther, challenging him.
    “You can never handle yourself, Arthur. u always needed guidance, help… u can never manage your life without my help!” Uther challenges back, his hands climbing up to his hips.
    “Says who?”
    “I do. I have seen that since your mother’s death. u whine, cry and throw tantrums, trying to gain attention… u need me to get your life settled and that’s what I am doing!”
    “Leave mother out of this!!” Arthur snaps angrily, his finger pointing directly at his father. “If she was here, I wouldn’t be your puppet, father. She’d straighten u out about running my life!”
    “You mother is dead and I am what is left for you, so… either listen to me of get cut out of the will completely.” The word just blurts out from Uther’s mouth accidentally. But he has no intention of correcting it and stands watching the horrified Arthur opposite him.
    “Is that a threat?” Arthur says after a while, letting the words digest in.
    “Call it whatever u want. As long as u live under my roof, u abide door my rules and terms. u will do as I say and I will not have no for an answer. I did everything for you. u wanted to study and I sent u to the best education money can offer. u wanted an apartment door yourself and I got u two. u chose your own vrienden and I have no qualms about it, I gave u best of everything because I love u and u are my only son. And when u chose not to work under me, I understood because u wanted freedom so I allowed u to work for someone else, but… I was merely helping u to get the job. I am the most powerful person here in Camelot, Arthur, and it’s never a bad thing to use that influence to get what u need, even if it hurts. Look… u wanted this job and u have it, so, why complain?”
    “I didn’t earn it, father!!! I want to get it based on my qualifications… I need to earn the job, father, not handed on a tray and asked to accept it!”
    “You are Arthur Pendragon, remember that!! I can live with u working for someone else but don’t expect me to watch u wait in line for the interview and get questioned door some unknown jerk who happens to be under my payroll… no!! Not for u and never for me!! We are way better than that, son!! We need to be shown respect, and that’s what u get today. u were respected and gegeven the job”
    “Father …”
    “Look, I’ve had enough of this thrash about earning the job and so on… we are the Pendragons, never ever forget that! We rule the others and it’s never the other way around. Get this fact drilled into your skull this very moment, because I’m not tolerating another mistake like this from you! Today, u screwed your chances and don’t blame me, blame it on you!!”
    “Yes. I got the job for you, Arthur and u decided to waste it away because u wanted to be all saint and conscience free. Let me ask u something Arthur? Do u really think you’d make it with your morally suggestive attitude? Would u even survive the test it has to offer?”
    “Are u doubting me, father?”
    “Yes… yes, I am. Because I know how weak u are. Let me get this straight here, Arthur. The world isn’t a kind place, like u think it is. It devours on weak souls like yours and considers nothing but failure. u will never make it on your own out there Arthur… never! u need me. u need someone strong and powerful like me to survive, to get u through. And this is exactly what I am doing. I am helping u on your survival. So don’t push your luck, young man, because u many never know when will u ever get any!”
    Arthur locks his eyes with Uther for a long time, unable to speak. He knows how cruel his father can be sometimes, hurting others with his cold and heartless words but never anticipates he’d be on the receiving end today. The words hurt him deeply, cutting into his hart-, hart like a sharpened blade. And he feels the pain as if it is real. It isn’t just the words which did the damage but his father’s judgement as well. Is this how he stands in his father’s eyes? Is this how his father has been viewing him? Weak, unsure and incapable? All these while, his father been lying to him… pretending to give him support when all he’s been doing is sheltering his reputation so that the Pendragon name will never get tarnished. At least not door his weak son! He’s doing all this in Arthur’s name but in truth he’s protecting his own pride and dignity. He has his own empire to protect and will go on to any length to see it protected. He will not let anything of anyone taint it, even it his own son. Arthur sighs and smiles bitterly to himself, hanging his head down in shame.
    “Arthur?” Uther sighs as well. It’s been a long dag and they’ve been bickering forever. This has to stop and he still has other agendas to attend to. Arthur looks up at his father. His eyes are sad and bitterly hurt but Uther didn’t pay much attention to him.
    “What’s done is done. There is nothing u and I can do about it. But this isn’t the end… there are other jobs for u to try out. But right now, there is another place u and I need to be heading to. Godwyn called in and says his daughter is here and she is aching to meet you. I want u to meet her as well. It’d be good for both of u so… go get yourself cleaned up, and I’ll wait for u in the car. And wipe that gloomy look off your face. I’ll get u another job in a week’s time,” Uther says and turns toward the door.
    “Hahahahhahaha!!!!!” Arthur laughs loudly, clutching his stomach. Uther stops short and turns around.
    “Am I amusing you?”
    “Father … u are funny. Where did u inherit this amazing sense of humour? Does it flow in the Pendragon’s bloodline?”
    “How do u do it father? How do u ruin a life and still pretend nothing happened? How do u actually do it?”
    “What’s this nonsense you’re prattling about Arthur? Look I haven’t got the time for your …”
    “You don’t get it, do you, father? I am standing here, with my future screwed and unsure, trying to drill some sense into your barren head and yet u are repeating your same mistake. u are still trying to run my life!! Have u learned nothing at all today? Have u not understood a word I just said?
    “Arthur ..”
    “After everything… you’re pretending as if nothing has happened, and you’re expecting me to start everything all over again. I’m sorry, father, but have I missed something?”
    “Don’t say that name!! u don’t deserve it. u never did. All my life, I was trying to make u proud of me, trying to make u love me but I think I failed. Never realised it then, but I do now. You’re nothing but a selfish, ignorant, rude, arrogant man and the most intolerable father a person could get in their life,” Arthur says. “I hate you… and this is the truth!!” Arthur adds and walks past his father. Uther catches his hand but Arthur shrugs it away.
    “I wish… I wish it was mother who lived and you… dead!” he finishes bitterly. The statement stuns Uther. He staggers back a little but manages to keep his balance in check. Arthur glares at him. Uther looks back equally hurt and disappointed.
    “As do I Arthur. There are times I just wished it was your mother who survived and you… sacrificed!” Uther says it without a seconde thought and Arthur feels the world come crashing down on him. The words puncture further holes into his already torn hart-, hart and now it was Arthur’s turn to take a step back. The words, coming from his own father’s lips were like poison, darting his soul. He didn’t imagine his father would say such words, not to his own son. Uther remains stoic. Arthur closes his eyes and breathes quickly. He has to leave this place of he’ll suffocate. He can’t look into his father eyes and face the scorn anymore. There is too much hatred in this room, in this house and he needs to leave. He stumbles back and darts to the door.
    “Where are u going, Arthur?” Uther asks, but his son doesn’t answer. Arthur pulls the door open.
    “You will never make it out there, Arthur. Mark my words… u will not succeed without me!” Uther says again, but Arthur is already out of the room, leaving his old man shaking in rage.
added by EPaws
Source: guineverescreencaps
added by EPaws
Source: supertgirl
added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain
added by EPaws
added by DarknessToLight
added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain
added by EPaws
Source: Yavannauk
added by EPaws
Source: staystrongandliveyourlife
added by EPaws
Source: BrightPorclain
Part 16: link

    “Wake up, darlin’, we’re here,” Arthur says quietly, stroking Gwen’s cheek.
    “Mmm,” she scrunches against him and blinks her eyes open. “Did I fall asleep again?”
    “Yes,” he chuckles, kissing her forehead. “We’re here,” he repeats. She looks out and sees a house, not overlarge, nicely kept. A home. “Come on.”
    He climbs out of the car and opens her door again. They walk to the front door and it opens before Arthur can lift his finger to the doorbell.
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 18: link

    Arthur carries her heavy suitcase, setting it carefully in the back of her tiny green Mini. As soon as they are inside, he reaches for her, his lips itching to feel hers against them once again.
    She sighs, leaning into him, clutching his shoulders as she opens her mouth for him, meeting his searching tongue with hers.
    They separate only for air, and Arthur leans his forehead against hers. “Never leave again. At least not without me,” he whispers.
    Gwen giggles, and pecks his lips. “I...
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added by VampyreFey
bradley james
angel coulby
added by EPaws
Source: Euphoria1001
added by EPaws
Source: arwen-nsk
added by EPaws
Source: Euphoria1001
hallo everyone!

Seeing as Merlin is ending, just as I'm participating in making my own graphics (I'm sad that after this series they will be no meer filming pics of Arwen screen caps) I've decided to make graphics for the top, boven Arwen moments.

But seeing as I have so many moments that I adore, I figured I would ask for some help. So, please lijst your top, boven favoriete Arwen moments from series 1 to 5. I know that the toon has yet to finish and we know that Arwen will be a huge feature in the volgende episode, but I'll leave this open till the end of the series. Then I'll start doing some graphic making.
added by EPaws
Source: Brightporclain