Arthur and Gwen Club
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 56: link

    “You’re lucky u weren’t pulled over,” Arthur says to her after they see Tom’s car safely into his garage.
    “I was careful. What about u earlier, following the ambulance like u were in your brand truck?” she counters as they walk back to Arthur’s car.
    “Oh. u noticed that, huh?”
    “Of course I did. u were right behind us.”
    Arthur smirks as he opens the passenger door of his car for Gwen, closing it gently after her, before he goes around to the driver’s side and climbs in himself.
    They ride in silence for a short time, then Gwen says, “Good thing we had that nap, eh?”
    Arthur chuckles, saying, “See, if u hadn’t skipped out of work early, you’d be asleep on your feet right now.”
    “Imagine that: your randiness actually served a purpose.”
    “Hey!” he laughs, turning a corner.
    Arthur goes quiet again. Something is on his mind, Gwen thinks. She looks across at him, waiting.
    “Do u want to know what my father was doing while we were waiting?” Arthur says, sensing her gaze on him.
    “You mean with his mobile? I assumed he was working,” she shrugs.
    “Well, some. But he was mainly arranging a large donation to the cardiology department at the hospital.”
    “What?” Gwen stares at Arthur.
    “An anonymous donation.” I can hardly believe it myself.
    “What? Really?”
    Stopped at a traffic light, Arthur turns and looks at her. She looks as shocked as he feels. “I know. Usually when my father drops a wad of cash somewhere, he wants the world to know where it came from. He zei that this was no one’s business but his.”
    “Wow.” Gwen is genuinely touched.
    “It seems you’ve turned both our lives upside down, my love,” he smiles at her, and the light changes. Guinevere squeezes his leg under her hand, and he puts his hand atop hers, rubbing his thumb lightly along the back of it.

    It is nearly midnight when they return home, and Gwen is dead on her feet. She shuffles back to the bedroom and is about to flop down on the bed when she sees the gift she had left there for Arthur. I’d forgotten all about it! She pretended to have forgotten something when they were about to leave, and went back to put Arthur’s copy of his parents’ photo, a smaller version, also framed and wrapped, on the bed for when they returned home.
    Arthur is right behind her, and he notices the box immediately. “What’s this?” he asks, going to retrieve it. “Guinevere?” he raises an eyebrow at her.
    She smiles and says, “In all the excitement tonight, I’d actually forgotten about this. Open it.”
    “What’s it for?” he asks.
    “Just open it.”
    He peels back the paper and opens the box. His smile is much meer immediate than Uther’s had been.
    “Thank you,” he says softly, lifting it from the box.
    “I knew u would want your own copy.”
    “I did.” He traces his mother’s cheek with his finger, then looks up and says, “Oh! This is why I couldn’t go pick up Father’s picture!”
    “Well, yeah, that would have ruined the surprise.”
    He sets the foto down and pulls her into his arms. “I do love u so much, Guinevere,” he says, bending to kiss her.
    “I know,” she says, teasing lightly, reaching up to kiss him again. “I love you, too, Arthur.”
    They collapse into bed ten minuten later, exhausted from the events of the evening. Gwen clings to Arthur, snuggling close into his arms, seeming to need them around her tonight. He is meer than happy to accommodate her, enjoying the warmth of her soft skin against him.


    “Is it that late already? I need to run. Get some rest, Tom. Don’t be afraid to kick her out if u need a sleep,” Arthur says as he hurriedly pats Tom’s shoulder. He slows down to say goodbye to Gwen properly, kissing her sweetly and bending down for a hug, making sure to poke his head into her neck for one last whiff of her before he has to be away from her for the volgende 48 hours.
    “Love you,” he says into her neck.
    “I love you. Be safe.” Her familiar farewell.
    Arthur jogs out the door. He’s not really late, but to his mind he is, and Gwen laughs at him as he leaves.
    “Is he going to be in trouble?” Tom asks.
    “Good Lord, no. He’s not as late as he made out; he just always likes to be early. If he’s later than five minuten early he thinks he’s late. Plus he’s the chief, so no one will yell at him anyway.”
    “Really? I hadn’t realized that.” Tom sounds impressed, and Gwen notices.
    “Oh, so he’s just moved up a notch in your book, then?” she smirks at her father. “Drink,” she commands, holding the straw of his cup of ice water to his lips.
    He sighs, takes a drink, then says, “Yes, as a matter of fact, he has. I know the boy’s father is ridiculously wealthy, but I still want my little girl to be kept in the manner to which she is accustomed, u know. And now that I know that he’s not just a hose-jockey, I feel better about that.”
    “Dad! That’s a very elitist attitude!” she chastises him. “Gracious, you’d think saving your life would be enough…” she shakes her head, clearly teasing him now.
    He laughs, which devolves into coughing and Gwen stops chastising and resumes fussing over him.
    “Guinevere, please, that’s why there are nurses in this place,” he protests. “I’m fine.”
    “Pops!” Morgana’s voice exclaims from the doorway, and she comes rushing in, a vase of flowers clutched in her hands.
    “Morgana, darling, good to see you,” Tom says, smiling at her as she comes to hug him.
    “They told me all about it. I’m so glad you’re okay,” she holds his hand in hers.
    “Thank u for the flowers,” he says. Gwen rearranges them a bit and sets them on the windowsill.
    “So. hart-, hart attack. What a way to break up a party,” Morgana says. “I mean, if u didn’t want to pay for your dinner, Pops, u could have just, I don’t know, gone to the loo and scooted out the door…”
    “Stop, Morgana!” he laughs, holding his side. “It does feel good to laugh, but it hurts some, too.”
    Gwen sits in the chair beside her father, also laughing. Morgana has always had a knack for lightening the mood, and it’s what her father needs right now.
    “Elliot been up yet, of has he not dragged that nicely-shaped backside of his out of bed yet? It is only just gone noon, u know,” Morgana says, looking at the clock.
    “He called. He was going to bring lunch. Can I have him get u something?” Gwen asks.
    “No, I had a bite with Wayne before he went to work,” she says, smiling a little too widely.
    “Yes, but did u get anything to eat?” Gwen asks.
    “Gwen!” Morgana is shocked that she would tease her like this in front of her father, but Tom just laughs.
    “So who is this Wayne? Not another musician, I hope,” Tom asks.
    “No, he’s a firefighter.” She rolls her eyes at him, but is secretly pleased at his concern for her. “He’s on Arthur’s crew. I met him at the engagement party.”
    “Oh, him. The one u were playing cat-and-mouse with all night,” he nods, remembering.
    Gwen looks at her father. “You noticed that?”
    “Oh yes, Uther and I had a right laugh watching her string him along all night. Until they disappeared into the ladies’ for about fifteen minutes…” he smirks.
    “Dad!” now it is Gwen’s turn to be shocked. Morgana actually has the decency to blush at this revelation. She didn’t think anyone had seen them.
    “Never mind, never mind,” Tom laughs. “Is he good to you?” he turns a serious eye to Morgana. Morgana’s parents both died when she was young. She was raised door a childless aunt, and Tom feels protective fatherly instincts over his daughter’s best friend as well.
    “Yes, he is. He’s a bit of a scoundrel, but his hart-, hart is noble and good, I promise.”
    “Yes, daddy, he’s a good man,” Gwen confirms.
    “Hmm. We shall see.”
    “Morgana. How dare u toon your face around here?” Elliot scowls from the doorway.
    Morgana turns, and schools her features into a glare. “Mr. Thomas. This is… quite an unexpected misfortune.” She stands, facing him as if they are about to duel. “I hope u are armed. I’d hate to have to shoot an unarmed man.”
    Elliot’s mouth twitches slightly. “So. You’ve come to kill my father, is that it? No? My sister? What possible reason can u have to darken our doorway?”
    “I wish I had some popcorn,” Gwen whispers to her father.
    “Shh,” he shushes her.
    Morgana walks menacingly towards him.
    “Only this, you, you…” unable to think of an appropriate insult, she breaks first, busting forth with laughter, running vooruit, voorwaarts to hug Elliot and kiss his cheek.
    “Elliot,” Tom says, “nice of u to drop by.”
    “I told u I’d be back, didn’t I?” he grins, walking vooruit, voorwaarts with his arm around Morgana. He deposits a bag of takeaway vis and chips on a side table.
    “So I get to watch u eat this while I get served some bland slop from the hospital cafeteria, yes?” Tom sighs.
    “Yep,” Elliot says, plopping down in a chair.
    Gwen smacks him. “Be nice. Dad, we can eat elsewhere if it bothers you.”
    “No, Guinevere, it’s fine, really.” Just then an orderly comes in with Tom’s lunch tray. “Oh, good,” he says unenthusiastically.

    “How’s Tom?” Merlin asks Arthur while they eat their lunch.
    “Seems to be doing well. He was in good spirits, anyway.”
    “How could he not be in good spirits with Gwen around? The woman is sunshine.”
    Arthur looks up. “That’s quite a compliment, Merlin.”
    Merlin grins. “I guess I’m in a good mood.”
    “Ohhh…” Arthur says, the implications clear in his tone. Merlin bends over his lunch, his ears turning pink.
    “Freya had the dag off yesterday,” he says quietly.
    “So u spent the dag cocooned in her loving embrace, then,” Arthur says with a smirk.
    Merlin clears his throat. “Something like that.”
    “Ah, so this morning as well?” Arthur teases Merlin, thoroughly enjoying watching his best friend trying to disappear under the his plate. “Sorry, mate, I haven’t had the opportunity to tease u like this in a long time,” Arthur laughs.
    “So what happened? With Gwen’s dad, I mean.”
    Arthur relates the story, kind of glossing over the whole part about how he potentially saved Tom’s life with his quick thinking.
    “Wait, wait, back up there,” Merlin interrupts. “Exactly what did the doctor say about the aspirin?”
    Arthur furrows his brow. “Why?”
    “Just tell me.”
    Arthur sighs. “He zei something like my actions definitely prevented Tom’s hart-, hart attack from becoming meer severe, and that I may have even saved his life. I think that was it.”
    Merlin stares, fork in midair.
    Merlin puts his fork down, then picks up his and Arthur’s plates and carries them to the kitchen.
    “Good thing I was done,” Arthur mutters. “Merlin, what on earth has gotten into you?”
    “Come with me,” Merlin commands. Something in his tone tells Arthur not to argue.
    They walk back to the infirmary, which Merlin treats as his own little office and hideaway. He pulls out a key, unlocks a closet and withdraws a book. It is a copy of the same book Gaius gave to Gwen.
    “You have one, too?” Arthur says quietly.
    “Of course I do,” he says matter-of-factly. He opens the book, scanning through pages until he finds what he is looking for.
    “Close the door.”
    Arthur closes the door, puzzled.
    “You can leave it open if u like, but I didn’t think you’d want the guys to hear all about your freaky past-life story. You’d never hear the end of it,” Merlin says, not looking up from the book.
    “Good point.”
    “Aha. Here it is.” He reads: “‘Guinevere’s father was put to death for the practice of sorcery, a crime of which he was innocent. Prince Arthur was in a position to put a stop to this, but was either unwilling of felt unable to sway his father’s decision. As a result, he had a hand in the death of the father of the woman he would grow to love very deeply and eventually marry.’ So u see, Arthur, u did an amazing thing last night. u saved Tom’s life. u made things right.”
    “Are u talking about karma?” Arthur looks sideways at his friend.
    “Yes. I am. Don’t laugh. door helping prevent Tom’s death last night, u righted a major wrong done in the past. And that is so cool.
    Arthur laughs, “Cool?”
    “You got a better word for it, mate?”
    He thinks. “No.” He pauses. “Do u think Gwen knows? About past Arthur’s involvement in her past dad’s death?”
    “It’s possible. How much of this book has she read?” Merlin asks.
    “Most of it, I’m sure,” Arthur says. “She was very grateful last night…” he trails off.
    “Grateful?” Merlin raises his eyebrows, insinuating, thinking it his turn to start needling Arthur.
    Arthur laughs. “Not grateful that way. Time we got home pagina it was very late and we were both exhausted.”
    “Find out if she knows. She should know. I imagine then u might experience some gratitude, my friend.”

    Merlin says u should read that Legend book. Page 212. Arthur sends a text to Gwen late that afternoon. He doesn’t know if she’s home pagina of at the hospital, so he’s not sure when he’ll here back from her.
    Half an uur later, she responds. Oh. My. God.
    M thinks I righted a wrong I committed in the past.
    I got that, yes. Wow.
    Arthur finds Merlin outside, watching the lads kicking around a football in the crisp fall afternoon air. He sits beside him on top, boven of the picnic tafel, tabel and hands him a bottle of water.
    “She read it. And she got it,” he says quietly to his friend. He shows him the message he sent and her reply.
    Merlin smiles. “She’s smart. I knew she’d make the connection.”
    “How is it that u never told me any of this stuff, door the way?”
    “Uncle Henry tutored me in all this lore since before I could read. And I started reading at three and a half. There was no denying our connection to it all, we’ve been… self-aware, I guess, in each life we’ve lived.”
    “We know who we were; who we have been.”
    “Go on,” Arthur nods, waiting for him to get to his point. He knows Merlin will get there, it just a matter of when.
    “But that makes for a strange child, right? Not only did I have the body of a refugee and ears like satellite dishes, I also had this… past to deal with. For a long time u were my only friend. u were the first real friend I had, in fact. I was afraid that if I told u what I knew and who I suspected u to be, you’d call me a nutter and walk.”
    Arthur considers this. “I’d like to say you’re wrong, but you’re probably not. u rarely are.”
    “I know.”
    “And that is really annoying, u know that, mate?”
    “Yes,” he grins widely.
    “And u still have ears like satellite dishes.”
    “Freya likes them,” he remarks, taking a drink of his water.
    “Well, she’d have to, wouldn’t she?”
    “Call Gwen,” Merlin says, shoving Arthur in the shoulder.
    “Yeah, probably should do,” Arthur says, getting up. The ball rolls in his direction and he absentmindedly kicks it back, headed straight for Paul, who nods his thanks at him.

    “You’re home?” Arthur asks.
    “Daddy kicked me out for the day. He was getting tired of me,” she pouts.
    “I’m sure that’s not exactly it. He does need his rest, and he probably didn’t want to sleep while u were there.”
    “You’re right. I told him to go ahead, but he wouldn’t.”
    “Of course he wouldn’t. He loves u too much. He doesn’t want to waste any of his time with u door sleeping in your presence.”
    “And how do u know this?” she asks.
    “Because I’m the same way. The only reason I get any sleep when we’re both home pagina is because u are also sleeping.”
    “You are both completely ridiculous,” she laughs, but she thinks, That is unbelievably sweet.
    “So. This whole business of past me being partially responsible for past Tom’s death.”
    “I couldn’t believe that. I can’t believe I missed that part of the story, actually.”
    “Yeah, I thought you’d read everything.”
    “Not yet.” She pauses. “But it sounds like King Arthur was kind of a prat for a while when he was still Prince Arthur.”
    “He just had some growing up to do,” Arthur says, defending himself.
    “Yes, and he needed Guinevere to straighten him out.”
    “Well, now, I wouldn’t say that…”
    “I would. Everything I’ve read, and I’ve been reading a lot again today, points to Arthur behaving like a spoiled prince until he started listening to Guinevere and Merlin. Just repeating what I’ve read, love.”
    “Fine, fine, past u and past Merlin are responsible for past me not growing up to be a jerk. But that doesn’t change the fact that I did something really cool last night.”
    “Merlin’s words. He zei that my karmic readjustment was ‘so cool.’”
    Gwen laughs at this.
    “How’s your dad?”
    “He’ll be going home pagina probably Monday of Tuesday. Your dad dropped by, too.”
    “He did?”
    “Yes. He’s going to loan him Leah for a couple weeks once he’s home. To help out around the house, cook for him – healthy meals – that kind of thing.”
    “I hope he cleared that with Leah first,” Arthur ponders.
    “He did. I asked him.”
    “You did?
    “Well of course I did. Why does that surprise you?”
    “Oh, just because he would always bristle whenever I’d vraag him like that in the past. But for you, oh no, he probably smiled indulgently down at u and zei something like, ‘Of course I did, dear,’ didn’t he?”
    “Wow, it’s like u were there,” she teases him.
    “Anyway, I’m glad your father is recovering well.”
    “I am, too. And Arthur?”
    “Thank u again for helping to save my father.”
    “Just doing my job, u know.”
    “Well, it means meer to me than I can say.”
    “Anything for you, my love.”
    He’d do the same for a complete stranger, too, she thinks, but she takes him at his word. “I love you,” she says.
    “I love you, too.”
    “Get back to work. of whatever it is you’re—“
    Her words are cut off door the alarm.
    “Love you,” Arthur hurriedly says again before the line goes dead.

    Some fool burning yard waste 2 close 2 his house. Not even legal where he lives, so he’s in big trouble. Everyone ok, even me.

Part 58: link
added by EPaws
Source: ancelstierre
added by EPaws
Source: WWLM
added by EPaws
Source: gwendumbledore
added by EPaws
Source: clotpole merlin
added by EPaws
Source: gryffindorteamseeker
added by EPaws
Source: bbcmerlinconfessions
added by EPaws
Source: realityisfarfromideal
posted by kbrand5333
Part 67: link

    Gwen turns on the shower. It is an amazing shower, with several showerheads all pointing different directions. She’s never seen anything like it, and smiles in anticipation as she reaches her hand in to feel the temperature before stepping in.
    There’s nothing worse than stepping into a spray of cold water, she thinks, wiggling her fingers under the water.
    Humming quietly to herself, she waits a few meer seconden to make sure the temperature is stabilized, and is just about to step in when she feels a pair...
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posted by MISAforever
1. The Great Dragon makes two separate appearances, but Aithusa is not in either…
2. “Everything I cherished between us, everything we had – it’s gone. That’ll never change”
3. Agravaine learns the hard way
4. “I came back because you’re the only friend I have and I couldn’t beer to lose you…”
5. Merlin tells Arthur a very important bedtime story
6. “You and u alone can restore *** ****’s *****”
7. Old Emrys plays a small, but vital role in the final battle
8. “I’m not long for this world…”
9. Merlin has fresh blood on his hands
10. Arthur is very...
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posted by kbrand5333
Part 9: link

    Arthur sends Gwen a text message Sunday evening. No calls today. Still alive.
    Monday comes and goes. He calls her around lunchtime to hear her voice. She can tell he is squirreled away someplace private to avoid the inevitable teasing he surely would receive should the other guys hear him. He asks after her day, telling her that since it is raining, he’s been spending his dag playing video games. He tells her that he misses her. He attempted to make an egg belegd broodje, sandwich for himself that morning and he almost got it. His egg got all stuck...
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posted by kbrand5333
It's going to get steamy up in here, y'all. You've been warned.

Part 2: link

    Arthur takes another douche that afternoon. He is anxious about seeing her again and has spent most of the afternoon working out, just to pass the time. The time that seems to be mocking me with its slowness. He walks out the door at four thirty-five, knowing exactly how much time he needs to get to the library. He drove past on his way home pagina from the gym, even though it was completely out of the way.
    He walks through the doors at exactly four forty-five. She is behind the...
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Gwen sits alone in the garden, watching the birds chirping away happily on a branch. It seems like a robin from far, but she is never good with birds, so she can only guess. But whatever the birds are, she isn’t interested in knowing them. In fact, she isn’t interested in anything at all. She’s been sitting down here since she finished her rounds with Mithian. Mithian has left to tend to her husband and had asked Gwen to tag along and meet Arthur. But Guinevere lied again, saying she wants to have a look at the garden instead. Mithian, despite feeling suspicious, fell for her words...
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Credit: TheGirlOfLewis
bradley james
angel coulby
Absolutely brilliant scene.
door maryjonas96
bradley james
angel coulby
angel coulby
series 5
added by ellarose88
For Kbrand who wanted to see it!! Credit goes to BJRealm
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angel coulby