Arthur and Gwen Club
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    “Guinevere?” Arthur is both surprised and happy to hear the voice. He didn’t expect to hear it here and so soon. He must be dreaming.
    Gwen looks beyond Arthur at Merlin and the latter just squares his shoulder, urging Gwen to carry on. Gwen looks backs at Arthur. “What are u doing here, Arthur?” she asks calmly, her voice in devoid of any emotion.
    “This is Merlin’s idea… ask him. He zei he was taking me shopping,” Arthur antwoorden with a laugh. “By the way, it’s really u isn’t it? I was right after all. Merlin… hahaha!! See… I told u we’d find her someday!” Arthur laughs, tapping his cane twice on the floor. “I told you, Merlin!” he repeats.
    “Yes Arthur, u did” Merlin antwoorden softly, forging a laugh to accompany his friend.
    “Oh, before I forget… Guinevere, this is my friend Merlin.”
    “Hello Merlin,” Gwen nods her head.
    “Nice to meet you, too,” Merlin played along. Gwen smiles and turns back to Arthur.
    “I didn’t think you’d remember me, Arthur.”
     “How could I forget you? I probably might not recognise your voice but there’s no way I can forget that name of yours, Guinevere. Call it whatever u want but since u left the hospital, I haven’t been able to keep u out of my mind,” Arthur laughs again. Gwen smiles and glances at Lancelot nervously. Lancelot seems to be lost and she didn’t blame him. How would he to know who Arthur is and why she covered his mouth?
    “You didn’t tell me goodbye,” Arthur tells her, gaining her attention.
    “Huh?” Gwen is confused. ‘Goodbye?’
    “When u resigned… u didn’t tell me goodbye. u didn’t even pay me a visit. Why, Guinevere? I thought we were friends. of did u feel ashamed to be seen with me?”
    ‘Oh that!’ she thinks. “Don’t be ridiculous, Arthur, of course not!” Gwen waves it off. “I am sorry but everything happened so fast. Was planning to meet you, door the way, but unfortunately…” Gwen takes a quick glance at Merlin and notices he was glaring at her from where he stood. She knows what that look means but how is she going to tell Arthur the truth without hurting him? And she didn’t lie to him on a purpose! At that moment, in that situation, she simply had to come up with a lie and that was it. Besides, how did she know she’d bump into him today? She didn’t even expect to meet him again after learning he was discharged from the hospital. She closed his chapter in her life and continued on her journey. But here he is, arriving at the intersection, dragging her back to the same path they both had trudged on. His arrival rekindles memories she wishes to forget and forgive. This lie is one of those memories, yet now that it has surfaced once more, how on earth is she going to get out of this mess? And how is she going to do it without hurting anyone? It’s driving her bonkers and no one can help her this time.
    “Something came up?” Arthur tries to help her. She turns to him, blinking clueless. He is still smiling and her hart-, hart flutters at the sight of his smile. ‘God, that smile! Why is he tormenting me with that smile of his?’ she thinks to herself. i]‘Control Gwen… get a grip girl!’[/i] she reminds herself and shakes her thoughts off.
    “Yeah… Something like that,” she laughs nervously and turns towards Lancelot. He was waiting for her to explain all this to him and she knows she owes him one big explanation. But that can wait for the moment. First, introductions. “Lancelot, please meet my friend Arthur,” she says, swinging Arthur’s hand. Then turning back to Arthur she adds, “Arthur, this is Lancelot.” She helps Arthur door lifting his hand to meet Lancelot’s extended one.
    “Your boyfriend?” Arthur blurts out, catching Merlin, Gwen and Lancelot door surprise. Gwen’s mouth drops open while Merlin didn’t know what to say. Lancelot smiles to himself and looks at the panic stricken Gwen. She didn’t meet his eye but he knows she was trying her best to cover the blushing on her cheeks.
    Arthur feels like banging his head with a frying pan. ‘Boyfriend?’ he thinks to himself in silence. ‘What on earth is he thinking? Boyfriend?’ he curses his trashy mouth. He always has to open his mouth, doesn’t he? He always has to assume things before learning the truth, didn’t he? ‘What is Gwen going to think of me?’ his mind trails on and the meer he thinks of it, the guiltier he feels. “I’m sorry,” he finally apologises quickly, putting a stop to both his guilt and the thoughts which been draining him since his clumsy blurt.
    “It’s all right, and no, Arthur… I’m not her boyfriend, to answer your query,” Lancelot says with a laugh, trying to send the uneasy situation into a comedic one and steps up to pat Arthur’s shoulder. “I’m just her friend, like you,” he adds.
‘Thank god!’ Arthur thinks in delight and wonders why the thought just crossed his mind. It was just a slip of tongue, wasn’t it? Why does he feel relieved that Lancelot isn’t her boyfriend? Obviously whom she hangs around with isn’t any business of his, is it not?
Gwen breathes a sigh of relief and looks at Lancelot sheepishly, her cheeks colouring heavily. Lancelot assures her it’s all right with a wink. She is thankful to him.
    “To be honest, I work with her,” Lancelot adds, turning Gwen’s blood cold.
‘What the …’ She didn’t expect the follow up, especially from Lancelot. Arthur still thinks Gwen’s a nurse and if Lancelot were to say otherwise, it’ll spell trouble. She has to stop Lancelot before things gets worse. Behind her Merlin is waving his hand to gain her attention, obviously thinking the same like she does.
    “Oh, you’re a doctor, then?” Arthur asks, beating them both first. He is excited at the prospect that Lancelot is just a friend and now a colleague, not as what he thinks him to be.
    ‘Shit!’ Gwen didn’t believe her dag could turn from bad to worse. She looks at Merlin for help and the latter is as clueless as she is. Her head throbs in pain. Looks like she’s going to be down with a headache.
    “Erm… Arthur?” Merlin tries to interfere but Arthur cuts him again.
    “Do u work in the same hospital I was admitted in?”
    Lancelot is confused. “Doctor?” he repeats and turns back towards Gwen for clarification. He raises his questioning brow at her, asking her why Arthur is addressing him as a doctor. Gwen is speechless. What to tell him? How to tell him? She is helpless. Lancelot waits.
    “You’re not a doctor?” Arthur asks again, his voice curious.
    “Arthur?” Merlin tries to chip in but Arthur raises his hand, stopping Merlin. “Lancelot? u are not a doctor?”
    Gwen didn’t know how to explain to Lancelot without Arthur listening. She looks at Lancelot pleadingly, her eyes softening and hands clasped together like a prayer. Lancelot still didn’t get it why Arthur is addressing as a doctor but he knows Gwen is asking him a favour, a big favour.
    “Lancelot?” Arthur’s voice cuts in Lancelot’s thoughts and the latter turns back to meet Arthur.
    “No Arthur, I’m not a doctor,” Lancelot finally says. Gwen closes her eyes and buries her face in her hands. This is going to be a long day.
“I’m a computer engineer and I work with Gwen in her current position, in this new company. That’s what I meant.”
    Gwen looks up, her eyes widening. Did she hear correctly? Merlin crosses himself in gratitude.
    “Oh, right… I thought u were a doctor because she was a nurse and…”
    “I get it… wish I was, but unfortunately I’m not,” Lancelot smiles and exchange glances with Gwen. She thanks him silently.
    “But… what is she doing here?” Arthur didn’t seem to be backing down.
    “Arthur… I think we have to let them both get to their work, and I’m Merlin door the way,” Merlin steps near and extends his hand to Lancelot.
    “Nice to meet you, Merlin.”
    “Refreshments anyone?” Gwen asks, in attempt to divert Arthur from asking further questions.
    “No Gwen… I think we need to be getting home. It’s late anyway,” Merlin says, grabbing Arthur’s arms, but Arthur stands his ground and halts him. “Arthur!” Merlin calls gently.
    “I thought we are in a shopping complex, are we not?” Arthur enquires wryly.
    “Of course we are… why?” Merlin says, puzzled.
    “And what are u doing here ,Guinevere?” Arthur asks, getting to his point. But unfortunately Gwen didn’t get his picture.
    “Working, like Lancelot just said.”
    “I thought u were a nurse… how do that fit in here?”
    ‘Holy crap!’ Gwen didn’t think of that, neither did Merlin. Merlin bites his lip and sighs deeply while Gwen swallows hard. What ever it is she has to say volgende will have to be carefully chosen. Arthur isn’t an idiot and he really is getting to the root of the problem. Something has to be done… something big, something honest. She looks up at the same time Merlin does too. Their looks lock together and they decided in unison of their volgende step.
    “Arthur, there’s something I need to tell you… may I talk to you, alone?”
    Arthur’s hart-, hart dances in delight. This is news, good news for a sore dag and he is looking vooruit, voorwaarts to what she has in store for him. “Sure… u lead,” he antwoorden immediately.
    “Thanks… Lancelot, why don’t u take Merlin on a tour around the store?” Gwen informs, taking Arthur’s hand in hers.
    “Sure, but…”
    “It’s all right, Lancelot. Arthur and I have to discuss some matters and I’d hope you’d respect our privacy?”
    “Of course, Gwen… whatever u wish. Merlin, come along… u have to see the view from the top, boven floor… Camelot never looked any prettier than it does at night. u shouldn’t miss it.”
    “I can’t wait…” Merlin says and turns to Gwen. ‘Tell him’ he seems to be channeling and she assures him she’ll do exactly that. Feeling slightly better than he did a while ago, Merlin follows Lancelot.
    “Come on, Arthur,” Gwen clasps Arthur’s hand and leads him away from there, heading to the lobby.

    Somewhere from the distance, Uther leans against the pillar, hands firmly thrust into his pocket and eyes locked on his target and trailing as Gwen leads Arthur to the lobby. He bites his inner cheek in curiosity. How did this strange relationship blossom? How did they know each other? She is Gaius’s worker and Arthur isn’t the type who visits shopping malls so, how could they have met? It isn’t possible. Not door his calculation, Uther thinks. But they seem to be friendly, very friendly indeed. Like they’ve known each other for years…
    Uther doesn’t like what he sees. This isn’t what he is expecting from Arthur and whatever he is thinking of planning to do will have to stop. For good! As Gwen and Arthur disappear into a corner, Uther’s mind ploughs possible variations how this bond could affect the pride and dignity of the Pendragons. She is a low class worker while Arthur’s an heir of an empire. She will never fit into his society, let alone his life. So, before this gets way too far, it will have to stop. And if no one will get their hands dirty, then Uther will do it himself. After all, this is the life of his son and his reputation is at stake. This girl will have to be removed from all possible angles. Uther nods to himself, fishes out his mobile, flips it open and dials the number of his associate. Waiting for the line to be picked, he walks away.

“Guinevere? Where are we?” Arthur asks as he continues to follow Gwen. He feels he’s been following Gwen for hours yet they haven’t come to a stop.
“Patience, Arthur,” Gwen assures him and still leads him, holding his hand tightly. She descends a small flight of stairs and helps Arthur with his steps and walks almost another ten steps vooruit, voorwaarts before turning to her left. The lobby comes into sight and she slows down. “I think we are here,” she says softly and leads him to the sofa at the far end of the room. “Careful… sit down here,” she says and helps him to sit down. Placing his cane on his lap, she sits down beside him.
“Where are we?” he asks.
“In the lobby.”
“Ohh …”
“Hmm …”
“Do u know why I brought u here?”
“You zei u wanted to discuss something… isn’t that why?”
“Yeah… and it’s very delicate and sensitive and …”
“You sound serious Guinevere…” Arthur laughs.
“It is… but I need u to stay calm. Please Arthur, will u do that?”
“Stay calm? Of course…” Arthur antwoorden her but he wonders why does Guinevere sounds so serious.
“Promise? u won’t get hysterical of anything?” Gwen asks again, for assurance.
“Guinevere,” Arthur starts. But Gwen cuts him first.
“Please, Arthur… I need u to promise me… will u do that, for me?”
“Right, I promise… I won’t get hysterical. What is it?” Arthur is curious what matter could require such seclusion.
Gwen wonders how to start the topic. She licks her lips and clasps her hands together, fingers twirling playfully. “A while ago, u asked me what am I doing here? In this place, right?”
“Yeah… and?”
“This is where I work.”
“I know, Lancelot told me that.”
“But this is where I really work… I have all along.”
“I don’t follow you, Guinevere.”
“This is my career Arthur, my profession. I’ve worked here since I graduated and… I am a programmer, not a nurse, like I told you,” Gwen tells him and watches Arthur’s expression change from astound to surprise and now bitter.
“What… the!!”
“I’m sorry, Arthur. I lied to you… I had to because in the hospital, when I visited u it was… u were asking for my help and… I had no other choice… I had to, u understand? I’m sorry, Arthur… I really am very sorry.” Gwen is struggling for words and she doesn’t know how to arrange her words further. Arthur is sitting down beside her looking stunned, and she didn’t have the hart-, hart to carry on with her words. She knows she has hurt him but the extent of the damage is still unknown, because Arthur’s still in shock. She reaches out and touches his hand, surprising him.
“Arthur?” she calls softly. Arthur jolts a little.
“What do u mean, u lied?” his voice is rough, no longer friendly like a while ago.
“I had…”
“You’re not a nurse?”
“That’s what I’ve been telling you…”
“What do u mean why?” Gwen is confused door the choice of his questions.
“Why did u lie to me, Guinevere? Why didn’t u tell me you’re not a nurse in the first place?”
“I was… well, u just asked me to help u and…”
“I couldn’t see u for God’s sake!!!” Arthur yells at her and throws the cane away. The cane clangs on the floor, sliding towards the tafel, tabel and stays there. Gwen watches him in horror. She has never seen him yell and to be frank, it does frighten her. She removes her hand from him. His breathing comes in raspy.
“How was I to know you’re not a nurse, Guinevere! I can’t see… I am blind, remember!!!” he yells again. “You could have told me. u could have said, look I’m not a nurse and I’ll get u one, but no! u carried on with your lie, deceiving me to think you’re a nurse because I couldn’t see you, right Guinevere?”
‘Great!Now he’s gotten it all mingled up.’ she thinks. “No, Arthur…”
“You pretended your act until the very end, Guinevere, and what a good act it was. Brilliant! I must say. How long did u plan this? How long did u practice this, huh? And u chose well, Guinevere. u knew your target well…”
“What bullshit are u talking about, Arthur? I didn’t plan anything, neither did I chose you… this is bullshit!” Gwen says angrily, throwing her hands up in frustration. She knows she shouldn’t have lied to him but to accept such rough criticism from him isn’t what she had in mind.
“Brilliant …” Arthur claps his hand, mocking her further. “Well done!!”
Gwen wants to choke him but she restrains her anger. She is the guilty one, not him, so there’s no way she can take her bottled up frustrations out on him, not yet. No matter how badly he criticizes her, she will have to be patient. For now. “Arthur, listen… it was a situational act and I didn’t know how to talk to u that day. I came to pay u a visit but u were so distraught. I hardly know you, so…”
“So u lied?”
“I had to!!” her cheeks are flushing with anger. He is definitely testing her patience.
“You could have zei something else… honesty from u would have put u in a better light than u are now!!”
“What!!” Gwen thinks she heard it wrong but she heard it well. ‘Such creep!’ she curses within herself.
“I could have had a better opinion of u if you’d been honest with me, Guinevere. Not so sure now!”
“You better watch your words, Arthur!” Gwen couldn’t give a damn about his feelings any meer and she isn’t going to tolerate his rough manners with her. He might be hurt door what happened but that doesn’t give him any right to speak to her harshly. Who the hell does he think he is?
“Oh, now u want me to watch my words… why? Can’t find any meer lies?”
“Enough, Guinevere. When I first heard you, I sensed warmth in your voice. u made me warmer than I’ve felt all my life and I liked that. I loved your voice, your sense of humour and your friendliness. I felt your honesty from your words, Guinevere. That’s why u made such an impact on me… I couldn’t forget you, I couldn’t get u off my mind… I was, I was looking vooruit, voorwaarts in meeting u again, striking up a friendship between us… I wanted more, but…” he halts and drops his head, sighing deeply.
Gwen listens without saying much. She is still angry and bitter door the rough treatment she is receiving from this man, but she will hear whatever he wishes to say first. Let him spit everything he wants to, then she’ll do hers.
“But I didn’t know you’d take your chance on me. And I made it easier for you, didn’t I? Being blind, has all the advantages… for others!” he continues, raising his head to meet hers. Gwen shakes her head in disbelief.
“Would u stop this bollocks Arthur?”
“I thought u to be different, Guinevere. Different!!” he says, reeling in anger. He smashes his fist onto the couch, pumping all his frustration into it. “I’m tired, Guinevere, tired of being lied to… and when u arrived, I thought finally I’ve met someone who’d be truthful, yet… you’re no different than the others.”
“Look Arthur, don’t put me in the same mould as the others…”
“Then why didn’t u tell me the truth here, a while ago?”
“I just did!”
“Yes, but after a while… you’ve been silent for some time Guinevere, never forget that! And I had to ask a number of times to get that truth from you. If Lancelot didn’t blurt out perhaps you’d continue with the lie, wouldn’t you? I didn’t think of this before, Guinevere, but now… perhaps those times when u were silent, maybe u were cooking up another lie to cover this up? Is that why it took u long to decide should u want to be honest with me?”
“Arthur, enough!!” Gwen shouts and gets to her feet. This is too much, way too much for her to beer and she can’t carry on listening to him anymore. Each word seems to hurt her deeply, piercing her heart. Arthur is angry, she can understand that, but he is getting way too nasty with her. He has no right to speak to her like this and those words, how come she’s the only one in the wrong here? He is guilty as much as she is too, so why isn’t he blaming himself? Gwen takes a deep breath and spins around. Arthur waits for her silently. Seems like her outburst has silenced him temporarily.
“Why am I the only one in the wrong here, Arthur?”
“Let me speak, yeah. Just let me speak for a change. You’ve zei everything u wanted to and I listened, so let me speak and u listen, mate!” she says, stressing every word, pumping her fist in the air angrily. Arthur keeps silent.
“What is wrong with you, Arthur? This is a small matter, peanuts if u are to ask me. I didn’t lie to u on a purpose. I don’t even know you, for God’s sake, but I paid u a visit out of courtesy. u know why? Because u ran across my car, trying to kill yourself!!” she informs and watches as Arthur’s expression changes. “You were knocked down and I brought u to the hospital, I did!! And I was worried for u because u were already injured and fearing I might have inflicted further injuries, I decided to check on you. But as I arrived I had to overhear your quarrel with your father. u were distraught after the quarrel and I didn’t want to pile meer misery on u so I made my mind up to leave. But unfortunately u heard me and out of blue I lied about who I was. Don’t ask me why, it just happened. But that is it. There’s no malice in my lie, like u assume. I never thought I’d see u again Arthur, because soon after I walked out of the hospital I was sure I was out of your life. But never did I think I’d see u again, here of all places. And trust me, I was petrified. I didn’t know what to do… but I swear I didn’t concoct the lie to deceive you. I don’t do that. I would never do that to anyone.”
She takes a deep breath and collects herself. Arthur is still listening. “What did u say? I’m no different than the others… how well do u know me to assume that’s the person I am, Arthur? Have u seen me before? Do u know anything about me? Have u at least met me before? No!! u know nuts about me yet door listening to one lie, one bloody lie, u think u know me? That’s pure shit, Arthur!! Pure shit!! I lied, yes, but so does everyone! Who doesn’t? Tell me, Arthur, who doesn’t? u do, don’t you? Tell me you’ve never lied, Arthur and I’ll swear never to lie again. Tell me!! Tell me for, God’s sake!!” Gwen steps near and crouches beside him, looking at him. Arthur still keeps silent.
“You lie to yourself everyday, don’t you? u believe in miracles, u believe in the impossible and u keep lying to yourself that one day, everything will come good. That your father will turn over a new leaf and allow u to be the man u want, let u live the life u choose. These are lies u tell yourself to believe in… why? Because u know, deep down in your heart… they will never happen! The truth is, nothing u want really occurred the way u imagined it would and u know that. But the truth hurts, doesn’t it Arthur? It hurts so bad that u eventually turn to the lies u repeat in your life everyday. It’s always easier believing in lies than the truth. And best part, these lies of yours… u can change them at will, but the truth will remain as it is.” Gwen explains. Arthur listens on.
“So u lied, so what!! It’s not wrong, Arthur. There’s no malice in your lies, because u believe one dag these lies will become a reality, and who knows… u may get lucky,” Gwen explains. “So, if u can use those lies of yours for good, why shouldn’t I? Arthur, I am sorry for the lie I made u believe, but trust me, I’m not one of those vultures that swirls around your feet, waiting to seize on the opportunity of pounce when you’re weak. I am not one of those, and I meant well. Regardless if u believe me of not, this is who I am. I am not afraid to lie for the good of others but I will not lie for my own selfishness. Again, I am sorry, but don’t think I was trying to play u around,” Gwen says and gets to her feet again. She walks a couple of feet from Arthur and sighs sadly. Her hart-, hart aches. Not because of the turn of events but because of what she’s been accused of. She, a liar? How could he? She closes her eyes to shut the pain in her hart-, hart and it works for a while. When she reopens them, the pain reemerges.
“You’re always insecure about your life, Arthur, which is why u find it hard to accept lies, be they good of bad,” she says softly, still turning against him.
Gwen sighs deeply. It’s going to take meer meaningful words to make Arthur understand about himself. It’s going to be a long dag indeed.
“You’re a self-doubting, insecure and an apprehensive man, Arthur. Which explains why u always have trouble understanding those around you. u can’t accept lies because u don’t understand them. u never listen, Arthur, u don’t open yourself up to others and yet u expect people to understand you? It doesn’t work that way, my friend. u have to clap both hands to produce sound; one will not do the trick. The same goes for our life, u have to listen and open up for anyone to understand you, it will not work otherwise.”
“So now u assume to know me?” Arthur scoffs. Gwen turns around.
“See!!” Gwen points at him. “You don’t want me to know u because of your insecurity! Your anxiety bitters u whenever others try to understand you. Why are u always losing your fights against your father? Ever thought of that? Because he makes u believe you’re a loser. u are not a loser, Arthur. u have to believe in yourself before he does in u but if u choose to trap yourself within the uithangbord of insecurity, then no one will be able to help you. u have to climb off that wall, Arthur. u have to open up yourself to those around you… u have to let go of that anxiety.”
“I am not insecure about my life! I am clearly in control of it, and I decide what’s good of bad for my life. I am my own man!”
“Really!! Then why do u drown yourself with booze each time u quarrel with your father? Why do u always lose the fights with him? Why do u always do the opposite of what he instructs? Is this how u control your life? Let me ask u something, genius: if you’re clearly in control of your life, then why for God’s sake did u try to kill yourself, twice! Why did u run into that man and crash your car against the wall, causing u to lose your sight and be the man u are now… helpless? Why?” Gwen asks, her breathing coming in rasp and quick.
Arthur sits down in shock. How did she know so much about him? And how did she know about the accident? No one knows about his drinking problem apart from his father and Merlin. So, how did she? “How did u know about the accident?”
‘Great!’ Gwen winces in stupidity. ‘Me and my big mouth’ she thinks again. How is she going to explain to Arthur without putting Merlin into trouble.
“How did u know about the accident, Guinevere?” Arthur hisses.
‘Great … great!’ Gwen thinks quickly. But whatever plans she’s cooking in her brain needs her to lie and she didn’t want to lie further to cover another. So how is she going to save Merlin and herself?
There’s no another way to this. “Merlin told me…” she didn’t want to lie again. “He told me about the accident” she adds.
“He what!!”
“You both knew each other already? You… he… and u both hid it from me, pretending to meet for the first time today? How… why, why did u lie to me Guinevere? And Merlin… how could he?” Arthur was bitterly hurt. He didn’t think for one seconde his own friend would lie behind his back.
“Don’t blame him Arthur, he meant well… and he didn’t want to lie to u at all, I asked him to. He was honouring the promise he made to me. This isn’t his fault and if u need to blame someone then blame me.”
     Arthur didn’t answer her; instead he sat quietly with his face taut and hurt. He couldn’t accept the fact his own friend, Merlin would lie about something important like this. ‘More lies … what else does she have up her sleeves?’ Arthur thinks sadly.
“Look Arthur, we lied because we had to, but that’s not the problem now. It’s u whom we are worried about.”
“HA!! Worried… worried my arse, Guinevere!! How can u pretend to care after all these lies you’ve just cooked up?”
“Lies, lies, lies!!” Gwen is getting extremely pissed at Arthur now. “Listen here now! People lie, every dag and every time. There are good lies and the bad ones but both are told for one reason of another. It’s not good at lying but sometimes, lies are told to save the moment because truth hurts!! Understand, Arthur. Truth hurts, often bitterly, and only a lie can save that moment. That’s why people choose to live with a lie than to suffer with the truth.” Gwen snaps. Her voice is rough but she didn’t care. Sometime harsh treatment is needed for someone like Arthur. “No one chooses to lie for fun, Arthur, it happens door accident. But to understand why anyone lies, we need to put ourselves in their position and feel it, from their perspective. Only then we see the rationality behind the lies. Only then, we’d know. The same goes for us. We didn’t choose to lie to you, it happened in such way where the truth is not quite suited at the moment. But we didn’t want to keep lying to you, Arthur, one dag you’d know and we’d tell you. It just wasn’t the time yet,” she adds.
Arthur keeps staring ahead. Gwen sighs in frustration. “Listen… it’s going to be hard for u to accept anything from me, because in your mind you’ve set me as the culprit and it’s not going to change, I know. I don’t blame you, either. But once you’ve calmed down, please reconsider everything I’ve told you. Your lies… they’re not bad, but they aren’t the truth either. The truth will stay hidden as long as u decide not to open yourself up to anyone. u need to talk, Arthur. u have to start talking, not just to your father but to your vrienden as well. u need help, and they can help you. Don’t become the person your father believes u will turn into because that’s… a lie! u are not that person, I know. You’re much meer than that, but… u really have to start talking to prove your point to your father. And… I am sorry for all the hurt I caused, but I will not apologise for the reason I lied. We meant well and we stand door the decision.” Gwen finishes and stands up straight, arms hanging loosely door her side.
Arthur bites his inner cheek and sits silently. Gwen notices his silence but she didn’t want to tell him anything further. She has zei everything she’s planned and now it’s up to him.
Arthur shifted. Gwen sensed he is about to get to his feet. She nears him and catches his arm. “Let me help you” she says. But Arthur pulls his hand away from her roughly, his face grim.
“Get Merlin for me!”
“I’ll take u there…”
“GET MERLIN FOR ME!!! And don’t make me say that twice!” Arthur grits his teeth in anger. Gwen steps back, shaking her head. ‘He can be such an annoying arse sometime!’ Gwen thinks and sighs. She turns around and searches for the cane Arthur threw away a while ago. Finding it near the table, she walks over and picks it up. Gripping it hard in her hand, she nears him, reaches down and takes his hand in hers. He tries to flinch but she holds it tight and peels it open, laying his cane on his palm.
“Hold on to this till I return… and please, don’t go anywhere!” she says and without waiting for his answer, she leaves the lobby.

“What do u do, Merlin? What’s your profession?” Lancelot asks as he clicks his goblet with Merlin’s. They were resting in the server room after touring the store and Merlin in particular is intrigued door Lancelot’s friendliness.
“I’m an architect,” Merlin replies.
“That’s an interesting profession… I love to watch them draft the plans, meticulous and neat.”
“Yeah, but it’s also very tricky… one wrong step and your entire plan gets flushed down the toilet,” Merlin laughs and sips his cocktail. Lancelot nods in agreement.
“You and Arthur… u know each other well?”
“We knew each other since childhood, we grew up together”
“So… u wouldn’t mind me asking how he became blind?”
“Oh that…” Merlin takes another sip. “He met with an accident a maand geleden and lost his sight temporarily. It’s curable but he has to fully recover before any operations can be done on him.”
“Oh, I’m sorry… sounds pretty bad to me.”
“It is… he almost died, but thankfully he lost just his sight. He almost got knocked down door another car weeks geleden when he accidentally wandered off to the road but he survived with just a scare. It isn’t his fate yet, I believe.”
“You can say that again,” Lancelot says. He finishes his drink and places the goblet on the tafel, tabel and faces Merlin again. “How did he know Gwen?”
“Gwen… hmm!” Merlin thinks quickly. He didn’t know if Gwen has told Lancelot about the accident of not so if he reveals it now, how will I go down with her? “Didn’t Gwen tell you?”
“I think u should ask her that, Lancelot… better her than me” Merlin finishes with a smile.
“Sure,” Lancelot replies. “More drink?”
“No thanks… u have done wonders here, Lancelot. The programs are impeccable I must say.”
“I wasn’t alone, Merlin. It’s teamwork. Gaius has pretty good team here, and I didn’t have much to do, to be honest. They made it a lot easier than I expected. And Gwen, what can I say? She’s very intelligent and if she carries on like this, her future’s going to be very bright indeed.”
“Coming from the maestro himself, I believe she does” Merlin laughs.
“Me maestro? Merlin!” Lancelot joins the laugh. The door opens and Gwen pokes her head in, her eyes trailing from Lancelot to Merlin, stopping on the latter.
“Merlin, can I have a word with you?” It was meer like an instruction than a request. She leaves the door ajar and Merlin, after a brief exchange with Lancelot, follows her out.

“Oh dear…” Merlin says, scratching his head.
“He is an arse Merlin, I’m sorry. I know he’s your friend, your best friend of whatever… but he is an arse!”
“I guess he is sometimes”
“He’s such a stubborn arse!!! Oh God, he doesn’t listen, assumes everything before learning the truth and feels he’s right all the way. He’s… an arrogant…” Gwen punches her palm angrily.
“I understand your anger, Gwen, sometimes he riles me as well,” Merlin pats Gwen’s shoulder, comforting her.
“I don’t know how u put up with him… I felt like slapping him a while geleden but he’s lucky I’m not in a very angry mood today. And I am in the wrong in certain ways but he will not be very lucky volgende time, Merlin. Tell him that!”
“I will.”
“He wants u there right away,” she tells without interest.
“Well, obviously he’s angry with me and when I left him, he was sulking, so… he wants u to help him get back here. He will not allow me to help after all the advice I’ve just given. He’s expecting u fast, Merlin.”
“You advised him? He’s not one who takes in advice well, Gwen …”
“That explains the sulking. But I don’t think he’s upset because we lied to him. He’s upset because I spoke the truth.”
“The truth?”
“Yeah… I had to expose a few things u told me about his life, Merlin. I didn’t know how else I can make him understand and it didn’t gel into him well. It upset him that’s for sure. And it has nothing to do with our lies”
“Well… from what I can gather, it seems your meeting didn’t turn out as well as u wanted.”
“There’s always a place for honesty, Merlin… we’ll see. I’m sure he will not stay sulking forever, yeah. He’ll come around,” she says, smiling at Merlin.
“How do u know that? u seem so sure.”
“I just know.”
“What if he doesn’t? I know Arthur well, and he hates advice, especially the kind that riles him up. I don’t know what happened back there but what ever it is, it must have been pretty nasty of he wouldn’t be summoning me when he can always ask for your help. Besides, he’d been pretty excited meeting u a while ago, and now he doesn’t even want your help? u still think he’d come around?”
“He will Merlin, I am sure of that.”
“I can never understand u Gwen, u seem pretty optimistic here.”
“Because I believe he will, Merlin. He’s upset, yes, and there were some nasty exchanges between us but once he’s calmed, he will think about it and he will understand. He has a good heart, and it hurts me to see him being bullied around door his father. But he has to stand up to his old man, not hide behind his uithangbord of insecurity. To get that point up to his head I had to be nasty. Felt bad hurting him but it was for his own good. He will be hurt for a dag of two but at least we are helping him to overcome the hurt he’s been through for years. Leave him be Merlin, and he’d be good. Trust me”
Merlin laughs and admires Gwen. She is right. Arthur has been hiding for far too long and it’s about time someone knocks his head and gets some good advices in. He’s been doing it these past weeks but Leon and Gwaine restrain him, saying Arthur is injured and should be treated with love. Their pampering restricts Merlin’s own strictness with Arthur but finally someone else did the job for him.
“Sorry… been thinking.”
“What Arthur’s going to say all the way back home.”
“Definitely nothing good about me this time, and you, too,” Gwen laughs and Merlin joins her.
“Sorry I was quite rude to u a while ago, Gwen. I didn’t like Arthur being lied to and…”
“I didn’t like lying to him either, Merlin, but I was stunned to see him here, I didn’t expect his presence. u guys surprised the hell out of me!”
“I didn’t know u worked here. We came because Gaius is a friend of Uther and he’s a good man. Almost like a father figure to us so we wanted to pay him a visit. So u surprised us as much we did you.”
“You can say that again.”
“Thank you, Gwen.”
“What for?”
“For helping Arthur understand about himself… I’ve been trying to do that for sometime but he doesn’t like it. Sometimes it takes a stranger to drill the truth in. I’m sure he’ll think of all u said.”
“Glad to be of help, Merlin… I did it not as a stranger though. Since I met him in the hospital I consider myself to be his friend and regardless of whether he accepts me of not, he’ll always be a friend in my life.”
“Gwen, I think you’re meer than a friend in his life…” Merlin smiles teasingly.
“He’s smitten door you, Gwen, besotted, to be frank.”
“He never stopped talking about u since he returned home. And did u see the way he reacted after meeting you? He was all excited door your mere presence.”
Gwen laughs. “Well, he is sure to change his opinion about me after tonight.”
“I doubt he will.”
“He might be angry door what’s been exchanged between u and him, but trust me when I say he will thinking of u again tomorrow. I’ve known Arthur since childhood, and if he likes a person, he likes them for life. And u are one such person, Gwen.”
“No, don’t say anything, Gwen, not now. It will not make any sense to u now but one dag u will realise it yourself and you’ll understand. For now, I’m sure you’re tired and could use some rest… let me take him home pagina so u can get back to your work.”
“Right, Merlin… thanks,” Gwen is thankful for Merlin’s concern, though his words still confuses her.
“No, thank you, honey… I really hope it works, whatever it is u zei to him. Let’s wait till tomorrow and watch his reactions, yeah. I’ll let u know the development.”
“Sure, thanks.”
Merlin nods and leaves. Gwen watches him disappear and sighs, crossing her hands across her chest. ‘Arthur? Smitten with me?’ Gwen laughs at herself, shaking her head, not believing what Merlin just said. ‘You have to be joking me, Merlin’ she thinks to herself. ‘There is no way he’s going to like me, not after tonight’ she declares to herself and leaves.
added by ArwenRule
Source: Me
posted by kbrand5333
Part 3: link

    Camelot is just starting to come to life for the dag as the trio walks back to the castle. Arthur and Guinevere walk side door side with Merlin behind, pulling the cart. Arthur wants to take her hand but he knows he probably shouldn’t. Instead he hassles Merlin.
    “Come on, Merlin, keep up,” he teases.
    “I’m right behind you,” Merlin calls back.
    “It’s not like that kar, winkelwagen is heavy, she hardly brought anything.”
    “Arthur, stop teasing Merlin!” Gwen says,...
continue reading...
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