Arthur and Gwen Club
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    Gwen finds Merlin talking to the doctor when she arrives. She waits until the latter is done before approaching him. She touches him on the shoulder. Merlin turns around, smile immediately forming on his face.
    “Gwen?” he asks, rolling up his sleeves and loosening his tie, it’s obvious he just came back from work.
    “Is something wrong?” Gwen asks, her voice lowering in anxiety. The last thing they need now is another obstacle when they have come so far. Arthur really needs this operation to happen without any meer interruptions.
    Merlin smiles, shaking his head. “No, no, there’s nothing wrong, Gwen. I was just asking the doctor’s opinion on this operation.”
    “And what did say?”
    “He says there one hundred percent chance that Arthur will regain his sight. And he says there will be no repercussions from this operation… which is good news, yeah?”
    “Yes… oh, I can’t wait for Arthur to get his eyesight back. I just want him to be back like old times,” Gwen says, her face beaming with happiness.
    Merlin smiles. “And I can’t wait for him to see you, Gwen,” he says.
    “Oh, Merlin,” Gwen waves and blushes.
    Merlin tilts her chin and looks warmly into her eyes. “I do, I really do, because in my opinion, the reason why Arthur has changed so much is due to your presence in his life. He became a better person with u beside him, he transformed from an arrogant and sometimes a spoiled brat into a caring and selfless human being through you. And we all appreciate what u have done, Gwen.”
    “Come on, Merlin… I think you’re exaggerating a little.”
    “No, not at all. We know how your influence worked its magic on him and Arthur admits it sometimes. We have tried for so many years, Gwen, and none of us lads could do what u did, through your love. u made him a person; and we all wish he met u earlier, before he lost his sight,” Merlin says.
    “Perhaps this was our destiny.”
    “I think u are right. I don’t know if anyone else has zei this to you, but I am most grateful to do so now. Thank you, Gwen. For making Arthur a better person than he already is and for coming into his life,” Merlin says and leans over to kiss her forehead.
    Gwen didn’t know what to say. This is all too bizarre for her. Her hart-, hart is choking with emotion and her eyes feel moist, tears ready; waiting to roll at the first signal. She looks up at Merlin as a single streak of tear rolls down.
    “Hey… what is this?” he thumbs off the tears and smiles. “There’s no need for tears, Gwen. I don’t have a brother of any close family, so for me, Arthur is meer than a friend. He’s like a big brother that I had never been privileged to have, so when he’s upset, it upsets me as well. And then u walk in his life and suddenly Arthur’s life changes for the better… that’s why I am so protective of u both. I have seen the agony and miseries both of u have endured, but not anymore. The future spells happiness, Gwen, and it’s all the rest of the boys and I would like to see. u are part of my family, too, now… there’s no need for tears, sweetheart,” Merlin explains.
    And without a word, Gwen reaches out and hugs him, embracing him tightly. Her hart-, hart is heavy with emotion and tears start to roll down without warning. Merlin caresses her hair softly and smiles. Gwen knows Merlin’s words are true in every sense and she also knows the responsibility that awaits her as soon the operation is done. She is happy Arthur will finally get to see her, but why is hart-, hart laced with sadness?
    “Hey… come on, don’t tell me that hug is just for Merlin, yeah?” Gwaine says as he and Leon near them. But as soon as he notes the tear stained eyes of Gwen’s, he stops and looks questioningly at Merlin.
    “Gwen… is everything all right?” Leon asks, pushing past Gwaine to stand beside Gwen, his hand protectively on her shoulder.
    “Yes…” she antwoorden and wipes her eyes.
    “What did they doctor say? Is something wrong with Arthur?” Gwaine shakes Merlin, his eyes widening in fear.
    “No, guys… Arthur’s fine. Gwen’s just having an emotional moment because I told her how we appreciate what she’s done for Arthur,” Merlin explains.
    “Oh, that… God, u had me worried for a while there, Gwen!” Gwaine holds his chest and closes his eyes.
    “Merlin’s right, Gwen. Arthur’s one lucky man to have u in his life. And we are lucky to have u as our friend,” Leon explains with a smile.
    “Thank you, Leon,” Gwen says, wiping her tears. “You are too kind with your words,”
    “What… just thank u and no hugs? That’s not fair! Merlin got a hug!” Gwaine asks, holding out his hands.
    Gwen laughs and steps closer to embrace Gwaine.
    “Now, that’s meer like it…” Gwaine says, hugging her warmly. Leon walks over and hugs both Gwen and Gwaine together, before Merlin wraps his arms across his friends.
    After a minute, they dissolve one door one. “Come on, let’s get inside and see Arthur of he might be worried we ran away with his bride-to-be,” Gwaine says and chuckles as Gwen punches him lightly on the elbow.
    “If we do, Arthur will know who to look for first, mate!” Leon says smiling as they enter the room where Arthur is kept and monitored.
    “Look for what?” Arthur asks, as he pops the tablets gegeven door the nurse attending to him into his mouth and drains it down with water. The nurse nods at the group, picks up her tray and leaves. Gwaine follows her with his eyes until Leon slaps his head from behind.
    “Don’t tell me Gwaine was doing it again!” Arthur asks, handing Gwen the glass.
    “Yes, he did…” Merlin laughs.
    “How did u know?” Gwen enquires, looking at the boys and then at Arthur.
    “Because it’s Gwaine, for Pete’s sake. He does it all the time. That is one thing I don’t need my eyesight for!” Arthur explains and laughs.
    “Ignore them, Gwen… they are just jealous,” Gwaine tells her, rubbing his head.
    “I bet they are,” she antwoorden him and sits down door Arthur’s bed, cradling his hand in hers.
    “What did the doctor tell you, Merlin?” Arthur asks, as Merlin circles the bed to stand on Arthur’s left.
    “Nothing u haven’t known already Arthur. He zei everything looks fine from his point of view and there’s nothing to fear.”
    “Good… so, tomorrow is the big day, huh?” Arthur asks, caressing Gwen’s finger and the ring she wears.
    “Yup… are u nervous?” Merlin asks.
    “Nervous? Come on Merlin. Do u have any idea to whom u are talking?”
    “Of course, but still…”
    “Merlin, I’ll be fine. I’ve seen worse and this is just one small operation. That’s all. To be honest, u know what I’m nervous about?”
    “What?” Gwaine asks, as he picks an appel, apple from the fruit basket on the right hand side of Arthur’s bed, wipes it on his overhemd, shirt and takes a bite out of it.
    “Seeing Guinevere for the first time. That’s all I’m nervous about,” Arthur says, smiling. Gwen squeezes his hand.
    “I want to see her… I’m desperate to see her,” Arthur adds.
    “She’s beautiful, Arthur,” Merlin says, looking at Gwen, smile plastered on his face.
    “Merlin!” Gwen scolds playfully.
    “She’s gorgeous and kind,” Leon adds.
    “Now, Leon…” Gwen warns Leon with her finger.
    “And you’re lucky u found her first, mate. I consider myself trumped!” Gwaine says, to which Gwen just laughs.
    “You can say that again, mate,” Arthur says, lifts her hand to his lips and kisses it. “I am very lucky indeed.”
    “Now, enough is enough. Today and tomorrow is about Arthur, not me. We just want u to be safe… and when u open your eyes, it has to be the old Arthur back,” Gwen says.
    “With new found courage, attitude towards life and a new beginning to look vooruit, voorwaarts to,” Arthur adds.
    “Well said,” Leon adds.
    They all laugh as the nurse and Doctor Rhea walks in. Gwaine’s eye once again darts towards the nurse but she hardly pays him any attention. Gwen stands up and nods at the doctor politely. The doctor nods back.
    “Hello Arthur? How are you?” the doctor says.
    “Good, now that’s the spirit, son. Have u taken your medications?”
    “Yes… all of it.”
    “Good, then we will give u the last meal in about an hour’s time and that’s all you’ll have till tomorrow morning. Is there anything else u need to ask me? I have to make my rounds and won’t be meeting u till volgende morning.”
    “How long before I can see, doctor? When can I open my bandages?”
    “Look, he’s utterly desperate!” Gwaine nudges Merlin’s elbow.
    “It will take at least a week, Arthur, but don’t worry, u have waited this long… I’m sure a week wouldn’t hurt. Take care, and see u tomorrow,” the doctor says with a smile and leaves, nodding at the boys on his way out. The nurse follows him from the back but before she leaves, she tosses Gwaine a look of hope and disappears.
    “Did u see that?” Gwaine points at the empty door and shakes Leon door his arm.
    “See what?” Leon asks, looking puzzled at the empty door. “What is there to see?”
    “That girl, the nurse… she just gave me a look of hope!”
    “Oh here we go again,” Merlin rolls his eyes. Arthur laughs.
    “No really… she just caught my attention and she did it on a purpose as if she knows I’m interested in her!”
    “Gwaine!” Leon remarks and shakes his head.
    “She did, actually. I believe you, Gwaine. I saw her,” Gwen says, agreeing with Gwaine.
    “Finally, someone on my side! See, she is interested in me after all! And I am not lying, Gwen saw it too!”
    “You shouldn’t encourage him, Guinevere,” Arthur says.
    “But he’s telling the truth, Arthur,” Gwen says.
    “Yeah…” Arthur and the rest of the boys laugh as Gwaine shakes his head.
    “Don’t mind them, Gwaine. I think u were gegeven lifeline and should pursue the nurse. She is a lovely girl.”
    “Thank you, Gwen, u are my angel! I’m going to get her name,” Gwaine says and leaves as the rest of the lads laugh.

    Gwen sits door Arthur’s bed and rakes her fingers through his blond locks softly. Arthur is still awake. His vrienden have long gone. Merlin wanted to stay but Gwen insisted he should head home pagina and seek some rest as he’d been door Arthur’s side all afternoon. And he definitely needs a good sleep. The other two have taken the nurse for avondmaal and should be heading back after dropping her at the nurse’s quarters.
    “You should go home, Guinevere,” Arthur says, turning his head to his right to where she is seated.
    “I am home pagina Arthur, here with you.”
    “But u are tired, sweetheart… u came here straight after work and could use some rest and a good night’s sleep.”
    “I want to be here with you, Arthur, all night if I can. I want to watch u sleep, caress u soft skin while u drift off, rake through your hair all night, till the morning sun wakes everyone up. I want to be here till they take u away and be around until I’ve known they’ve succeeded. And I will still be around until I’ve caught glimpses of you, with your eyes all wrapped up and assurance from the doctor that you’ve made it. Until I have seen and done all this, I will never be able to sleep.”
    “Guinevere…” Arthur reaches up and pulls her close and seeks her lips to which she responds hungrily. “I love you,” he says, releasing her.
    “And I love you, Arthur.” She tells him, caressing his cheek. “Just, come back fast, yeah. For me…”
    “I will. I promise.” He says as they recapture each other’s mouths again.

    The operation takes almost five hours and all the time, Gwen sits outside the theatre, waiting for the doctor to walk out and inform her that the operation is a success. But as time ticks by, none of the nurses of the doctor comes out. Gwen’s hart-, hart races with fear. Beside her Merlin sits grimly, his hands crossed across his chest, eyes looking down. Gwaine and Leon call once in every hour, asking for updates and even they seemed disappointed when Merlin informs them that no one is telling anything. There was no sign of Uther but Gwen later finds out the older Pendragon has to attend a funeral of a close associate and will make it to the hospital later in the day. It is almost quarter past two when the door opens slightly and Doctor Rhea walks out, removing his mask. Gwen and Merlin are up on their feet immediately.
    “Doctor?” Merlin asks, nearing the doctor. Gwen stands behind Merlin with her hands clasped together in prayer.
    The doctor looks at both of them, one after the other and smiles slowly. “It went well. There was some delay, but nothing to worry about. Arthur is well and he will be able to see again. In a week… just a week, and he will look at u both with his own eyes,” The doctor informs.
    Gwen and Merlin hug each other happily, while the doctor walks door with a huge smile of relief on his face.
    “Yes… yes, Gwen. He made it!” Merlin says happily as he carries Gwen and swings her around.
    “God has answered my prayers… we need to tell the others. Quick Merlin, call them!” Gwen says and Merlin puts her down and starts to dial the numbers of the other boys. Leon isn’t around when Merlin called but Gwaine was and Merlin updates him with the news. Gwaine promises to inform Leon and says he will come door shortly. Merlin flips the phone and drops it into his pocket.
    “What about Uther?”
    “What about him?”
    “Don’t u want to inform him?”
    “Why should I? Let him find out himself.”
    “Gwen! If that man has so much concern for Arthur, he would have been here. Waiting with us… not expecting us to call him for updates!”
    “He couldn’t help it, Merlin. He had a funeral to attend.”
    “That’s all bollocks, Gwen. I don’t believe a single shit that comes from his mouth. I never trusted that old crack and never will. He may be your future father-in-law, but I am sorry, my opinion on him will never change.”
    “Then let me call him.”
    “Do as u please, Gwen, just don’t ask me to be part of it,” Merlin says and walks towards the operation theatre while Gwen calls Uther. He hears Gwen talking to Uther, informing about the operation and how it went well. And then she laughs over the phone which further infuriates Merlin. He shakes his head and waits patiently until she has ended the conversation and joins him.
    “So?” he asks.
    “You want to know? I thought u had no interest in that old crack?” she teases Merlin.
    “I don’t. I just want to know if he is coming so that I can leave. I have no intention of crossing paths with him.”
    “He will be here in the evening, around five of six. He zei the doctor has updated him with every detail of the operation and he knows his presence will count for little because Arthur has good vrienden door his side, taking care of him.”
    “He zei that?”
    “You think I am making that up?”
    “No… of course not. Well… I still think he’s trying to pull your leg, Gwen. Better watch out for that man. That’s all I’ll say.”
    “I will Merlin, I will. Now… shall we go and have something to eat? I am hungry.”
    “Sounds good…” Merlin smiles and heads down to the café with Gwen.

Three days later …

    “How is Arthur?” Elyan asks through the other side of the line.
    “He’s fine, Elyan, in fact… he asked for u last night,” Gwen says, twirling the telephone line in her fingers.
    “I wish I could come over, babe… but u know how tight we both are, don’t you?”
    “It’s all right Elyan, I understand. Arthur does too, and he can’t wait to see u and Percival.”
    “And the same here,” Elyan laughs. “How are you, Gwen?”
    “I am fine, just slightly overworked, but fine nevertheless.”
    “You take care of yourself too, Gwen, not just Arthur, understand? I don’t want to hear anything from Morgana regarding your health.”
    “Oh so she’s the spy, huh?”
    “Hey, I need my eyes over there, yeah. And she’s my best option,” Elyan laughs. Gwen joins him and has her attention divided when Morgana taps and pokes her head in. Gwen invites her in door nodding at her.
    Morgana walks in and moves her lips silently; mentioning there will be a meeting in another hour’s time. Gwen nods at her.
    “I need to go now, Elyan. Send my wishes to Percival, all right?” Gwen says.
    “Sure will, dear… bye.” Gwen places the receiver back and turns towards Morgana.
    “Shall we? We need to verplaats now, because Gaius has brought the meeting forward. It’ll start in an hour’s time and we can be back door then,” Morgana informs, twirling the car keys around her fingers.
    “Come on,” Gwen picks up her bag, slings it across her shoulder and follows Morgana out of the door.
    “Hospital of the boutique?” Morgana asks, descending the stairs.
    “Hospital… I want to see Arthur first,” Gwen informs and follows Morgana down. “Any news on Lancelot?”
    “Well, he’s gone home pagina to inform his parents about him and Elena, and I think Elena’s father is besotted with our Lancie boy. From what I heard from Gaius, Godwyn couldn’t stop talking about Lancelot.”
    “That’s good news, Morgana. I am happy they both finally found happiness together.”
    “Just like u and Arthur.”
    “And volgende one in the line is you… wait till I find someone for you,” Gwen nudges Morgana’s elbow playfully.
    “Really? That should be interesting,” Morgana replies.
    “Hm … well, let’s see… at the moment who’s free? Hmm… Leon? Nope, not free. Gwaine? Nope… Ahhhh! Merlin!”
    “Guinevere!” Morgana shouts and chases Gwen out towards the car park as the latter scurries off.

    Uther waits door Arthur’s side, watching his son sleep peacefully. It is the sixth dag and the final dag Arthur will remain bandaged. Tomorrow, he will regain what was taken from him: his eye sight. And Uther can’t wait to witness that. Arthur has endured too much misery and agony without his sight and the time has come to put an end to all this, once and for all. Uther is relived with the progress Arthur made after the operation and now there’s just another twenty-four hours left before Arthur can see the world. Yes, the word holds meer significance now that it did before.
    Arthur stirs in his sleep and Uther holds his breath. Watching Arthur sleep reminds him of the first time he saw his son sleep in the baby cot, alone. Uther sighs sadly as the memories rekindle his old regret. He wishes he had been there for Arthur like any father would have been, became the father Arthur had yearned throughout his life and kept his word and promises he made to his late wife. Unfortunately, Uther was driven door his own madness, his own rage and he took it out on his only son, his heir, his bloodline. And finally who paid the heavier price? Uther did. But thankfully God has granted Uther another chance to redeem himself. And if Uther blows this as well, nothing else can save him then. Arthur stirs again and this time Uther reaches down and caresses Arthur’s forehead. He pushes the strands of hair on Arthur’s forehead and reaches down to kiss his son’s forehead. Arthur stirs but remains asleep. The first few streaks of sun start to poke its way through the blinds. Uther straightens up and takes a quick swipe at his watch. It is time to leave. Gwen will be here any minuut and he doesn’t want to interrupt them. Smiling at Arthur, Uther steps back carefully and turns around, leaving the room and his son behind, smiling and sighing contentedly.
    Gwen turns the corner and adjusts her bag over her shoulder when she catches a quick glimpse of Uther leaving Arthur’s room. She wants to call to him but he leaves quickly. Gwen shrugs and makes her way to the room, heaving with the weight of the bag she is carrying. She nudges the door slowly, steps in and tiptoes towards the counter on Arthur’s left and leaves the bag at the side of it. She removes her bag and drops it on the chair and nears him. Arthur is still sleeping soundly and she pulls the chair closer to the bed and sits down. She pulls up the blanket and tucks it around him. Placing a hand near her temple, Gwen watches Arthur for hours. Streaks of sunlight begin to sneak inside and soon it would be full-bloomed morning. Arthur will wake up and they can have breakfast together. Gwen smiles as she smoothes the blanket covering him. Another twenty-four hours to go and Arthur will be able to see her, for good. Gwen should be dancing with happiness yet her hart-, hart is heavy. She sighs and drops her hand and leans to place her head on the bed, just an inch from his shoulder.
    Gwen jumps up in a hurry and notices Arthur is awake. “Arthur?”
    “When did u arrive?”
    “Just a while ago. Have I woken u up? I am sorry Arthur…”
    “No… I woke up some time ago… I think there was someone else in my room before u came.”
    “Yes, your father just visited you.”
    “My father?”
    “Yes. He left before I came.”
    “Oh… I know I felt someone, but…why didn’t he wake me up?”
    “You were soundly asleep, Arthur. Even I didn’t have the hart-, hart to wake u up. u slept like a baby,” Gwen says smiling, raking through his hair.
    Arthur smiles. “One meer day, Guinevere. And I can see you. I can’t wait for the bandages to be removed. I was considering asking the doctor to remove it today.”
    “I have to see you, sweetheart. I want to…” he clasps her hand and squeezes it gently.
    “Patience is a virtue, Arthur. One meer day, remember that.”
    “I know…” Arthur sighs, prompting Gwen to laugh.
    “Will u be here with me all day, today?”
    “Yes… today, I want to spend the entire dag with you. Just u and me, together,” she says.
    “Promise…” she says, placing a kiss on his forehead.
    “I can’t wait to marry you, Guinevere,”
    “And I can’t wait to be your wife, Arthur Pendragon,” Gwen replies, leaning against his head, smiling.

The volgende dag …

    “Arthur, do u still remember what I told u yesterday?” Doctor Rhea asks as he removes the bandage from Arthur’s eyes.
    Arthur nods slowly as the final bandage leaves his eyes. Doctor Rhea drops the bandage on the tray held door the nurse and turns back towards Arthur.
    “I want u to open your eyes slowly, not too fast, understand. It will be a bit blurry in the beginning, and distorted as well, but don’t worry. It’ll only last for a short while. But I want u to take your time before u decide to open your eyes,” the doctor advises.
    Arthur nods. “Guinevere?” he calls out. There’s no answer. He arches his brow and calls out her name again, “Guinevere? Gwen?”
    “She’s not here Arthur,” Merlin answers.
    “Not here…” Arthur says and snaps his eyes open, causing a stinging pain in his eyes. “Oww…” he covers his eyes with his palms. The pain spreads like a curse all over his eyes and up his brain. Arthur struggles with the pain. Tears streaks down his cheek.
    “Be careful, Arthur… nurse, hand me the ointment,” Doctor Rhea instructs and takes a bottle of ointment from the nurse and drops in two to three drops of it into Arthur’s eyes. “Now… close your eyes and try to reopen your eyes slowly. Please don’t do that again,” he adds, handing the bottle back to the nurse.
    Arthur’s mind fizzed with pain and vraag marks. ‘Where is Guinevere?’ he thinks and at the same time he tries to do what the doctor advices. The pain reduces, all thanks to the ointment.
    “Relax, Arthur… calm yourself,” the doctor says.
    Arthur relaxes and calms himself. The doctor is right; there is no point in hurting himself just because he is hasty. Guinevere probably hadn’t arrived and he is getting all jumpy for no reason. She will be around soon, he knows. She probably is working and couldn’t make it here in time, like she promised yesterday. But she will be around shortly. Arthur sighs and slowly, he lifts his lids. The first thing he notices is someone, no idea whom. But it sure looks like a man. But it is blur and distorted, like the doctor has said. Arthur wants to rub his eyes but Doctor Rhea grabs Arthur’s hand before he can do so.
    “No Arthur, u shouldn’t rub your eyes… close and reopen it again.”
    Arthur does like he is informed and this time the image in front of him slowly transforms itself into a clearer image. Arthur doesn’t strain his eyes and instead allows his eyes to retain the clarity of the image. It is Merlin. Arthur smiles the moment he spots his friend.
    “Merlin!” he claims, his face beaming with joy. He looks to his right and spots Gwaine standing with his hands thrust firmly in his pocket, his face deprived of his usual cheerfulness. “Gwaine!” Arthur calls out.
    “Thank the Lord!” Gwaine says and closes his eyes in prayer.
Arthur turns back to Merlin. “Oh my God, Merlin. I can see!”
    “Oh, God… oh my dear God!” Merlin covers his mouth, unable to say anything else.
    Arthur turns towards the doctor, grabbing the latter’s hand. “Thank u doctor… thank u so much.”
    “How are u feeling?” the doctor asks, his face relieved.
    “Better. I can see clearer now.”
    “Good… but u will face some minor headaches for a week of so but like I said, it should be minor. Nothing to worry about. But one word of advice, wear sunglasses when u are in the sun of even brightly-lit places. Direct sunlight is to be avoided at the moment, until u have passed a couple of months of so”
    “Sure will, doctor… thank you,” Arthur says happily.
    “Good… remember, no rubbing, scratching your eyes for a while. I’ll leave u with your vrienden now. Take care, Arthur.” The doctor says and leaves, nodding at Gwaine and Merlin.
    “Where’s Guinevere, Merlin?” Arthur asks as soon as the doctor is out from the door.
    Merlin’s smile fades and he looks at Gwaine for answers. Gwaine clenches his cheek and nods at Merlin, as if asking Merlin to tell Arthur.
    “What?” Arthur asks, exchanging looks from Merlin to Gwaine and then back to Merlin. “Where is she?”
    “We don’t know, Arthur,” Merlin tells him.
    “What?” Arthur laughs. “Is this supposed to be a joke? If it is, it’s quite funny. But seriously though, where is she?”
    “Like Merlin zei Arthur, we don’t know,” Gwaine antwoorden and it didn’t go down well with Arthur.
    “Look, Gwaine, this isn’t funny at all. Now, where is she?”
    “We don’t…”
    “Cut the bloody shit, Merlin!!! Where is Guinevere? What happened to her? What are u both hiding from me?” Arthur raises his voice.
    “Arthur, now please… calm down.” Merlin tries to calm Arthur down but the latter is already on his feet, peeling off his sheet and climbing down the bed. Gwaine goes to Arthur but his friend shrugs him off, slapping Gwaine’s hand off him and staggering on his feet.
    “I want to see Guinevere now!”
    “She’s not here, Arthur.”
    “I know that, Merlin, I want to find her!” Arthur shouts and staggers towards the door, but Merlin holds him tightly. “Leave me!”
    “Arthur! Get a grip mate!” Gwaine raises his voice and nears Arthur, stopping him.
    “I want to meet Gui …”
    “She‘s not here!! Not anywhere at all… her home, work of anywhere! We tried calling her but her phone is dead! No one knows where she is, Arthur! No one! The last time we saw her was last night, after you’d fallen asleep, and that’s all! We don’t know where she is of what happened to her! Nothing!” Gwaine shouts, halting both Arthur and Merlin in their steps.
    Arthur’s heartbeat slows down when he hears what Gwaine tells him. Surely that can’t be true? Where can Guinevere be? Nothing happened to her, he knows it. He can feel it. But… why is he afraid? Why is his hart-, hart racing wildly? He grabs Merlin’s shoulder to balance himself. “What in the world is this madness, Gwaine?”
    “We are not lying, Arthur. We are afraid too, and we just lodged a police meld before heading here. The doctor zei u shouldn’t stress yourself which is why we decided to keep silent about it,” Merlin explains.
    “Morgana? Have u tried her?”
    “Morgana’s phone is not in service and there’s no one at home. We went there this morning,” Merlin informs.
    Arthur’s mind races back to the problem Gwen told him regarding Modred and Morgana. Gwen had promised to help her friend and she did. So the matter should have been settled door now. Could Guinevere be in trouble for helping Morgana?
    “I don’t believe this… I have to find out myself. I don’t believe any of this. Get me out…”
    “Arthur, you’re too weak…”
    “Will u do it of shall I walk out from here on my own Merlin?”
    Merlin sighs and looks at Gwaine for help and the latter nods, assuring Merlin it’s all right to take Arthur out in this quest to find Gwen. “Let’s go, Arthur.” Gwaine helps Arthur to the door while Merlin follows behind.

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Source: sirlayon
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Source: itsgoodtoseeyoumerlin
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Source: Euphoria1001
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Source: worthyourtears
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Source: bbcmerlinconfessions
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Source: chaosmaka
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Source: butnotquite
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Source: nikascott