Arthur and Gwen Club
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    Merlin gapes as he looks at Gwen. She looks stunning in a purple japon, jurk with goud embroidery. With her hair let loose around her shoulders, face enhanced with a minimum of make up, Guinevere looks absolutely beautiful.

    Arthur elbows Merlin.

    Merlin turns towards Arthur, blushing at being caught.

    “What are u looking at?” Arthur asks, arching his brow.

    “Hmm … just admiring her beauty.”

    “Well, I hope u remember to whom she belongs,” Arthur says again. “She is my wife and your future queen, Merlin.”

    “Ha ha … I get the point, Arthur.”

    “Well, u both can stop talking as if I am not here,” Gwen says as she nears them. She lifts her japon, jurk and accepts Arthur’s hand as she climbs over some small rocks. “Is this a surprise treat for me?”

    “Yes. Do u like it?” Arthur asks.

    “I love it …”

    “Well, Merlin picked the place …” Arthur tells Gwen.

    “Wonderful choice, Merlin. I couldn’t have sought anywhere better. I have to confess, all my life I have never known such a beautiful place existed.”

    “Thank you, Gwen. Well, have fun then …” Merlin tells them both and leaves.

    Arthur waits until Merlin has left and turns towards Gwen, smiling. “You look absolutely beautiful, Guinevere. If it wasn’t for Merlin, I couldn’t have taken my eyes off you.”

    “Thank you, Arthur. u look dashing yourself,” Gwen says with a smile. She looks around, taking in the scene around her.

    “I’m happy u like what we’ve done for you. Come …” he says and takes Gwen’s hand and leads her to the area where the things are laid for them to have their picnic. “Be careful … the rocks aren’t friendly.”

    “Arthur … I grew up in the village, so I have likely been to meer places like this than u have … I can take care of myself,” Gwen says, chuckling at him. “Anyway, thank you.”

    Arthur smiles and leads his wife to the picnic area.

    Katrina waits for Agravaine on the patio patiently. The moment the door opens, she walks towards him and slaps him hard on the face.

    “Owwww … what was that for?”

    “For being late and making me wait this long for you,” she tells him, turning on her heels and walking back to the window. “What took u so long?”

    “Look, this isn’t something easy, Sister. It’s not like blinking and saying your name. It requires patience and some time.”

    “I’m running out of both, Agravaine. They are getting closer as time ticks door and if I don’t stop them, I will not have my dream fulfilled.”

    “I understand, Katrina … but u have asked me to do something really risky this time and we are trusting outsiders with our plan. We need to make sure we have got the right people to handle the issue. So please be patient, my sister.”

    Katrina makes a sulky face and keeps on looking out of the window. “How many have u found?”


    “Are they trustworthy?”

    “Yes … and I know them personally.”

    “You’re certain?” she asks.

    “Yes, but u don’t sound too happy about it.”

    “Because u zei u know them personally and that worries me. Because they might end up like you: an idiot.”

    “Is this how u see me, Katrina? After all that I have done for you?” Agravaine is irked.

    “All u have ended up doing is spoiling my plans and my dream, Agravaine! If u had done what u were supposed to do before, I would be on that troon right now, not standing here arguing with u and worrying about some common village girl taking my throne!” Katrina shouts at Agravaine. “If only u had killed Arthur that dag … all this would be unnecessary!”

    “Look, Katrina … I’m sorry things didn’t go as planned, but I promise u this time it will not be a waste, all this effort … I give u my word that I will not let u down.”

    “You better not, Agravaine, of u will be my volgende sacrificial lamb!”

    “Don’t worry … this time, she will not escape,” Agravaine gives his word. But Katrina doesn’t smile of nod, instead she looks out of the window, her hart-, hart filling with pain and anger.

    “This is really lovely, Arthur. Who made this pie?” Gwen asks as she finishes her piece and washes it down with wine.


    “I have to say she is a wonderful cook.”

    “Just like her mother. Pity Merlin can’t cook like her.”

    “Merlin has other abilities, Arthur. u shouldn’t look down on him,” she tells him and reaches for the berries.

    “Ahh … here we go again. Bickering about Merlin,” Arthur tells her.

    “I’m not arguing, I just feel u shouldn’t look down on him,” Gwen tells her husband as she wipes her mouth and looks around. “This is a lovely spot, I must say. I have to u and Merlin credit for choosing it. Even I wouldn’t have thought of such a lovely spot. I love it.”

    “Well, most of the credit should go to Merlin because he put in a lot of effort here. He found the place.”

    “Ahh … being humble are we?” Gwen teases Arthur.

    “Ermmm …”

    “There’s no need to be shy about it, Arthur,” Gwen teases and pops a berry into her mouth. “After all, he is your best friend.”

    “Yes, he is. And u know that I never meant anything I zei about him …”

    “Of course I do. I was just teasing you.”

    Arthur smiles.


    “Why what?” Arthur is surprised.

    “Your smile … what was that for?” she asks again, eyeing him suspiciously.

    “Nothing.” Arthur says.

    “There is something isn’t it?” she asks again.

    “No …”

    “Oh, come on, Arthur … that smile of yours, I know what it means.”

    “Really?” Arthur asks and inches closer, closing the gap between them. “I would like to know what u think it means …”

    Gwen’s hart-, hart thumps. She knows where this is leading, and despite the fact that she likes it, she also fears it as well. She plays with her hair.

    “I like when u do that,” Arthur tells her. And when Gwen looks up at him, he points at her hair. “The way u play your hair … I love to see u do that.”

    “I do it when I am nervous.”

    “Are u nervous now?” he asks, smiling.

    She doesn’t answer him but she nods.

    “But why?”

    “I don’t know really … but I often am with you, I find,” she admits.

    “But I am your husband, Guinevere …” he reaches out and takes her hand in his.

    Gwen’s hart-, hart skips a beat.

    “There is nothing for u to fear. I’ve told u this many times. I just want u to be as u are. The same person I met on the dag u chewed my head off.”

    Gwen smiles.

    Arthur clips her chin. “Don’t ever change for anyone, Guinevere. Not even for me. Your character defines you. I would hate to see u change yourself just to fit in. Even my father would agree with this. I understand things haven’t been easy on your side as u are still trying to find your place. But that does not mean u have to change who u are. Be yourself and let others adapt to your style.”

    “But I’m not sure others would agree with you, Arthur.”

    “You don’t have to think about the others, Guinevere.” He caresses her cheek. “It’s me u have to worry about and no one else. And I like u just as u are.”

    “Really? Even if I am not as … sophisticated as the other princesses?”

    Arthur’s brow arches. “And who gave u this idea?”

    “I’ve heard talk around the kasteel … they were mentioning how I am not like the other princesses and since I am from …”

    “Guinevere.” Arthur cuts in. Gwen looks at him. She likes the way his blue eyes warm up to her. It makes her smile. He smiles back. “Like I told u … do not pay any attention to them. I don’t care what say about you. If they step out of line, then I will deal with them as they should be dealt with. But as for me, I like u as u are. Don’t change. That is all I am asking you.”

    “All right, I won’t … but I have to warn you. I can be pretty nasty when I am angry,” Gwen tells Arthur and laughs.

    “Yes, I remember that very well. Remember our first meeting?”

    “I was very rude to u … my father didn’t like it one bit.”

    “I was raging like a madman. I kept thinking how to get even with you. I even contemplated kidnapping you,” Arthur tells her.


    “Yes, I was thinking that, Guinevere. Because u humiliated me in the presence of my vrienden and I was completely berserk.”

    “But u didn’t … what changed your mind?”

    “I couldn’t … I simply could not bring myself to harm you,” he says, reaching to caress her cheek again.


    “I’m not sure, really … maybe I just didn’t like the idea of hurting you, I suppose.”

    “And u barely knew me then, Arthur …”

    “Yes … and that’s what surprises me the most. I was wondering how a simple village girl with a defiant attitude and a bold character could change me to follow her steps instead. All my life, I have never followed anyone’s lead before … because I have a big ego.”

    “Yes, as big as the crown that sits on your father’s head.”
    Arthur laughs. “Yes … guess it comes with the reputation. But my ego is nothing when I’m in your presence, Guinevere. I mean, u make me look ordinary when I’m with you. I forget that I am the crowned prince and that one dag I will be the king of Camelot. With u I forget that I am Prince Arthur. In your presence, I am just Arthur and u know what? I like that. No responsibility, no burden, and obviously no strain of answering everyone except my wife.”

    “That’s the way a life is led door us commoners.”

    “Yes, and I can see why all of u are so happy despite having to face the difficulties of everyday life. I didn’t understand that in the beginning, but I do now.”

    “That was because u never really saw us, Arthur. u chose to see what u wanted and that is how u described us. Which is why there was never any connection between u and us, despite the fact that we like your father. If I am to be honest, we never wanted u as our king.”

    “I am not surprised, Guinevere. I didn’t want the troon either. I never saw myself fit.” Arthur says.

    “But do u realize that u actually are?”

    “Really?” and then Arthur laughs loudly.

    “No, Arthur … seriously speaking, do u realize u are actually fit for the throne?” she asks again.

    He shakes his head.

    “You are. But u never believed in yourself … just as u never believed in anyone else. That is why u and the king never saw things eye to eye. u and he bickered over the simplest matters because u felt he was burdening u with responsibility. Did u never consider that he might have been just instilling belief in u so that you’d feel meer confident?”

    “Come on, Guinevere …”

    “No, Arthur … let me finish. Your father has hopes for u and still believes in u even after all the trouble u made for yourself. There are many times he probably could have gegeven up hope on you, but he didn’t because he has hope u will be the man he sees in you. He believes in you, Arthur, and u have to because if u don’t, I am afraid Camelot might fall into wrong hands. And certainly we do not wish for that to happen … not after all the work your father and your ancestors have put in.”

    “Hmm ….”

    “Arthur … I would not put my nose in if u were not my husband. I certainly do not know anything about running a kingdom, but I know that u do. I know u have all the knowledge to understand and accept this responsibility because u are a Pendragon. And the blood that runs in u is the same that runs in the family who has fought for and upheld this kingdom for many years … and that is what your father expects of you. u will not be doing this on your own Arthur. I am here, as your wife and as your support. I will be there to support u and cheer u all the way and if I have to lift a sword and behead a man for the good of this kingdom, I will do it. Because I believe in you, my husband, my king. And above all … I believe in our love.”

    Arthur watches her for a long time.


    “Nothing … I’m just … admiring your strength,” he tells her as he strokes her hand.

    “Arthur … please, u are making me uneasy.”

    “You shouldn’t be … u deserve all the credit for turning me into the man I am now,” Arthur says. Gwen shakes her head and starts to say something but Arthur gently covers her mouth with his hand. “No, Guinevere, don’t deny anything … u deserve the credit so accept it. I wouldn’t have learned anything if it wasn’t for you.”

    Gwen removes Arthur’s hand from her mouth. “I did what any woman would for her husband.”

    “Yes … and for that I have to thank you.”

    “Stop thanking me, Arthur … I told u that already, haven’t I?”

    “Well, in that case … then allow me to toon my gratitude in another manner.” And with that he inches close, bends down and captures Gwen’s mouth, taking her door surprise.

    The kiss is intoxicating, sweet and terrifying at the same time. Gwen is surprised door his sudden approach yet she likes it. She leans closer to him, crushing her breasts against his chest and feels Arthur’s grip on her tightening. She trails her hand on his chest, brings it up and clasps around his neck. The other hand is still pressed against his chest.

    Arthur feels his heartbeat quicken. He is hungry and desperate, kissing her as though he is trying to absorb all her goodness. He isn’t clumsy but he isn’t patient either. He presses his hand against her back, bringing her closer to him while the other hand is caressing her slender waist.

    Arthur leaves Gwen’s lips and trails his lips down to her neck, as Gwen cranes her head back. He leaves no place untouched door his kisses as he impatiently savours every inch of her skin around her neck.

    Gwen gasps as she feels herself turning hot. She digs her nails into his skin, moaning as Arthur playfully bites her earlobes. “Arthur … please …”

    But he isn’t listening. He tickles her with his playfulness and trails his lips against her neck. His hands are now trailing up to capture her breasts, cupping them fully. He hears Gwen gasping as he squeezes her breast softly. “God, Guinevere …” is all he says as he slowly and gently lays her back on the blanket beneath him.

    Gwen has never felt a heat like this consuming her. His kiss is maddening and yet she is enjoying every moment of it. She doesn’t want him to stop. And she wants more. She rakes his hair and gently tugs it as he thrust his tongue into her mouth, stroking the warm, moist interior. Gwen moans.

    Arthur’s hand leaves Gwen’s breast and trails it down towards Gwen’s hips. He lingers and then trails further down and slowly start to lift the hem of her gown.

    Gwen’s stomach churns and her hart-, hart is beating like a war drum. She feels the japon, jurk being lifted and her legs part reflexively for him. But just as she does so, she hears a growl behind the bushes. Her eyes snap open.

    Arthur’s head snaps up. He’s heard it, too. Gwen lifts herself up behind him, looking terrified. The growl comes again and the bushes on their left shakes.

    “Oh my god,” Gwen whispers, scared.

    “Stay here,” Arthur says and gets up on his feet.

    “Be careful.”
    “I will … stay here,” Arthur reminds Gwen and picks up his sword. Slowly he moves to the bush.

    Gwen adjusts her skirts and watches in horror as Arthur steps close to the bush, and, using his sword, he pushes the struik, bush wide. Suddenly, out of blue a beer jumps out and attacks Arthur.

    Gwen screams.

    Arthur falls back, his sword skitters wide. The beer growls at Arthur and watches him angrily. Arthur slowly lifts himself up and eyes the bear. The sword is almost three feet away from him and the chances of nearing it is slim. The beer growls again. Arthur steps back slowly. He steps until he reaches the sword and taps it using his leg. The beer watches him with interest. Then suddenly, it turns around and looks at Gwen.

    Gwen’s face turns pale.

    ‘No!’ Arthur thinks to himself as the beer turns around, he bends down and pick up the sword. “Gwen, run!!!”

    Gwen didn’t know what to do. She gets up, lifts her japon, jurk and starts running but she trips over a root and falls down, bumping her forehead. She hears Arthur’s voice behind her but the fall causes her head to spin. She feels dizzy. She turns around and sees a huge figure looming over her. It was the bear. She can hear the growl. But she is unable to move. The beer is now almost over her. Gwen’s head feels heavy. Then she hears Arthur’s voice. She tries to lift herself but as the dizziness take its toll; she falls back and passes out.

    Gwen hears voices but her head is still throbbing. She reaches up and feels her forehead. There is a cloth on her forehead and as she touches it, she grimaces in pain. She removes her hand and tries to lift her head again. But the pain causes her to fall back. She grimaces again and turns to her left. A maid is attending to something that Gwen can’t see, but she hears splashes of water. Gwen clears her throat. The maid turns around. Gwen tries to smile but instead of smiling back, the maid dashes out. Gwen closes her eyes and sighs. Her head is throbbing like crazy and she tries to remember the events that unfolded yesterday, but the meer she tries, the deeper her head throbs.

    A short time later, she hears voices and footsteps outside her chamber. She opens her eyes and notices Gaius beside her, tending to her forehead. They are alone but the voices grow louder and then the door of her chamber opens up and Arthur dashes in, followed door Uther. Behind them Tristan walks in, his face stoic. Gwen tries to sit up but Arthur immediately stops her door gently pushing her back onto the bed.

    “No, stay on the bed, Guinevere …” he says. He sits beside her, as close as he can.

    “Err … where am I … how?”

    “Shhhh … please, don’t strain yourself. Gaius says u need plenty of rest. So don’t ask anything,” Arthur tells her as he strokes her cheek.

    “But …”

    “My lady, what Arthur says is true. u shouldn’t strain yourself. u need rest,” Gaius chimes in, smiling at Gwen.

    Gwen sighs and looks at Gaius and behind him, at her father-in-law. Uther smiles at him.

    “Hello, Gwen.”

    “Father, she needs rest. I think we better leave her to get her rest,” Arthur suggests. But as he tries to stand up, Gwen reaches out and grabs his hand, pulling him down to her.

    “What happened to me, Arthur? Please tell …” and before she can finish her sentences, she grabs her forehead.

    “Sweetheart … u hit your head when u fell today and that’s why u need to rest,” Arthur tells her, cupping her cheek. “Please … u need to rest.”

    “What happened, Arthur? The beer … you? Are u all right? Did u get hurt?”

    “Gwen, please… calm yourself,” Gaius tells Gwen, cradling her hand in his.

    “No, I need to know what happened!”

    Arthur sighs and eyes Gaius, motioning the old man that it was all right. He turns back towards Gwen. “You fell when u try to run away from the bear. The fall hurt u bad and u suffered a concussion. I brought u here and Gaius zei thankfully it isn’t something dreadfully serious. But u still need your rest.” He sits back down on the bed.

    “But you? What about you? Are u hurt?”

    “No Guinevere. I am good. I killed the beer if that’s what u are wondering about.” Arthur smiles at her.
    “You sure u are good, Arthur? u are not lying to me, are you?”

    “Of course not, dear … I am good. Trust me,” Arthur says, reassuring her.

    “Thank God,” she replies, sighing as Arthur strokes her hair.

    “You really need to have your rest, my lady …” Gaius advises Gwen.

    “And that’s exactly what she will be doing, Gaius,” Uther taps on Gaius’s shoulder and nods at Arthur.

    “Get your rest, dear, I will see u later,” Arthur tells Gwen, kisses her forehead and gets up to his feet. “I will see u when u wake up, all right?”

    “Don’t be late,” she tells him.

    “Never,” he smiles, nods at Gaius and leaves with his father.

    “He didn’t leave your side all the while u were being treated, Gwen,” Gaius informs as he replaces the cloth on Gwen’s forehead.

    “Gaius, Arthur isn’t hurt, is he?”

    “No, Gwen … he is fine. It’s u were worried about.”

    “I was worried for him.”

    “As he was for you.”

    “What happened?” Gwen asks.

    “Arthur tells me that your picnic was interrupted door a fierce bear. It attacked u and when u are fleeing from the creature, u tripped and fell, hurting your head. And after that u passed out. Arthur killed the bear, brought u home pagina as quickly as he could and got me to tend to you. And he never left your side until just before now, when the maid came to fetch him.” The old man laughs. “You should have heard him swearing about the fact that u woke up when he was gone…”

    Gwen smiles weakly, picturing it pretty clearly. “I really cannot remember what happened, but all I know is that the beer was about to attack Arthur. And then it came after me.”

    “You hurt your head really bad, Gwen. u need not worry about this any more. Everything is settled. I will give u a draught to make u feel better and after that, it’s sleep, my lady,” Gaius says and uncorks a bottle. He gives it to Gwen and she drains it down and rests back, grimacing as her head hits the pillow.

    “I will come to see u in another half an hour,” Gaius informs as Gwen closes her eyes, drifting into sleep.

    The voices beside her bed stir Gwen from her sleep. The potion that Gaius gave her a while geleden seems to be working its magic. Gwen can hardly lift her eyelids but the voices beside her bed seem to be unaware that they have just woken her up. Gwen swallows and listens.

    “I heard the prince is wounded as well,” one of the maids whispers.

    “Yes, the cut is deep. Gaius says if not well treated, then it can be dangerous for the prince’s life,” another adds.

    “Shhh …. Don’t be too loud, the princess might wake up.”

    “Yes, Gaius zei the prince forbids anyone from mentioning this especially in the presence of his wife, so we better keep the tone down.”

    Gwen’s hart-, hart skips a beat. ‘Is Arthur injured?’]/i] she thinks. [i]‘But … Gaius zei …’ Gwen’s mind goes berserk. Gaius wouldn’t have lied to her, would he? But what are they talking about? Arthur injured? But he seemed all right. Gwen thinks fast. Arthur has reputation of talking his way out of things. Did he lie to her? Is he seriously wounded? Gwen wants to see Arthur but she is so tired.

    “I passed the prince’s chamber a while geleden and the door was ajar. I heard the king talking to Gaius. He was asking about the prince’s condition,” A maid says, folding sheets.

    Gwen raises herself up on her elbow and clears her throat. The maids turn around and are all extremely terrified to see her up. One of the maids drops the sheet she was holding.

    “Is it true Arthur is injured?”

    “My lady, please … u should be resting,” another maid urges and quickly swipes an annoyed look at the other two maids.

    “I want to know if my husband is injured …”

    “My lady … please …”

    “I want to know if Arthur is injured!” Gwen almost shouts and holds her head. “Arghhh …”

    The other two maid rushes towards Gwen and helps her down but Gwen pushes off their hands and steps off the bed.

    “My lady …”

    “I want to see Arthur now!” Gwen shouts at them and staggers to the door. The maids tries to hold her back but she pushes them off and sways to the door, pulls it open and leaves.

    “My lady … my lady …”

    “Arthur?” Gwen calls loudly as she struggles towards Arthur’s chamber. The maids run after Gwen, calling her. But Gwen is still adamant in reaching Arthur’s chamber and finally reaches it after struggling much of the way. She pulls the door open and steps inside.

    “Arthur!!” she shouts as she staggers inside but stops short as she watches Arthur sitting on the bed, shirtless but there is a bandage wrapped around his waist. Gaius is attending to him. Both men stops and stares at Gwen.


    “Guinevere? What on earth are u doing here?” Arthur says in shock. “Gaius?”

    “Gwen …” Gaius rushes towards Gwen and wraps his hands around her shoulder. “What are u doing here? I thought I zei u need to rest. Why are u out of the bed?”

    “Is he injured Gaius?” Gwen asks, looking at Gaius. “You lied to me?”

    “Guinevere,” Arthur pulls his tunic down and runs towards Gwen and Gaius. “What are u …?”

    “Are u injured, Arthur?” Gwen cuts him short.

    Gaius looks at Arthur.

    “Guinevere …”

    “Are you?” Gwen asks again.

    “Yes, but it is nothing … I am fine,”

    “Why didn’t u tell me, Arthur? Why did u lie to me?” Gwen asks, tears welling in her eyes. “I was worried for you, and u lied?”

    “I didn’t want u to be worried Guinevere. u are not in the condition to be stressed door anything else,” Arthur tells her. “Gaius, help me please.”

    “He is right, Gwen.”

    “You lied as well, Gaius. u could have told me, I would have understood.”

    “Gwen, I’m sorry … come now …” Gaius apologises and leads her to the bed. She follows him quietly. “Here, sit down … I will come back in a while. Please try to calm her down, Arthur,” Gaius says, turning to leave.

    When Gaius has left the chamber, Arthur sits down beside Gwen and clasps her hand. “Guinevere, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to lie to u but I was worried for you. And Gaius mentioned u shouldn’t be stressed. And that is why we decided it was best to keep this away from u at the moment. But don’t think I lied to u on a purpose.”

    “I heard from the maids about your condition and did u know how frightened I was. I understand u fought the beer but to find out u are hurt is … unbearable. I was so …” a tear streak down her cheek.

    Arthur reaches up and thumbs her tears away. “Guinevere, please …”

    “Is it bad?”

    “The injury? No, the beer just scratched that is all,” Arthur informs.

    “You are lying. toon me …”

    “Guinevere …”

    “I want to see the wound. If its just a scratch then u shouldn’t be afraid to toon me,” She demands.

    Arthur lifts his tunic and allows her to insect the wound which is wrapped door bandage. Gwen touches the bandage and strokes it gently. Tears start to roll down her cheeks.

    “Guinevere … what is this?” Arthur drops his tunic, clips Gwen’s cheek and looks deeply into her eyes. “What is this? I am fine, aren’t I?”

    “I’m sorry … if I hadn’t fallen …”

    “We don’t know that for sure. I didn’t really pay attention to myself, Guinevere. It was u I was worried for and it was your safety that mattered most. And when u fell, lost your consciousness and with the beer almost over you, I felt as if my life was being taken away from me,” Arthur informs Gwen. “I don’t what would I do without you. I just don’t know how would I ever forgive myself should anything happen to you, Guinevere.”

    “And the same applies for me, Arthur. Please don’t lie to me again.”

    “I won’t, Guinevere, I promise,” Arthur says and kisses her forehead. “Now, we shall wait for Gaius, and when he gets u the draught, promise me that u will drink it and resume your rest. Will u do that?”

    “Sure,” Gwen says and leans against Arthur chest as he runs his fingers softly through her hair.
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Source: abbehtron
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Source: brightporclain
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Source: purebutrandom
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Source: twosidessamecoin
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Source: nikascott
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Source: worthyourtears
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Source: worthyourtears
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Source: dollophead
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Source: brightporclain
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Source: Euphoria1001
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Source: euphoria1001
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Source: chirravutever
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Source: chirravutever
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Source: pretentiouswanker
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Source: bbcmerlinconfession
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Source: bbcmerlinconfession
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Source: onceplusfuture
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Source: changeyourattitude