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posted by ashesandwine
OMG... I missed this story soooo much! But don't blame me, please, it the writers block fault:P LOL!!! So.... enjoy guys:)

“Catherine’s POV”

I try to keep up but life doesn’t let me… I just keep falling and falling into the darkness!

I left Francisca there and ran for as long as I could. I kept thinking of everything that had happened to me since I left home. I had met someone that helped me keep my feet on the ground and not miss home. Francisca was amazing but when I thought that maybe this wouldn’t be so bad I met him! Why? Why couldn’t I just be left to my sadness and heartbreak without having to see his face? Alex was everything that I couldn’t stand, not because he was a bad person but because he looked so much like my person!
I kept walking and walking until I got home… I thought of getting in, but I couldn’t get myself to face Emily and Afonso. So, I went to the park in front of the building. I walked and walked through it and finally sat under a boom volgende to the river. I looked at the little ducks that followed the mother duck, all of them following her… She was their whole world and I knew that they would follow her to everywhere, just like I would for Daniel!
“I saw u from my window here, can I seat?” No… Not that voice! Everyone else but him!
“I thought u had to go home? Why are u here?” I ask, still not looking him in the eyes!
“Ohhhh, I live in that building over there…” He zei as he pointed to the building volgende to mine. “And I’ve been home pagina and made what I had to do. I was in my window when I saw you, so I thought that maybe I would come and make u company. Do u mind?”
“Honestly I was just on my way home, so maybe another time?” I stood up and started to walk away when I felt a hand in my arm.
“What did I do? u have been acting like I hurted you, but I just met u how can I have hurted you?” He almost yelled it, and I knew he was right. He didn’t deserve this time of behaviour from me, but all I did was get free of his hold and head home.
I got home pagina and went strait to my room. I laid in my bed and as I moved my head in the hoofdkussen, kussen I felt something in it. Right on top, boven of the hoofdkussen, kussen was a letter! Daniel’s response:

“My sun,

I revolve around u like Earth revolves around the Sun…
I’ll love u whatever happens, I’ll stay awake to chase the dream, tasting the air you’re breathing and I know I won’t forget a thing, I promise I’ll hold u close and pray, our love will always stay the same!
I’m glad u found a friend, at least u will have someone to share your thoughts with other than me… I hope she’s a good friend! Send her my gratitude for being there for u when I can’t!
I hate being apart from u and I hate not being in school for you.. But we will find a way to get together again, just hold on, my love!!! Just hold on for me!!

Keep writing me, keep me in your mind, keep me in your heart!

I'll forever shine for you... Follow my light....

Come back to me...
All the love in my heart,


I got up and went to my desk, where I got some paper and pen. I came back to my bed and started to write:

[]“My angel…

I miss you, I love you… I fell asleep every night hoping that the volgende dag I’ll be with you. And every morning I wake up to find out that this wasn’t that day!
But still I hope! I hope that the dag when we’ll see each other will come soon.
I hope that u are finding a way to talk to my parents and hopefully convince them to get me back to you!
I really do miss you! And I keep hoping to find u as soon as I can!

Shine for me… Lead me back to you…
Always yours…

I finished my letter just as Emily came in the room.
“Hey, Catherine. I just came to check how u are and to tell u that school starts tomorrow!” She seemed happy for it, and as much as I wanted to make her happy I was heartbroken to have to go to school. I was going to see him every day! I didn’t know if I could take it!

Here u have it:) hope u like it:)
added by ashesandwine
Source: ashesandwine
posted by ashesandwine
Only wrote this during my first week of vacations, sorry:( But this is a big one:) To my very weird and amazing family

I had lost it all in just one year... Since I was seven that I knew how it was like to grow up without your family! I had lost my parents in the dag that I turned seven and a jaar later, the only person that I still had died too. My grandmother never told me what had happened to my parents... All I could remember from my birthday was my grandmother coming to me and saying that the police had come and zei that my parents were dead! I never asked more, part of me didn't believe...
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added by edward-lover456
Source: edward-lover456
added by edward-lover456
Source: edward-lover456
added by edward-lover456
Source: edward-lover456
added by edward-lover456
Source: edward-lover456
posted by ashesandwine
Ok, guys! Last story for tonight! Hopefully something good will come out of this:P
Thank u all and have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing New year:)

"Ohhh I'm sorry. I thought something had happened to you!" As we turned to face the person that had just come in the room, I saw the most beautiful girl that I had ever seen... She had grey eyes just like Agelos, that carried as much passion as his. She had brown hair with some blond reflections and her face was covered with freckles. In any other person those many freckles would have made her look horrible but in this girl they just helped...
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Amazing song!
posted by ashesandwine
Two done... One to go:P eheh! So... I'll try to write something tomorrow, but can't promise! I'll take the computer to my other house and even if I can't post the chapters I'll still try to write them:)

“Alice’s POV”

“Ok… On my way!” Seth got out and went into the forest to talk to the other wolves! I felt Jasper letting go of me as he got up, I reach out for him, he gave me a quick kiss and headed outside. I got up in time to see him running to the little river that ran close to our house, when he reached it he sat in a rock close to it!
I was about to go after him when I felt a...
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posted by ashesandwine
Ok, here it is:) u made me a character I made u a chapter:D eheh
Thanks everyone and I'm sorry I only wrote this during the weekend! Sorry guys, but it was a busy week and weekend:S

Sitting in our room, I was trying to think of a way! I just needed to find a way that this wouldn’t be the end… The end of my family, my end, Alice’s end.
But I knew Maria, and I knew that she wouldn’t give up, not that easily.
I heard a knock on the door and with one verplaats I turned my head and got up.
“Who is it?” I asked. I honestly didn’t want to talk to anyone now. They were all domed and it was...
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added by Cas_Cat_2
Source: Me (Catia)
added by Cas_Cat_2
Source: Me (Catia)
added by ashesandwine
Source: ashesandwine
posted by ashesandwine
I do not feel pitty of sorrow... u are with me and that's all that I could ask for!
Thank u for keeping me happy and for loving me everyday!

Where were they taking me? What would I face when I got there?
I knew they weren't good, I've known that since I had seen their black wings. I couldn't say that I knew that much about angels, of even believe in them; but I was sure about one think: good angels had white wings! A symbol of their purity, the piece they brought to the world and all the good in them...
But this angels had black wings! Beautiful wings that matched perfectly their faces and...
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posted by ashesandwine
A new one for just_bella, katie and zizou!

“Jasper’s POV”

“We have a problem Seth! We are going to fight newborns again!” I said. And it really was a big problem! A huge one! We had a army of newborns with a crazy vampire leading them on our backs!
“You got in trouble again, Bella?” Seth zei between laughs.
“No, Seth! This time it was me!” Alice zei as Seth looked at her astonished, just like I felt!
“What happened? Should I call the others?” He asked.
“I think u should, we’ll explain when they get here!” Carlisle said.
“Ok… On my way!” Seth got out and went...
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posted by ashesandwine
A new one:) Hope u guys like it:) Not that exciting but they can't all be:P Thank u everyone! Just for u j_b:P

“Alice’s POV”

What had I done? I had put my whole family in danger! How stupid could I be?
They were all staring at me and I could see if they were angry of disappointed…
“Why would u do that, love?” I heard Jasper ask… I could tell in his voice that he wasn’t happy, I just wished that he would forgive me!
“She wanted u back. And I…I…I can’t lose u again! I can’t, please forgive me…” I started sobbing and I fell to the ground! I felt someone’s...
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posted by ashesandwine
This one is for Just_bella:) Thank you, for everything! Always:) And for Edward-lover456, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, hon:) LOVE YOU

“Jasper’s POV”

I couldn’t believe that she was finally in my arms. I could feel her, every single part of her! I laid my hand in her back and pulled her closer to me, so I could smell her sweet fragrance, touch her warm skin, and feel her lips under mine!
She kissed me and I kissed her back! I missed her so much and I knew that she felt the same because as she kissed me I could feel all of her emotions passing through me. They were so many: love, sadness and happiness....
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posted by ashesandwine
I'm sooooo sorry! I'm having a bit of writers block with Forbidden Love! I'll try to write meer as soon as I can and hopefully I won't block! I thank u all for your patience and for being sooooo suportive! All my love! This one is for Just_bella, I know it's not much but I hope it helps u hang on until u have what u want and need:)

“Alice’s POV”

I was doing my best to get there in time… I had another vision where Jasper, thirsty, was locked in a room with ten human kids! My poor Jasper, I knew that he wouldn’t do anything, but he had spent so many years feeding of humans that...
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posted by ashesandwine
I promise I'll try to write a Forbidden Love tomorrow! I just had a really long dag and it's 12.42am here! I'm doing my best to write and I know I should have wrote this week but please forgive me, because I was supposed to have 2 oral presentations, although I only had one:S LOL... This one goes to my love Zizou and to one of my other loves Just_bella! I hope this makes u feel better! And that u get what u want, hon! Because u deserve it:)

“Jasper’s POV”

I stayed in the floor of the cell. I don’t know how long but I knew that something bad was reserved to me… Maria, door now,...
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posted by ashesandwine
This one goes to zizou and j_b! For everything! And everytime! Love you:D

“Alice’s POV”

I turned around afraid of who I would see… A black haired man stood in front of me waiting for my answer.
“I’m sorry. I was told that some vrienden of mine came here, but I’m not sure if they’re still here! I was wondering if u could help me.” I tried to be as pleasant as I could. This man was a vampire but that didn’t meant he couldn’t be charmed…
“Well, lots of vampires stop door here… If u describe your vrienden maybe I can help!” I could see that it was working, so I did my...
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