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Steele is a good guy, and the dogs and humans can talk to each other.

It was early morning in Nome, about 5:45, and ster and Kaltag were out playing. Kaltag was on top, boven of Star, when he smelled Kaltag’s breath.
“Oh God, Kaltag, you’re breath is horrible. So are your teeth.”
“Hey, yours too.”
Just then, Ralph came by.
“I’m glad I got rid of him.”
He went into the park where he tries to meet girls. Kaltag went back to the house. ster called Nikki.
“Yo, Nikki, Wanna go play darts?”
“Don’t youse sleep? Youse woke me up.”
“Oh sorry, I lost time.”
ster hung up. He called Balto.
“Dude, Balto, wanna go play darts?”
“You woke me up, but who cares. Come pick me up.”
ster got a police Charger, picked up Balto, then went into town. ster won the first game, Balto the volgende 2, then ster again.
“Whoo, that was fun, take me home.”
ster took Balto home, then he went home.
“Brother, I’m home.”
Kaltag came up, and gave ster a small glass cup.
“Drink that, it’s called a shot.”
ster drank it. It burned his mouth, but he loved it. He called Balto again.
“Dude come over to my house. There’s something for u to try.”
Balto came over and tried “the shot.”
“It burns.”
Balto let out a sigh.
“Balto, what have u been eating? Your breath is horrible.”
“Well, looks like it’s dentist time.”
“Crap! I hate the dentist!”
“Oh well.”
Balto gathered up all the dogs, so they could go to the dentist. Steele and Jenna only needed a check up.
“No, no, you’re not going to fix my teeth!”
They gave ster nitrogen oxide, which made him loopy. They finished with him an uur later. Balto was still getting his teeth repaired, and ster was still loopy. Jenna was standing volgende to him. ster pulled her onto the chair and started kissing her. She resisted at first, then kind of soothed off and joined.
Just then, Balto came in. ster pushed Jenna off him and pretended nothing happened. The dentist came in.
“Go get something from that treasure chest. It has prizes.”
Star’s loopiness wore off. He reached in, then felt something. ster put about half of his body in the box.
“Ah ha! A Barbie doll? I thought it was a plane.”
He threw it back in.
“Ah ha, a water gun!”
He filled it up with water, then sprayed Kaltag, who just got out of the chair.
“Star! What was that for?”
“Hey, give me that.”
He went over and sprayed Nikki.
“Hey! Why did youse do that for dere?”
“Just wanted to.”
“Give me that, so I can destroy it”
“Hey, it’s Star’s.”
ster came up and bit Nikki’s arm.
“Oww, why did youse do that?”
“That’s revenge, and u bit my arm worse! I still have that damn scar.”
“Well that’s your own fault dere.”
“How is it my own damn fault!?”
“Youse called me fat.”
“Ok, u know what?”
ster pulled out his water gun, and attached it to Nikki’s head.
“Don’t make me.”
“It’s a water gun, stupid!”
ster dropped the gun and gave Nikki a push. Nikki pushed ster harder. ster punched Nikki. Nikki tackled Star, and flipped him over. He had Star’s arm in his mouth. The same one that was injured.
“Oh my God, that looks wrong.” Kaltag said.
“One false move,” Nikki said, “and I’ll bite, hard.”
Nikki looked up, and ster took the advantage to grab the gun and shoot Nikki. They both got up and circled around each other.
“I got the gun, u got the teeth.”
Just then, Nikki sky blasted himself toward Star, and ster shot his gun. Balto came in and interrupted. He was tackled door Nikki, and shot door Star. Nikki got off of Balto. The dogs went home. ster got on Kaltag’s laptop and still couldn’t figure out the internet.
“Damn it, I give up.”
Just then, they saw a commercial for a nice hotel, in Manchester, England.
“I’ll get airline tickets!” Kaltag said.
They texted the other Dogs.
The volgende day, ster and Kaltag packed their things and told Tony where they were going. The pilot stepped up. It was that terrorist, of former terrorist, Niko. They flew to Anchorage.
At Anchorage, where they boarded the largest plane they’ve ever seen. It was a large luchtvliegtuig, airbus A380-800 double decker. If it were economy class only, it would be able to hold almost 800 people. The plane is so freaking quiet, it had TV’s in each seat, and the softest seats there are. Boeing’s 747-8 can’t compare to this giant, luxurious beauty.
The dogs boarded, and sat down.
“This plane is the comfiest, the awesomest, most amazing…” ster ranted.
“I love this plane!” Kaltag interrupted.
They looked at each other suspiciously, then burst out laughing.
“You, u stal my rant, Star!” Kaltag zei while he was laughing.
“You interrupted me!” ster replied.
They laughed until they cried.
“Should I call a medic before we leave the gate?” A flight attendant asked.
“No, we’re good.” the two replied in unison.
ster and Kaltag stopped laughing/crying.
In seating order it’s like this. Of the 2 decks, they were on the upper deck. Kaltag and ster were at row 72 A,B; Dixie, Balto Jenna and Nikki were at also 72 D,E,F,G; then Steele was at 72 H. ster was at zitplaats, stoel A, Kaltag zitplaats, stoel B, Dixie at D, Balto at E, Jenna at F, Nikki at G, and Steele at H off, then an A330 came in. Then it was time for the dogs’ A380. The plane took off, it was the seconde quietest plane ster has been in, volgende to the Beechcraft.
The flight was good, full meals, large comfy seat, plenty of lavatories. ster went into a lavatory near them. It had a window in it! When ster got back he kissed Dixie then went back. ster was on the window zitplaats, stoel during the landing. He noticed that during landing, the wing didn’t even flex. It was so big and heavy, that it didn’t flex.
They got into the Manchester airport, and it was 2x the size of that airport in Bolivia, and the one in Bolivia was huge. They got lost in the Manchester airport. Star’s amazing smelling senses couldn’t even get them through. They asked a worker there. They got to the baggage claim, and saw a guy standing there with a sign saying “Star.”
“Hi I’m Vicki. Don’t worry about the name, there’s not one I haven’t heard. u limo/hotel is ready.”
The dogs got to the limo. It was about 20 feet long, and it was a stretched Armada. It was pure blue inside it! Champagne, Whiskey, beer, vodka, soda, TV’s video games, anything u could imagine. The last 5 feet of the car were beds.
“This is our hotel? SICK!” ster said.
Kaltag notice Halo Reach was in the Xbox.
“This game isn’t even out yet!”
“Dude, the 3 top, boven game consoles are here. The Wii, Xbox 360, and the PS3.” Balto said.
“Do youse see all this whiskey?”
“Whiskey in the Jar.” Jenna said.
All the dogs looked at her suspiciously.
“It’s a Metallica song.”
That night ster heard Jenna.
“Balto! Oh, oh! Yes!”
ster looked over.
ster jumped the rear seats. He wanted to get the vision out of his head. But how? Just then, he saw Kaltag playing Halo Reach.
“Can I join?”
“You’re trying to get that vision out of your head?”
“Well this works”
ster and Kaltag played for a couple of hours. The rest of the dogs woke up, and Balto and Jenna were done. Just then, 4 guys came in the limo. One sat down volgende to Kaltag, one sat down volgende to Steele, one sat down volgende to Nikki, and the last one sat volgende to Star. The dogs recognized them. They were Metallica!
ster licked Lars all over.
“I love u Lars, I love you.”
“That’s sweet.” Lars zei half sarcastically.
Nikki leaned against Rob, and rubbed his face on him.
Kaltag licked James’ goatee.
Steele got on top, boven of Kirk.
“Look at this dog,” Rob said, “he’s like a cat, rubbing his face all over me.”
Metallica hung out for a while, then went to their own hotel.
“Hey Nikki, 20 bones says u can‘t sing Sad But True right..”
“Ok, I hope youse are willing to loose 20 bones dere. Here it goes. Damn, I do’s not know the lyrics dere.”
“Don’t worry, that doesn’t count.”
“Thank youse.”
“Hey, no problem.”
It was night, and the dogs went to bed. That night, Jenna was screaming. Just then, they saw something come out.
“9What the hell! She’s pregnant, and the weirdest part, it happened, in 1 day.”
The rest of the puppies came out.
“Seeing puppies come out of Dixie was worse.” ster said.
“That’s because she’s your wife!” Balto replied.
That night, Nikki asked ster a question.
“Hey Star, do youse want to play truth of dare dere?”
Balto happened to be out at the moment.
“I dare u to tongue kiss Jenna.” Nikki dared Star.
“Are u crazy? Balto would take me down if he found out.”
“Don’t worry dere. I’ll explain.”
“Ok, then.”
Dixie was also out. ster went over to Jenna, and kind of hesitated. Then, out of nowhere, kissed Jenna. That startled her for a few seconds. She was a good kisser. ster fell to the ground afterwards.
“Just pretend u didn’t see anything,” Jenna said.
“Got it!” Kaltag obeyed.
Just then, Balto came in.
“Hi Balto!” Jenna zei in a suspicious voice.
“What’s going on? You’re acting suspicious.”
“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong.”
“Jenna, who did u kiss this time?”
“No one. I didn’t kiss anyone.”
Balto gave Jenna that evil wolf look.
“I kissed Star!” Jenna confessed.
“Works every time!”
Balto approached Star. ster covered his face, but Balto backed up, ran, and thrusted a stempel, punch into Star’s stomach. That launched ster through the window of the limo, slid through the rain, and made him slide into a puddle. He was unconscious, and incapacitated.
“No one does that to my brother!” Kaltag yelled.
“Oh, u want to fight about it?”
“Looser apologizes. I’m fighting for Star.”
“Ok then.”
Kaltag and Balto circled each other. Balto made his move, but Kaltag easily dodged.
“Hey, Star, Youse are missing this fight dere.”
ster didn’t respond.
“Oh right, I forgot about dat dere.”
Nikki went over, pulled out Star’s cheat phone, and used the health cheat.
“I’m up,” ster said.
“Dude, there is a fight going on in the limo dere.”
When he saw his brother going against Balto, he interrupted the fight.
“It’s time to leave tomorrow,” ster said.
The volgende day, the dogs went to the airport. They boarded the A380, which made Star’s “Battery” charge.
They landed in Anchorage. Just then, as they were walking through the jetway, they saw a bunch of security guards. They saw Metallica at the gate. The dogs went up to them. Just then, a guy with a rocket launcher, shot a rocket, which killed Metallica, and every dog but Kaltag. Everyone around Kaltag was dead.
“Oh my god! James! Lars! Kirk! Rob! Star!”
Kaltag saw Star’s cheat phone. He put all of Metallica’s hands on the phone, he pressed the cheat, then all of them were at full health. Kaltag revived the other dogs. Kaltag shot the rocket launcher guy. As the guy died he shot a rocket, and it shot right at Kaltag, who fell to the ground, known as a hero. ster ran over, but couldn’t find his cheat phone. Him and Nikki teamed up to get Kaltag’s body in the Beechcraft.
“Do u want a ride?” Niko asked Metallica.
“No, we have a concert here,” Lars answered
“Ok then.”
While flying in the Beechcraft, they listened to Metallica’s Blackened.
There was a part that said, “See your mother die!”
“Oh god, I don’t think I could handle watching my mother die,” Balto said.
“You know how mom is a spirit?” Jenna asked.
“I hate to break it to you, but your mom is a1ready dead.”
“Oh right.”
The dogs landed in Nome, and Niko ran, got his Lamborghini, and as fast as he can, went to the Verizon store.
“Star I got u a new phone. Cheat Kaltag back alive.”
“Got it, I need to enter this cheat before he reaches Heaven.”
ster entered the cheat, but Kaltag didn’t come back. The whole town and the news was there. Everyone knows Kaltag saved Metallica. It was up to ster and his cheats to get him alive. Just then, he saw Kaltag come down from the Heavens.
“Star, I’ve reached Heaven. I’m happy where I am, so don’t worry about me.”
“But, Kaltag.”
“No buts, I’m happy where am. See u in about 9 years.”
Kaltag rose up.
“Wait, Kaltag!”
Kaltag came down.
“Take me with you.”
“I can’t. Star, Tony needs you. If I take u with me, he will be miserable. He needs your company. I need to leave u here.”
“Alright. And, one meer thing.”
“Where do u want to be buried?”
“At Metallica’s warehouse. I want to listen to their songs.”
Kaltag went up. Tome froze while Kaltag was there. ster resumed his procedure.
“He’s gone.” ster announced.
Everyone went home pagina crying. Tony, Metallica, and Niko approached ster and dead Kaltag.
“Where do u think he would want to be buried?” Tony asked.
“I know exactly where,” ster said.
“Where?” Niko asked.
“At the warehouse Metallica rehearses.”
“I’ll grab a shovel,” Lars said.
“Me too,” James said.
So did the rest of the guys. Kaltag was dug in, and buried. The guys and ster went home.
ster and Tony were at home pagina when Ralph arrived.
“Star please, please let me take u back! I’ll make it up to you, please!”
“I’m sorry Ralph, u dumped me. Not only that, but Tony needs me.”
“Star I’m so sorry! Please forgive me.”
“I forgive you, Ralph, but u dumped me.”
“I’m sorry, Star. So sorry.”
He was at Star’s feet. Then he hugged Star.
Ralph left, practically crying. ster felt a paw on his shoulder.
“You did good, Star.” Kaltag said.
ster sat down.
“I just feel so bad.”
“Remember what I zei Tony needs you.”
“You’re right.”
Kaltag rose up to Heaven. ster laid down volgende to Tony, who was really depressed, laying in his bed. ster and Tony would be good together.
Kaltag comes back! I swear.
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