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posted by RizingSun13
This is a fan fiction I wrote for a local contest that it won. A friend of mine, wanted me to uploaden it to here so she might read it. I will be doing it in chapters so it's not to much to read all at once hope u enjoy. So without further ado let's explorer the origins to our favoriete story.


* Long before Central 46, and the Shinigami battled hollows.While Seireitei, and the Shinigami order were still young. Seireitei was divided between 3 major houses first the house of Sakura who controlled the lands to the South of East, and made their living from the orchards, and the Sakura trees. seconde the Ren-Aira house who controlled the lands to the North, and West, and made their living door mining Sekei rock. Lastly the Genresei house, who controlled the hart-, hart of Seireitei, and made their living door taxing others. But rumors of war, and of another house rising in power hung in the air. This Kuchiki family was gaining power door taking land from the other families, and threatened the stability of Seireitei, and its inhabitants.

Chapter 1:

*The land was barren, and desolate as far as the eyes could see. Small plants dotted the land. They struggled to spring up through the hard sand, and those the succeeded died soon after. The air was still, small traces of Raitsu hung here and there weighing it down. The sand occasionally shifted from a small hollow scurrying about, but otherwise lay still. The only disturbance in an otherwise tranquil world, was a small blue door hanging in the air a few meters from the ground.

*Two men in black robes emerged from the door. They were uneasy, ready to draw their swords any moment. It wasn't until they paced a around a bit, and scouted the land, that they relax. They walked a miles from where they had emerged. The sand shifted filling in everywhere their foot fell, making it as if nothing had ever disrupted the scene. The first was a vos, fox faced man. He had fair skin, void of any filth of abnormality. His long wavy blonde hair hung to his shoulders loosely, and swayed freely when he walked. The other a stocky man with ebony skin. His bald head, and face were coated in filth. Scars highlighted his leathery skin, like badges of honor. He had all the makings of a warrior, Even to the metal Pauldron on his left shoulder, with a Sakura boom engraved on it.

Chiyo: Sniffed at the air. He reeled back in disgust, as the salty taste of it assaulted his senses. "Pitiful" he thought as if he had already concluded everything he needed to know about this world.

Katsurou: Paced around, and shook sand out of his sandals. "Chiyo there's nothing here. Let's face it the predictions were wrong." he complained in his rough voice. He plopped down on a small heuvel of sand. The sand flying a few feet every direction from his weight, He picked up a skull laying nearby, and began tossing it like a baseball.

Chiyo: "It would seem so my impatient friend." He took in the land scape in its entirety, even Katsurou playing with a skull like a child.. He stooped and inspected the sand. He took a handful of it, then let it pour out of his hand back to the ground. "Interesting"

Katsurou: Was too busy playing with his skull to care about what Chiyo was doing. He sighed in boredom. "This is so boring Chiyo, u promised me there would be meer excitement on this assignment. my blade is getting rusty, it needs action."

Chiyo: Couldn't help but laugh at him. "Well if u had listened beyond, we are going to Hueco Mundo, then maybe u would have heard me tell that this is a recon assignment." Chiyo took in the Raitsu in the air, and how barren the land was, He could sense Raitsu far below, but whatever was casting them were weak, and posed no threat to the World of the Living. He was beginning to think his childish friend was right. He stooped down once more, and drew symbols in the sand with his finger. "Bakudo 12" Green Raitsu snaked through his symbol connecting them. A picture of a man in a lab jas appeared in the middle. "This is Chiyo Sakura, reporting in. The readings from Hueco Mundo are inconclusive, The Hollows here are weak, and pose no immediate threat. Further observation may be required."

Operator: Sighed, like he was relieved. "Good work, please return from the field immediately Master Sakura."

Chiyo: Brushed his hand through the sand, and the sigils disappeared. He stood, and brushed himself off, then he turned to Katsurou. "Come, Katsurou were leaving."

Katsurou: Cast his skull aside. He stood to brushed himself off. "Finally, this was a waste of a good afternoon for training."

* The door opened once meer blowing sand away, and the men entered. the door snapped shut behind them, leaving the land just as it was once more.

* The men emerged on the otherside in a square filled with people buying, and selling. The people paid them no mind, but no one dared to step within 5 yards of the men. They avoided eye contact, and hurried on their way. They waited there for a few moments, before a young girl , with blue hair, came running down the road. She stopped before them, and caught her breath.

Chiyo: "Nana, you're late. I thought I raised u better. A Shinigami cadet must always be on time." his face solid, but his eyes betrayed him.

Nana: "Yes brother, I came right away when I heard of your return. Here" she held out a white gewaad, kleed to him.

*Chiyo took the white gewaad, kleed from her, and dawned it. The black symbol on the back was of Sakura tree, the symbol of his family.

Chiyo: Brushed the wrinkles out of the robe. "That's much better." he smiled. "Now back to business. Katsurou u should return to the barracks, we will meet later, and Nana I would like u to accompany me to the market." Chiyo turned and bowed to Katsurou.

Katsurou: Bowed in return with his left arm over his chest. "A pleasure as always Master Sakura."

Chiyo: Watched him disappear, hen he turned back to Nana. "Come Nana lets go." He tussled her hair playfully as he pulled her along.

*Chiyo strolled towards the market, leisurely with his hands behind his back. But even leisurely, it was hard for Nana to keep up.

Chiyo: Looked to his left, and noticed her falling behind. he laughed. "Oh Nana, so grown up, and yet so young. All u have to do is ask." He slowed down to match her pace. "When is the last time we ventured together?"

Nana: It had been so long since, she had seen her brother laugh. With his health these last few months, she was afraid that she would never see him smile again. "A long time mast..." she stopped midsentence as Chiyo was giving her that look that he always gives her when he's annoyed of disappointed.

Chiyo: "How many times do I have to tell u that brother is fine, I'm not father." he zei sourly. He noticed that he had hurt her feelings, so he smiled gingerly, and tussled her hair again. "Come let us get something to eat u must be hungry."

*Chiyo led her from stall to stall full of various, items people were selling. The hart-, hart of Seireitei was the industrial center, home pagina to the market, and shops. The house of Genresei controlled it, but were good vrienden of the Sakura family. Chiyo saw a fruit stand further down, and pulled Nana towards it.

Chiyo: Stopped in front of it. "How about some fruit, its been awhile since I've had any."

*Chiyo turned towards the stand with an elderly women, behind. Her back was towards him. So he picked a nice red apple, and tossed it to Nana.

Chiyo: "How does taste." he asked as he watched her bite into it. He laughed when he the sap on her face. He loved his sister as if she was his own daughter. So he couldn't help but admire how she had grown in these few years. The sun fell on her accenting her fair skin without imperfection. Her blue hair shown almost silver in the sunlight, and he couldn't help, but admire how beautiful she wad. The only thing that betray her was one small scar on her cheek, received when her older sister pushed her from a balcony. She was now a young women, and it saddened him. He had missed so much of her growing up. He came to his senses as he noticed he was blankly staring at her "Excuse me Madam, how much are these." He zei quickly turning from Nana.

Elderly Women: The elderly women turned to Chiyo to greet her customer. When she realized her mistake she quickly fell down. "Please forgive my ignorance. Master Sakura."

Chiyo: Felt embarrassed. He gabbed the women's arm and lifted her. "Please call me Chiyo of just Sakura." He id brushing her off.

Elderly: "But that would be disrespectful, u are the head of the Sakura house. After all an elder women, from the 13 district is nothing in you're presence." she zei looking at the ground.

Chiyo: "What beautiful eyes u have, wont u let me see them." The elderly women lifted her head slightly. "That's better." He grinned at her goofily. "That's where you're wrong. here I am among you. We are all of the same breed despite wealth of standing. I am no monster to wield my standing over you, like a zanpaktou to your throat." "Now how much is fruit as delicious as this worth."

Elderly Women: "They are free. The orchards belong to your family after all.."

Chiyo: "No that won't do at all, how about u take 5 silver pieces plus an extra 2 gold. And in return you, and your family dine with my family tonight as our guests, doesn't that sound nice Nana?" Nana shook her head in agreement with a grin. The elderly women began to weep. Chiyo bowed to the women. "Please don't cry, it would be our honor. But I must be going now."

*Chiyo stood up tall. He left the money on the ledge, and led Nana away. The strolled among the stands, until late in the afternoon. Chiyo just enjoyed to see his sister so happy. He couldn't remember the last time he had a dag to do nothing. Chiyo eventually began to make his way home pagina with Nana at his side. When a fight in he ally caught his attention, Nana kept walking, and talking to him, but when she looked back Chiyo had stopped dead. He just stood there observing the fight.

Chiyo: "One of these people is leaking Raitsu at an alarming rate. I can feel it clashing against mine." He thought as watched the fight. He noticed it wasn't a fight at all, in fact it was seven men beating a kid, that looked Nana's age. He moved towards the fight at a faster pace. Two men were holding the kid as the other 5 took turns hitting him. He grabbed the one currently hitting the kid, and threw him back against the wall. "Are we so low to beat a defenseless little kid, do u know no honor." he yelled at them. "What is the meaning of this?"

Thug: The men were taken aback when they realized who this man was. "This boy owes a lot of money Master Sakura."

Chiyo: Held his hand up cutting them off. "Are we such beast that we exact it door hurting each other then?" He threw a bag on the ground at their feet. "That's 50 goud that should cover his debt, go now before I lose my patients." he watched as the men scurried off, out of sight, then he turned to the boy who had collapsed against the wall. He inspected his wounds, and concluded that they were nothing serious, just a little bruising. "It was this boy's Raitsu I felt, he's already surpassed Nana." he worried quietly. Chiyo was caught off guard when the boy's eyes snapped open, and he pushed Nana out of the way. He took off running down the ally, but Chiyo appeared before him, as he ran right into him and Chiyo caught him. "Do u really think u can outrun me?" he zei laughing a little. "Now I have a vraag for ya Where's your zanpaktou." he asked almost playfully.

Boy: Was silent, and struggled to get away, until he noticed Chiyo's hand tightening on his arm. "I don't have one, it broke." he finally zei shamefully

Chiyo: "This boy is leaking Raitsu in large amounts. I can feel it pressing against mine, and it's quite strong. But he has no training he can't control his power." Chiyo thought to himself. "I see such a shame but... In payment of me saving you, I want u to bring you're zanpaktou, and come to Sakura estate is that understood." The boy, and Nana were both shocked, but the boy agreed. "Go then." He moved out of the way, and watched the boy until he disappeared around a corner.

Nana: "What was that all about brother?"

Chiyo: Turned away from where the boy had disappeared too still lost in thought. "Nothing shall we continue?"

*Chiyo once again began walking casually towards their house with Nana beside him. Nana droned on, but Chiyo was still thinking about that boy. He was so lost in thought he almost walked into the gate to the gardens. He noticed how dark it was outside, the sun was far past setting.

Chiyo: "I'm afraid this is where we part ways, u should return to the barracks, and I have matters to attend to." Nana, hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek then she disappeared,

*Chiyo pushed the gate open, and walked through into to gardens. The Sakura estate, was a three story house on the outskirt of the 3rd district. The house was beautiful on the outside, decorated in gold, and ivory. His mother had collected various exotic flowers, and trees that took up a majority of the gardens that surrounded the house. They ere now in full bloom, and their scents mixed in the air making the grounds pleasant to be in. Servants use to be seen hustling around day, and night. But Chiyo's first order when becoming grand master, was to brand most of the servants. He converted the 2 district into a school for training Shinigami, and the only servants were the ones to work the fields. He strolled through gardens not ready to go inside quite yet. He stopped to admire a sakura boom in full bloom. He had loathed hi father, since he was a kid, but he wished he had his guidance at the moment. "I wish I could just stay in this moment forever." he zei when he heard footsteps approaching him. "How fairs the World of the Living Hime?"

Hime: "It's boring, the same as always. How fairs the runt."

Chiyo: Had hated his sister she was always hateful towards Nana after his mother died. She had always blamed Nana for their mothers death, even though Nana, was just a child. "She is at the academy."

Hime: "Like that runt, could ever fight. u should send her to the medic corps."

Chiyo: "Well, when u are grand master such choices are yours, but for now, I am the grand master."

Hime: Brushed against Chiyo, but Chiyo didn't budge. "Be careful what u wish Chiyo, my brother u may find a mes through your chest." She noticed Chiyo wasn't intrigued so she made her leave.

*Chiyo watched her leave, then straighten himself. He turned back to the Sakura boom one last time before heading towards the house.
added by Lisseth
added by Lisseth
added by Lisseth
added by Lisseth
posted by Sasunaru120
Lover: Grimmjow Best Friend: Unohana On the upside u can be freedom-loving, extroverted, straightforward, benevolent, philosophic, idealistic, sincere, intellectual, knowledgeable, philosophical, broad-minded, truth-seeking and telling, just, fun-loving, athletic, adventurous, expansive, and optimistic. On the downside u can be blundering, careless, exaggerative, know-it-all, over-indulgent, tactless and scattered. u are a Shinigami captured door the Arrancar for your superior healing skills - u have achieved Bankai and it contains medic skills much like Orihime's. u don't let many...
continue reading...
From an interview in Shonen Jump
The titel wasn't Bleach when Tite
Kubo decided to draw a story about
Shinigami. This was before he drew
the one-shot manga that appeared in
Akamaru Jump. The weapon wasn't a
sword, but a scythe. Only Rukia had a
scythe and the other characters used
guns. At that point, the titel was
Snipe (as in "Sniper"). Right before
he started drawing, he began to
think that a sword would be better
and realized he couldn't use Snipe as
a titel anymore. He began looking for
a titel that grasped the bigger
picture. Shinigami are associated
with the color black, but it would
have been boring to use "black".
"White", on the other hand, can
suggest black as a complementary
color. So Tite Kubo chose "bleach" to
evoke the impression of the color
posted by unohana
Ichigo Kurosaki has always been
able to see ghosts, but this ability
doesn't change his life nearly as
much as his close encounter with
Rukia Kuchiki, a Soul Reaper and
member of the mysterious Soul
Society. While fighting a Hollow, an
evil spirit that preys on humans who
display psychic energy, Rukia
attempts to lend Ichigo some of her
powers so that he can save his
family; but much to her surprise,
Ichigo absorbs every last drop of
her energy. Now a full-fledged Soul
Reaper himself, Ichigo quickly learns
that the world he inhabits is one full
of dangerous spirits and, along with
Rukia, it's Ichigo's job to protect the
innocent from Hollows and help the
spirits themselves find peace. In
2005, Bleach was awarded the
Shogakukan Manga Award in the shonen category.
???)so how did that feel?if your still alive then u are felling pain...

volta lookd up holding the wound and saw a fermillier face.

volta)y-your t-the panda man from the captains meeting...!

he made a face

kurosuchi) its kurosuchi if u dont mind...

volta nodded.

kurosuchi) heh whould u like to come work for me at the rescarch and development department?

volta was totaly shockd

kurosuchi) heh....judgeing door your reaction when u were stabbed door say u developd feelings for him am i correct?

volta) are u stupid of something!? theres no way i would have a crush on toshiro!

she stopped and cought her-self. kurosuchi smiled.

kurosuchi) u look like u need rest...well good-night miss ishida.

volta) m-miss ishida................but nobody calls me that anymore....except.....father...

volta laied her head on the hoofdkussen, kussen and went to sleep.
The volgende thing i knew we were danceing around the moonlight lake. as we lookd at each other toshiros eyes shined. Then all the captins came out of the woods form looking for us. even though we wernt danceing i felt a spark when toshiro took my hands.his head got closer to mine.then i heard him say "volta...ill love u forever and ill never stop.".it was loud enough for everyone to here.then i closed my eyes and,we kissed."this is where our story begins,this time for real"i thought.Then he got down on one knee.i coverd my mouth with both my hands and begain to cry.then i hugged him."volta,iv...
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When I woke up I knew I was in amezuki's bed I prayed to God that all that terror was a dream, but it was not. I hesitated on looking to see of amezuki was there, but when I did she wasn't. The tears came again this time with a vengance "amezuki-chan!" I screamed into the hoofdkussen, kussen "I know your inoccent! I know! I'm a megami after all!" I screamed then I looked up it was her piano that earlyer that dag she was playing I jumped out of bed and walked to it as I sat down I could feel myself trembleing in fear and sadness. I placed my hands on the keys that amezuki were playing and mimicked her song...
continue reading...
added by peteandco
added by KaterinaLover
added by LidiaIsabel
 'Can't fear your own world'
'Can't fear your own world'
"This artikel Contains Spoilers Took Place After bleach manga Left Off "

With four out of the seven previews out, I thought it may be time to gather all the scattered information together into one post.
First off, I would like to thank Missstormcaller, u/schneizel and LoN for providing translations and summaries and u/hypnodarkrai for providing the chapters. Without them we probably would have to rely on inaccurate summaries for years, like it was the case with Spirits are forever with you, which surprisingly turned out to be a well written book.
But now, without further ado, let's start with...
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added by imabeastlyone
Fanservice was taken to a new level!
added by darkmintoutau
added by Ionelia
added by lover002
added by Fitch
posted by NagisaFurukawa-
 Bleach Live Action Movie.
Bleach Live Action Movie.
So i watched the Live action Bleach Movie on Netflix with my younger brother. It is a good movie. I liked how it stayed true to the Bleach story. Other than that,the live action Bleach Movie is spot on. Glad they did not fully mess up with this movie. Hope they make another one.

I feel that Netflix and Warner brothers did a good job on this movie. People out there in the world need to stop comparing anime live actions to the episodes. It's like how Marvel and DC films change and is not similar to the comics and cartoons sometimes. And the fans are like that was so unexpected and cool. Yet...
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