Codename: Kids volgende Door Club
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Operation E.I.G.H.T.

The three staring kids, couldn't believe their eyes. They had thought, they could go home, but here's two masked figures stopping them. One of the masked figures took their mask off. (It was the one on the right of Kuki.) Kuki stared up at the girl, who was under the mask. She was wearing white clothes, and white shoes. She was very pretty, with her black hair up in a pony-tail. She had pierced ears, which had diamond earrings in them. And the most frightening thing was, that she looked like a sixteen jaar old Kuki. The girl smiled at Kuki, who was now shaking uncontrollably. The boy to the left of Wally, took his mask of. He had blonde hair, that was shaped like a bowl. (Does it remind u of anyone?) He also wore white clothes, with white shoes. He looked like he came from the gym, because he had lots of muscles. He looked very handsome. He turned to Kuki, and smiled. He was a sixteen jaar old Wally.
The boy smiled at Kuki, then at Wally. Kuki who had enough of this, fainted on the floor.
"Right, I'm down, now go put your jas it over me." zei the girl, who looked like Kuki. The boy did has he was told, and lay his jas over her, he then kissed her on the forehead.
"Right, now the letter." zei the girl, to the boy. The boy walked over to Wally, and gave him a signed letter. The girl walked over to Wally, and kissed him on the cheek.
"Hey, I'm your boyfriend, not him." joked the boy. The girl smiled, and hut the boy in the chest. Mai who snapped out of the trance, began to speak.
"Are u two the future Kuki, and Wally?"
"Well duh, who do u think we are? Santa Claws and his elf?" joked the future Wally.
"Oh shut up Wally." zei the future Kuki, while hitting him on the right arm.
"Ow! What was that for?" asked future Wally, while rubbing his arm.
"Just stop the jokes." zei the future Kuki.
"Ok, Miss bossy. Cruddy girl." whispered future Wally, while winking at Wally.
"Ok, I'm going to tell u now, why we're here. Ahem." she said, while taking a long pause.
"We don't have all day, we have to be back in less than ten minutes." zei future Wally.
"Ok, ok, Mr cranky pants. We're here to make sure, I think everything today was a dream. And in the future there will be a time, where I want something to happen, and today is not the dag for it." zei future Kuki. (Right I can't be bothered writing future, so I'm just writing F. OK? Ow! Stop throwing tomatoes at me! Right?, while dodging a tomaat Ok Now back to the story.)
"In other words, she doesn't want herself know, that I love her, until we're about to lose our memories." zei F. Wally, while Wally looked down at the letter.
"And u have to put that letter in my diary, after you've read it." continued F. Kuki.
"So u two are saying, that Kuki mustn't know that I'm in love with her until we're thirteen?" zei Wally, while making sure he got it right.
"Yes, I know u want to go out with her, but u have to wait a little bit longer." zei F. Wally, while placing his hand on Wally's shoulder.
"Oh, that's so cute, ohh u really must love me." zei F. Kuki.
"And you've ruined my plan." zei Mai.
"Yes, but thanks for doing that, now me and dummy head, are together now." zei F. Kuki, while holding F. Wally's hand.
"Oh and volgende week's test, is about the revolution, the first answer is A, then A, then C, then….." began F. Wally, when he was interrupted door F. Kuki.
"Don't tell him the answers, that's cheating." stated F. Kuki.
"So. I wrote the antwoorden down in the letter, at the back." whispered F. Wally, to Wally.
"And that's how I wrote to Kuki, about something." zei F. Kuki.
"Like what?" asked Wally.
"Oh nothing, u need to know." zei F. Kuki, while kissing Wally on the lips.
"Hey, don't do that, I'll get horny now." zei F. Wally.
"No u won't." zei F. Kuki, while walking away from Wally.
"Yeah, I will. Trust me, I'm him." he said, while winking at Wally, who was speechless.
"Oh, and we told Nigel, Hoagie and Abby, what happened so no need to tell them." zei F. Wally, while taking his place beside F. Kuki.
"Right, we better say goodbye, ohh and we have to say something cool, like salutations. Yeah that sounds cool, salutations." zei F. Kuki.
"Yeah, meer like geeky now, how about E.T go home." zei F. Wally, in a weird alien voice. F. Kuki smacked him over the head, while they got ready to leave.
"That has got to be the most….." F. Kuki, never got to finish her sentence, they both had vanish into thin air.
Wally and Mai looked at each other, what had just happened?….
"C'mon let's see what they wrote?" asked Ai, while trying to snatch the letter from Wally's hand.
"Ok, ok, just wait. Ahem." he began, while ripping the envelope open.
"It says, Wally thanks for taking care of my past self, and I hope u remember my birthday volgende month. The future Wally, is doing my chores for a week, for forgetting my birthday. So I advise u to be ready, for that. I hope you've put me in my bed, because then it would be weird for me to be sleeping on a hard floor in a creepy cave. Get Mai to change me into my favoriete regenboog Monkey pajamas. Lots of Love from Future Kuki." zei Wally, while getting another piece of paper from behind that one.
"And this one says, Hello Mate, it's me, your future self, just to give u advise, don't grow a moustache, chicks don't buy it, trust me. And when you're with Kuki, tell her she's pretty, she likes that. Ohh and the antwoorden to the test is on the back of this paper. From your future self, Wally." finished Wally, while putting the paper back in the envelope.
A single piece of paper fell from the envelope, Wally never seen it, but luckily Mai did. She picked it up, and placed in her pocket. Well it was addressed to her, so I don't think it's for Wally. They both slowly carried Kuki out of the cave, still with the Future Wally's jas over her. They walked into the sunshine, as they made their way across the beach.

End Transmition