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 Disney Princesses Couples
Disney Princesses Couples
hallo Fanpop fans!
It is me again, with my fourth article. Now this artikel is about the couples in the princesses that make us fall in love with them. And again, after the picks I made, I write an artikel in your opinion about these romantic couples. I hope that u like this article. Sorry again if I have errors in my grammar of spelling. And for last thank u again, for the people who help me with my picks!

10. Mulan and Shang
 Mulan and Shang
Mulan and Shang

These couple for the movie "Mulan" is in the last place. These couple is in the last place, because I lot of people say that it was too rush. At the end, it was no romance after all, so they add Mulan and Shang. Mulan like her general since she was in the camp, but he see him as a good soldier. When he discovers that the soldier is a woman, he sees her different. People love the movie, but the couple was too rush. My opinion is like the people, it was too rush.

Your Thoughts

“I love the movie and I love the pairing, but since the movie ends with their romance just starting, there isn't really a lot of romance in it. They don't even kiss (although Shang is very cute when he brings the helmet, and when their hand meet on it briefly).” – Swanpride

“to be honest there is no romance between them until the sequel” –sheep2901

“By far - virtually no romance at all :/” –SailorM91

9.Tiana and Prince Naveen
 Tiana and Prince Naveen
Tiana and Prince Naveen

The couple of the movie "The Princess and the Frog" is in ninth place. These couple started for hating each other. He sees her as boring, simple. She sees him as arrogant, lazy, etc. But after, they know each other, they see themselves as different. They started to talk, like, and in the end, they fall in love. This why this couple is too low, they see this as unreal. People don't like of don't believe in hate relantionship to a love one. And also, as Mulan ands Shang, it was too rush. My opinion is that this couple is lovely, but people's opinion is different.

Your Thoughts

“I can't understand how Tiana managed to fall for Naveen. I don't think they're very suitable for each other.” – milky-way
“it seemed too sudden, like they suddenly loved each other when two seconden before they hated each other” –ellie53

“I think the relationship just came out of nowhere...”- BelleAnastasia

8. Cinderella and Prince Charming
 Cinderella and Prince Charming
Cinderella and Prince Charming

This couple from the movie "Cinderella" is the eight place. This couple fall in love whe she went to the dance. They fall in love at first sight, and they share a danca and also a song. She need to leaves, and he sent servants to look for her, because he is in love. The people see this scene, romantic, but they don't like that we see this couple like for 5 minutes. And also, they don't like that he was lazy. In my opinion, this couple too romantic, and I don't think that he was lazy, if he is a prince, he can have servants. Well that's my opinion, but don't say bad things.

Your thoughts

We only see they changing 5 of 6 words... And the song "So this is love" doesn't help, it seems they're singing to the audience, not to themselves (this doesn't happen in Snow White, and Phillip and Aurora at least talked more... And Phillip did so many things for her).” –Animaluco

“Snow White and Prince are cute. Prince Charming and Cinderella.. I mean I love Cinderella but she and the Prince barely talked at all and suddenly their in love? They don't even know each others names. And Prince Charming doesn't even try to find her himself” –ArielandEric

“He's a lazy rich boy, she's way to good for him!” –DreamyGal

“I just don't see the romance between them...” –BelleAnastasia

“ I hate this couple.I hate the fact that Cinderella and Prince Charming fell in love so fast they didn't know anything about each other and they didn't even the names of each other.Prince Charming didn't even zoek for Cinderella. He just sends servants to find her and he is only in love with her because she is so beautiful.”-irmafan

7. Pocahontas and John Smith
 Pocahontas and John Smith
Pocahontas and John Smith

This couple from the movie "Pocahontas" is in the seventh place. I know that what are u thinking "Why this couple is too low?" "They are too passionate." I know this, but they are here beacuse one reason. They don't end together, and in the seconde movie, she end with John Rolfe (That in my opinion, it was worst thing that Disney ever did)This couple fall in love when they discover aboth themselves, and even that the cultures were different, they fight. At the end, didn't end well, because he was injured, and he need to come back to London. They are great, but people don't like that they didn't end together. My opinion is like the people. It is a romantic couple, but not happily ever after.

The Main Thought of people is from this quote

“They didn't even stayed together. That's why I don't like them as a couple”- CodyVenusTrent

6. Aurora and Prince Phillip
 Aurora and Prince Phillip
Aurora and Prince Phillip

This couple from the movie "Sleeping Beauty" is the sixth place. This couple that they fall in love at "first sight", they danced together, and they want to be together. Neither of them imagined that they were already engaged. This couple is almost like Cinderella and Prince Charming, the only difference from them, and the reason that they are meer higher than Cinderella and Prince Charming is that he fought against a dragon to save his princess (Again, Cinderella and Prince Charming been low for a simple reason, why they don't see as romantic), but people see them as not romantic at all. She was only in the movie, 18 minutes.In my opinion, they are less romantic than Cinderella, but again this aricle is not about my opinion, but from the fanpop's fans.

Your Thoughts
“There's no feeling of true love in their relationship. They meet, they instantly fall in love, and then they get married in no time at all. So unrealistic and is clearly meant to be nothing much meer than a kids movie.” –Summer_Leanne

“ I like them but we don't see much of them together. And besides The Prince let Snow White run and then sang to her, he didn't force her to stay and touch her.” –CodyVennusTrent
“don't see enough of them to love” –ellie53

5. Ariel and Prince Eric
 Ariel and Prince Eric
Ariel and Prince Eric

This couple from the movie "The Little Mermaid" is in fifth place. Again, another couple that have a lot of fans is low. This couple, that she fell in love with him at first sight, and he fell in love with the voice of Ariel. That is the problem with this couple. fans see this couple, as he only fell in love with a lovely voice, and not for her. She fell in love with a handsome prince. We see meer love from her to him, that he for her. My opinion is like the fans say, he was not really in love of Ariel, it was for the voice, so that's why he was going to marry Vanessa.

Your Thoughts

“Because falling in love with a dude u never even spoke to, who doesn't even know u exist, is not romantic. At all.” – heathersvan

“I think Eric only loved her voice and when he found out the voice was Ariel's then he decided he was in love with her in general. Plus I think Ariel's a fangirl of humans and just because she got close to a human guy she became obsessed with him, not necessarily in love with, but obsessed with- but that's my opinion”- bluecinderella4

“he only liked her when he found out she had a nice voice.” –DreamyGal

4. Snow White and Prince Ferdinard
 Snow White and Prince Ferdinard
Snow White and Prince Ferdinard

This couple from the movie "Snow White and the Sever Dwarfes" is in fourth place. This couple that fell in love at first sight. They shared a moment and he sings for her. Then she was dreaming abouth this prince everyday, wishing to see him again. The problem is that they don't about themselves. Some say that it was not a lot of time of been together. What makes different from the other first sight couples is that the song, it was meer romantic, and it was love there.
My opinion is that they should be a little low. They are romantic, but I prefer Cinderella and Prince Charming (You should problably figured out who are my favoriete princess and prince)

Your Thoughts

“They don't even talk to each other, while the others actually get to know each other. And I agree with Swanpride, Rapunzel and Eugene get to know each other better than any other couple IMO”

“I like them but they didn't knew anything about the other. Sure, the Prince is romantic and the song was beautiful; however they should know things about each other. The other pairings knew a little meer about the other.” –CodyVenusTrent

“They're soooooo cute but the other couples are better. Snow White and the prince are together for only about a minute” –callie923

3. Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert
 Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert
Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert

The couple from the movie "Tangled" is in third place. These new prince and princess come very high.This couple started when Rapunzel forced Flynn( Eugene is his real name) to take her to see the lanterns, and she in return will give him his sarchel. They stated to get along, then like and finally they fall in love. Even they sacrifice the freedom and even the like for themselves. fans see them as so romantic couple. We love that they give everything for their love. The lanterns scene was so romantic. We love them. They are in the third place beacuse they love the other two couples more.Some people think that they don't suit. She is inmature, and he is too adventurous, and they are too different. My opinion is that they so romantic.

Your Thoughts
"I understand that, but i just hate them as a romantic couple, i don't think they suit at all. way too awkward. she has the mindset of meer of less a 5 jaar old (which is understandable in her gegeven situation) and he's the complete opposite. it's just awkward to watch and i would rather them be close vrienden honestly.” –Mongoose09

“That beats just two people who liked each other and then fell in love (though at the beginning they didn't get along, that adds something, but it's not enough)” –Popcornfan

“Regardless of their sacrifices, they just don't feel right as a couple to me.”- milky-way

2. Belle and Prince Adam
 Belle and Prince Adam
Belle and Prince Adam

This couple from the movie "Beauty and The Beast" are in seconde place. This couple started with her been forced to be his prisioner to give freedom to her father. They started to get along, and they ended fall in love. fans see them with love. fans see them as a romantic couple, but why the couple is seconde place? Some fans say that he was an animal, how can they fall in love, of they see them as less romantic that the first place. My opinion is I like them, but I love who is first place, and even I love meer Rapunzel and Eugene that them.

Your Thoughts

“she falls in love with an animal i know that wasn't the point but i wish we saw meer of their interactions while he was human then they would beat All and Jas” –tiagih

“ never really LOVED Belle and Beast. i like them, but i don't LOVE them like i love Al and Jasmine. :)” - DamianLUVR

“Belle and Beast are a romantic couple” –baynay24

And the first place is....

1. jasmijn and Aladdin

 jasmijn and Aladdin
Jasmine and Aladdin

The couple from the movie "Aladdin" is in the very first place. This couple start when he save jasmijn from the seller who wnats to cut her hand beacuse she steal from him. They like each other, but they were separated when he went to prison. door the lies of Jafar, she believe that Aladdin (She didn't know his name) was dead. After, Aladdin want to impress the princess, door been a prince after a wish. It was an error, beacuse she see him as another arrogant prince. After a carpet ride, they fall in love. fans really love them. They see them as perfect, and their favoriete Disney couple.My opinion is that I love them. They are too romantic in the carpet ride.

Your Thoughts

“I adore both couples, but Jas and Al are just perfect for each other!” –BelleAnastasia

“Aladdin and jasmijn are my favoriete Disney couple.”-Aladdin98

“I love them together! They are so real and they definitely compliment each other I just love the Belle and the Beast's romance meer :)” – callie923

This concludes with my article. I hope that u liked. I know that people will don't like the results but please be courteous, and don't write bad things. Again, I am sorry if I make mistakes in my writing. And THANK YOU! for the people who help me with my picks. They help me even is a lot of picks about Disney Princess couples. Without you, I would not be able to this article.
Thank You!!!
posted by JNTA1234
Well I just realized haven't done this lijst yet, so I figured why not. My personal ranking of the princesses' outfits, and who better to judge womens' clothing than straight dude who barely even knows how to dress himself? I'll try to address each outfit of each princess. Well let's get this train wreck on the road.

I know people are gonna give me hell for putting her at the bottom but I really don't like Aurora's clothes. Firstly, her peasant dress sucks to the extreme! The only good things about it are the corset and the skirt. Everything else is just boringly ugly, the color, the...
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So I've been doing this countdown for the past two of so weeks and here are the results! globaal, algemene I'm very happy with them and think that they're pretty predictable for the most part. Thanks to everyone who participated and commentaar gegeven in the polls, your commentaren were very helpful! :D

11. Merida

It was oblivious going to be Merida of Ariel this round. Ariel got meer votes, but Merida got meer comments. People zei that it was unforgivable that she tried to alter her mom in any way whatsoever, and others just zei that she's simply the worst role model of the bunch.

"The reason Merida wanted to...
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Looking at these results, I can understand why some Princesses appeal to the general public more. A total of 18 users took part in this countdown and I averaged out the rankings. I included Anna and Elsa because I think they are both such fun characters to analyze. Anyway, the titel says it all, enjoy! :)


 75 points
75 points

Some people have the same type of relationship Merida and Elinor share. I argue with my mom all the time, ALL THE TIME. Though I can't say I really relate to Merida's personality and I wouldn't do anything Merida does. I might think about wanting to change what's coming...
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Yeah so this is my opinion which DP some people here look like. And I admit that my opinion can be far away of what u think and my opinion which one they look isn't in any way "right"one. This is really.. eh.. simple artikel but well I tried to be simple.
Thanks to everyone who geplaatst their picture(none of u are ugly!) and please don't get offended, from one picture it's really hard to create ful image of u and if u think something I wrote it's competely wrong it's just my stupidity. u know yourself the best :)

link Belle[/b]

Well sadly from this picture is hard to say much when...
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posted by dclairmont
Chapter 1: Doing Mother's Deeds

I slipped into the door of the unknowing family. The door creaked as I shut it, door the family was so full of conversation and laughter they wouldn't be able to notice. Gothel had made this too easy for me. This was my seconde chore today, so I was naturally getting very tired, but I'd do anything for Mother, anything. I walked emotionless into the keuken-, keuken where the family sat down for dinner.

They finally notice me. "Woah, how'd u get in here?" the father asks. "Are u lost?" Yes, I was quite lost, but not in the way he was implying.

"I'm sorry," I whispered,...
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12. Tiana
Previous Position: 10 (Dropp two places)
I don't like Tiana even meer than last time, because she's too serious and I hete it she kissed frog because she believe frog will turn into prince and help her with restaurant
Favorite hairstyle: bun with tiara
Favorite outfit: blue dress with gloves and tiara
Favorite song: When We're Human
Favorite singing quote: I've work hard for everything I got
Favorite quote: My dream wouldn’t be complete without u in it

11. Mulan
Previous Position: 8 (Dropp three places)
I don't think Mulan it's great character of role model but I like her a little bit more...
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Hello! This artikel contains paragraphs about hacks with Disney Princesses! I don't want to make the introduction part long, because I am so excited to write this :) Hoping u enjoy <3!

Hack 1- Longer Essay with Merida

Merida is again sitting in front of her desk. Her mother is forcing her to 'home education' again and Merida has only 20 minuten left for the deadline. Merida types fast as she can, and writes an essay about nature with 1000 characters but the minimum is 1500 to publish. She has nothing coming to her mind!

Hack time! Merida picks the color white for the letters in google documents...
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Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short) is a super fun tafelblad roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend u give it a try if u ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my favoriete hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short) is a super fun tafelblad roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend u give it a try if u ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my favoriete hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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posted by PrincessXandra
I know what you’re thinking, “They’re not Disney Princesses,” but hear me out: They are from Shrek, which parodies Disney films. As such, it’s not much of a stretch to assume this group of princesses are a parody of the Disney Princess.

Here we have: Princess Fiona (of course), Snow White, Cinderella (whose real name I think is Cynthia), Sleeping Beauty (whose real name I think is Princess Talia) and Rapunzel (who is really the villain).

Here are their stories:

Princess Talia - She was cursed door the evil fairy Carabosse to die on her 16th birthday, which happened, but her Prince gave...
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Elsa is my favoriete Disney character. She can create snow and ice. Elsa has a lot of wonderful and similar dispositions to me. Today I am writing about characters who have similar snow powers to Elsa.

1- Om Nelle ( Cut the rope, super noms)
Om Nelle, who appears as Om Nom's wife in the Om Nom ( Cut the rope) cartoon, has powers similar to Elsa. Like Elsa, Om Nelle can create snow and, most of all, ice. But there are some changes. Elsa's powers are hers and they are innate. Om Nelle makes the ice with the stone of a tiara, the riem of a superhero. Without the crown, Om Nelle has no powers. Also,...
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added by WhiteLagoon13
Source: Me
Here is a lijst of all the Disney Princesses who are feminist to MOST in their movies.

Don’t need a man to save them (feminist):

1. Pocahontas

2. Mulan

3. Belle

4. Ariel

5. jasmijn

6. Tiana

7. Rapunzel

8. Moana

9. Raya

10. Merida

11. Anna and Elsa

Don’t end up with a man (non-hetero feminist):<b>

1. Pocahontas

2. Merida

3. Raya

4. Moana

5. Elsa

<b>Don’t need sexual of romantic love (ace/aro feminist):<b>

1. Mulan

2. Pocahontas

3. Tiana

4. Rapunzel

5. Merida

6. Anna and Elsa

7. Moana

8. Raya

<b>Needed a man to save them (anti-feminist):<b>

1. Cinderella

2. Snow White

3. Aurora

<b>Needed a true love and romance (hopeless romantic anti-feminist):

1. Aurora

2. Cinderella

3. Snow White
added by Disneyfan15
Source: A bunch of websites
posted by deedragongirl
 The poster
The poster
Hi guys, I just want to let u know that I got to see Mulan a few days geleden and like Beauty and the Beast. I have mixed feeling about this live action reboot, so here is my review on the movie that was postpone on numerous occasions due to the COVID-19.

The Story

I was really quite happy with a number of changes in the film, like we get to see Mulan's childhood meer like what we see in Cinderella. I am very happy that she has a sister to talk to, to which I will get to that part later on!
Secondly, she does provide comic relief while in the army along with the soldiers. Whom the latter did not...
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1. Congrats on winning fan of the Month! How does it feel?
Thanks! It feels amazing and very surprising. I never would have guessed I'd win.

2. What was the last Disney movie u watched in theaters? (animated of live action)
I haven't been to the theaters much recently. So, I think it was Toy Story 4 last summer.

3. Who is your favoriete Disney character? (live action of animated, Pixar of Disney)
Scrooge McDuck <333

4. Which Disney owned franchise do u like more? (The Simpsons, Marvel, ster Wars, etc) Why?
Of all the franchises they own my favoriete would probably be Mickey muis and Friends....
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added by tiffany88
Source: Joe boeken Ltd
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney