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*cuing annoyed Charlie Brown scream*

I have been so frickin' busy this time of jaar and I put off practically everything I should be doing. But I still have 4 artikels to go counting this one.

In zei article, this one will be my favoriete Disney Princess movie and why it's there.

Now for the record; I want to say none of these are my favoriete Disney movie, but a few of these are top, boven 10. I'm going over favoriete Disney PRINCESS movie. I myself prefer the underrated Disney movies, but that's just me.

Moving on...

Favorite Disney Princess Movie

These are my opinions, I'm also doing this artikel solo, please tolerate and respect them as I do yours.

10. Sleeping Beauty

Are u all surprised Pocahontas isn't 10, yeah, me too.

But I rewatched Pocahontas recently among Nostalgia Critic's Disneycember commentaries, and it's still the same as I remember; bland, kinda boring, and I still want it to hurry up and end.

However, I also rewatched Sleeping Beauty. of I should say Sleeping Beauty droned on in the background as I got distracted on the computer door something cooler.

Sleeping Beauty is just a filler movie. Yes, the artwork is breathtaking, animatie isn't that bad, and the climax w/ the dragon is FRICKIN AWESOME...

...but those are about the only things people like of remember about Sleeping Beauty.

The movie itself doesn't even focus on Sleeping Beuaty herself. u get meer scenes of the 4 fairies and the two kings and drunk jester guy. I remember not being interested in Sleeping Beauty either. I would always fast foward her part to get to the fairies. So that's kind of a bad thing when a little girl who's supposed to like the princesses wants to fast foward all the parts with the princess to get to the fairies. And the music- though it's from a legitimate ballet- is boring at times. Only when things get exciting (which is rare in the movie) does the muziek get exciting.

I feel it lacks story and main character development. Even the villain didn't really have a good enough reason for being "The Mistress of All Evil"- but I'll save that for another article. I also heard somewhere that someone on the Disney staff zei it had the look of the film but lacked the Disney warmth. Though I'm unsure what the Disney warmth is, I agree. All the movie was was beautiful backgrounds with a frickin awesome dragon scene that was too short for me.

Oh and whenever I babysit 4 jaar old Annie and 2 jaar old Kenzie and I ask what movie do they wanna watch, they have never once zei Sleeping Beauty. I've seen it clearly on their shelf and I've suggested it, but they say no. So a 4 jaar old and 2 jaar old Disney princess loving girls don't want to watch Sleeping Beauty? Huh, sounds like me when I was their age and even a little older. Sleeping Beauty just misses the mark and I feel could be so much better.

9. Pocahontas

I zei it's still bland, boring, and I want it to end faster and it's at number one. Why? Well unlike Sleeping Beauty, this clearly has story. It obviously focuses on it's titular heroine and I give it serious credit for that. The muziek isn't bad either considering it's 8 time Oscar winner Alan Menken and Wicked creator Stephen Schwartz.

So why don't I like this movie? Honest truth is I wish it was meer true to it's history. When we started to learn about Pocahontas in elementary school I was so excited because I felt 'Hey I saw the movie I know all about her'. Then we learned the truth, then we watched the movie after. I honestly felt cheated and betrayed. I like knowing things and being right and here it was nothing about the Disney version was right. Granted it's Disney and it had to be kid-friendly, but still; couldn't they stay true to history while keeping it family friendly?

Another slight issue is the animals. While I like them the most, they don't talk. It's a Disney movie where we're used to the animals talking and in a movie where it's a good idea that they should talk considering trees do and maybe Native Americans who live off the land can understand the animals, the animals don't talk. To me, it seemed appropriate that they should talk here, I wanted them to talk in this movie, but they didn't. This is a slight issue because in the end, I still think the animals are cool.

I don't really think I really liked Pocahontas, but I know I tolerated meer than Sleeping Beauty.

8. Mulan

If I've zei it once I zei it a thousand times, I haven't seen this movie the whole way through and I don't have a way for me to do it without watching it in different parts on YouTube of a decent quality on other sites.

But from what I remember, it was kinda funny. I liked that Mulan was never a real princess and that she kicked some ezel (pardon my french). I loved the army buddies too especially when they dressed in drag.

But honestly, I can only recall bits and pieces from the movie but I don't remember where in the movie it occured all the time. I know the drag part was near the end, but I can't recall where other pieces were.

I'm sure it'd be higher if I saw it meer than once, but I don't really have anything bad to say about it so that's kinda good.

7. Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs

Forever branded with the subtitled the one that started it all. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful it did but there are reasons why this is low for me.


I'll admit it; I'm 19 years old and I'm scared of this movie. A Tale of Terror wasn't as scary compared to the original Snow White.

Maybe I was a little too dramatic. It doesn't scare me as bad as it did when I was little, but it still freaks the crap out of me. Back when I first saw it, the scene where the huntsman was approaching her with the mes and the forest terrified me. Nowadays, not so much. The forest is kinda cool, and the huntsman's eyes during that scene only a tad bit. I remember I was also scared of when the dwarfs first came to their cottage and my distracted little mind forgot Snow White was there and when they thought there was a monster there, so did I. Then I remembered Snow White and I freaked when they were gonna kill her. I was like 'NO! NO! DON'T KILL SNOW WHITE!' Ah to be young again.

But what's scared me about this movie then, and still does to this dag is the witch. I think I can classify this as a phobia. I CANNOT LOOK AT HER! This started when I was four; first it was her voice, then I put the looks with the voice. But my Gramma zei it was always her costume that terrified me. I always wanted to watch this to try and conquer my fear (and because I love the dwarfs), but it never worked. I can listen to her now, but still can't look

And please don't torment me w/ pics of her like my so called vrienden used to do I am legitmiately scared of her.

Aside from being scared, this movie's heroine isn't much of a heroine, the prince was never in there, the muziek and songs were annoying, and all I liked was the story and the dwarfs.

See, it's not only low because of my fear.

6. Tangled

This is mostly due to the fact that I didn't see it until fall this jaar and no matter where I went everybody spoiled this movie. I did thoroughly enjoy it, but it was too spoiled for me.

Another couple of reasons is behind the scenes stuff. This movie was originally called Rapunzel and she was going to be voiced door one of my favoriete singer/actresses Kristin Chenoweth. I knew it was gonna be all computer done, which I preferred 2D, but I zei eh, I still wanna see it. Then they changed the title. Not only did they change the title, the marketing technique was designed mostly for boys to get interested in the movie.

All in all, I still liked the movie, Mandy Moore was a good replacement, but it was too spoiled for me. Yeah, occasionally I like to spoil things for other people, but not an entire movie! And I'll admit, when I watch a movie on TV somewhere in the middle I look up spoilers to see how it ends; but only during the middle!

A part of me also wishes Tangled was 2D hand drawn animation.

5. Princess & the Frog

A return to 2D animatie and the classic fairy tale. Hallelujah!

I love the story, I really do. I love the characters, they're awesome. I love a couple of songs...notice I zei a couple, I would've loved meer if Alan Menken did the muziek instead of Randy Newman.

I guess this is 5th because I saw this when I was 17. door then I was meer grown up then I was when I watched the other DP films pre 2009. Maybe it's also because this is a meer modern spin on it and isn't a time of true magic, but meer voodoo junk.

I also liked that Disney broke ground and created an African-American princess. I just wish she wasn't so serious and eased up a bit on work. Still, I like her, and I like the movie.

4. Little Mermaid

Fun fact; I used to be terrified at the scene when Urusla turned Ariel human. I guess the lady villains frighten me meer than the bad guys. Evil girl power, yeah!

I know I say some pretty negative things about Ariel, but I still like her. But if we're being honest, she wasn't what I liked about the movie so much. I'm not sure how else to word that, but there were things in the movie I preferred to her.

Namely Sebastian. Sebastian makes this movie for me. I love his character, I love his songs, I love that unlike Ariel his character acutally changes. Growing up, I loved Sebastian, and I still do. And he also made the TV series work for me too. Bonus; like Ariel, Sebastian's never had a different voice actor. And Samuel E. Wright didn't just do one Disney thing no, no, no. He released solo records as Sebastian in the 90's and he starred as Mufasa in the original Broadway production of Lion King.

I love the muziek in this movie, I love how they took a meer family appropriate approach to the original fairy tale (trust me on this the original fairy tale is dark and depressing). The villain was cool, the sidekicks were epic, the prince was okay, and Ariel had a lot of cool moments too.

3. Cinderella

This was one of the first ones I've seen without being terrified of!

I love everything about Cinderella. The heroine, the story, all the other characters, and the different variations other cultures created of the story.

Now for the anylisis of the Disney version. The heroine- check. The story- check. The other characters- uh...sure.

I love the mice, they helped keep interest in the movie. The stepmother, she was a good villain and she didn't need magic. The fairy godmother, I wish they expanded her role a little. Lucifer, a better villain than the stepsisters at times. The stepsisters, okay. I loved the commrodery between the King and the Duke, I even like the Duke.

It's the prince I have issues with.

I heard the story first before the movie. Like Cinderella, the prince was a big part of the story. In the movie, what good was this guy? He's a major reason why this movie isn't in the top, boven 2 spots.

And yeah, I feel like the movie was filler at times with the mice, so that's another reason. But it's still a classic and I still love this one.

2. Aladdin

I felt this one was mostly for boys seeing as though jasmijn wasn't really a central character.

But it didn't matter to me because I still loved this movie. I loved the adventure, the romance, the characters, and the voice acting was great too. Bonus, the TV series was pretty awesome too.

Why is this number two? I guess it's another character focus issue. As much as I love this movie (like me it's 19 years old) I loved the princesses. I wish they would've shown meer of her. I think u got some meer development of her in the TV series and she didn't even appear in some episodes.

Still, I love Aladdin, I love that it wasn't just for girls, I love the TV series, and I love that this one was funny and still could be emotional.

Did I mention that this is also a product of 1992? Because it is...like me!

1. Beauty & the Beast

I watch this movie once a maand because I love it.

Granted there are some serious issues with plotholes, but I don't care.

The characters, the story, the artwork, the music, it all just takes me away.

Much like Cinderella, the villain doesn't rely on magic and I like that. I like that a lot of things in this movie is realistic.

In addition to Cinderella, I feel I can relate myself to Belle. We're brunettes, we love wearing blue, we like to read, we want meer in our lives, we'll do anything to protect our loved ones even if it's not the best thing to do, we honor promises, and we feel like outsiders in our soceity. Besides Belle, I love the side characters, especially Lumiere.

What else do I like? The romance. We don't know how long it takes them to fall in love, but it isn't love at first sight and it takes a while. The transformation scene is near perfection, and even though it uses recycled animatie from Sleeping Beauty, I love how it uses the recycled animation.

I really don't have anything bad to say about this movie (without going into details about plotholes) and I don't think anyone else does either. It's a tale as old as time and this movie can stand the test of time and people will still love it.

Bonus; this was the first Disney movie to have a pop song at the end sung door Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson, both of whom I like to listen to.

Well, that's my list. These are my opinions, thank u for respecting them.

Here are some pics of movie posters. I tried to get original ones of video covers. And for the record, the Snow White one is up there because that animatie is different than the movie animation. Please enjoy
 Is it me, of is Phillip kinda stalking her?
Is it me, or is Phillip kinda stalking her?
 Good job Disney at making this version meer true than the so called "American legend coming to life"
Good job Disney at making this version more true than the so called "American legend coming to life"
 Nothing bad to say about this poster due to the fact that she's holding a sword
Nothing bad to say about this poster due to the fact that she's holding a sword
 It was weird to find a poster w/ all the characters on them. Wait, weren't the Queen and the witch one character though?
It was weird to find a poster w/ all the characters on them. Wait, weren't the Queen and the witch one character though?
 So her hair is a weapon? No wonder girls get all freaked out when something happens to their hair.
So her hair is a weapon? No wonder girls get all freaked out when something happens to their hair.
 What maand is Holiday in? And why are the rednecks on this poster when they barely had a part?
What month is Holiday in? And why are the rednecks on this poster when they barely had a part?
 I know this seems naughty (and overused) but I can't be the only one who sees that shape in bronze on the castle.
I know this seems naughty (and overused) but I can't be the only one who sees that shape in bronze on the castle.
 The movie's called 'Cinderella' so could u actually toon her face poster?
The movie's called 'Cinderella' so could you actually show her face poster?
 Jafar's angry 'cause this movie was # 2
Jafar's angry 'cause this movie was # 2
 I used the video cover for this tale as old as time because videos are as old as time itself.
I used the video cover for this tale as old as time because videos are as old as time itself.
I walked to work the volgende dag with my head in the air. I never felt better in my life--I couldn't believe that my mother actually fell for the phony note.
I opened the door to my boss's office. "Mr. Anthony, I got the note signed door my mother. What's next?" I sat down in the plastic chair in front of his desk.
He dug through his bureau and pulled out a black suitcase. "The task begins," he announced, handing it to me.
My hart-, hart stopped. I felt the cool texture of the black leather under my palm. "What's inside?"
"Your suit, a camera, notepad, laser pen, and a bar for defense," he counted these...
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posted by TigerRanma
First Name: Michelle (wish it was something less common)

Country of Origin: USA. Los Angeles, to be exact. I'm half Puerto Rican, half Colombian.

Favorite Disney Movie: The Lion King/The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Hobbies: Karaoke, dancing, drawing, watching movies, re-watching Sailor Moon, playing Sims and Nancy Drew computer games, playing video games, like gitaar Hero/Rock Band...

Education: I started community college but I still don't know what I want to do

Music I like: I like to dance to whatever pop song is out now. And I enjoy emo/screamo music. I haven't heard new stuff lately but several...
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 (what I was doing while writing this article) XD
(what I was doing while writing this article) XD
Hi everybody!!! This is my first artikel in a long time, and I don't think I'm all that good at writing articles, so i'll do my best. =)

So just in case u missed it, this is an artikel about all my vrienden and buds on the DP spot. This artikel is basically just a thank-you to everyone who ever put up with me. (lol) and maybe some of u may not even know it, but you're my bud. I hope u feel the same about me. =)

WARNING: kind of a long article.


Fullmoonfever: sweet, funny, a good friend. That's all I can really say... just a nice person.

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 chericherry productions
chericherry productions
Hi, it's me, Chericherry. I'm spent a boring, cold Saturday, typing up this article. The titel says it all. From each princess, I'm going to tell u what I most desire from each princess. From clothes, hair, personality, and more. It's close to Christmas! Hope u like it!



Snow White

 high heels and bow
high heels and bow

Have u ever noticed Snow White's shoes? They're almost the same as Cinderella's glass slippers (they are also beautiful) except its not transparent, the color's in between tan and yellow. They are really cute, they look comfortable, too.

That cute little red bow says it all! Its...
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Note: I am not obsessed with Selena Gomez.
Other note: I know I missed some stuff and that this is an extremely shortened version. I performed this with some friends, and we didn't have enough people to do all seven dwarfs. So all there is is Grumpy.

Scene 1- The Queen consults her magic mirror.
Queen-Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?
Mirror-That's easy! Selena Gomez!
Mirror- Then...hmm...Taylor Swift.
Queen- Why??
Mirror-According to the August issue of J-14 magazine, Selena Gomez was found the prettiest in a vote of 342 people.
Queen-Well, Selena Gomez...
continue reading...
 We know where the princesses stand... but what about their movies? Well, if u read this then you'll find out!
We know where the princesses stand... but what about their movies? Well, if you read this then you'll find out!
I had one for the princesses, but what about the films they're from? Gah, this was so hard to decide. ;_____;
Yes, I like a good joke and yes, I swear like a sailor. Fucking deal with it. If I say something u don't like, then too bad. It was a joke.
Anyway, on with the countdown!

9) Sleeping Beauty

SNOW WHITE ISN'T LAST? I know, what a shocker.
I watched this quite recently and it bored me. A lot. The muziek isn't amazing, it's not very long and there aren't enough gags. Aurora is pretty personalityless and that really sums up the whole movie. It has the makings for...
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    The vlot that Princess erwt and Conrad built seemed sturdy, secure, and safe. But as many people often need to learn on meer than one occasion, looks can be very deceiving. As they sailed through the bayou and reached the open sea, Conrad and erwt got to talking.
    "Conrad, there's something I have to tell you," erwt summoned all of her courage.
    "What is it?" asked Conrad, his voice tender and sweet. erwt melted everytime she heard it. Although she would never tell him this.
    "That bitchy princess your father...
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Princess erwt had never been a fan of the ocean. She'd always chosen not to go swimming in it for various reasons...like the fact that she had a solid goud hot tub in her bedroom. Plus, who wants to swim in salty water filled with slimy creatures and dangerous predators? But as she sunk further beneath the waves and saw the crystal light of the sun shine down through the flowing waves and the beautiful plants sway back and forth...she still despised it. Although she'd never learned how to swim, she understood the basic idea. She struggled door kicking her legs rapidly and managed to gasp for...
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posted by DreamyGal
I must find a way to be with him.
If I can’t have him, my world will always be grim.
No one I know will understand.
They all hate the land.
But it’s all I can ever think about.
I would love it up there, I have no doubt.
Especially to be in his arms,
Getting lost in all of his charms.
Only then will I be satisfied.
Knowing that from now on it’s with him I’ll reside.
I long to be in his arms and to dance!
And find myself in a lover’s trance.
I must find someone who will help me with my plea,
Until then I will be miserable under the sea.
posted by rhythmicmagic
Yeah, I know, Valentine’s Day, it’s cliché, but I’m a singleton, as well as one of those nerds who does her homework early, so I really have nothing better to do. Why not write an artikel about the couples on the dag of love? So, I decided I will do a DP couple artikel today while I watch Aladdin so I can tell my dad where it pixelates so we can get it replaced.

10. Cinderella and Charming
Cinderella is a lovely woman, sweet, gentle, kind, beautiful, there’s really nothing bad about her. Charming, he doesn’t really do much, but what he does really rubs me the wrong way. He seems very...
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The Little Mermaid
In the Disney version, Eric, Ariel, and Triton defeat Ursula, and Ariel turns back into a human and marry's Eric. In the volgende movie, they have a daughter named Melody. But in the orginal version, The Little Mermaid sees the Prince marry a Princess, and despises it, so she is offered a mes to stab the Prince to death, but instead, she jumps into the sea and dies door turning into froth. Since Hans thought this ending was a little to "disturbing," he zei she became the "daughter of the air," waiting to go to heaven--- so in the end, she still dies.

Snow White
In the tale of snow...
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Disney had to give 6their heroines, aside from great look, hot princes and titel of a princess, amazing hairs too to make us even meer envious.

We already had this countdown, but with coming of new princess and new fans, it has been done again. u can read old artikel link.
Here are they in order as u voted them.

10. Snow White

Old position: #10

I couldn't say I'm very surprised that Snow White came in last place. She was last in many countdowns. However, many people stated that they absolutely love her hair. Why is it last than? Because of the other ones, who don't find her hair that...
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added by jessowey
Source: divertart
posted by snowsowhite
I recently added Merida to my favourite princesses list! I just love her! I had zei before that I prefep romatic ones, but that changed with Merida, a free- spirited character, different than others. Merida is amazing, she is brave and stubbon, headstrong and determined and she follows her heart, no matter what will happen! As she says, she is selfish, but I like her anyway! I love her hair and how she feels free running and climbing! She learns from her mistakes and she is able, even to marry afterwars for her mother, sonmething that changes. She wanted to change her fate and she learned...
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 Been using this picture for 3 of my artikels so far...
Been using this picture for 3 of my articles so far...
Having done a favourite DP and favourite DP movie list, I could not resist doing a prettiest DP list. This was the hardest lijst of all, mainly because all the Princesses are really beautiful. But I finally figured it out, and finished the article. Please remember that this is my opinion, so it is absolutely okay to have different opinions, but please don't be rude about my choices. Enjoy! :)

11: Pocahontas
Pocahontas has some really pretty shots, but in some shots she doesn't look as impressive. Don't get me wrong, she's still really pretty, but in a few shots I didn't find her as appealing....
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Frozen (2013)
let it go
animated film
I did an artikel like this meer than a jaar geleden and I saw some other people doing this so I decided to do it too, hope you'll like this artikel :)

Snow White & The 7 Dwarfs:

I really love the ending of this movie, it's my favoriete movie scene of all time. The scene makes me emotional everytime I watch it not only because of all the emotions shown in the scene, but also because this scene is so beautifully drawn especially the very end when Snow White & Prince ride off into the sunset and we see the Prince's castle, also my two favoriete songs from the movie are heard again here

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added by peteandco

In the 90s, Disney was going for something different in their leading ladies. They wanted heroines who were COMPLEX, women who were INTERESTING, and they were determined to give (most of) the princesses realistic, believable, and unashamed flaws. These princesses were supposed to be relatable and a lady a normal girl could identify with. Perhaps this is why these princesses are generally preferred to the classics. These princesses had obvious dimensions to their personalities, and all were made to seem like a girl u could run in to on the street.

Ariel is well known as the most realistic...
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added by BroadwayBelle93