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I've seen a few of these collaboration artikels floating around the spot and I thought it would be fab to do this with my closest Fanpop friend, starlight77!

starlight77: Pocahontas (PREVIOUSLY #10)
Pocahontas is a character I've always wanted to like her. She's independent and she's a peace maker. I feel like we haven't ever seen a Disney character like her ever. Unfortunately, I'm just never interested in her. Like the rest of the movie I just don't get into it. I feel like I go through the entire movie and I learn barely anything about her.

BelleAmie: Merida (NEW ADDITION)
I'm sorry to all the Merida fans, but she's not my cup of tea. I love her free- spirit, but in all honesty, Pocahontas pulls that off better. I like how she's feisty and doesn't want to be princess and wants to choose her own fate and freedom, pretty reminiscent of Jasmine. I love the relationship between her and her mother. I do like her but what aggravates me is that the movie is called "Brave", yet the main star, Merida, shows little of it. If anyone was brave, it was Queen Elinor. I certainly don't hate her, I just don't like her. And the lack of nostalgia.

starlight77: Merida (NEW ADDITION)
Merida is a character I have no nostalgia with. I kind of like her at points, and then others I don't really like her as much. Her free spirited nature is fun to watch and I love being able to see a strong mother/daughter relationship in this movie.

BelleAmie: Rapunzel (previously #8, ↓ 2 spots)
I loved Rapunzel so much, I think I watched Tangled probably once a dag for about two months. As time grew on, Rapunzel lost her glow. Consequently, after watching Tangled over and over again, Rapunzel's rank in my countdown dropped like Mother Gothel, from the tower. She's a lovely, bright and bubbly girl, with an edge of spunk and toughness . I love how she brightens up places like in the Snuggly eendje and got everyone in the Kingdom dancing. Her longing desire for her dream is admirable and definitely relatable, but she didn't work for anything of anyone. She just sang about it. I do admire how selfless she is for willing to save Flynn/Eugene.

starlight77: Snow White (previously #6, ↓ 3 spots)
Snow White. She is one thing. Absolutely and positively cute. A few years ago, I fell in love with her and her movie. There was just some cute 30's classic charm to it that I loved. Lately it's kind of lost it's effect on me and the same goes for Snow. Snow is a cute, bubbly character who loves to help and doesn't mind taking charge. She's cool but my vrienden and I agreed there's nothing that interesting about her on screen. I do like her, just not as much as I did.

BelleAmie: Tiana (previously #10, ↑ 1 spot)
I like Tiana better than I did before, but she's still a less interesting character, in my opinion. I really do admire her for her unfailing perseverance in getting her dream and her unfaltering determination. She's definitely a workaholic, but she does have her funny and looser moments. I really do want to like her more, but I honestly can't. It's pretty brief but I don't really know what else to say.

starlight77: Aurora (previously #9, ↑ 1 spot)
Long geleden I hated her. But unlike Snow and Pocahontas there is a part of me that enjoys her while watching her movie. The fact that she is just so happy and romantic. I feel kind of stupid moving up because she does almost nothing (I'm sorry Aurora fans). She's only in the movie for 18 minuten and she barely does anything in that time.

BelleAmie: Aurora (previously #7, ↓ 1 spot)
I absolutely love Aurora. I love her poise, gracefulness, charm and elegance. The scene in the forest, where she's dancing and singing "Once Upon a Dream", is beautiful. Regardless that she graced the screen for only 18 minutes, she was meer alluring then Merida, Rapunzel and Tiana. Aurora would've been higher if she was meer involved and contributed to the movie. After all, she is the titel character! She's only higher than the others l because I find her meer captivating and for all the childhood nostalgia.

starlight77: Tiana (previously #8, ↑ spot)
This girl is very amazing and I really had a hard time deciding whether she should be higher of lower than Belle. She's so hardworking even when she's a frog. I honestly don't find her to be a stick in the mud, I just think she put her work a little too high sometimes. She's pretty fun when u think about it and I wish I didn't have to put her this low.

BelleAmie: Jasmine (previously #4, ↓ 3 spots)
I love Jasmine, I really do. I love her sass, her fiesty side, her longing for freedom and wanting to not be kept door boundaries, due to her princess status. She's only lower because I just wasn't feeling a spark when I watched her again, in the movie. Plus she keeps buying lies from Aladdin and that frustrates me a LOT.

starlight77: Belle (previously #5, ↓ 1 spot)
Belle was a character I generally looked over as a child which I think is a shame. She is so elegant and classy and I absolutely love her as a character. I relate to her as a bookworm that feels a bit out of place and wants something a little bit more. I would just love to be her and I love watching her. The only thing that I don't particularly like about her is that there's something about her that I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's that she's just too perfect of that she is perhaps a little bland. I have no clue.

BelleAmie: Snow White (STAYED #6)
If u hate Snow White, u might as well hate love, laughter, rainbows and unicorns prancing of fluffy clouds. She's like china doll brought to life, bubbling with sweetness, radiance and optimism. Snow White's been a slave for God knows how long, but does she complain? NOPE. She kept a positive and optimistic attitude the whole time. I can't even go to school without complaining about something. Not to mention that she's an orphan. 4 for u Snow White, u go Snow White! She loved everyone and everything, and saw the good in others- not judgmental door appearances. Like when the old hag came, she offered her water, after she was attacked door birds. Some would be repulsed door her appearance and turn her away, but Snow White? NOPE. She's such a sweetheart in everything she does: making food and cleaning for the dwarves from the kindness of her own heart, giving them kisses before they go to work, helping a bird find its parents etc. Let's not forget to mention how badass Snow White is. A freakin' fourteen jaar old gets SEVEN grown men to WASH. What a BAMF. She WILL let u starve if u do not wash. All in all, Snow White is a real macho sweetheart and I bet u her ringtone would be link.

starlight77: Ariel (previously #1, ↓ 4 spots)
Nostalgia is probably the only thing that got Ariel this far on my list. As a kid, I absolutely adored Ariel, but there are things I just don't like about her as much now. I honestly don't think her decision to go to Ursula was a good one and in the beginning I don't like her as much as I do later on. However, I do like her adventurousness and how happy she gets once she gets to be on land. She's absolutely adorable from everything she does from avondeten, diner to her town visit to kiss the girl. The part where Eric leaves on the boot and she's just left there has always made me feel bad for her. So who knows? Maybe volgende time she'll be moved up.

BelleAmie: Cinderella (previously #9, ↑ 4 spots)
A classic princess? In my top, boven 5? I know I've zei that I preferred princesses with meer spunk, but I just love Cinderella! I'm pretty sure me and Cinderella would be complete opposites, and I know that I'm bipolar when it comes to if I relate to a princess. I don't relate a lot to Cinderella, but I prefer her to Rapunzel, who I share a lot in common with. It's quite confusing, but anyway; Cinderella is the kind of person I aspire to be meer like. She's graceful, gentle, kind and patient- even towards her step-mother and step-sisters who have tormented her for years! Cinderella's not exactly the "strong" Mulan is, but I admire the strength she had, growing up and being abused. She's always so positive and hopeful that someday her dreams will come true.

starlight77: Mulan (STAYED #4)
Some people have called her bland of boring and for a brief period I started to think maybe they're right. However, this is Mulan, the girl who oh yeah joined the military and save an entire country. Some people just don't have firecracker personalities but I think Mulan is pretty awesome. I relate to her on many levels, like when she zei she wanted to look in the mirror and see someone worthwhile. That's pretty deep stuff and I've often felt that way about myself too. Plus she's funny and I think she's a great role model. When everyone bows it's just a great moment of personal victory for her. So yeah Mulan's pretty epic.

BelleAmie: Belle (previously #3, ↓ 1 spot)
There's a fair bunch of anti-Belle fanpoppers, and I'm sure they all have their reasons why they hate Belle. But no matter how reasonable their point may be, Belle's always going to be one of my favourite princesses. HATERS TO THE LEFT! In ways, I do see myself in Belle, we're both book fanatics and want meer in life. I really admire how genuine she is, she wasn't judgemental of the Beast, she was strong for sacrificing her freedom and her dreams in order to save her father. Besides being gentle and graceful, she does have guts! She had the guts to take her father's place in a kasteel with a beast and to run away, especially on a cold, snowy night. She's also got sass and wit to her, like when she was arguing with the Beast, while treating his injury. Also, for the nostalgia factor. I feel like a little girl again, when I watch BatB.

starlight77: Cinderella (previously #7, ↑ 4 spots)
Almost every little girl's favoriete princess. She actually was probably in this place when I was little. Cinderella carries herself with such poise and grace and I absolutely love that about her. I also love how hopeful she is and she doesn't become bitter despite years of abuse. To me that is true strength.

BelleAmie: Mulan (previously #5, ↑ 2 spots)[/b]
I relate to Mulan on so many levels. We both want to honour our family and make them proud, but how could we do that, if we can't figure out who we really are? It's cheesy, I know, but I think everyone has to "find" themselves, in order to really be the best u can be. I LOVE how she sacrifices herself and takes her father's place. And even though the training was difficult, she found the strength inside herself to go up the whoooooole pole. The scene where Mulan defeats Shan Yu is one of my favourite scenes in the movie! The elements of the "defeat" involved a sword and a fan, symbolically speaking, it's the two extremes that Mulan could never fit in well with. The sword represented masculinity, in which Mulan never really felt right with. The fan represented femininity, in which Mulan disliked and never fitted in well with. With the two, she found a perfect balance, which she could mesh well with, a tomboy. Mulan's quick- thinking, courage, intelligence, outspoken-ness AND clumsiness are what make me love her!

starlight77: Jasmine (previously #3, ↑ 1 spot)
I really love all that jasmijn is. Perhaps she is a little bit spoiled but I don't think it's a big part of her character. A lot of people remember her as being sassy and standing up for what she believes in but she's also very kind to that little boy in the market place and is a fast thinker. Just like Ariel, I love seeing her get to be herself in a new environment.

BelleAmie: Pocahontas (STAYED #2)
Pocahontas was always a strong character I always loved. Even if I was 4 and didn't know what the story was even about, I absolutely loved her! She has an alluring presence, gives off such a bright and free- spirited persona. Though I love the other princesses, there's just something about her that makes her different. She has wisdom beyond her years and is highly- spiritual, there's not a princess in the lineup like her, and that's why I love her. Pocahontas is adventurous, kind, noble, understanding, and mature, but still has a playful and curious side to her.

starlight77: Rapunzel (previously #2, ↑ 1 spot)
If u don't know me then u don't know this but I absolutely LOVE Rapunzel. She reminds me of myself in a lot of ways and I could just go on and on about how fabulous she is but I'll keep this short. I love seeing her transformation from self conscious to confident. I also like how she is a mix of girly and modern at the same time. There is just too much I like about her to go into meer detail than that.

BelleAmie: Ariel (STAYED #1)
Such a plot twist! Where do I even start with with Ariel? She's everything I want to be and more. It really annoys me when people say that she's a bad example for girls because she gives off the message that u should change yourself for some guy. NO. Ariel had wanted to be a part of the human world, even before Prince Eric came. He was just the boost that got her to accept Ursula's deal. She knows what she wants and stops at nothing to get it. Kind of like me, except with clothes and shoes. But an actual dream? I don't think I'd have the guts to sacrifice so much for it. She's everything I want to be.
Source: disney.com
Source: http://lettherebedoodles.tumblr.com
posted by KataraLover
Years ago, I did an artikel about some fan-made grandchildren of Triton, excluding Melody, of course. However, I was going off the stier crap logic and "continuity" of the terrible prequel, The Little Mermaid 3: Ariel's Beginning. Instead, I'm going to be basing this off the personalities I've gegeven the daughters of Triton in another artikel I did, which includes the age order of Aquata being the oldest daughter of Triton. I take into account the TV series, like I did with Arista's personality and Adella's design, because it is a faithful and worthy prequel to The Little Mermaid. The way this...
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added by Sparklefairy375
posted by bluethunder25
For the longest time, we have associated Disney with princesses. From Snow White, to Tiana, to Rapunzel, Cinderella, etc....

However since the release of the monster hit, Frozen,there has been one subject that has been debated amongst fans of the franchise in regards to one character that is......Elsa.

Make no mistake about it, Elsa has blow up in popularity since her inception. she is the proprietor of one of Disney best new songs and is arguably one of the most powerful Disney characters ever, mabe even close in power to Maleficent. However, in regards as to whether of not she is a princess...
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added by JaDangerz
Source: Disney
13. Snow White
They look creepy for most of the movie. I'm jealous of her lashes though and the dark eye shadow really suits her.

12. Merida
The color is pretty but my main grip with Merida's eyes is that they appear to have no lashes. I don't mind so much in real life but I think all animated female characters should have apparent eyelashes, whether individual of multiple.

11. Pocahontas
Some people say she has such soulful eyes but I don't really see it, they look a bit lifeless and dead to me. I wish her eyes would display meer emotion.

10. Aurora
I think they make her...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by SweetPea2007
Source: door ~lissinat0r
added by JosefS_girl24
Source: Princekido at DA
added by dee389
added by dee389
Source: Deviantart
added by princesslullaby
added by sweetie-94
Source: sweetie-94
added by sweetie-94
Source: The Disney Princess site
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by Shipra_Shaniwal
Source: fanpop
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by aitypw
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://fun.jr.naver.com