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I've been planning on do this for a long time and now I'm finally doing it. However I'm also going to be including Brave, I'm pretty sure Merida is going to kom bij and I'm alright with it. Anyway please commentaar on what u think but please keep in mind this is just my opinion, enjoy.


As many of u know I have a lot of problems with this movie, so many that I actually made an artikel all about it's problems. First of all I have to say I absolutely LOVE Merida, she's one of my favoriete animated heroines. I also love the songs and the animation. I also love the beginning of the movie and my favoriete part of the movie was when Merida breaks tradition with the archery contest, that was EPIC. However after that things go downhill. I thought this movie would be for both kids and adults like with all Pixar films but it wasn't, after that it becomes just a kids movie. This movie did a lot of false advertising and LIES! I was expecting a dynamic adventurous story about a curse on the land tearing the Kingdom apart and Merida has to find it. It should have been about Merida finding herself, it could still have that mother-daughter connection but it didn't have to be the main thing. This really killed the movie and I'm very disappointed in this movie, Disney, and Pixar. It doesn't even feel like Pixar of Disney, it seems meer like a decently good Dreamworks movie. They portray Merida as this total bada** character and she's actually really not all that. She's constantly having to be saved and doesn't defeat the villain, if u could call that a villain. But she's not weak and she is heroic and has potential. The villain is very lame and undeveloped. The characters aren't all that interesting, I only care about Merida and her father. This movie has so many problems and it's a wonder how it won the best animated movie award, the viewers didn't care for it, the critics didn't care for it, and people rant about it all the time, including me. I think they really need to redo this movie completely and give us this awesome kicka** movie we were promised. It just rips off other movies, especially Brother Bear. It doesn't feel like Disney like the others do and while I do like it, it's nothing special and REALLY needs to be redone.

10.Sleeping Beauty

I think we all know this snore fest being so low is definitely no surprise to anyone. Don't get me wrong it has some really good stuff. I love the fairies, they're amazing, especially Merrywheather. I feel like the movie mainly focus' on them and I love that but it's also part of the movie's downfall but we'll get to that later. Maleficent is also great, she's definitely the best of all the Disney Princess villains. Her motive isn't very strong but the lengths she'll go to get revenge just because she wasn't invited to a party just proves how awesome she is. I'd hate to see what would happen if someone did something really horrible to her. She songs while nothing special are good. The problem is the two main characters, talk about a total snore fest. They're completely undeveloped, uninteresting, stereotypes, bland, boring, and completely useless. Phillip doesn't even do anything, it's the fairies that do all the work for him, they're the real heroes, not her. Aurora is the typical stereotype princess, all she does is sleep, sing, dance, cry, and look pretty and I don't even think she's that pretty. Other than Maleficent and the fairies, the characters are bland and forgettable. The animatie isn't that good, the art style while detailed looks totally fake, the characters all look kind of weird, and the effects aren't that good, with a few exceptions. Plus all the characters, except Maleficent, have roze skin, that's really distracting. I also don't like the romance, it just comes out of no where and they just get their happy ending through dump luck. Plus this movie has a lot of plot holes. Like why do they celebrate Aurora's birthday on her actual birthday? Doesn't that kind of give themselves away? Also why don't they just wait until the sun goes down to take her back to the castle? The spell would be broken that way. globaal, algemene I like the movie but it has a lot of problems.

9.Beauty and The Beast

I really love this movie, not one of the best Disney films but it's really good. I love the songs, the characters (except Gaston, the bimbettes, Lefou, Beast, and Belle), the animation, the romance, and the score. This movie does get stuck in my head with it's songs and the sidekicks are amazing. I absolutely love the sidekicks and I would love a movie all about them, they're the most memorable thing about this movie. The romance is also really good and while I don't care much for the two main characters they're a really great couple. However the two main characters are part of the problem. Belle is bland, boring, undeveloped, unrealistic, weak, damsel in distress, Mary-Sue. However she's not a bad character, she has her good moments but also her bad moments, she's just not very interesting of realistic. The Beast in my opinion is a total mess. Why is he still such a jacka**? Shouldn't he have felt meer remorse for what he's done and really be tortured after ten years of being through this instead of still being a spoiled brat? He's not that complex of developed. The villain is lame, it has no real adventure, it focus' just on romance and nothing more, no character development for the main characters, and the emotional and sad moments are over the top, fake, and soap opera like. But globaal, algemene I love this movie, it just has a lot of problems.


I really love this movie, though I have problems with it. I think this is probably one of the most iconic and criticized Disney movies. The songs are really good and the heroine is really good. She's really strong willed and works hard. Sure in some senses she's not strong willed but still. She does work hard every dag but doesn't work hard enough to get to the ball and kind of has it handed to her. So she's both a good and a bad role model. But she's not that bad, I mean she did inspire Walt Disney to work hard for his dreams. But hallo what does the creator of the entire Disney company know? The romance between Cinderella and Charming, while not very developed, is also very charming and enchanting. u can feel a chemistry and magical connection. However there's two problems with this movie and they're kind of big ones. First of all is the characters(except Cinderella, the step-family, Charming, fairy-godmother, and Bruno) they're just not very memorable. The mice and cat are part of what brings the movie down, it seems meer like filler when we could be developing Charming. We also could of had Charming sneak off into the commoners village and have been a close friend to Cinderella for years, that would be interesting. Another problems is fact that they kind of sugar coated the tragedy of the story of Cinderella. In this movie she has her own room, her own bed, friends, nicely groomed hair, and decent clothes. In the original story her hair was a mess, she was filthy, had no shoes, wore rags, had no friends, and had no bed of room, and she slept on the floor door the fireplace in the kitchen. globaal, algemene very good movie but it could have been better. My favoriete version of this story is the one with brandewijn, brandy Norwood and Whitney Houston.

7.Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs

Out of all of the Classic Disney Princess films this is definitely the best. It's the one that started it all and it's still so charming and enchanting. The characters are great, the songs are cute, the animatie is nice (though none of the Classic Disney Princess films have that good animation), and the style is interesting. Some pieces of animatie is really impressive, such as the apple, the transformation, the kasteel in the clouds, and the magic mirror. Also I really like Snow White, she's sweet and charming. Plus she's really strong, she doesn't let her bad situation get her down, though being too positive is kind of annoying. Also I have to say she's absolutely gorgeous, she truly deserves the titel "the fairest one of all", although there are animated women that are prettier now, during the Classic Disney period she truly was the fairest. However I feel that the Prince should have had a bigger role like he was originally suppose to. The villain isn't very good, I don't get how she can make herself ugly but she doesn't just make a potion to make herself prettier than Snow White. Plus it's kind of too much on the cutesy and cheesy side, but that doesn't mean it's bad. globaal, algemene it's a fun, charming, and enchanting movie.


I honestly really love this movie and I've always loved it since I was a kid. The songs are amazing, the animatie is gorgeous, the characters are great, and it's really exciting. I don't see why people consider it a bad movie. I love the romance between Pocahontas and John Smith but at the same time the story isn't just about romance, it's about stopping a war and Pocahontas finding herself. The movie has a lot of really epic moments that give my goosebumps. My favoriete is where Pocahontas and John Smith first meet and when Pocahontas saves John and stops the war. However there are some problems with it. At times is does kind of seem dull but not enough for it to be bad. The villain is really lame and unmemorable. I also feel like they should have kept the song If I Never Knew u in the movie and the reprise, it would've been perfect. The ending is so sad and I hate sad endings, I wish there could be some kind of hint that John Smith and Pocahontas would one dag be together again. globaal, algemene I absolutely love this movie and it deserves meer love.

5.The Princess and The Frog

I think this is a really underrated and unappreciated movie. In my opinion this is one of the best Disney Princess movies. I love the music, actually this movie is the only time that I ever like Jazz music. My favoriete character is Tiana, she maybe a kill-joy but she can be fun and is really sassy. I really love that this movie is starting a seconde renaissance and Disney returning to it's classic roots. I love Disney Channel especially Hannah Montana but I think they promote them too much sometimes. It's nice to see them going back classic films like this. I couldn't believe that they actually killed Ray, I didn't think he would really did I just expected him to jump out and say something. I love Tiana's singign voice it's gorgeous! The worst part of the movie was obviously Naveen, he's so annoying that a nun would try to murder him! One thing that bugged me about the movie is they basically copied Odette's(The zwaan-, zwaan Princess) transformation but green and less impressive. Mama Odie and Lottie are really funny! I just hope Disney continues making films like this. It's not higher because it's kind of rushed and has some plot holes. Also because I can't stand Naveen!


This has been one of my favoriete Disney films since it first came out in the theaters. I remember when I was little and I first saw it, I enjoyed every single moment of it. What's not to love about it? I absolutely love the songs, even though I think I'll Make A Man Out of u is overrated. Personally my favoriete song is Reflection, it deserves meer attention than I'll Make A Man Out of You. My favoriete character is obviously Mulan, she's definitely one of the best Disney characters in existence. I can really relate to her and I love how she proves that she can do whatever a man can do. It's really funny and I love all the funny moments in this movie, which is almost everything in the movie. Mushu is hilarious and I love that scene where he's feeding Mulan, it's hilarious. However it's not too silly and has serious and dark moments. The reason it's not higher is because the villain in my opinion is really boring.


I love this movie with a burning passion and always have. I love Genies impressions of people. My favoriete character in the movie is of course Aladdin he's my favoriete animated male. I love that the characters all of flaws which makes them realistic. I love all the characters in the movie. I love to act like Iago and quote things that he says because he's the funniest character in the movie. I love all the songs I sing One Jump Ahead Reprise a lot of the time especially when I'm sad, and it's not even my favoriete song in the movie. My favoriete is A Whole New World, I even got to sing it once in my choir. I would love to be in Aladdin's shoes and live that amazing adventure. jasmijn is a very lucky girl to have Aladdin since he pretended to be a prince, almost drowned, almost froze to death, and almost got eaten door a giant snake all for her. I also really enjoyed the sequels even though they're not here but I do really like them. I always wanted to jump into the Aladdin films and the TV toon and just be part of the story because of how fun it is. It's not higher because the other two are just meer interesting.


Everything about this movie is absolutely brilliant. I love how they actually give a reason to why Rapunzel's hair needs to be so long other than that the witch needs a ladder. The songs are absolutely amazing, I love all of the songs, there's not a single one I don't like, I even love I've Got A Dream. Rapunzel is definitely my favoriete character, she's basically Ariel, but a bit too sweet. However I love how she goes from a naive little girl to a mature strong young woman. I love all the action they put in the movie and really made Rapunzel a strong character and not some weakling like in the original tale. Mother Gothel is also really entertaining, she's such a great and fun villain. I wouldn't call her one of the best but still really cool. The reason it's not higher is because for one I strongly dislike Flynn, he's so annoying. Another reason is that the romance isn't interesting. It just comes out of no where all like "And at last I see the light, and it's like I'm suddenly out of no where in love with you". They seem meer like good vrienden and meer like a brother-sister relationship. But globaal, algemene still amazing.

1.The Little Mermaid

u all know me so u know that this isn't a surprise at all that this is my favorite. My favoriete character is of course Ariel she's(along with Melody) my favoriete animated character. I love her to pieces and her personality is realistic and repeatable. Everyone relates to her in some way, even if they won't admit it. I love the songs especially Part of Your World that along with Somewhere Over The regenboog are my theme songs. I love the romance with Ariel and Eric it always makes me smile and sometimes gives me hope that I'll meet a nice pretty girl like Ariel. I adore the muziek score of the movie especially the entering Atlantica, Part of Your World, and the ending. I never get tired of hearing Ariel's voice it's the most gorgeous voice of all the Disney characters. I also love that Disney was in big trouble and was in danger of shutting down but The Little Mermaid was the movie that saved them. It started the Renaissance, a new age of Disney films that we all fell in love with. Just like Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs and Cinderella without The Little Mermaid we wouldn't have a lot of the amazing films we have today. I just love the whole longing to be in a world your not part of and willing to give up everything and do anything for love. I love the ending especially considering in the original fairy-tale the mermaid dies which I hate, in my opinion the original story stinks on ice. Anyway I actually shed a tear when I saw the ending because of how touching and beautiful it is. Even though Triton hated humans he's will get to get over his hatred for humans(because for one a human, Eric saved him, his daughter, and his people) because his love for his daughter is greater than is hate for humans. The long awaited kiss between Ariel and Eric, Ariel's stunning sparkly dress, and the wedding. It even has my favoriete family moment when Ariel and Triton hug and she says "I love u daddy" I definitely shed a tear at that part. I know people think it doesn't toon that Ariel has grown of learned, they just think they's a selfish spoiled brat. But people who say that completely miss the point, they think she needed to die like in the original to prove she's unselfish which I think is completely stupid. She didn't need to die to prove she was unselfish! Besides there is some self sacrifice Triton has to give up his daughter and Ariel has to give up her vrienden and family so there is a bitter sweet ending. This is definitely my favoriete movie ever in creation!
added by twinklestar11
posted by x3KiarahTiarax3
10. Cinderella (Cinderella)- Pretty and elegant :)

9. Jane (Tarzan)- Gorgeous and sweet :D

8. Esmerelda (Hunchback of Notre Dame)- Beauty in every way, and has lovely green eyes

7. Ariel (The Little Mermaid)- Bubbly and pretty

6. Mulan (Mulan)- Beautiful inside and out

5. Pocahontas (Pocahontas)- Exotic and enthralling, also looks like a model

4. Belle (Beauty And The Beast)- Sweet, beautiful, and smart

3. Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)- Pretty eyes and hair

2. Megara (Hercules)- Mesmerizing eyes

1. jasmijn (Aladdin)- Perfect and beautiful everything

Anyone else agree with my list? :D
added by KataraLover
Source: Me and Thomas Kurniawan
added by deedragongirl
The Mandarin voice actress version.
added by ace2000
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://briannacherrygarcia.tumblr.com/post/76344738110/another-batch-of-toned-paper-sketches-these-w
added by AmberEdith
added by AmberEdith
added by AmberEdith
added by AmberEdith
added by AmberEdith
added by angelbarbie20
added by mhs1025
Source: google afbeeldingen
added by dclairmont
added by KataraLover
muziek video
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by RoseRapunzel
Source: sensationaldisney.tumblr.com