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Alright, it’s getting toward the end of summer, and before it’s over I thought I’d do something entirely superficial. The placements are based purely on looks alone, I’m just going to be entirely shallow. These are just my opinions, they’re weird, I know. This is going to get very long. The pictures are their prettiest shots in my opinion.

11. Merida
*Blows out a deep breath* Merida. (Read in same intonation as Nostalgia Chick uses when she says “Anime” in her top, boven ten hottest animated guys countdown- watch it, it’s hilarious.) I want to like the way Merida looks, I really do. She has the best hair of all the princesses. Her eyes are perfect. Her smile is precious. She has enough flaws to still be interesting. She would be one of my top, maybe even my prettiest. There’s just one thing that keeps her down here- her dang face shape. There are people who have round faces. There are beautiful people with round faces. But so far I’ve yet to come across someone with a face wider than it is long. u give Emma Watson that face shape, and she’ll look odd. Also, sometimes her hair becomes meer of a mane and overpowers her face.
Best feature: HAIR!!!
Worst feature: Face shape (interestingly, I think she has the best of her best feature of the princesses and the worst of her worst feature)
 This lighting really suits Merida, and she just looks gorgeous here
This lighting really suits Merida, and she just looks gorgeous here

10. Belle
What is there really to say about her? Other than her changing appearance every few shots, there’s just nothing really remarkable about her. She’s plain. Not ugly, not- not pretty, just… plain. There’s just nothing about her to make her stand out. She looks like someone you’d see on the straat and think, Oh, she looks nice, but think nothing else about it. I might even say Belle is the most flawless of the princesses. However, remember what I zei in Merida’s section about having flaws that make her meer interesting? All of the other princesses- ALL of them- have flaws, from Merida’s invisible eyebrows to Aurora’s super-pointy chin to Jasmine’s nose to Mulan’s boomerang lips (thanks fiina!) and plenty of others, which make them meer interesting to look at, which makes them prettier. Other than just being drawn badly at times, Belle is pretty much just a blank slate of prettiness. The scenes where she looks the best are when Gaston comes door to propose and to lock up her father (strange, Gaston bringing bad news seems to enhance Belle’s appearance) because there’s just something about her that’s meer interesting in those scenes, something that makes u want to look twice. In those scenes, she has what she lacks in the others- that unidentifiable something that’s intriguing. Plus I think her hair in general is just bad. Why do her bangs look like jelly-rolls?
Best feature: Lips, they’re so perfectly roze and glossy!
Worst feature: Hair, it always looks greasy (and I should know)
 She looks meer interesting here
She looks meer interesting here

9. Rapunzel
There are a lot of times Rapunzel looks like a Barbie. Like this shot:

In general, I’m not a fan of Barbie-like looks. Also, she looks like a bobble-head with Dobby eyes. Rapunzel is pretty generic looking. I also feel like there are a lot of shots where she’s very pretty objectively, but it just isn’t my type (for example, when she asked Flynn Who are u and how did u find me- the same thing happens with Anastasia, interestingly.) However, in the scene after she left when she was talking to Flynn, she is absolutely STUNNING. So that put her up in place nine.
Best feature: Smile
Worst feature: Okay, no one will agree with me here- Hair. I’m not a big fan of- well, Rapunzel hair.
 She's just stunning in this scene
She's just stunning in this scene

8. Aurora
I know, I know, the princess gifted with beauty in eighth place. I just- I don’t think she’s all that special (well, other than the violet eyes.) She’s beautiful, that’s for sure, but it’s just not really my taste. Like I (sort of) zei before, I’m not really a fan of blonde hair. Maybe it’s because here in America our typical beauty ideal is blonde hair/ blue eyes and it’s just gotten boring and generic to me. Also, there are a few shots where she simply looks psychotic, like when she is first pushed out of the cottage door the fairies and when she first wakes up. She definitely looks the best in the forest (no wonder they blew their whole budget on that scene.)
Best feature: Eyes (when they don’t look psychotic)
Worst feature: Eyebrows, I guess
 No wonder they blew the budget on this scene
No wonder they blew the budget on this scene

7. Jasmine
Ahhhh, Jasmine. Another interesting case. There are many times in the movie where she is absolutely beautiful. She’s also undoubtedly the sexiest princess (or at least one of the sexiest.) Not only does she look very exotic, but she’s got the attitude to back it up. However, when it comes to beauty- she’s not as high. And her sultry attitude won’t get her any bonus points. There are absolutely shots where she looks like an alien if u just cover her nose. There are plenty of shots where u can see her entire iris. There are just a lot of shots where she just looks- unusual. This shot’s a very good example:

I personally am not a big fan of her hair when it’s down. I don’t like the way it clumps. I like it much better in the sectioned ponytail, I think it looks much meer realistic. When her eyes are drawn well, they are very pretty and warm (though still rather larger than normal.) I personally don’t mind her nose, again, it makes her look meer interesting. She often looks very sultry. Two good examples are when she puts her kap back on in the marketplace and looks out of the side of her eyes and when she leans against Rajah when Aladdin is on the balcony. In both, she’s very sultry and alluring. jasmijn is very seductive and alluring, but also looks very unrealistic a lot of the time.
Best feature: Eyelids (strange choice, I know, but you’ve got to admit they make her look seductive)
Worst feature: Eyebrows (I like thick eyebrows, but hers are just plain- and hey, I had to pick something)
 She looks- softer here, less cartoony
She looks- softer here, less cartoony

6. Cinderella
I just decided to switch her with Jasmine. Cinderella is really beautiful. She looks like a classic beauty from the 1950s- which, of course, she is. There’s something really gorgeous about that classic, very sophisticated look. Women of the 1950s in general were meer beautiful than women of today- look at Audrey Hepburn, Barbara Billingsly, Maggie Smith, and Rosemary Clooney, who I think Cinderella looks most similar too. She is simply beautiful. However, it’s not true that she has no bad shots. Strangely, when she’s dancing with the prince is one of her worst- I’ve seen it best described that she looks like a “dirty Barbie.”

She also looks kind of creepy looking through the bars of the muis trap. That doesn’t mean she isn’t absolutely ravishing, though. She also has a sweet, gorgeous smile. And even though her hair all moves in one mass, it does verplaats beautifully. She’s just so photogenic. It’s so easy to make her look good and unfairly hard to make her look bad. It may be a quote from a different movie, but: Rags cannot hide her gentle grace. She looks even meer beautiful when she’s just a lowly servant than when she’s decked out for a royal ball (at least in the head- not face since I’m including her hair.)
Best feature: Smile (and her nose when she scrunches up her face when she thinks the fairy godmother is about to change her dress)
Worst feature: Lack of highlights in her eyes (I know it’s a cop out- what are u going to do about it?)
 I- I just can't
I- I just can't

5. Snow White
And now we get to my top, boven 5. Snow White may be young and baby-faced and lacking a bit of a figure (but at her age it would be creepy if her body was “hot”,) and she may be far from sexy (again, at her age it would be creepy is she was,) but she is absolutely beautiful. She just looks angelic and like a “perfect porselein doll” (I seem to be doing that a lot this article.) When she’s asleep, she just looks absolutely stunning, it’s obvious why the dwarfs didn’t club her- u know u wouldn’t. She just looks like a cherub- a much meer sophisticated cherub. Her black hair is in perfect contrast to her milky skin. Her eyes are a beautiful color framed door perfect, delicate lashes. Both of her dresses complement her coloring very well, though the red bow is obviously meer flattering. She looks beautiful in tattered rags and a beautiful princess-ly gown. Snow White is certainly the fairest in the land.
Best feature: Eyes- They are a perfect color and just wonderful!
Worst feature: Nose- two dots from the front, a bump from the side
 She looks like an angel!
She looks like an angel!

4. Ariel
Ariel is another unique situation. Her looks are all the usual unrealistic cartoon-i-ness I normally hate, but Ariel’s just gorgeous. Her big, 80s hair and floppy bangs can only work for a cartoon character. Her eyes are, again, inhumanly large. Her eyebrows are lines. That body could never exist in a world where people are expected to balance their weight so that they can walk. Her hair is literally brand engine red. But somehow, Ariel pulls it off. She meer than pulls it off, she makes it look gorgeous. She is so unique and is in no way plain of generic. I’ve always thought she was beautiful and is just so gorgeous. I don’t know what else to say about her, she just makes u want to look at her!
Best feature: DAT HAIR
Worst feature: Her line eyebrows
 She looks incredible with her hair blowing like this
She looks incredible with her hair blowing like this

3. Mulan
My favoriete she may be, but I used to have her in one of the traditional places (bottom two.) However, I think a user on Pinterest zei it best: I never realized how beautiful Mulan is until I spent a half uur looking through screenshots of her. At first, Mulan looks- plain, nothing unique of interesting about her. However, as u begin to really look at her, she really is ravishing. She has a natural beauty that just seems to radiate from her. I personally think many people don’t give her a chance simply because they prejudge her due to the fact that she can pass as a male. But she can even be beautiful as a male- look at this shot and tell me she isn’t beautiful:

of maybe I just have a thing for women wearing helmets, seeing as I think the same about Pocahontas with a helm on- but Mulan looks so perfect with one on! Mulan is simply gorgeous. Her eyes are unique among the princesses. They are wide and slightly slanted. Her nose isn’t especially defined, but the way it is drawn still makes it seem there and realistic. Her lips are nice (except in that one shot where she’s smiling at her dad everyone uses) and have a very pretty rosebud shape. She has thick eyebrows, which I really like. She has a bit of a squarer face, which I love. Her hair is GORGEOUS (well, most Asian people have perfect hair) and moves perfectly when it’s short. She’s just a very unique and natural beauty.
Best feature: Hair- so glossy and deep and swingy and-
Worst feature: That weird line above her eye which obviously isn’t her eyebrow, also her top, boven lip when she does a closed-lipped smile
 Gorgeous in a natural way
Gorgeous in a natural way

2. Tiana
Tiana is absolutely gorgeous! She has that gorgeous chocolate skin tone, beautiful full lips, and perfect honey-colored eyes. She has those dimples, that large nose (which I actually think is really nice,) and perfectly rouged cheeks. We may never see her hair down (except when it was short- and that’s so perfect!) but it still looks very nice. She’s got those great sassy hips that don’t lie. Practically everything is flattering on her. The only thing that wasn’t really flattering on her was the blue dress- the way the sash fell made her hips look wider than they are (like, very disproportionally wide.) She’s just gorgeous! She can be classy and sophisticated and professional of she can be sexy and flirty. Her looks are just complete perfection!
Best feature: Oh, gosh- probably her eyes: they are such a pretty color and are so alluring. of those dimples.
Worst feature: Umm- her hair
 Just- GAHH
Just- GAHH

1. Pocahontas
Oh boy, Pocahontas- she’s just so gorgeous! She looks like an amazone, amazon (or at least the way I’d picture an Amazon) with her copper skin, toned athletic body, and commanding face. This is the shot most people say is her best:

I actually think she looks quite odd there. It’s the shots where it doesn’t look like the animators were trying to make her look especially pretty where she looks her best (the same is true about Aurora and Mulan.) Her best shots are the ones where she’s talking to John of singing Colors of the Wind. I don’t get why people say her hair doesn’t look thick- I know people with thick hair that is that long and it looks exactly the same as Pocahontas’s does. Her nose is practically non-existent, but it doesn’t really bother me- I don’t pay particular attention to noses. I know people complain about her lips, and in some shots they are very odd, but I have a friend who’s a model and her lips look just like Pocahontas’s. I also actually really like that her eyes are kind of small- at least door Disney standards. I think it just adds to her allure. HER HAIR- it’s so beautifully long and tumbling! It moves incredibly. I love her strong jaw- I really like a strong jaw on a woman. I also really love her strong broad shoulders. Pocahontas has a very strong, some might even consider slightly masculine, body type and features, but I can’t get enough of it. Again, I just think she looks like an Amazon, and I just think it’s gorgeous!
Best feature: Hair and jawline
Worst feature: Nose. of lack thereof.
 "She's the one, the only one, built like an Amazon" (I don't even like that song, why am I quoting it?)
"She's the one, the only one, built like an Amazon" (I don't even like that song, why am I quoting it?)
Silence spread through the court when the judge banged the gavel with his hammer. "Order! Order in the court!" and everybody shut their mouths.
"You may proceed," he zei to Gaston.
The witnesses were sitting at a very long tafel, tabel along with their lawyers.
Gaston smiled wickedly. "Your honor, I am not a liar, but I only did this in the zoek of true love..."
"Objection!" Cinderella and Charming's lawyer cried. She stepped up in a navy blue suit. "Your honor, my client and so have the rest of the witnesses have claimed that Gaston had," she counted with her fingers, "kidnapped the princes, including...
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 A Chericherry fan Fiction
A Chericherry Fan Fiction
"No matter what happens to me, I'll always be with you, forever," says John Smith as he leaves his fiancee. He came from a prosperous family and she was from two long lines of royalty, but she has gegeven that up just for him. She is always welcomed in the castle, but she rather have the life with a experienced, yet young Captain. They make their own living. Unfortunately, John departures England and is to arrive in a whole new world, while leaving behind his fiancee, Aurora.

Aurora: I'll be thinking of u every seconde until we meet again.
They say goodbye.
John is on the Susan Constant.
continue reading...
A/N#1: Blahhh another boring chapter:/ Sorry gotta get through all the
descriptions and introductions! But the story will pick up very soon!

Chapter 3:

Four months on a boot in the middle of the ocean with no land in
sight, that was until today.
We finally arrived in a small town that was surrounded door huge oaks
and pines, a cliff overlooked the sea and the sand was a brownish
color. It wasnt the most beautiful land ever but it was land, I wanted
off this boot so bad that I didn't care where they let me off as long
as the land was solid.
The wind whipped through my long black hair and I grabbed the...
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I didn't base this of my opinions. This lijst is based of which princess films the critics like/dislike.

10. Pocahontas

Rating: 55/100
Consensus: Pocahontas means well, and has moments of startling beauty, but it's largely a bland, uninspired effort, with uneven plotting and an unfortunate lack of fun.

9. The Princess and the Frog

Rating: 84/100
Consensus: The warmth of traditional Disney animatie makes this occasionally lightweight fairy-tale update a lively and captivating confection for the holidays.

8. Mulan

Rating: 86/100
Consensus: Exploring themes of family duty and honor,...
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We decided to write this artikel together because we have almost the exact same list.

9.Prince Charming
PL: Yea, whoever zei Charming looked like a melted Ken doll, you're right. I just hope he doesn't have metal balls in his thighs to help his legs rotate like my Ken doll did. For someone who's supposed to be modeled after Gene Kelly, Gene's hotness did not pass along. Gene Kelly is a fine piece of ass, and Charming is just a piece of ass. Okay, okay maybe I'm exaggerating. TBH, I don't find any of the princes ugly. Charming is just incredibly plain and plastic looking. Basically the...
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posted by KataraLover
Now Lady Tremaine is furious, the guards haven't found Cinderella. She decides to make a plan to find her.


"Yeah, a plan to find a new rich idiot to marry you" zei Drizella

"No Drizella a plan to get Cinderella. All I need is just a little clue, a tiny hint, a small crack in this mystery. All I need is is one and I'll find her and bring that brat home" zei Lady Tremaine

"But mother it's been five months shouldn't we just trick some new rich idiot to marry...
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    Belle had always considered herself to be a patient person. She was always able to calm her father down when he was complaining about his latest invention being a failure. She generally hid her disdain towards the arrogant Gaston door being courteous and polite, no matter how rude he was acting. Children from the village generally looked to her to help them solve their disagreements with one and other. Yes, it was true that Belle had the gift of patience. But as she had been locked up door a beast and was now waiting on a spoiled princess all in one day, Belle realized that...
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posted by AllegroGiocoso
With Beast’s carriage leaving, Belle watched it go sadly. She paced throughout her room. “It was so nice to have company with the Beast,” Belle thought. She continued to pace for a while and then she opened the door. With the door shutting quietly, Belle paced across the hallway and then traveled down the stairs. She traversed her way through the kasteel hallways, and then, since she was hungry, Belle decided to stop in the keuken-, keuken for her meal.
    In the kitchen, three people were standing, looking as though they were just waiting there for Belle. Belle immediately...
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 Let's see who has the best voice gurl friend!!
Let's see who has the best voice gurl friend!!
So most women in this world, they find males looks to be hot. Well, I find the way that they talk to be hot Favorite toon is Sherlock, you'll never guess why? Yes! Najma is in it

11: The Prince
Yes, the Prince's Fangirl put him down in last. Well u see...I love his singing voice...he speaks like a middle school boy that has yet to grow into it. Cute but not my dream man's voice.

10: Eric
What?! Eric's Biggest fan putting him down low again?!?! How can she do that?!?!*Screams, the world ends, Justin Bieber becomes the 13th Doctor, Sherlock dies, and Percy Jackson sells his soul to Najma* Anyway...
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added by jessowey
Source: disneywallpapers.info
added by Elemental-Aura
Source: me
posted by DreamyGal
 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
It’s so hard to choose the right path.
If I choose wrong, I will feel my Father’s wrath.
He simply won’t understand,
And will insist that I do as he commands.
Deep down in my hart-, hart I know that it’s right,
And I am willing to put up a fight.
I fell for a pale face.
The feelings I have can’t be erased.
I have shown him all the colors of the wind,
And he was finally able to comprehend.
We could have one adventure after the other.
I never want to be with another.
I told my Father I don’t want to marry Kocoum,
But he doesn’t know where I’m coming from.
I have to keep our two worlds from going to war.
They must know we don’t have to fight anymore.
I must create peace,
of the hate will just increase.
They have to see my side,
of else our love will be denied.
 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
I just got done writing an artikel on my favoriete soundtracks, and I wanted to do one strictly on my favoriete scores, because that lijst is different. muziek is very powerful. It can alter your emotions. It can make u feel happy, of even make u feel depressed and want to cry. I did a research paper back when I was in high school on this very subject. Anyways, on to my list...

10. The Princess and the Frog

I know, I know...BIIIG surprise with this coming in last place. Poor film seems to ALWAYS come last on my list! I'm just not a big fan. It lacks a lot of emotion, and magic in my opinion....
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added by purplevampire
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://alex2424121.deviantart.com
added by MissAngelPaws
posted by zikkiforever
This is why I LOVE Ariel and this is an artikel to protect her. I know some others done this a few months back, but this MY one. I will be doing the exact same with Merida, but why I prefer Ariel over her will be included. That will be geplaatst soon.

First of all let's start with the most common argument against Ariel

Statement-Ariel is selfish

Now let see some definitions of words relating to the word selfish and the defintion of the word selfish.

Selfish-(of a person, action, of motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit of pleasure.

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added by THEDisneyFreak
The biggest vraag about Frozen? How did Elsa get ice powers. Over the past few weeks, I have observed many theories have got her powers. Please note that none of these are mine, but I can't find the original source. If u came up with one of these, tell me and I'll credit you.

1. Elsa was born on the Winter Solstice

We learn that Elsa was born with her powers in Frozen. That seems to suggest that there was something 'abnormal' about her birth. Maybe, like one fan suggested, she was born on the 21st of December (Winter Solstice). This would connect her back to the theme of ice and winter....
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There's no doubt to a single person on here that Snow White is sweet, optimistic, and caring, but there's really so much meer to her, and I want to delve deeper into that here. Sorry for lack of pictures, I kind of just threw this together and wasn't in the mood to go searching for pictures.

I love how Snow White is confident, yet insecure at the same time. She's confident in the fact that she's not scared to go into the Dwarf's home pagina and boss them around. She's quite assertive and doesn't strike me as a passive character whatsoever. If something isn't going the way she likes, she isn't scared...
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