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 I need 6 eggs!
I need 6 eggs!
Welcome! Really this artikel should have been up months ago, but I've been a little busy so I'm sorry for that. Better late than never I suppose! In April-May 2013 I did a reverse countdown where people voted for their favourite characters from 'Beauty and the Beast' and here are the results! I'll also include some commentaren from users since this countdown wouldn't have been possible if people didn't vote. Thank u to all who participated!

(I didn't include the Baker so I hope he doesn't try to kill me in my sleep with a baguette of something)

18. Monsieur D'Arque
 "Oh that is despicable... I love it!"
"Oh that is despicable... I love it!"

In last place we have The Wicked Witch of the West... oh wait no, it's just Monsieur D'Arque. "I'll get u my pretty... and your little dad too!" Some people enjoyed his brief presence on screen while others viewed him as the stuff nightmares were made of. Shivers down the spine stuff. Throughout the countdown he received plentiful hate with no one really professing their undying love for him - can't imagine why as he seems ever so lovely, verplaats aside Prince Eric (!)

~"I like his voice." - BraBrief
~"he's so sinister!" - Popcornfan
~"I enjoy his dark presence." - dclairmont
~"I'll be happy as long as the freak of nature Monsieur D’Arque gets last of dies of gets lock up himself." - princecatcher93
~"The guy is a creep and it´s a nightmare. I think he´s one of the few Disney characters I hate." - CodyVenusTrent

17. LeFou
 "Gaston is the best and the rest is all drips!"
"Gaston is the best and the rest is all drips!"

Just missing out on last place is Gaston's bumbling sidekick LeFou. Of course in French his name literally translates to "the crazy" of "the fool" and many people believed he lived up to his name. Some found this entertaining while others found it plain irritating.

~"He´s funny and it´s hilarious how everything happens to him like the water the Bimbettes splashed on him, the eggs that fell on his head and the LeFou snowman. Also what he zei about Gaston to the creepy guy (that the only way for him to marry Belle was the blackmail). XD." - CodyVenusTrent
~"I don't know why people don't like him so much. ~To me, he's a very funny and entertaining character." - MissAngelPaws
~"I like him slightly because he's comic relief." - AllegroGiocoso
~"well, LeFou literally means FOOL ;p he just bores me." AudreyFreak
~"I can't stand Lefou!" milky-way

16. Enchantress
 *..shines bright like a diamond..*
*..shines bright like a diamond..*

Despite being in the movie for roughly 30 seconds, she sure divided opinion amongst voters. Many commenters thought she was an interesting and compelling character, others thought of her as unreasonable and unfair for transforming an 11 jaar old as well as several innocent servants. Suffice it to say, regardless of minimal screentime, she's an important character as there'd be no story without her.

~"She's very interesting, mysterious and is arguably the most important character in the movie. I wouldn't say I liked her, she just intrigues me." - Mongoose09
~"Without her the Beast and Belle would have never meet." - princecatcher93
~"She's freaking badass...I love it haha XD" - prussiaducky
~"I think she's an interesting character, despite the fact that she's in the movie for less than a minute." - BelleAnastasia
~"She is not shown much in the movie but she's really mysterious and cool. - shanyuisboss
~"NO NOT THE ENCHANTRESS! I hate her. She was completely unreasonable in changing the Beast and totally unfair. And he was eleven! And had no parents! How was he supposed to know love without parents? She didn't need to go changing the entire staff, too. That was just unfair. And if the Beast couldn't find someone who defied human nature in ten years, they would all be stuck, too! It's so unfair that they would be punished for their whole lives if the Beast couldn't find someone who loved him. Also, what's wrong with him not letting a total stranger into the castle- she's heard of the Trojan Horse, hasn't she?" - rhythmicmagic

15. Gaston
 "I use antlers in all of my decorating!"
"I use antlers in all of my decorating!"

Sir-Hairy-Hunksalot only placed a measly 15 - I don't think Gaston would be jumping up and down with excitement at this news! Seemingly many people thought of him as a lame villain, sort of ridiculous in a way, but simultaneously there were people who liked him a lot and thought he deserved a higher spot than #15.
~"I love him :( I've voted him from the start of this countdown :(" - BraBrief
~"His chest is covered in hair! Hhahha, that's definetely not a reason, but the whole song is!" - Popcornfan
~"Yes, he's an asshole, but for a villain character I think he's okay." - anonheart998
~"You can do without most of the other characters, but the movie won't work without Gaston. And would be much meer boring...." - Swanpride
~"Anyone but Gaston" - KataraLover

14. Stove
 "A culinary masterpiece gone to waste!"
"A culinary masterpiece gone to waste!"

A very minor character, but most people seemed to like him (well, there wasn't much negativity towards him either way). I believe most, albeit not all, simply hated the other four meer and saw him as the best of a bad bunch. However a few did find him entertaining.

~"He's a stove for crying out loud!!! Stoves are cool!" - princecatcher93
~"I love the stove!" - rhythmicmagic
~"he's funny" - pretty_angel92

13. Bimbettes
 "He's gorgeous!"
"He's gorgeous!"

Coming in at an 'unlucky' 13 are the unlucky-in-wooing-Gaston Bimbettes. I believe 50% find them annoying while the other 50% find them cute
and harmless. Not really much to say here.

~"They're silly =)." - AllegroGiocoso
~"the bimbettes are so funny and cute. i wanted to look like them when i first saw this :3" - girlygirlspwn
~"They're just hilarious, I love watching them." - Jessikaroo
~"they are cute <3" - Mohanad05
~"They are a very fun and intellectual species, they are very crafty as they flirt their way into other peoples homes then when one is not looking swipe all their hard earned cash, they then leave a ton of brood crumbs around the scene so that the local brood maker gets the penalty for their misdeeds. What they do in their free time is bake for the local children, clean the homes for the elderly and spend all their hard earned cash donating it to the local orphanage. If this doesn't make great character I don't know what does." - LatinoLollipops

^^^ Best commentaar ever.

12. Bookseller
 "Not since yesterday!"
"Not since yesterday!"

Aww, the bookseller. He's a very minor character but also quite well-liked despite his lack of screentime. People appreciated how he was the only one in the town who was kind to Belle and thought he was a lovely man with good intentions. A likeable character, definitely.

~"His role is short but sweet." - AllegroGiocoso
~"He only appears for a little while, but I can see that he has a very kind heart." - MissAngelPaws
~"A very sweet, wise, and lovable character. He may be minor but hey, he's a really nice addition to the story. A very nice and understandable guy" - shanyuisboss

11. Philippe

Horsey! No one really disliked him, the general opinion seemed to be that he was cute and endearing. I think the Disney horses are generally liked door all/most and Philippe is no exception. People liked him enough to place him at #11 but didn't love him enough to want him in the top, boven 10.

~"I like him a lot =)." - AllegroGiocoso
~"I love this horse. He's meer than a pet -- he's a friend!" - LightningRed
~"I really like him. He's not so bad IMO" - MissAngelPaws
~"He is alright. Does not irritate me of anything" - Jayden-G
~"I'm a sucker for animal sidekicks! Especially a draft horse <3" - LupinPrincess

10. Babette
 "Isn't zis exciting?!"
"Isn't zis exciting?!"

"Isn't zis exciting?!" Just making the top, boven 10 is Babette (otherwise known as "Fifi" sometimes). It makes sense that she's not much higher than #10 as, other than the Stove, she's the object that recieves the least screentime. People found the French maid entertaining, charming and enjoyed watching her relationship with Lumiere.

~"She deserves to be in top, boven 10!" - BelleAnastasia
~"I love her! Also she's prettier than Belle." - KataraLover
~"she's funny" - pretty_angel92
~"Babette is so fun yet so sassy!" - GreatLance_30
~"She's beautiful & her relationship with Lumiere" - LatinoLollipops
~"I never really understood why the Beast would let a candle and a feather duster 'make out' behind curtain." - princecatcher93

9. Maurice
 "My daughter, odd? Now where'd u get an idea like that?!"
"My daughter, odd? Now where'd u get an idea like that?!"

Belle's father seemed liked door most, albeit not particularly adored. Some viewed him as one of the better Disney fathers and loved the parent-daughter relationship. He makes some mistakes but generally he means well.

~"He's a nice father =)." - AllegroGiocoso
~"He's a really great father." - MissAngelPaws
~"Maurice is one of the better fathers" - Jayden-G

8. Footstool

Woof! Footstool never speaks but it's no surprise that he's in the top, boven 10 as the Disney dogs seem to be universally liked door many. Even though his contribution to the story is miniscule, people find him endearingly cute. He seemed relatively unfazed door the castle's transformation but I'm sure if he could speak he would have lots to say on the situation! of maybe he would just want food. And cats.

~"very cute!" - GreatLance_30
~"He's a dog, that's a footstool, that means win!!!!" - princecatcher93
~"Cute and funny without having a voice" - Flutey_Girl96
~"He's such a cutie." - AllegroGiocoso
~"He doesn't contribute to the story, but I love watching him nevertheless!" - milky-way

7. Wardrobe
 "Ohh, how embarrassing!"
"Ohh, how embarrassing!"

"How embarrassing!" - Well I'm sure Wardrobe wouldn't be embarrassed at this generous placing. There was a lot of love for her, a select few may find her annoying but the majority thought of her as hilariously entertaining. It's a shame we didn't get to see meer of her. (A spin-off toon for Wardrobe, who's with me?!)

~"She's EPIC! I love her in the fighting scene and when she gave the dude that AWFUL make over." - KataraLover
~"She's hilarious, kind to Belle, and fights guys buy dressing them in drag and falling on them! Need I say more?" - rhythmicmagic
~"I love her!" - jainabieber7
~"I almost played her in a schoolplay. But I got a part of a spoon." - princecatcher93

6. Chip
 "Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?!"
"Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?!"

Narrowly missing out on the top, boven 5... Chip. Rather than people disliking him, they simply just liked the characters above him more. Users found him adorable and liked how he helped Belle and her father at the movie's climax.

~"A real cutie, not to mention rebel." - shanyuisboss
~"I love Chip! He's so adorable ♥" - MissAngelPaws
~"He's so cute and entertaining" - Jayden-G
~"I love Chip. He´s so cute and lovely. He was so sweet to both Belle and her father. It was adorable how he asked if he still had to sleep in the cupboard." - CodyVenusTrent

5. Mrs. Potts
 "Heaven's sakes, is that a spot?!"
"Heaven's sakes, is that a spot?!"

Mrs. Potts only just made the top, boven 5 - the vote was very close. People liked her motherly instincts; how caring she was towards others. They thought that the she held the kasteel together with her nurturing, maternal and supportive nature. A good, calming influence on the other characters.

~"She is a caring and motherly to everyone. The kasteel would fall apart without her" - Jayden-G
~"I love her motherly personality, she knows how to keep the kasteel in shape." - shanyuisboss
~"I've always loved her, she's so caring and reassuring." - AllegroGiocoso

4. Cogsworth
 "If it's not Baroque, don't fix it!"
"If it's not Baroque, don't fix it!"

"If it's not Baroque, don't fix it!" Cogsworth was well-liked with the voters, just not enough to make the top, boven 3. People thought his stern, stubborn persona was amusingly comical. His dry/serious personality was what endeared people to him. Additionally commenters loved his relationship with Lumiere - the pokerfaced one with the meer spirited one.

~"He's really funny in his seriousness!" - rhythmicmagic
~"I love the pair Lumiere-Cogsworth, if I have to choose one, I go with the seconde one." - Popcornfan
~"I just freaking love Cogsworth so much. He's funny and smart and just great, not to mention he knows the way to a girls heart. (Chocolates? Promises u don't intend to keep? Just lol) Lumiere's pretty close, I love both of them a lot." Jessikaroo
~"He is so funny, he has such a dry sense of humor. I love him! I have a tendency to like the straight man meer than the comic." - rhythmicmagic

On to the top, boven three...

3. Lumiere
 "En garde, you... u overgrown pocket watch!"
"En garde, you... u overgrown pocket watch!"

Ah, the suave French candelabra comes in at third place. Many think of him as one of the best Disney sidekicks (if not the best), while others are entertained door him nonetheless. Rather than just being amusing, people also find that he has a good hart-, hart and is caring towards others. His friendship with Cogsworth is well-praised as is his song "Be our Guest" - I think most people are surprised that the Beast didn't hear it all!

~"He's kind hearted, funny, free spirited and just plain awesome. I love his accent even though that's not exactly how French people speak." - dimitri_is_hot
~"He is so funny and always shows up cogsworth. I also love his accent." - shanyuisboss
~"He's so awesome!" - BelleAnastasia
~"He's an amazing character" - sweetie-94
~"He is so cool, and sets the mood for many things. Definitely one of Disney's best sidekicks" - Jayden-G
~"I want to marry him." - Mongoose09

2. Beast
 "But she's being so *difficult*!"
"But she's being so *difficult*!"

A very complex and well-written character in the eyes of many. Some seemed to like him in his "GO AHEAD AND STARVE!!" stage while others were meer drawn to him as his soul gradually became kinder and meer 'human'. People like the transition the character goes through from the beginning of the movie to the end. Truly a developed character and highly fascinating and interesting.

~"I love beast, he reminds me of a teddy bear. Well, maybe a teddy beer with a big temper but that doesn't matter. He still rocks!" - shanyuisboss
~"One of Disney's most developed characters." - AaronHaley4ever
~"I love how he changes throughout the movie, from being rude into being a nice guy" - sweetie-94
~"At the time the movie was made, he was a very complex character for Disney. I liked how he became a better person but I loved him meer at the beginning when he was rough, it goes well with his cool character design. I also liked it when he turned back into a human because he looks very unconventionally handsome." - dimitri_is_hot

aaand in first place is...


1. Belle
 "Gaston u are postively primeval!"
"Gaston u are postively primeval!"

Not much of a surprise really, Belle is our winner! This doesn't really require much explanation but users thought of her as admirable, compassionate, independent and they respected her for seeing beyond the appearance of others. People loved her relationship with the Beast and how they gradually fell in love as opposed to love at first sight. The main character is victorious - congrats to Belle! *throws confetti*

~"I love Belle, she is independent and stubborn but also kind and looks beyond outer appearances. A princess worth admiring." - shanyuisboss
~"My favoriete Disney character! She's so smart, kind, sweet, beautiful and gentle. I love her genuine nature and her ability to give seconde chances and to see beyond appearance. And I love that she loves to read, this makes her so likable!" - BelleAnastasia
~"She is definitely the bet character of the movie. She is quiet and independent, but she does have her limits when aggravated. She is respectful, and I like the fact that she does not care what the people in her town thinks. She is not the girl who would fall for Gaston, as she knows her worth." - Jayden-G
~"Definitely! She's my fourth of fifth favoriete heroine globaal, algemene and third favoriete princess. She's so kind, gentle, yet also firm, and a great role model, and I love how she loves Beast for who he is." - AllegroGiocoso
~"Of course Belle. She's my favoriete Disney princess and animated human heroine of all times. She's not too sweet, not too sassy, she's "just right." I love her strong-mindedness and occasional temper, as well as her kindness and compassion. I admire her for being able to look beyond appearance and see deep into the heart. And her beauty is a plus." - LightningRed
~"She is my favoriete character in all Disney World (not the themed park), so, yeah, that means she's my favoriete in her movie as well." - Popcornfan
~"My 4th favoriete Disney Princess and of course my favoriete character in the movie :)" - sweetie-94
~"She's the main character, and the main character is the person who is meant to be the most liked one. Even in aggressive variations. They put the balance in the characters. SURE, Belle isn't very funny and SURE she isn't as flawed as Beast but she's got a balance. A little bit of all. of just a little bit of the greater things and nothing of the low. That's what makes her the best." - hajirah4

Thanks for reading!
I really like making magazine covers and I make a contest about designing magazine cover. I'd like to share with you, who are interested in making magazine covers too, to how to make them. I usually use Adobe Photoshop but it takes a lot of space in your computer and perhaps not everyone owns it, so I will tell u how to use Picasa and Free foto Resizing.

Here are the steps to make magazine cover following the rules for my Magazine Cover Designing Contest:

1. Download Picasa
Picasa is free. u can download Picasa from link. Click the blue square "download picasa". In Picasa, all pictures you...
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Here's the fourth artikel for the Best Disney Princess hair style countdown. It covers the places from 11 to 20. Enjoy!

Read the Best Disney Princess hair style countdown: places 41-51 artikel link
Read the Best Disney Princess hair style countdown: places 31-40 artikel link
Read the Best Disney Princess hair style countdown: places 21-30 artikel link

20. Cinderella - low ponytail

I honestly dislike this hair style a lot. It looks so plastic. Actually none of Cinderella's hair styles is particularly nice. I can't believe this made it to the top, boven 20.

I like her bun better :) - callejahLUVSed

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posted by magicfairydust
I've always wanted to make a lijst of Disney princess look alikes so why not use real life royals? Here are a few that I think resemble the Disney princesses. These are my opinion so feel free to say if u agree of not. Thanks. Also, it was rather difficult finding royals that looked like every princess

Princess Jasmine
Princess Amira of Saudi Arabia

Princess Amira looks so much like Jasmine. They are very similar in their facial proportions and shapes. I love how dark her eyes are and her long lashes look like Jasmine's. Also her hair, the shimmering black long hair mirrors...
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 Beast dies but is turned back into a human
Beast dies but is turned back into a human
I love how in some films that Disney does features someone dying it kinda makes the story of the film somehow sad and emotional. So here are my top, boven 4 favourite almost death scenes. SPOILERS AHEAD

# 4Snow White getting poisoned with the poison apple: This has to be the weirdest scene I have seen in a Disney movie I mean getting poisoned door an appel, apple how stupid is that and I thought she died and went to heaven as the kasteel was like in the skies.

#3 John Smith getting shot door Radcliff: This one I was so shocked when I seen this as it was so emotional and very sad. I like how John asks Pocahontas...
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A/N: So this idea randomly popped into my head and I think I may even have a storyline to go with it! So Im pretty happy about that, so yeah! This is basically a story of Eugene's life in the orphanage, please review and give your opinions on this story.
And after u read this one maybe go read some of my other "Tangled" fics? Please? This is kinda sad, but don't worry we all know how it ends! And I may also be putting some incerpts from Eugene's present life in here so just keep on checking back!
Oh and I just watched the movie "Fireproof" Ahhh so inspirational!

Disclaimer: I don't own Tangled...or...
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 Which outfit will toon as the best *(picture borrowed from disneyprince's article)
Which outfit will show as the best *(picture borrowed from disneyprince's article)
Dweeb started making these countdown, but she never made one with Mulan's outfits, so I decided to make one since in honor of Mulan month.

During the countdown, people noticed that, even if they don't put Mulan high on their best dressed list, all of her outfits are pretty and she has nice clothes in general.

There are 9 outfits that Mulan wore, and I separated them in 3 categories:


Casual clothes
Or lets call it what it really is- underwear. People don't really like those outfits because they are simple, not very pretty and they weren't worn...
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Disclaimer: I don’t find any of the princesses stupid, sure, some of them may be naive and reckless, but not stupid and u know this is true, because I always tell the true, in like all 30% percent of the cases.

Also, I am going to estimate their IQ, in case u don’t know

Below 90 is under average, but I doubt that any of the princesses has that low IQ
90-110 average
110-130 above average
130- considered incredibly smart
150 and more- genius

Now, it’s unfair to judge about her because we never really got to see what Aurora really is, but from the few things she did in her 18...
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10.The Beginning of Ariel's Beginning
I found the very first few minuten of this movie to be magical. It was great to dive back into Atlantica and see where it all began.

9.Ariel Listens to muziek Again for the First Time
After Queen Athena's death, Triton banned all muziek in the city of Atlantica. With all the gloominess that has settled upon Atlantica, it was amazing to see muziek thrive once again (even if it was a secret).

8.Queen Athena Sings
This is the first time we see Queen Athena. It's so magical because I think we all wondered what Ariel's mother would be like. I don't know...
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posted by DreamyGal
 Can u stay forever?
Can you stay forever?
9. Mulan
Mulan is strong willed and full of spirit. Disguising herself as a male soldier to protect her Father, she sets out on a great journey of self discovery and of knowledge. Meeting many interesting characters along the way, she falls for her Captain, Li Shang. Later on they discover she is a woman, but she surprises them all door making a comeback and defeating the Hun army in the end. The ending to her story is kind of a let down. Although Shang does follow her home, there’s no sense of passion between them. No romantic kiss of riding off into the sunset for these two. Voters didn’t...
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added by Elemental-Aura
Source: amymebberson tumblr
Before starting, I would like to thank everybody who left a commentaar in the 57 picks that covered this countdown. Here's the last artikel for the Best Disney Princess sidekick countdown. It covers the places from 21 to 30. Enjoy!

10. Grumpy
Grumpy starts our top, boven 10 character list. He's the Snow White dwarf that went meer far in the countdown (something that I already expected). Grumpy is one of the most memorable characters from Snow White and the only one that doesn't act dumb through the movie, but people do sympathize with him. In fact, grumpy characters like him and Merryweather made...
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added by carrieicecream
Source: Grodansnagel on DeviantArt
Hello, everyone! My name is Jaina, for those of u that don't know me. This is the results for your choices of our favoriete outfit/dress for each Disney Princess. This wasn't a countdown, so the order I'll be doing is the order of the DP's, starting with Snow White and ending with the latest addition, Merida. I never realized how many outfits of how many different (and confusing) ways that u could describe each outfit. Anyways, let's begin!

Thank u to all of our 17 participants.

Snow White

Snow White only has two outfits, which are completely different from each other. One is rags,...
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hallo Fanpop's fans!
It's me, PrincessLD, with a new artikel about the sad moments of our Disney Princesses. These princesses all had great and happy scenes including romantic scenes. But u ever notice that always are sometimes sad, of barriers that they need to pass in the story to persuade future of their dreams. This artikel is about this sad moments that sometimes makes us sad, cry, of angry. I hope that u liked. Sorry for the mistakes in grammar of spelling. Enjoy it!

24. Snow White’s Terror in the Woods
 Snow White’s Terror in the Woods
Snow White’s Terror in the Woods

The scene, where Snow White, after the hunter...
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added by QwertyQueer
added by JaDangerz
Source: Disney
added by sleepy_head15
Source: All credits from this image goes to * Spookychild on DeviantArt.
 really??? ugh...
really??? ugh...
1. Some people in China spell Mulan's name in English as: Fa Muhk Laahn.

2. The Story of Mulan was originally a poem

3. The Hua Mulan crater on Venus is named after her.
 I can kind of see Mulan with longer short hair....
I can kind of see Mulan with longer short hair....

4. In the original story, Mulan fights in war for 12 years, no kidding.
 Humility is my middle name, as bloem being last.
Humility is my middle name, as bloem being last.

5. The original poem......


6.The different surnames of Mulan are Wei and Zhu other than Fa and Hua.

7. Jamie Chung will be starring as Mulan in "Once Upon A time"
 u see this too right?
you see this too right?

8. The spots on Shang's horse's neck and rump are shaped like Mickey Mouse.
 door "rump" i mean butt, to clear further confusions.
By "rump" i mean butt, to clear further confusions.

9. Mulan is rumored to have been a real person, and her story has been told in China for almost 2000 years.

10. Members of the creative team visited China, where they spent three weeks taking photographs and making sketches.
 I can see the relation to the first scene, can't you????
I can see the relation to the first scene, can't you????