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 All that have been accumulated. What I haven't circled I'm considering to throw away.
All that have been accumulated. What I haven't circled I'm considering to throw away.
I asked some time geleden should I do this and most people liked it. So here we go, I'm sorry some scans are bad. I have never had any kind of teaching with drawing, just for your information. I tried to find some drawings I did as a kid in order to toon how skilless I was, but I couldn't find any, at least not quickly. But well imagine the average child's skills, that's pretty much how I was. I think most nice for u is if u just watch afbeeldingen and (hopefully) see some improvement and then read some tips at the end. Of course if you're interested read the whole thing but I'm afraid it could be pretty boring.

 Here's just what u practically need. Nothing more.
Here's just what u practically need. Nothing more.

How I decided to start drawing was on the same jaar I saw Mulan, not immediately but like half jaar after of so and I was 12 years old then. I got the drawing idea from my cousins who were Winks -fans and one of them drew them a lot(if u think I can draw u should see her, she's amazing) and I thought I could do the same with Mulan and the other princesses.

For a start I just traced Princesses from my
magazines, nothing on my own. Two my favorieten were then Mulan(surprise) and Pocahontas and actually I liked to draw the latter more. As I didn't have much Pocahotas' pictures I had to change her poses little. globaal, algemene I loved to change princesses hairdo's and outfit's when I traced them. The usefulness of all this, like thinking now afterwards, was that I really understood how each character looks like. It's not the same just look pictures and say "well she looks like that" but when u actually draw every line and find out each detail. I was a kid then and it taught me to understand how princesses really were, what makes them them. Bangs, eyes, lips all are different.

Mulan and Pocahontas are both the princesses Disney shows the least often so pictures from my magazines were soon all used. And ofcourse I still wanted to stick with my favorieten but I started to make clearly meer Mulan as she felt easier to draw then. Must say that I still traced if I just got change but I also drew Mulan without model image. In my drawings I used a lot of my imagination with her outfits and hairdos'.
Most of these pictures I drew then are quite pointless, Mulan standing in some pose with out any meaning. I remember I was frustrated about this but I simply wasn't capable to draw meer characters of backgrounds. I stuck with Mulan very long time because I thought she was the only one I could draw and I have always hated to draw something which would look ugly. So ironic to watch these drawings now, for sure I couldn't have drawn any other princess much worse than these Mulans.

Sometimes I also traced other princesses poses to Mulan, like I'd drew only her head. The result is ugly pictures but also learning how eg. hands should draw.

All of these were drawn to notebook pages in case somebody wonders. After my notebook came full I bought very small notebook without the lines. I sketched in it with blue pencil, I got that idea from Mulan's concept arts where the character designer Chan Yi Chang seemed to use color pencil to rough sketches. Actually, drawing with color pencil was a good idea, for example I learned to sketch, before I just drew straight the final line. Color pencil can also leave light mark for a start and during sketching its can make stronger and stronger. And the srtong line won't come easily off so useless sketching lines are easy to erase.

After I had sketched something I traced them again(a lot of work I know, but I had time) and colored usually. I bought new, little bigger sketch book when the little one came full and I changed blue pencil to red. After it came full too I had yet one where I sketched with green pencil. It was really long time to get all three full, over 2 jaar at least. Still, most of the sketches stayed as a sketches, I drew very little "clean" and some sketches didn't even look like anything.
During all this I stopped tracing original pictures and I started to draw only my own pictures. Ofcourse I still liked to copy ideas from concept arts of fan arts, that's something I still do pretty often.

Maybe I should mention this too, my friend once
gave me a real sketchbook but I used it as some kind of drawing note book and I kept sketching in notebooks. Yeah, doesn't make any sense to me either. Anyway, that drawing note book system was helpfull, it was practically that if I saw some interesting picture I very quickly sketched it in that book, same if I saw interesting way to draw eg. hand I copied it and watched it later when I drew something.
I also used to draw small stick figure on the corner of paper before I started actual drawing. I still use it sometimes if I try to draw complicated pose, it's easy model.

And well then I had yet one black sketchbook where I drew just with pencil, probably because I was getting lazy. And little door little I used to(or learned) draw straight to paper. I still do have one big sketchbook but I use it as that "drawing note book", and lately I have barely used it at all. And then it would be quite this day. Well almost, I'd say a jaar geleden at least I still just drew A LOT. That time left a really thick bunch of papers, some drawings are horrible and others little better. Some of these are in my DA link -gallery.

Now I don't know what I should yet tell you, maybe just some realizations I have made sometimes. Like that never let drawing undone, at least don't take it as a habit. I used to do it and the result is bunch of undone drawings which should be done, but have no interest to do so. Finally I've had to simply threw them a trash can, and many times. It's just waste of energy and ideas. Ofcourse sometimes it's perfectly fine to finish sketch later but if it's a habit it won't be good.
One thing I have used(and still use) is acting and moving in different poses myself in order to help drawing. It's really helps and u don't always even need a mirror. And when draw hands your own hands are great models.
It's also good sometimes watch your drawing through mirror, it's really helps to notice mistakes in drawing and helps u look at it as others eyes. And also watch videos how someone really talented draws, I watched one video where Glen Keane compared Ariel and Pocahontas' differences and after that sketching was so much easier. His style of sketching just fit for me. Like not drawing cirkel but oval for head.

Okay, and at the end I add this too. I drew year geleden new versions of some of my first drawings. So it's improvement during roughly under 4 year, I hope it might inspire someone to start drawing.

So this it is, quite shortly. I know I still have things to improve, I love drawing and I know I could be better and I want to be better. I hope someone got self-confidence from this and u can ask me anything, I'd love to help if I just can. Lately I'm learning to color drawings with gimp so I can give some beginners advices with that. :)
 Thanks for reading and good luck!
Thanks for reading and good luck!
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