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posted by dclairmont
I say this artikel made my sweetie-94 a couple of months geleden and since these are my top, boven two favoriete princesses I thought it'd be a cool idea. Sweetie-94 got this idea from KataraLover who originally made an artikel comparing Ariel and Merida. So, let's get started! :)


Aurora and Snow White aren't as similar as most people make them out to be. Personally I find Aurora meer similar to Pocahontas and Elsa, while Snow is meer similar to Anna. They definitely have similarities though. One being the fact that they're kind to everyone they meet, neither seem to have a rude bone in their body. Also, they're both romantic/wishing for a prince, but aren't caught up in it. Aurora can put aside her romance and become the princess, and Snow White focuses on finding shelter instead of focusing on her prince. They both also grew up in isolation (at least I assume Snow White did, though it was never specified) which probably shaped both of their personalities. Oh gosh, I can already tell this will be a long article..


Snow White is a lot meer forthcoming than Aurora. Aurora is quite passive which actually isn't the case with Snow. Snow is meer manipulative and talkative. Aurora is also meer caught up in fantasy than Snow White. Snow White in my eyes is meer of a realist in the fact that she picks herself up after dealing with such a traumatizing experience and thinks immediately about finding a place to sleep at night. Aurora seems to crack in the face of pressure, crying when seeing herself in the mirror, crying when finding out she's a princess, while Snow seems to take pressure better in my opinion. I had meer ideas, but I'm forgetting them at the moment..anyway they're definitely not as similar as some people make them out to be (I hate when the classics are all generalized as "happy, cheery, and kind" and nothing more..). Now let's get on to the individual categories!


I find both of them very beautiful. Both are in my top, boven 4 prettiest princesses, but I definitely find Aurora meer beautiful. Aurora's beauty is meer mature and goddess-like. Her appearance just exudes elegance and grace. I love the way Aurora's hair bounces and I love her eyes. Snow's beauty is less mature, but it's definitely got a unique beauty to it as well. I love her when she smiles. It just makes me all happy inside. I also love her hair and lips. Snow looks like an angel to me, though Aurora wins this one.


This was door far the toughest category for me to decide, since I love both of their personalities so much. Aurora's is meer relatable to me, but Snow's just puts a humongous smile on my face. Both of them are a lot deeper than they seem, but Aurora's wins slightly for me. Snow White is kind, naive, caring, and motherly, but also a bit manipulative, bossy, insecure while still confident, wants to be liked door all, and more. All and all her personality is amazing, and quite layered at that. Aurora on the other hand is meer reserved, but also quite playful, tricky, imaginative, metaphorical, romantic, indecisive, passive, and more. I love how she makes up a dream world in her head and how she plays around with the animals in the forest. This round was close for sure, but Aurora takes the prize!


If u would've asked me a week of two ago, I would've spitted Sleeping Beauty out so fast, but as of now Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the movie I prefer. They're my top, boven two favoriete movies, but Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs just makes me all happy inside. Yes, I enjoy Sleeping Beauty's animation, soundtrack, and characters more, but Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is my go to movie when I'm feeling down, and I love every seconde of it. It's got drama, great songs, wonderful animation, funny characters, and it all just works.


Both of these princes are in my top, boven 5, but the prize goes to Phillip for me. I love how Phillip is meer than just a nice, friendly guy. He's a bit cocky and forceful, though not enough to annoy me. He's also willing to fight for his dreams and isn't materialistic. He'd rather marry a random peasant in the forest than a princess. He's also extremely brave, but I'm sure everyone knows that (and just because the fairies helped him doesn't mean he isn't brave..). The Prince is great too. He's very sweet and romantic and I love how he's spent a jaar going far and wide looking for Snow White. When they're reunited it's just the happiest thing ever.

Singing Voice

I love Snow's voice, but I love Aurora's even more. Aurora's voice is just so, so, sooo amazing! The vocalizing she does with her voice is absolutely mesmerizing and her voice puts me in a trance. I love how operatic it is and I never get tired of listening to it, and it helps that her voice is sung door a sixteen jaar old..I mean WOW. Snow's got a great voice too. It's so different from anything we hear today. She can hit high notes like nobody's business and her voice is just wonderful all and all.

Speaking Voice

This one goes to Snow. I love both of their voices, but I could just listen to Snow's all dag long...which I sometimes do..heh..heh..Her voice is just so cheerful and fun to listen to. And her LAUGH. Her laugh may just be my absolute favoriete thing in the entire world. Aurora's voice is a lot meer mature, but in my opinion it really fits her. It's got a classical sound to it and I love it a lot too.


Aurora's death though. One of Disney's top, boven 10 scenes of all time in my opinion, that's for sure. Both are quite scary and suspenseful, but Aurora's is just perfect. The music, the suspense, it all just combines to make a perfect scene. I love how u can vaguely here "Aurora" in the background muziek of the score being played in Sleeping Beauty. Both are amazing scenes, but this one was possibly the easiest of the lijst to come up with.


I love Sleeping Beauty's soundtrack. So much. I just find it so beautiful. To the up beat "Hail to the Princess Aurora" to the melancholic "I Wonder" to one of Disney's best love songs of all time "Once Upon A Dream" this soundtrack is just perfect. I even love the chorus songs like "The Gift of Beauty and Song" and "Sleeping Beauty" and the comedic song "Skumps". Don't even get me started on the amazing score of this movie..The soundtrack of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is absolutely great as well, but it doesn't have as much adversary to me and the songs aren't as beautiful. I absolutely love "One Song," "I'm Wishing," and "A Smile And A Song" though.


I admire both a lot, I really do. I admire Aurora for her responsibility in giving up (or so she thought) Prince Phillip for her kingdom, but I admire Snow more. Coming from a big pessimist, Snow's optimism just gives me hope and I admire her so much for her high spirits. Despite going through such a traumatic experience and still picking herself up and being grateful for all the other things in life. She's just so amazing and I look up to her a lot.


I'm similar to Snow White in the fact that I want everyone to like me, like how she wants Grumpy to like her. Besides that, we're not too similar though, so this category definitely goes to Aurora. Aurora and I are both indecisive (dclairmont? Indecisive? Where would u get such a crazy idea?) in the fact that Aurora goes from "Oh never, never!" to "This evening, at the cottage!" so quickly. I also relate to the fact that she's passive and how she wants meer freedom, but has a hard time asking for it. Also Aurora's definitely meer of a pessimist, not being able to look at the bright side of getting a kasteel and seeing her parents, and only focusing on the fact that she'll never see Phillip again. Again, the category is Aurora's.

globaal, algemene

Overall, the winner isss.....Aurora! Although I really enjoy watching Snow, find her voice to be amazing, and really admire her, Aurora is the perfect package to me. I really relate to Aurora and find her personality enchanting. So yes, that's the article! Thank u all so much for reading (or skimming to the bottom, I wouldn't blame you). :)
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