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Hello everyone!
I'm ezilo25 and this is my very first artikel on this site! I wanted to do something special, and since I have read the Grimms Tale in German my whole life, I wanted to do a comparison of disney movie adaptations and the Tales of Grimm. So, let's get started! Oh, and excuse me if I do grammatical
mistakes, I'm french, so please forgive me!


Oh, Cinderelli... I adore the Disney character, I am passionate about the animatie movie, but I am in love with Aschenputtel, the Grimms version of the Cinderella. Yes, I know, the movie is inspired door the Perrault version, which I also love, but since Aschenputtel influenced the making of the movie, I wanted to ad this one to the list, I thought it might interest you!
There are various differences between the two, the first one being the tone: indeed, Aschenputtel is such a cruel tale! First off, the father doesn’t die, he just treats poor Cindy just like the step family treats her: cruelly, completely denying her value. Plus, when the prince comes to seek the woman who lost the shoe, the father initially doesn't want to let his daughter try the shoe on, stating, after he is asked whether there are other ladies in the house, that there is “only another little shriveled Cinderella” left in this house.
Furthermore, she doesn't have a fairy godmother: she plants a boom on her mother's grave with a seed her father brought back from his traveling, and she cries so much over the death of her mother that she waters the plant and a boom grows. Occasionally, a bird sets on a branch and grants her a wish. I've always imagined that it was the ghost of the mother.

The Grimms tale is also longer and meer repetitive, since they are three consecutive ball nights, and every time the prince only dances with Cinderella. It can also be noted that the Grimms tale focuses rather on the maidens connection to birds, rather than mice, since they help her sort out the lentils from the ashes.

 Cinderella wishing under the boom
Cinderella wishing under the tree

Oh, I didn't mention? The stepmother punishes Cinderella door pouring ashes and lentils in a bowl, and asking her to sort them out and the birds help her in that task.

 Cinderella sorting lentils and ashes
Cinderella sorting lentils and ashes

A very important difference is also that the Prince comes to seek the woman he fell in love with, unlike in the movie, which is quite important, since it's a reproach that is often made to Prince Charming. Generally, he is meer determined than in the movie, since he also covered the stairs to the kasteel with something called “Pech”, that I can't translate, it's some kind of kind of sticky mud...
He does that so Cinderella won't escape, because, during the three nights, she first escapes door hiding in a large birdhouse, that the prince later has cut down, finding however the maiden has escaped, and the almost exact same thing happens the volgende night, Cinderella finding refuge in a peer, pear tree, and escaping before the boom is chopped down.
Now, u might have heard that in the tale the sisters cut off bits of their feet to make them fit into the shoe, and that is true: one of the sisters cuts her big toe, and the other a part of her heel; both encouraged door their mother, who explains that once they are queens, they won't have to walk. And their feet fit, the Prince takes first the elder one on his horse, but he has to pass the boom over Cinderella's mother's grave, and the bird sings: “Ruke di look, rucke di look, blood is in the shoe: the shoe is too small, the real bride is still home” (It rimes in German), he takes the elder home, the youngest cuts her heel, the shoe fits, the Prince takes her on his horse, and they pass the tree, and the same thing happens again. But when Aschenputtel tries on the shoe, not only does it fit, but the Prince recognizes her, he takes her on his horse, and I will finish this Cinderella part door the song the birds sing as they see her pass with the Prince:
“Rucke di look, rucke di look,
No blood in the shoe
The shoe is not too small,
The real bride, he brings home.”

 The prince riding away with his love
The prince riding away with his love

That was all for today, volgende artikel will come out soon, I'm not sure exactly when... I will be handling “The Princess and the Frog”, of “Sleeping beauty” of “Tangled”, tell me which one u would prefer. I would like to do “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, but I haven't seen it in ages, so I don't remember a lot of it... Could u please tell me if this artikel was too long, I'm sorry, I'm just so passionate about the Grimms Tales!

See u soon, au revoir!
posted by JonnaSe
First Name:
Well, my name is Jonna. Lol, am I suppose to write more? Ehh, it´s a danish short version of the name Johanna... and it means worth to love. And I like my name. ^^

Country of Origin:
Sweden, a little country in the northen part of Europe. And it is boring here (it is so swedish). And I am 75% swedish, and 25% finnish. Yay? But I want to verplaats from Stockholm to either the US of London... beacuse there is no place like London.

Favorite Disney Movie:
Beauty and the Beast. I love it so much! Everything is perfect in this movie!... well, except the ending. *chough*Beast should have died...
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posted by LavenderLily
So first of all thank u for start reading my article. I really wanted to share my opinion with DP fanpoppers.I don`t know about your opinion about Tangled but in my opinion i like it. It shows the real magic of talent etc. I am so happy that Disney brought one of my most favourite fairytales to alive.
Some people thinks Rapunzel is childish young short selfish but in my opinion she is strong, and talented.
Back to my opinion it is absolutely amazing!!! The muziek which was done door the talented Alan Menken and it was so beautiful. The movie is so cute. Nothing short of the best disney princess...
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 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
I figured it was time someone wrote an artikel on this. We all LOVE the Disney Princesses, of else we wouldn't be here. Do u ever find yourself wanting to break into song, but realizing if u did, you'd probably be thrown into a mental institution? We can't get away with that. We can't go into a strangers house uninvited; that's called breaking and entering people. These are things we can only dream of, but things that our beloved Princesses get away with. I've compiled a lijst of moments such as these. They aren't in any particular order, and I'm sure I probbaly left some things out, but...
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posted by pulgaenana
Ok, first of all, this is my first artikel and english isn't my mother lenguage so sorry if I lie at some words. I did my best job, don't hurt me if I made some mistakes :$

Also the titel of this artikel can be a litle tricky, don't get confused.
SEARS SPOTS: what's that? well, let me explain you:
I notice the importance of Disney in my life a while ago, but this was it. As I see Disney has a much big space on my mind that I've never imagined.
I was door Sears searching for some furniture,
and I saw a cute dining tafel, tabel with leaf form green plates on it, then I looked at it closer and the first thing that went to my mind was: Princess and the Frog!
I was so exited, so I continued my zoek for meer Disney references. I succed!
 Princess and the Frog dining
Princess and the Frog dining
 The plate that started all...
The plate that started all...
 Then I saw this adorable tafel, tabel with this cute blue chairs. Can u imagine Cinderella drinking thee on this? I surelly can. About that: drinking tea, hm... Alice would be nice in it also
Then I saw this adorable table with this cute blue chairs. Can you imagine Cinderella drinking tea on this? I surelly can. About that: drinking tea, hm... Alice would be nice in it also
 Snow White drawers! the tree/bird design of it remined me of the first DP
Snow White drawers! the tree/bird design of it remined me of the first DP
 See what I mean?
See what I mean?
 Sleeping Beauty dining. Lot of u will ask me what do this has to do with Aurora, well: is elegant, simple, beautiful, has light curves, that "forest air" and kind of Briar Rose's dress color scheme. It is perfect for me.
Sleeping Beauty dining. Lot of you will ask me what do this has to do with Aurora, well: is elegant, simple, beautiful, has light curves, that "forest air" and kind of Briar Rose's dress color scheme. It is perfect for me.
 The Little Mermaid Spot (the weird things on the top, boven are shells)
The Little Mermaid Spot (the weird things on the top are shells)
 meer shells for Ariel
More shells for Ariel
 Disney Villains table. Ok, this can seem a little forced, but they deserve their own spot too don't they?
Disney Villains table. Ok, this can seem a little forced, but they deserve their own spot too don't they?
 u know what is this? this pop-up things that I love. Imagine these inflated and.. Voila! u got the Tangled Lanterns!
You know what is this? this pop-up things that I love. Imagine these inflated and.. Voila! you got the Tangled Lanterns!
 If you're not to convinced about the "lanterns" here it is the magic flower! is the same exact thing I love it! ^^
If you're not to convinced about the "lanterns" here it is the magic flower! is the same exact thing I love it! ^^
 Guess what where on T.V...
Guess what where on T.V...
 BatB & Tangled? OK. Sears is my favoriete store ever *-*
BatB & Tangled? OK. Sears is my favorite store ever *-*
 Then my hart-, hart fall dawn in pieces T_T ok they are kinda cute but... come on! Belle, Ariel & Aurora would cry if they see this
Then my heart fall dawn in pieces T_T ok they are kinda cute but... come on! Belle, Ariel & Aurora would cry if they see this
 So this was my trip to SEARS that transformed into a whole Disney adventure. I'm so happy to share this with u guys hope u like it! and remember: When u are a TRUE Disney fan. All is Disney!
So this was my trip to SEARS that transformed into a whole Disney adventure. I'm so happy to share this with you guys hope you like it! and remember: When you are a TRUE Disney fan. All is Disney!
Why do we always write our artikels together? Because we usually have the same opinions. And there is especially no exception to this one; we agree on almost EVERYTHING. So it was a really long, hard (haha, I zei "long" and "hard" again) process, honestly this was the hardest lijst we've each personally have ever had to put together. BTW, this is not the merging/averages of our lists. This is where we would each individually rank them. Great minds think alike, so that means we're all smarter than you. Don't worry about it, you'll never be smarter, it's okay, u can't expect greatness out of...
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posted by bookprincess
Here are my favourite songs from each DP movie, enjoy!

10- Once Upon a Dream, Sleeping Beauty

This is the role model of the romantic song isn't it? I love Aurora's voice.

9-Heigh-Ho, Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs

Hands up, people who had never sang this song *Hands down*. It reminds me holidays with my little cousins, coming back from our games and singing loudly:"Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, On rentre du boulot!!!"

8-So This is Love, Cinderella

Wich girl has never dreamt of finding her Prince Charming when she hears this song? Wich one has never danced with her hoofdkussen, kussen singing" C'est ça l'amour mmmmh, le grand...
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Cinderella's sight was blurred with tears as she watched the blood pour out of her husband's body.
"Charming!" she screamed.
He was still breathing, but she could tell that he was trying hard.
Gaston pulled the dagger back out. "I've been meaning to make an offer with u princesses." He snapped his fingers, and the cage began to rise over the pit of green slime.
"This pit--" he pointed at it. "...is full of poisonous chemicals. Once Le Fou drops it, Snow White and Princey here will go bye-bye." He looked up at Charming. "Well, if he makes it to the end..."
He straightened his back. "For a...
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posted by TotallyMe105
This is actually a continuation of a oneshot I wrote a few weeks geleden called "Hereos and Theives" but this can also stand alone.

This is a story about Eugene's sister, Annabelle but don't worry Eugene is included!

A/N: So I decided to write on to this story. Also in this
story Eugene is 23(I know the writers say that he is 26
but I decide to ignore that.) Oh and Annabelle and Eugene
are 6 years apart.

"What's with all the commotion?" I whispered to myself
as I walked cautiously to the middle of the town square
in Corona. Gripping the fabric around my shoulders I
looked at the people around me curiously....
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A/N: A "Tangled" Oneshot. Hope u enjoy!

"Juliet!" I heard a little boy's voice yell frantically from down the hall
of the palace. Quickly I dropped the book I had been reading and sprinted
barefoot down the hall to the bron of the yelling.
I'm the princess of Corona, my parents are Eugene and Rapunzel
Fitzherbert. At 14 years old I'm only 5'3" with long dark brown hair
and big smaragd, emerald eyes that shined everytime I heard the beginnigs
of an adventure.
My parents have been King and Queen for 5 years now, my grandparents
of course still live in the palace with us.
My Mother spent the first 18 years...
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Aurora walked into the tiny cottage, which she had left at age 16 to become a princess. She sighed and looked around. Memories flooded back of her 5th birthday, the fairies smiling at her and hugging her, giving her a black headband to wear, which she ended up wearing up to her 16th birthday, until it was replaced with a tiara. Aurora frowned and reached up to her tiara and took it off her head, setting it on the small wooden tafel, tabel in the center of the room. She took the small black headband and put it on her head. She smiled and sighed. She felt like Briar Rose again. Aurora turned and smiled,...
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A/N#1: So here's Chapter 5, I really don't know where this chapter will
go, I'm just gonna write it and see what comes from it.

Chapter 5:

I could tell my legs were bleeding, they had been dragging me for
atleast 15 minuten and the rocks and twigs had somehow found
their way into my boots scratching against the side and cutting the
I stopped trying to escape awhile ago, after they had released my feet
I tried to kick and scream for help but it didn't exactly work.
Adam never tried to escape he let them drag him through the forest
without a word. He was being so calm about this that I couldn't...
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A/N#1: So I watched "Pocahontas" today and I had forgotten how great of a movie it was, it's now my seconde favorite
disney movie. I have not watched the second...personally...I probably never will...soooo I'm just writing this on what
knowledge I have of the tale and if something is incorrect...or if there was a character death I'm not aware of...then they
are alive in my story...so yeah. This is just a chapter...I want to know how this will be received, but dont worry...in this
story our favoriete "Pocahontas" couple will be together. Okay! Enjoy!

Chapter 1:

My raven black hair whipped in the salty...
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Here's another one of my articles... I hope u won't get tired of these :)

9. Belle and Adam
I do like Belle, I do like Adam and I do like
them as a couple. I just think their love is not true love because Adam makes himself love Belle. Belle – on the other hand – has no human being around her and Adam is the closest thing to a human (physically) so it’s kinda obvious that Belle falls for him. I would have liked it better, though, if she had fallen for Lumiére X) Anyways, I admit that if u ignore the fact that Adam forces himself to love Belle (yes, that’s what I think) this...
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posted by cromulanfav
So, this is probably the last thing I'm going to do for Mulan maand : A review, of ,in another words, my praise to Mulan.

Here are some random thing I noticed while I was watching the movie for the 7th time this month.

 I'm bad-ass
I'm bad-ass
The movie starts with the brave Chinese soldier. He lights the fire, which is for some reason, very risky. Many people complain how in this movie, Chinese nation is obsessed with honor, pride and things like that, but I don't see nothing wrong about. It's a positive thing, they are portrayed nicely, better than being portrayed as violent, ignorant and with no...
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Note: I am not obsessed with Selena Gomez.
Other note: I know I missed some stuff and that this is an extremely shortened version. I performed this with some friends, and we didn't have enough people to do all seven dwarfs. So all there is is Grumpy.

Scene 1- The Queen consults her magic mirror.
Queen-Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?
Mirror-That's easy! Selena Gomez!
Mirror- Then...hmm...Taylor Swift.
Queen- Why??
Mirror-According to the August issue of J-14 magazine, Selena Gomez was found the prettiest in a vote of 342 people.
Queen-Well, Selena Gomez...
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Aurora sighed. Her parents were visiting the king of a foreign country with King Hubert, and Phillip had to take over things at his father's palace while he was away. It was a long, perilous journey, so Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather had accompanied them. Even most of the servants had gone. Only a few of them and Aurora remained on the big, empty palace.
Out of boredom, Aurora reached for a quill pen and parchment, and began a letter to Snow White. The letter invited her to a week-long stay at the castle. She copied the letter off seven meer times and sent a copy to each of her friends. The...
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posted by Persephone713
 " The Beauty of Aphrodite"
" The Beauty of Aphrodite"
9. Mulan- not because she dressed up like a boy, she just has a tomboy look to her. Not real feminine.

8. Pocahontas- I find her to be the plain one but she has alot of spirit and that is what counts.

7. Snow White- I dont know she looks like a munchkin to me in a way. But still there is something a little pretty about her.

6. Cinderella- She also seems a little plain except when she transforms into her ball japon, jurk that is an exceptional moment

5. Aurora- She looks her prettiest lying there sleeping with her sunshine hair and red lips, her voice is the one that stands out, door the way she looks best...
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posted by KataraLover
Lady Tremaine went to the guards.

"Oh please u must find my step-daughter the poor girl" cried Lady Tremaine

"Don't worry mam we'll find her" zei a guard

"Oh please, please do I don't know how I'll live without my dear Cinderella I Love her like she's my very own daughter" zei Lady Tremaine

At the house.

"Why are u going threw so much trouble mother for that little nobody" asked Drizella

"Yeah we can get another maid" zei Anastasia

"Girls, girls u don't understand. We need her because without her we can't touch a penny of her fathers money. Then we'll go poor and on the streets again" said...
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For first: šwhy do i have done this? Answer:No idea. i was bored and i wanted to make a countdown and this is the most amuzing page with the most amusing people: YOU. Bot here are so many countdowns and they are great so i deceded to make a new countdown about princesses sexi bodies. Forgive me the bed language an i hope u will injoy the reading.

9. Is there any countdown where Snow White is not the leatest? anyway i thint she deserves this place and i can see u do agree.She has no breasts, she has no,no, just nothing. Theres nothing interesting about her body.She is very childish at every...
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posted by madisonsavanna
9) Snow White
Ahh, the famous line, Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all? The mirror zei this young lady, but I beg to differ. She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, just not as pretty as the others. But hey, this was made in the 30s, ideas of beauty change over the years.

8) Mulan
China's heroine. Her hair is very pretty at the beginning, even still cute when it's short. She has an excuse for not being as pretty as the following, Disney had to make her to be able to pass off for a man.

7) Pocahotas
This girl is absolutely beautiful, graceful, and mature. She has long pure black hair that...
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